AN Access Node 訪問節(jié)點
HOB Head of Bus 總線頭
HPNA Home Phoneline Networking Alliance 家庭電話線網(wǎng)絡聯(lián)盟
HRC Hybrid Ring Control 混合環(huán)控制
HSSI High-Speed Serial Interface 高速串行接口
2B1Q 2Binary,1Quaternary 兩個二進位的,一個四進位的
AAL ATM Adaptation Layer ATM適應層
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 非對稱數(shù)字用戶線路
CDV Cell Delay Variation 信元延遲變更
CLR Cell Loss Ratio 信元丟失比率
IDLC Integrated Digital Loop Carrier 綜合數(shù)字環(huán)路載波
AD-PCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation 適應微分-脈沖碼調制
AM Amplitude Modulation 幅度調制
AMI Alternate Mark Inversion 交替標記倒置
ANSI American National Standards Institute 美國國家標準協(xié)會
APS Automatic Protection Switching 自動保護開關
ARQ Automatic Repeat reQuest 自動重復請求
AT&T American Telephone & Telegraph 美國電話/電報
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode 異步傳輸模式
ATU ADSL Termination Unit ADSL終端單元
AWG American Wire Gauge 美國線規(guī)
BECN Backward Explicit Congestion Notification 反向顯示擁塞通知
BER Bit-Error Rate 位誤碼率
BH Busy Hour 高峰時
BISDN Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network 寬帶綜合業(yè)務數(shù)字網(wǎng)
BOM Beginning Of Message 報頭
BRI Basic Rate Interface 基速接口
CAC Connection Admission Control 連接容許控制
CAD Computer-aided Design 計算機輔助設計
CAE Computer-aided Engineering 計算機輔助工程
CAM Computer-aided Manufacturing 計算機輔助制造
CAP Carrierless Amplitude Modulation 無載波幅度調制
CATV Cable Television or Community Antenna Television有線電視或公用天線電視
CBDS Constant Bit Rate Data Service 不變比特率數(shù)據(jù)服務
CBR Continuous Bit Rate,or Constant Bit Rate 連續(xù)的比特率或不變的比特率
CCITT Consultative Committee on International Telegraph and Telephone 國際電話和電報咨詢委員會
CFM Configuration Management 配置管理
CIR Committed Information Rate
CLEC Competitive Local Exchange Carrier 競爭的本地交換載波
CLLM Consolidated Link-Layer Management 統(tǒng)一鏈路層管理
CLP Cell Loss Priority 單元丟失優(yōu)先權
CMT Connection Management 連接管理
CO Central Office 中心局
COI Community of Interest 公共的影響(利益)
COM Continuation of Message 報文附加
COMSAT Communications Satellite Corporation 通信衛(wèi)星公司
CPE Customer Premise Equipment 客戶前提設備
CPN Customer Premises Node 客戶前提節(jié)點
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 循環(huán)冗余校驗
CS convergence Sublayer 收斂子層
CSU Channel Service Unit 信道服務單元
DAS Dual Attachment Stations 雙附加配置工作站
DBS Direct Broadcast Satellite 直播衛(wèi)星
DCC Data Communications Channels 數(shù)據(jù)通信信道
DCE Data Communications Equipment 數(shù)據(jù)通信設備
DE Discard Eligibility 丟棄合格
DLC Digital Loop Carrier 數(shù)字環(huán)路載波
DLCI Data-Link Connection Identifier 數(shù)據(jù)鏈路連接鑒定
DMT Discrete Multitone 離散的多頻聲
DOJ Department Of Justice 司法部
DSLAM DSL Access Multiplexer DSL訪問多路復用器
DSP Digital Signal Processor 數(shù)字信令處理器
DSU Data Service Unit 數(shù)據(jù)服務單元
DTE Data Terminal Equipment 數(shù)據(jù)終端設備
DTP Data Transport Protocol 數(shù)據(jù)傳輸協(xié)議
DTPM Data Transport Protocol Machine 數(shù)據(jù)傳輸協(xié)議器
EA Extended Address 擴展地址
ECM Coordination Management 調和管理
ECN Explicit Congestion Notification 顯示擁塞通告
ECSA Exchange Carriers Standards Association 交換信號標準協(xié)會
EO End Office 分局
EOM End of Message 報尾
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute 歐洲電訊標準協(xié)會
FCC Federal Communications Commission 聯(lián)邦通信委員會
FCS Frame Check Sequence 幀校驗序列
FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing 頻分復用
FEC Forward Error Control 轉發(fā)誤碼控制
FECN Forward Explicit Congestion Notification 轉發(fā)顯示擁塞通告
FEP Front-end Processor 前端處理機
FM Frequency Modulation 頻率調制(調頻)
FR Frame Relay 幀中繼
FRI Frame Relay Interface 幀中繼接口
FSK Frequency Shift Keying 移頻鍵控(調制),頻移鍵控(法)
FSN Full Service Network 全服務網(wǎng)絡
FTAM File Transfer Access and Management 文件傳輸訪問和管理
FTTC Fiber to the Curb 光纖到路邊
FTTN Fiber to the Node 光纖到節(jié)點
FTTH Fiber to the Home 光纖到家
GAN Global Area Network 全局網(wǎng)
GEOS Geo-Synchronous Satellites 地球同步衛(wèi)星
GFC Generic Flow Control 一般溢出控制
HDLC Hign-Level Data Link Control 高級數(shù)據(jù)鏈路控制
HDSL High-Speed Digital Subscriber Line 高速數(shù)字用戶線路
HDT Host Digital Terminal 主機數(shù)字終端
HDTV High-Definition Television 高清晰度電視
HE Header Extension 報頭擴展
HEC header Error Control 報頭誤碼控制
HFC Hybrid Fiber/Coax 混合光纖/同軸
HIPPI High-Performance Parallel Interface 高性能并行接口
HTU-C HDSL Termination Unit-Central HDSL終端單元-局端
HTU-R HDSL Termination Unit-Remote HDSL終端單元-客戶端