


時間: 玉蓮928 分享

  兩個人之間昨天與明天會發(fā)生的英語對話,或許有相同點(diǎn),或許無相同點(diǎn)。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家?guī)韮扇擞⒄Z5五分鐘對話 ,供大家參閱!

  兩人英語5五分鐘對話 :In the Locker Room

  MARTIN: Coach Havranek, thanks for meeting with me. May I ask you some questions?

  COACH: Yes. I have about ten minutes now.

  MARTIN: The team looks very good. Are you happy?

  COACH: Yes, I'm very happy. The game is too slow. I want to see more action, but I'm happy.

  MARTIN: I don't want to talk only about this game. I want to talk about coaching.


  MARTIN: Did you want to be a university football coach?

  COACH: First, I wanted to be a professional football player.

  MARTIN: Did you play professional football?

  COACH: I played for two years.

  MARTIN: What happened?

  COACH: I broke my leg.

  MARTIN: In a football game?

  COACH: No, in an accident. I fell out of a tree.

  MARTIN: A tree?!

  COACH: It's funny now. But it wasn't funny then. I was playing with my children. I wanted to get a ball in the tree. I went up the tree. And the limb broke. I broke my leg in three places.

  MARTIN: And no more football.

  COACH: That's right. I wanted to play, but my wife didn't want me to play. My leg wasn't good.

  MARTIN: Now you're a coach.

  COACH: It's funny. I played football for ten years. I never had an accident.

  MARTIN: Do you like coaching?

  COACH: Very much. I wanted to play football. But I like coaching very much. I'm very happy.

  MARTIN: You played professional football. You coach university football. Did you want to coach professional football?

  COACH: No. I wanted to work with younger men. First. I wanted to coach high school football. I like to work with young men and women.

  MARTIN: Did you want to teach?

  COACH: Coaching is teaching. I wanted to see the young men and women grow. I liked to watch my children grow, and I wanted to watch other children grow.

  MARTIN: Do girls play football?

  COACH: My girls did. They were very good. Some schools have football for boys and girls.

  MARTIN: You wanted to coach high school, but you are coaching university men now.

  COACH: That's right. The university wanted me. They asked me.

  MARTIN: What do you want to see this year?

  COACH: I want to see my men grow. We're going to work very hard.

  MARTIN: What do you mean “grow”?

  COACH: They were good last year. I want them to learn. I want them to become better.


  馬 ?。汉崭ダ峥私叹?,謝謝你和我見面,我可以問你些問題嗎?

  教 練:可以,我現(xiàn)在大約有10分鐘時間。

  馬 ?。呵蜿牽磥聿诲e,你高興嗎?

  教 練:是的,我很高興。比賽的節(jié)奏太慢,我想看到更多的攻勢,但我仍感高興。

  馬 ?。何也幌氚颜勗拑H局限于這場比賽,我想談?wù)動?xùn)練。

  教 練:可以。

  馬 ?。耗惝?dāng)初就想當(dāng)大學(xué)橄欖球隊教練嗎?

  教 練:最初,我想當(dāng)名職業(yè)橄欖球運(yùn)動員。

  馬 ?。耗氵M(jìn)過職業(yè)球隊嗎?

  教 練:我在專業(yè)隊打過兩年球。

  馬 ?。撼隽耸裁词?

  教 練:我摔斷了腿。

  馬 ?。菏窃陂蠙烨蛸愔袉?

  教 練:不是,在一次意外事故中,我從樹上摔了下來。

  馬 ?。簶渖?

  教 練:現(xiàn)在聽起來很滑稽,但那時并不可笑。當(dāng)時我和孩子一起玩,我想從樹上取個球,但樹枝斷了,把腿摔斷了3處。

  馬 丁:因此就不能打橄欖球了。

  教 練:對,我還想打球,但我妻子不讓我打球,我腿不好。

  馬 ?。含F(xiàn)在你當(dāng)上了教練。

  教 練:很有趣,我打了10年橄欖球,從未出過事故。

  馬 ?。耗阆矚g教練工作嗎?

  教 練:非常喜歡,我原來想打橄欖球,但現(xiàn)在我非常喜歡教練工作,我很高興。

  馬 丁:你過去是打職業(yè)橄欖球的,你現(xiàn)在訓(xùn)練大學(xué)橄欖球隊,你想訓(xùn)練職業(yè)橄欖球隊嗎?

  教 練:不,我想和年齡比我小的人在一起,起初,我想訓(xùn)練中學(xué)橄欖球隊,我喜歡和年輕的男女在一起。

  馬 丁:你想過要教學(xué)嗎?

  教 練:訓(xùn)練就是教學(xué),我想看著年輕人長大。我喜歡看著我孩子長大,我也想看著其他孩子長大。

  馬 ?。号⒁泊蜷蠙烨騿?

  教 練:我隊里的女孩打,他們打得很好。有些學(xué)校有男子橄欖球隊和女子橄欖球隊。

  馬 ?。耗阍氘?dāng)中學(xué)教練,但你現(xiàn)在訓(xùn)練的是大學(xué)生。

  教 練:對,大學(xué)需要我,他們請的我。

  馬 ?。耗憬衲陮δ愕那蜿犛惺裁雌谕?

  教 練:我想看到我的隊員有更大長進(jìn),我們要刻苦訓(xùn)練。

  馬 ?。耗阏f的長進(jìn)是指什么?

  教 練:他們?nèi)ツ甏虻煤芎?,我想讓他們多學(xué)習(xí),我想讓他們打得更好。

  兩人英語5五分鐘對話 :表達(dá)愿望

  MARTIN: That was a wonderful game. Coach Havranek. Are you happy?

  COACH: I'm very happy! I wanted to win, and we did!

  MARTIN: Was this an important game?

  COACH: Yes, it was an important game. It was the first game this year. That's very important. It's important to win the first game.

  MARTIN: What did you want to learn in this game?

  COACH: I wanted to learn where we have problems. I wanted to see the new men play. I wanted to know the men better.

  MARTIN: Weren't the men all good?

  COACH: They were good. I want them to be better. I want them to be very good.

  MARTIN: What did you see?

  COACH: I saw some slow men. I saw some men with problems. I want to work very hard tomorrow. I want the men to work hard. We're going to work tomorrow.

  MARTIN: What are you going to do?

  COACH: I want to Practice, Practice, Practice.

  MARTIN: What do you want to Practice?

  COACH: I want to Practice running. The team is very slow. They can't run fast.I want them to run very fast.

  MARTIN: What are you going to do?

  COACH: We are going to run every day. And we're going to talk.

  MARTIN: Can the team be better?

  COACH: Of course. They can be better. They can grow.

  MARTIN: Do you like coaching?

  COACH: Of course. I love coaching.

  MARTIN: Do you want to coach here?

  COACH: Yes. I like coaching here at the university.

  MARTIN: What do you want to do in five years?

  COACH: Coach.

  MARTIN: Do you want to coach here?

  COACH: Yes.

  MARTIN: What do you want to do in ten years?

  COACH: Coach.

  MARTIN: Here?

  COACH: I don't know. I want to coach high school. I want to teach younger boys and girls.

  MARTIN: Do you want to live here?

  COACH: I want to see in ten years. I want a small school. I want to know every boy and girl.

  MARTIN: Are you going to coach football?

  COACH: I can teach many sports. I like football, but I know soccer, baseball, softball. I know many sports.

  MARTIN: Can you teach basketball?

  COACH: I don't want to teach basketball. I don't like basketball.

  MARTIN: You're a very good coach.

  COACH: Thank you. I had good teams. I had good men.

  PLAYER: Excuse me, Coach. We're going to a party. Do you want to come?

  COACH: I don't know. Martin, do you want to go to a party?

  MARTIN: I want to talk. Can we talk at the party?

  COACH: I don't know. Where are we going?

  PLAYER: We're going to the River Hotel.

  COACH: Who is going?

  PLAYER: I don't know. The team. All the players.

  COACH: We can talk at the hotel.

  MARTIN: I want to come.

  COACH: Good. I'm going to Fort Worth tomorrow. We can talk tonight. Let's go.

  MARTIN: Thanks.

  COACH: Do you have a car?

  MARTIN: Yes, I do.

  COACH: Let's take your car.

  馬 ?。汉崭ダ峥私叹殻@場比賽好極了,你高興嗎?

  教 練:我非常高興,我想贏,我們真的贏了!

  馬 ?。哼@場比賽很重要嗎?

  教 練:是的,這是場重要比賽,這是今年的第一場比賽,所以非常重要。贏得第一場比賽具有重要意義。

  馬 ?。耗阆霃倪@場比賽中了解什么呢?

  教 練:我想了解我們的問題所在,我想看看新手打球,我想進(jìn)一步了解這些隊員。

  馬 ?。核嘘爢T打得都好嗎?

  教 練:他們打得不錯,我想讓他們打得更好,我想讓他們打得非常出色。

  馬 ?。耗惆l(fā)現(xiàn)了什么問題呢?

  教 練:我發(fā)現(xiàn)有些隊員行動緩慢,有些隊員存在問題。我想明天努力訓(xùn)練,我要讓隊員刻苦訓(xùn)練,我們明天就訓(xùn)練。

  馬 ?。耗愦蛩阍趺醋?

  教 練:我想練習(xí),練習(xí),再練習(xí)。

  馬 ?。耗阆刖毩?xí)什么?

  教 練:我想練習(xí)跑步,隊員速度很慢,他們跑得不快,我要讓他們跑得非???。

  馬 丁:你將采取什么措施?

  教 練:我們將每天跑步,還將進(jìn)行討論。

  馬 ?。哼@個球隊能打得更好嗎?

  教 練:當(dāng)然,他們能打得更好,他們能成長起來。

  馬 ?。耗阆矚g教練工作嗎?

  教 練:當(dāng)然,我熱愛教練工作。

  馬 丁:你想在這兒當(dāng)教練嗎?

  教 練:是的,我喜歡在這所大學(xué)里當(dāng)教練。

  馬 丁:你5年后想做什么?

  教 練:當(dāng)教練。

  馬 丁:你想在這兒當(dāng)教練嗎?

  教 練:是的。

  馬 丁:你10年后想干什么?

  教 練:當(dāng)教練。

  馬 ?。涸谶@兒嗎?

  教 練:說不準(zhǔn)。我想在中學(xué)當(dāng)教練,我想訓(xùn)練年齡小些的男孩和女孩。

  馬 ?。耗阆胱≡谶@兒嗎?

  兩人英語5分鐘對話:ON A PLANE

  Rumei: Dashan, that's a nice sweater. I like the colour.


  Dashan: Thanks. It was a birthday present from my sister Monica.


  Rumei: Oh, really. When was your birthday?


  Dashan: It was yesterday. It was on December 23rd.


  Rumei: Happy birthday!


  Yunbo: Yes, happy birthday, Dashan!


  Dashan: Okay, okay. Thanks a lot.


  Rumei: Dashan, let's celebrate your birthday in Winnipeg. Okay?


  Dashan: I'd really like that, Rumei.


  Yunbo: Rumei, what does the word"celebrate"mean?


  Rumei: It means: we have to do something special for Dashan's birthday.


  Dashan: It means “celebrate”.


  Rumei: Dashan, please speak English only.


  Dashan: Sorry, everybody. So, did you enjoy our visit to Saskatchewan?


  Rumei: Yes, I did. I enjoyed it very much. Saskatchewan was very interesting.


  Yunbo: The people were friendly, but the weather was very cold. It snowed twice.


  Dashan: Was your room comfortable?


  Rumei: Yes, it was. Our room was very big and warm.


  Dashan: The front desk clerk was helpful, wasn't he?


  Yunbo: Yes, he helped us a lot. He recommended Vic's Steak House.


  Dashan: That's right. What did you think of the food at Vic's?


  Rumei: It tasted great.


  Yunbo: Dashan, did you use the swimming pool in the hotel?


  Dashan: No, I didn't. I watched TV in my room instead.


  Announcement: This is your Captain again. We are now beginning our descent. It's a lovely day in Winnipeg. The sky is clear and the air is crisp. The temperature is -20 degrees.


  Attendant: Sir, you have to bring your seat forward for the landing.


  Dashan: Sure.


  Rumei: Well, that was a short flight.


  Dashan: Yes, but an eventful one, wasn't it, Yunbo?
