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  J: Marvelous! I have not attended such a fantastic concert before.


  A: Nor have I. It will be better if we could be on the scene to have a close contact with so many brilliant talents.


  J: Yeah. There will be better acoustics in that case .


  A: Well. Where this concert is held? The hall is so splendid and magnificent.


  J: It is held in the Woolsey Hall at Yale University. Did you hear of it?


  A: Just a little. I never went there and I also have little knowledge of it. It seems that you know well about it. I’m all ears. Come on!


  J: Oh. I know that the Woolsey Hall is the primary auditorium facility at Yale University. The venue was built in 1901 to commorate Yale’s bicentennial celebration.

  J:我知道烏希大廈是耶魯大學的主要禮堂。該禮堂是于1901年為耶魯200周年校 慶而建造的。

  A: And the designer?


  J: It was Carrere and Hastings, the designers of the New York Public Library who designed the Woolsey Hall.


  A: Like other buildings at Yale, it has existed for a long time.


  J: Yeah. Since its founding, it has undergone some major transformation. The venue now has a seating capacity for 2,695 guests and is used by the school of Music, Yale Symphony Orchestra for concerts, shows and recitals.

  J:是的。自從建成以來,烏希大廈已進行了幾次大的修繕?,F(xiàn)在的場館能夠容納 2695名觀眾,并用于音樂學院及交響樂團舉辦的各種音樂會,演出及演奏會。

  A: I see. Then the facility is a major asset to the university and serves as an important venue in the art and culture scene.


  J: You are right. Looming above and behind the Woolsey Hall stage is the Newberry Memorial Organ, one of the most renowned orchestral organs in the world. The ornately decorated hall is home to the Newberry Memorial Organ and it serves as the main performance venue for the New Haven Symphony Orchestra,the Yale Bands, the Yale Symphony Orchestra, the Yale Philharmonia, the Yale Glee Club, and many smaller, student-run ensembles such as a cappella singing groups and the Davenport Pops Orchestra.

  j:說得對。世界上最富盛名的紐貝爾管弦樂隊就在烏希大廈舞臺的后方。裝飾華麗的烏希大廳是紐貝爾管弦樂隊的所在地,同時也是紐黑文交響樂團、耶魯大學的 樂隊、耶魯大學交響樂團、耶魯大學愛樂交響樂團、耶魯含唱團以及許多較小的 學生團體,如無伴奏樂團歌唱團體和達文波特流行音樂樂團的主要演出場所。

  A: It is a perfect place for those who like music.


  J: Yeah. The Woolsey Hall offers a platform for students who have a great liking for music to bring their talent to the best. There are 3 big ensembles at Yale. The Yale Concert Band is Yale’s finest classical wind players; The Yale Precision Marching Band is the funniest and most spirited group ever to set foot in New Haven, and Yale Jazz Ensemble hosts a swinging jazz community. They comprise more than 130 individuals and make more than 60 appearances per year.

  J:是的。烏希大廈為熱愛音樂的學生們提供了一個盡情展現(xiàn)其音樂才華的平臺。耶 魯大學有三個大型樂隊:耶魯大學室內(nèi)樂團是耶魯最好的古典管樂器演奏團體;耶 魯大學銅管儀仗樂隊是紐黑文地區(qū)最具幽默和最富活力的音樂團體;耶魯爵士樂 團則是搖擺爵士的樂園。它們由130名學生組成,每年有60多場演出。

  A: The Woolsey Hall and these bands must be very important in Yale’s musical world in general.


  J: You are right. Besides brands at Yale, as we have mentioned, the famous Newberry Memorial Organ also regards Woolsey Hall as its home. You know, the Newberry Memorial Organ is also called the Woolsey Hall Organ.

  J:是這樣的。除了耶魯大學的樂隊外,我們之前提過的著名的紐貝爾管弦樂隊也把 烏希大廈作為自己的陣地。要知道,紐貝爾管弦樂隊還被稱為烏希管弦樂隊。

  A: That’s for sure. The hall’s lack of draperies,carpeting and upholstered seats all contribute to its superior acoustics for musical performance, though the acoustics work far more in favor of the organ than for any other sound. So the Woolsey Hall does really a big favor to the Woolsey Hall Organ’s reputation. The organ now contains 12,617 pipes, comprising 197 ranks and 166 stops and becomes one of the largest organs in the world.

  A:這是理所當然的。烏希大廳內(nèi)設(shè)有窗簾、地毯、座位,也沒有套子,這些有肋 于音樂演奏的高質(zhì)量的音響效果,對一個樂隊來說,音響設(shè)備比其他聲音更為重 要。烏希大廈很大程度上造就了紐貝爾管弦樂隊的聲名遠播。該管弦樂隊現(xiàn)擁有 12617只管風琴,包括197個等級和166個調(diào)音箱,是世界上最大的管弦樂隊。

  J: Woolsey Hall is really the paradise of the musicians.


  A: Exactly. The renowned Newberry Memorial Organ and Woolsey Hall, the resonant acoustics of the organ’s home, are Yale University’s twin treasures embodied in the world

  A:確實是這樣。聲名遠揚的紐貝爾管弦樂隊和音響效果極佳的烏希大廈,共同構(gòu)成 了耶魯享譽全球的兩個寶貴財富。


  J: Hi, Kate, I've heard that you’re preparing to study abroad. Which university have you applied to?


  K: I have applied to Yale University.


  J: Will you go there alone?


  K: Yes, I’ll be there alone in a one-year program. I’ve never been outside China. I’ll miss you.


  J: You can send E-mails to me. And there are many Chinese students studying at Yale. They will become your new friends. You will not feel lonely.

  J:你可以綰我發(fā)電子郵件。耶魯有許多中國學生,他們會成為你的新朋友。你不會 覺得狐單。

  K: You're right. By the way, do you know the first Chinese student who graduated from Yale University?


  J: I’m not quite sure. You must be quite familiar.


  K: You bet! It’s Yung Wing. He was an ardent patriot of modem China and a pioneer who encouraged learning from the west. Upon graduation from Yale, Yung Wing was offered opportunities to stay in the United States, but urged by his desire to apply what he had learned to the well-being of his motherland, he rejected the offers and returned to China.

  K:當然。是容閎。他是近代中國忠誠的愛國者和向西方學習的先驅(qū)。為了用自己的 知識報效祖國,從耶魯畢業(yè)后,容閎毅然拒絕了留在美國的機會,回到了祖國的 懷抱。

  J: You feel proud of him.


  K: Yes. Once he said, “I often wished I had never been educated, as education had unmistakablyenlarged my mental and moral horizon, and revealed to me the responsibilities which the sealed eye of ignorance can never see, and sufferings and wrongs of humanities to which an uncultivated andcallous nature can never be made sensitive. I had started out to get an education. What am I going to do with my education?”

  K:是的。他曾說過:"我常常想,我要是沒受過教育就好了,因為教育顯然開闊了我 精神和道德的視野,而且向我揭示了各種責任——那些無知者被蒙蔽的眼睛永遠 看不見的責任,也揭示了人類所受的苦難以及所犯下的惡行——未受過培養(yǎng)的、 麻木的人們永遠也不可能感覺到這些苦難和邪惡。我已經(jīng)開始接受教育。我要用 我受到的教育去做什么呢? ”

  J: So what’s his answer?


  K: I’m impressed by his answer, “I was determined that the rising generation of China should enjoy the same educational advantages I enjoyed, so that through western education China might be regenerated, become enlightened and powerful.This was his dream that had far-reaching impact on China. He tried to persuade the Qing Dynasty government to send young Chinese to the United States to study. With the government’s eventual approval, 120 young Chinese students were sent to study in America beginning in 1872. Many of the students later returned to China and made significant contributions to China’s civil services, engineering, and the sciences, including the Father of China’s Railroad,Jeme Tien Yow.

  K:他的回答令我為之動容我下定決心,中國新的一代人應該享受我享受過的教育。 通過西式教育,中國有可能振興起來,變得開明和強大。”這就是他的夢想,并 且對中國產(chǎn)生過深遠的影響。他努力說服清政府派遣學生赴美學習。清政府最終 釆納了他的建議,從1872年開始先后派遣了 120名留學生赴美學習。這一枇留 學生回國后對于中國之現(xiàn)代化均有貢獻,其中包括中國鐵路之父一詹天佑。

  J: I’m also interested in him.


  K: You can read the book My Life in China and America written by Yung Wing to know more about him.


  J: OK. Is the procedure for applying to a university in the USA complicated?


  K: I don’t think it’s complicated. First of all,you should fill out an application form and send arecommendation letter along with your application to the university. Then, after you get theacceptance letter from the university, you should take your visa application and the acceptance letterto the U.S. Embassy for a visa interview. If you get the visa, you can go to the university.

  K:我覺得不太復雜。首先填寫申請表,將申請表和推薦信一起寄往要申請的大學; 收到大學的錄取通知書后,帶著簽證申請和錄取通知書去美國大使館進行簽證面 試;獲得簽證后,就可以去上學了。

  J: Oh, it’s so complicated for me. Have you booked the ticket?


  K: Yes. I'll fly in five days.


  J: You will realize your dream soon.


  K: Yes. It’s a big deal for me! It is my dream to get into Yale.


  J: I will see you offat the airport.


  K: Thanks a million!



  K: Here we are.


  J: First of all, let’s buy two tickets at the ticket office.


  K: Are all tickets booked here?


  J: No, there are booking offices in other parts of the city where you can book in advance. Which train do I take to Beijing, please?


  T: K606 at twelve o’clock.

  T: 12點的快606次列車。

  J: How long does it take?


  T: It’s due in at noon. The entire trip takes 3 hours.


  J: OK. Two round-trips.


  T: Here you are.


  K: Oh, it’s a great building. Have we got time to look around3) before the train starts? When will the train leave? It’s my first time to go travelling by train. I’m so excited.

  K:那座建筑真漂亮。出發(fā)前我們還有時間看看周圍嗎?火車什么時候開?這是我第 _次坐火車出游,感覺很興奮。

  J: The train will leave at twelve o’clock. Now it’s only eleven o’clock.


  K: Great! What’s the statue over there?


  J: It's the statue of Jeme Tien Yow. He was a distinguished Chinese railroad engineer. He was theChief Engineer responsible for construction of the Imperial Peking-Kalgan Railway.


  K: I see. This is the reason why his statue was built at Zhang Jiakou south station. It is tocommemorate the works of him.

  K:我知道了。這就是為什么他的雕像建在張家口南站的原因;是為了紀念詹天佑所 做出的貢獻。

  J: Right. In 1878,Jeme Tien Yow was admitted to Yale University. His major was Civil Engineering, with an emphasis on railroad construction. Jeme Tien Yow received his bachelor’s degree in 1881. He was also said to be an advisor of the construction of the Kowloon-Canton Railway.


  K: So he is often called the Father of China’s Railroad.


  J: Yes. Jeme Tien Yow was also responsible for setting many railroad standards that are still in force in China today. He was also the founding member of the China Institute of Engineers. Jeme Tien Yow was awarded an honorary doctorate degree by the University of Hong Kong in 1916. A museum was established near the Qinglongqiao railway station to memorize him.

  J:對。詹天佑還厘定了許多現(xiàn)在中國仍在使用的鐵路工程標準。他也是“中華工程 師學會”的創(chuàng)始人之一。1916年,香港大學授予他榮譽博士學位。為了緬懷詹天 佑,青龍橋火車站附近建有詹天佑紀念館。

  K: I want to visit his museum.


  J: We can visit the museum next time. We’d better get a move on if we don’t want to miss the train. All passengers are expected to be on the train a few minutes before it pulls out.

  J:我們可以下次參觀。如果不想錯過火車,我們就要快點了。乘客需要要在火車離 站前幾分鐘上車。

  K: Which platform is ours?


  J: No.4.

  J: 4站臺。

  K: What a long train! Let’s see, fourteen carriages altogether. Which is our carriage?


  J: Here we are. Carriage number 6, seat numbers 6 and 7.


  K: I really wonder how people construct the railroad in the rugged mountains.


  J: I am not quite sure. But it just proves that Jeme Tien Yow is a great person.
