
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語口語 > 鉆石的英文是什么


時間: 楚欣650 分享


  鉆石閃亮,堅硬 ,是求婚的標志,那么你知道鉆石的英文是什么嗎,今天學習啦小編在這里為大家介紹關于鉆石的英語知識,歡迎大家閱讀!


  diamond ; brilliant ; jewel

  網 絡diamond;Diamonds;DFI;Diamant



  The jewellery firm is just a front for their illegal trade in diamonds.


  She wears a diamond ring on her left hand.


  She wore a diamond clip on her new dress.


  The diamond ring on her finger glittered in the light.


  She selected a diamond ring from the collection.


  The diamond shone with every hue under the sun.


  The genuine role of government is to enrich the diamond system.


  And only another diamond can make a slight cut in a diamond.


  Flinders decided to have her portrait painted.

  The cut of a diamond depends on the skill of its craftsman. 鉆石切割靠的是工匠的技藝。

  Has somebody helped himself to some film star's diamonds? 有人偷了某個影星的鉆石了嗎?

  They were dazed by window displays dripping with diamonds and furs. 他們被滿櫥窗陳列的鉆石和皮草弄得眼花繚亂。

  The diamond towns are gradually being reclaimed by the desert. 這些鉆石城鎮(zhèn)正逐漸重歸沙漠。

  My father has just come into a fortune in diamonds. 我父親剛剛繼承一大批鉆石。

  Nicole loves wearing her diamonds, even with jeans and a white T-shirt. 妮科爾很喜歡戴她的鉆石首飾,即使穿的是牛仔褲和白色T恤衫。

  Some people like to dress up in minks and diamonds. 有些人喜歡穿貂皮大衣,戴鉆石首飾。

  She wore several diamond rings. 她戴了好幾個鉆石戒指。

  Desmond did not believe the diamond was real. 德斯蒙德不相信那鉆石是真的。

  a black diamond run 黑鉆石滑道

  a ring with a diamond in it 鉆石戒指

  a crown encrusted with diamonds 鑲滿鉆石的王冠

  The crown was set with precious jewels—diamonds, rubies and emeralds. 王冠上鑲嵌著稀世珍寶—有鉆石、紅寶石、綠寶石。

  They were caught smuggling diamonds into the country. 他們走私鉆石入境時被發(fā)現了。

  These diamonds have been handed down in his family for generations. 這些鉆石在他家已經傳了好幾代.

  Did you see the diamond pin she got for Christmas? 你看到她為圣誕節(jié)買的鉆石飾針了 嗎 ?

  This firm is just a front for their illegal trade in diamonds. 這家公司不過是他們進行非法鉆石交易的一個幌子.

  There was a sudden sparkle as her diamond ring caught the light. 當她的鉆石戒指遇到光時,有陣突然的閃耀.

  Diamonds look best when they are set against black cloth. 鉆石用黑紗映襯顯得最美.

  The jeweler charges lots of money to set diamonds in a bracelet. 珠寶匠要很多錢才肯把鉆石鑲在手鐲上.

  關于鉆石的英文閱讀:閃亮鉆石 從何而來

  Diamonds: they're shiny, tough, and an icon of marriage proposals.

  鉆石閃亮 堅硬 是求婚的標志

  On a chemical level, a diamond is just a bunch of carbon atoms bonded together in tetrahedrons.

  從化學角度來看 鉆石是一堆碳原子緊密結合成的四面體結構晶體

  This crystal structure is why diamond is the hardest natural mineral, and beats most man-made ones too!

  正是這種晶體結構使鉆石成為最堅硬的天然礦物 并且其硬度大于大多數人造礦物

  So, we know that diamonds are special, but where do they come from in the first place?

  所以我們知道鉆石是很特別的 但是它們首先是在哪兒出現的呢?

  Diamonds are formed in really extreme conditions,


  which is why you might find them at the sites of asteroid impacts, and even on meteorites in space.

  所以人們可能在行星撞擊的地方 甚至是太空中的隕星中發(fā)現它們

  But we think most natural diamonds were made millions, if not billions of years ago,

  但大多數天然鉆石 不是在數十億年前 就是在數百萬年

  in the splooshy molten rock deep within the Earth.


  Over 160 kilometers beneath the Earth's surface,


  the intense heat and pressure forced carbon atoms into that tetrahedral structure to form diamonds.

  高溫高壓 使碳原子們形成為四面體結構 再進一步形成鉆石

  Then, deep volcanic eruptions blasted them up to the surface, at around 40 kilometers per hour.

  然后地底火山巖噴發(fā)以大約40千米每小時的速度 把鉆石帶到地表

  If the diamonds came up much slower than that,


  the gradually-decreasing pressure would let the carbon atoms shift back into other stable forms like graphite.

  逐漸減小的壓力 會將碳原子轉化為其他穩(wěn)定的形式 如石墨

  At the surface, everything cooled really quickly to make these igneous rock formations called kimberlites,

  在地表 巖漿迅速冷卻并形成名為金伯利巖的火成巖

  with diamonds hiding inside. And, eventually, we humans came along to mine them.

  鉆石就藏匿其中 然后 人們挖掘出這些礦石

  So we know that diamonds are made of squished and superheated carbon atoms,


  but we're not exactly sure where that carbon came from. Geologists have two main guesses:

  但我們并不確定這些碳原子從何而來 地質學家們主要有兩大猜想

  For one, there could be some kind of carbon-containing sediment deep within the Earth's mantle,

  一是 地幔深處有某些從未面世的

  that never saw the light of day.


  Or maybe the carbon in diamonds came from organic stuff in subducting tectonic plates,


  like stuff on the ocean floors, but not coal.

  像洋底中的某些東西 但不是煤

  That whole "all diamonds are just coal under pressure" thing is mostly just … wrong.


  See, coal is a form of organic carbon, but it was made mostly out of ancient plants,

  煤是一種有機碳 但煤大多由古代的植物

  in layers of sedimentary rock closer to the Earth's surface.


  So it formed way later and way higher up than we think most diamonds did.


  These days, scientists can also make synthetic diamonds in a lab with a process called chemical vapor deposition.

  目前科學家可以在實驗室內用一種叫化學氣相沉積的方法 合成人造鉆石

  Basically, they start with a tiny seed of natural diamond to provide a "pattern."


  Then, they use high pressure and temperature tools to turn carbon atoms,


  usually from a carbon-containing gas, into layers of diamond.


  These lab-made diamonds are generally flawless, unlike many natural ones.

  這種人造鉆石通常很完美 不像天然鉆石那樣有瑕疵

  Plus, they can be cheaper to buy, and have less of an environmental impact than mining natural diamonds.

  另外 人造鉆石更便宜 與開采天然鉆石相比 對環(huán)境影響更小

  So whether a diamond came from deep within the Earth or a materials science lab,


  it's still the same mineral, just with a different story.

  都是一樣的礦物質 只是經歷有所不同而已





