


時間: 焯杰674 分享

  英語短語是學英語的基礎,多記憶背誦才能學好英語。下面學習啦小編為大家?guī)?a href='http://www.athomedrugdetox.com/xuexiff/gaoeryingyu/' target='_blank'>高二英語重點短語大全,歡迎大家學習!


  1. Make/give/write a summary of… 寫…的摘要

  2. in summary 總的來說

  3. access to… 進入…接近…

  4. obtain/have/gain/get access to…可以/獲準進入…

  5. give sb access to… 使某人能接近…

  6. take part in 參加活動

  7. under press 有壓力 感到緊張

  8. lay/place/put stress on… 把重點放在…上,強調

  9. take (the) responsibility for… 對…負責

  10. the sense of responsibility 責任感

  11. be responsible for/to… 對…負責

  12. be willing to do 心甘情愿做… 愿意做…

  13. in harmony (with…) (與…)協(xié)調 (與…)相一致

  14. out of harmony (with…) (和…)不和諧,(與…)不一致

  15. wipe out 消滅… 去除… 擦洗…的內部

  16. put an end to… 使…結束, 制止

  17. bring sth to an end 使…結束 終止

  18. sth come to an end 某事結束了

  19. at the end of… 在…末尾 在…結束時

  20. by the end of… 到…末尾為止

  21. in the end 最終 最后 =at last/eventually

  22. have no alternative but to do… 別無選擇只有做…

  23. have an effect on…=affect

  24. advise sth 建議某事

  25. advise sb to do 建議某人做某事

  26. advise doing 建議做…

  27. advise sb on sth 就…給某人建議

  28. advise that 從句 建議… (從句虛擬 should+V)

  29. share (in) sth 分享…

  30. share sth with sb 和某人分享某物

  31. share sth between/among sb 在某人中分某物

  32. be to do 計劃做… 打算做…

  33. all too=much too=only too=rather too 太…過于…

  34. none too 一點也不

  35. 盡力做… ①sb do whatever sb can to do sth

 ?、趕b do everything/all (that) sb can to do sth

 ?、踫b do as much as sb can to do sth

  ④sb try all/every means to do sth

 ?、輘b make all efforts/every effort to do sth

 ?、辳b spare no pains/efforts to do sth

  36. make (adj.) progress in…在…方面取得怎樣的進步

  37. continue to do/doing 繼續(xù)做…

  38. be content with…對…滿意

  39. There is a good chance that從句 很有可能…

  40. There is a slight chance that 從句 …可能性很小

  41. There is no chance that 從句 沒可能…

  42. be frightened/scared/terrified at/of 對…感到害怕,恐懼

  43. frighten/scare/terrify sb into/out of doing sth 嚇得某人做/不做某事

  44. be frightened/scared/terrified to do 害怕做…

  45. be frightened/scared/terrified that從句 害怕…

  46. frighten/scare/terrify sb to death 把某人嚇死了

  47. on end 直立,豎著/連續(xù)的

  48. a spot of… 一點…

  49. at the sight of… 一看到…

  50. at first sight 乍一看,初看時

  51. sth/sb be in/within/out of (one's) sight 某人看得見/看不見…

  52. in one's sight=in the sight of sb 在某人看來

  53. at hand 在附近 在手邊

  54. urge sb to do 催促某人做…

  55. urge sth on/upon sb 向某人極力推薦某物

  56. urge that 從句 主張…

  57. swear to do 發(fā)誓做…

  58. swear sth/that 從句 發(fā)誓…

  59. swear at sb 咒罵某人

  60. draw/get/attract/catch one's attention to… 引起某人對某物的注意

  61. pay attention to…注意…

  62. fix/focus one's attention to 集中注意力到…

  63. bring sth to one's attention 讓某人注意到…

  64. turn one's attention to 將注意力轉到…上

  65. at a distance (of…) 在遠處 隔開…的距離

  66. in the distance 在遠處

  67. for a moment 一會兒

  68. at the moment 此刻,當時

  69. for the moment 目前 暫時

  70. in a moment 馬上 立刻

  71. of the moment 目前的 現(xiàn)在的

  72. on/upon +名詞/doing 一…就

  73. a rain/shower of… 像雨一樣落下的東西

  74. more…than… 與其說…不如說…

  75. pick out 精心挑選出 找出 辨別出

  76. on board 上船

  77. knock about 漫游,連續(xù)打擊,襲擊

  78. live through 度過

  79. as if/though 好像

  80. calm down 冷靜下來








英語短語是學英語的基礎,多記憶背誦才能學好英語。下面學習啦小編為大家?guī)砀叨⒄Z重點短語大全,歡迎大家學習! 高二英語重點短語大全: 1. Make/give/write a summary of 寫的摘要 2. in summary 總的來說 3. access to 進入接近 4.