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時(shí)間: 騰宇1219 分享



  首先是做題步驟 :

  1. 拿到題目,掃視全篇整體長(zhǎng)度、結(jié)構(gòu),看題目類型(30秒)

  2. 讀題目,并進(jìn)行圈點(diǎn)。如果有heading題,則優(yōu)先作它,對(duì)定位有幫助。沒(méi)有的話,按順序來(lái),圈出疑問(wèn)詞,看問(wèn)的是什么,然后畫出核心詞,也就是他說(shuō)的是什么,別的都不重要。

  3. 帶著問(wèn)題掃文章(不能讀,沒(méi)時(shí)間),找到定位點(diǎn),也就是題眼,找到以后精讀這句話,找答案。找不到答案或者很模糊的話,讀上下句,讀兩句的關(guān)系,讀態(tài)度詞:"but ,however, moreover ,yet,that is to say……"尤其是轉(zhuǎn)折、遞進(jìn)、比較級(jí)要讀。

  4. 回答問(wèn)題(實(shí)在不會(huì)得憑感覺(jué)),然后定位下一題,題目順序基本就是文章順序,往下讀,一般一段1題-2題。

  5. 全部答完以后,整理思路,想這篇文章是說(shuō)什么的?核心思想是什么?然后看你的所有題答得是不是符合這個(gè)意思,作最后修正。

  6. 立即謄寫答案。閱讀不同于聽力有時(shí)間寫答案,閱讀要即答即寫。


  1. 有Heading對(duì)應(yīng)題:先做Heading題用Heading主題定位,再做其他。

  2. 沒(méi)有Heading題,有些填空、選擇、判斷的,按順序作!

  3. 題目不是按順序出的,比如先是一組判斷T/F/NG,再是3個(gè)選擇,然后是填圖,沒(méi)順序。這種題也有,需要用一種叫做“平行閱讀法”,簡(jiǎn)單的說(shuō),就是把題目都看了,在一段中可能有3題,題號(hào)是1、5、9,那么一網(wǎng)打盡,做下一段……


  “Fat shaming” and weight discrimination, be it from your company or your university professor, are not the ways to help people shape up physically, socially, or academically according to a report published this week in the journal PLoS ONE.

  根據(jù)PLoS ONE 期刊本周發(fā)布的報(bào)告,“肥胖羞辱” 和體重歧視,無(wú)論它是來(lái)自公司還是你的大學(xué)教授,從身體、社交、學(xué)術(shù)的角度看都不是幫助人減肥的好方法。

  “Weight discrimination, in addition to being hurtful and demeaning, has real consequences for the individual’s physical health,” says study author Angelina Sutin, a psychologist and assistant professor at the Florida State University College of Medicine in Tallahassee, Fla..

  “體重歧視,除了傷人自尊、有辱人格外,對(duì)個(gè)人的身體健康也有不利的影響,” 研究報(bào)告的作者安吉麗娜-蘇丁說(shuō),她是一名心理學(xué)家,也是位于弗羅里達(dá)州塔拉哈西的弗羅里達(dá)州立大學(xué)的助理教授。

  Weight shaming, the study found, can send people to the Twinkie Zone faster than you can say “binge.”


  Rebecca Puhl, deputy director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University, told NBC:


  “Stigma and discrimination are really stressors, and, unfortunately, for many people, they’re chronic stressors. And we know that eating is a common reaction to stress and anxiety -- that people often engage in more food consumption or more binge eating in response to stressors, so there is a logical connection here in terms of some of the maladaptive coping strategies to try to deal with the stress of being stigmatized.”

  “羞辱和歧視實(shí)際上能造成壓力,不幸的是,對(duì)很多人來(lái)說(shuō),它們是慢性的壓力源。我們知道,吃是應(yīng)對(duì)壓力和焦慮的一種常見反應(yīng)——人們應(yīng)對(duì)壓力時(shí),經(jīng)常會(huì)吃更多的食物或更容易暴飲暴食, 所以適應(yīng)不良情況的應(yīng)對(duì)策略,和嘗試處理受到歧視產(chǎn)生的壓力之間有一定的邏輯關(guān)系。”

  How is it that we didn’t know this by now?


  I say this from the perspective of a life-long, diet yo-yo fat girl. Telling me I need to lose weight has never worked for me, or any obese person I have ever met.


  What worked for me was my son, age nine, saying a few months ago, “Can we go to the beach this summer? I think you look fine. Nobody cares how you look and when we’re in the water it totally doesn’t matter.”


  That acceptance inspired me to begin Weight Watchers two months and 16 pounds ago and keeps me moving down the weight chart. Love, compassion, and telling me my size is irrelevant made all the difference.

  這種接納的態(tài)度,激勵(lì)我開始去減肥中心,兩個(gè)月的時(shí)間我減輕了16磅, 這讓我的體重繼續(xù)減輕。愛、同情以及告訴我我的體型沒(méi)關(guān)系,是這些讓我發(fā)生了變化。

  This study should also be a lesson to people who feel no guilt when they weight shame because they say they’re “just being honest” or “trying to help.”


  University of New Mexico evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller recently tweeted: “Dear obese PhD applicants: if you didn’t have the willpower to stop eating carbs, you won’t have the willpower to do a dissertation #truth.”


  For those students Miller was addressing I would give a better tweet from Eleanor Roosevelt to put out today in response, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. #Truth.”
