
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語 > 英語口語 > 圣誕節(jié)快樂的英文怎么說


時(shí)間: 楚欣650 分享




  Merry Christmas

  Happy Christmas



  A merry Xmas to all our readers!


  Thank you. And a merry christmas to you!


  A merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


  I pray that the dings would bring blessedness and jocundity to your family.Merry Christmas!


  Have a good holiday / Christmas / New Year!


  After we said"Merry Christmas", we began to sing Christmas songs, such as Edelweiss, and so on.



  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year is the chant that's on everybody's lips at that time of the year.


  Whether it's merry Christmas or happy holidays, people see the season as a time of Peace on Earth and Goodwill toward men.

  “博茲,圣誕節(jié) 快樂 。”她說。

  "Merry Christmas, Boz, " she said.

  祝愿你擁有更多的愛與幸福,圣誕節(jié) 快樂 。

  Wish you lots of love, joy &happiness. happy christmas.

  那是灑有糖霜和果仁的圣誕節(jié) 甜餅,碟子上還紅紅綠綠地寫著“圣誕節(jié) 快樂 ”。

  Christmas cookies with frosting and sprinkles and "Happy Holidays" written in redand green across the tray itself.

  感覺圣誕節(jié) 逐漸臨近的那種愉悅心情,當(dāng)人們打開門時(shí),對(duì)著陌生人微笑并衷心地祝愿“圣誕節(jié) 快樂 ”的那些時(shí)光,現(xiàn)在,你都通通回想起來了嗎?

  That time when people opened doors for others, and smiled at strangers, andwarmly wished them “Merry Christmas”. Is it all starting to come back to you now?

  你覺得圣誕節(jié) 快樂 嗎?

  Is Christmas a joyous time for you?

  圣誕節(jié) 快樂 ,李!

  Linda:Merry Christmas,Lee!

  希望你圣誕節(jié) 快樂 ,并且新的一年一切順利

  I hope you have a wonderful christmas have a great new year

  婚禮精品店:“圣誕節(jié)快樂 。”

  Bridal boutique: "Marry Christmas."

  借著冬天圣誕節(jié) 的節(jié)日氣氛,納米科技與納米科學(xué)中心又將“MerryChristmas” (圣誕節(jié) 快樂 )幾個(gè)字刻錄到了一瓣雪花上。

  The team from the Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Centre also entered thefestive spirit and took advantage of the wintry weather by engraving the words'Merry Christmas' onto a snowflake.

  祝你們圣誕節(jié) 快樂 。

  Merry Christmas to you all.

  也祝你圣誕節(jié) 快樂 !

  Merry Christmas to you, too!

  祝你和你的親人們圣誕節(jié) 快樂 。

  Merry Christmas to you and yours .

  我到這兒來是祝你們大家圣誕節(jié) 快樂 的。

  I'm here to wish you all a Merry Christmas.

  這首歌是送給我的老師和我們班的全體同學(xué)。祝他們圣誕節(jié) 快樂 !

  This song is for my beloved teacher and all of my classmates. Wish them a merryChristmas and a happy New Year! bbs.

  圣誕節(jié) 快樂 ,新一年,希望你能更成熟,更快樂 ,更開心。

  Merry Christmas. May the new year bring you maturity , happiness and joy.

  《雙語時(shí)代》全體員工祝全體讀者圣誕節(jié) 快樂 并度過一個(gè)愉快的新年!

  The staff of Bilingual Time wish all our readers a Merry Christmas and aprosperous New Year.

  并要祝我圣誕節(jié) 快樂 !

  And to wish me Merry Christmas!

  “圣誕節(jié) 快樂 ,媽媽!多多快樂 !謝謝你送給我們的書,我們已經(jīng)讀了一部分了,今后我們還要天天讀”,四姊妹齊聲對(duì)媽媽說。

  Merry Christmas, Marmee! Many of them! Thank you for our books. We readsome, and mean to every day, they all cried in chorus.

  今天是圣誕節(jié) ,特祝愿您圣誕節(jié) 快樂 ,事事順利。

  Today is Christmas, special wish you a Merry Christmas, every success.

  這里有多少個(gè)禮物?這里有37個(gè)!圣誕節(jié) 快樂 !

  How many gifts are there? There are 37! Merry Christmas!