
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語 > 英語短語 > 大學(xué)英語六級常用短語


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  1. single out 挑出

  2. rid sb. of sth. 使擺脫,免除

  3. all of a sudden 出乎意料的

  4. be contented with 知足

  5. convincesb of sth

  6. contrary to sth 與之相反

  7. combine with

  8. be faced with

  9. tend to believe that

  10. on a regular basis 定期的

  11. condemnsb for sth. 譴責(zé)

  12. in the first place

  13. discourage sb. from doing sth. 勸阻…做….

  14. under way 進行中

  15. at risk

  16. depend on

  17. to one’s regret

  18. be overjoyed with 極度高興

  19. wind up doing sth以。。。告終

  20. be dedicated to 專注于

  21. on the rise 在增加

  22. according to

  23. comment on 對。。。作評論

  24. stay up

  25. set up

  26. 第3 / 7頁

  27. alert to 警告

  28. get addicted to

  29. give rise to 是發(fā)生

  30. collide with 與。。。發(fā)生沖突

  31. keep an eye on

  32. a variety of

  33. go through 經(jīng)受,仔細(xì)檢查

  34. hear of/from

  35. of social concern to

  36. work out properly

  37. be concerned about 掛念

  38. along with

  39. communicate… to …

  40. think twice about

  41. lure to 誘惑

  42. seal off 封閉,封鎖

  43. on one’s guard 警戒,提防

  44. keep/prevent sb from doing

  45. at least

  46. be indifferent to 對。。。不關(guān)心

  47. take a heavy toll on 對…有嚴(yán)重影響

  48. call for 需要

  49. in line with 符合,與……一致

  50. run into 陷入

  51. far more fierce

  52. stand for/by/against/over

  53. talksb out of doing sth

  54. speak ill of sb. 說某人壞話

  55. find it hard to do

  56. all down to歸咎于

  57. with regard to

  58. be inclined to傾向于

  59. slow down

  60. accompanysb to do

  61. rush out of 奔出

  62. act as

  63. appeal to

  64. resort to force 訴諸于武力

  65. turn to sb for help

  66. in addition to

  67. stick with 堅持

  68. in vain

  69. as opposed to 與…截然相反

  70. in particular

  71. hold on

  72. put out fires

  73. draw up 起草

  74. at/off/by hand

  75. be susceptible to 對。。。敏感,易受。。。影響

  76. perceive as 當(dāng)作

  77. once in a while 偶爾

  78. compete with

  79. have minimal effect on

  80. keep pace with 并駕齊驅(qū),保持同步

  81. fit into 適合,

  82. distinguish from 區(qū)別

  83. by instinct 處于本能

  84. deprive sb of sth使。。。喪失

  85. as a result of

  86. apply for 申請

  87. be eligible for 適合,有資格。。。

  88. change for the better

  89. under control 處于控制之下

  90. prepare for

  91. be occupied with 專心做

  92. count on 指望,依靠

  93. take an eye for an eye

  94. get along with

  95. wipe out 消滅,摧毀

  96. head for sp

  97. in effect/practice

  98. be noted/notorious for 聲名狼藉的

  99. be dying to 渴望

  100. in this case 既然這樣


  1. out of style 過時的

  2. to begin with

  3. coupled with 外加,

  4. go to great lengths to do sth. 竭盡全力做。。。

  5. in part 在某種程度上

  6. rest on 停留在,依靠

  7. turn on a dime 時來運轉(zhuǎn)

  8. be sympathetic with

  9. lighten up 放松

  10. scale down 按比例減少

  11. eat up

  12. specialize in 專門研究

  13. convert into

  14. have much to do with

  15. compromise with 妥協(xié)

  16. make up stories

  17. relieve her of the pain

  18. win over 把爭取過來

  19. be indulged in 沉溺于

  20. take some precaution 采取預(yù)防措施

  21. based on

  22. have faith in 對,,,信任

  23. be excluded from 拒絕入境

  24. put up with 忍受

  25. cater to投合

  26. in a row 連續(xù)

  27. when it comes to 當(dāng)提到

  28. make great efforts to

  29. come up with 想出

  30. but for…如果沒有

  31. have no idea what to do

  32. take over 接管,接受

  33. in pursuit of尋求

  34. all too often 經(jīng)常是

  35. in quest for尋找

  36. sense of humor / purpose /identity

  37. do well in

  38. be optimistic about

  39. be generous with

  40. be concerned with 涉及

  41. take into account 考慮,重視

  42. keep in mind 記住

  43. carry out 執(zhí)行

  44. fall on 指向

  45. remindsb of sth

  46. put/pour in more hours

  47. make a lot of difference

  48. in particular/ general

  49. not that…but that…并非,要不是

  50. to everyone’s amazement

  51. be absorbed in

  52. regardless of

  53. scale down 按比例減少

  54. eat up

  55. specialize in 專門研究

  56. convert into

  57. have much to do with

  58. compromise with 妥協(xié)

  59. make up stories

  60. relieve her of the pain

  61. win over 把爭取過來

  62. be indulged in 沉溺于

  63. take some precaution 采取預(yù)防措施

  64. based on

  65. have faith in 對,,,信任

  66. be excluded from 拒絕入境

  67. put up with 忍受

  68. cater to投合

  69. in a row 連續(xù)

  70. when it comes to 當(dāng)提到

  71. make great efforts to

  72. come up with 想出

  73. but for…如果沒有

  74. have no idea what to do

  75. take over 接管,接受

  76. in pursuit of尋求

  77. all too often 經(jīng)常是

  78. in quest for尋找

  79. sense of humor / purpose /identity

  80. do well in

  81. be optimistic about

  82. be generous with

  83. be concerned with 涉及

  84. take into account 考慮,重視

  85. keep in mind 記住

  86. carry out 執(zhí)行

  87. fall on 指向

  88. remindsb of sth

  89. put/pour in more hours

  90. make a lot of difference

  91. in particular/ general

  92. not that…but that…并非,要不是

  93. to everyone’s amazement

  94. be absorbed in

  95. regardless of

  96. an average of

  97. take steps to do 采取行動

  98. owe…to…

  99. early on從事,經(jīng)營

  100. figure out 解決


  1. translate… into…翻譯成 ; 轉(zhuǎn)化為

  2. embark on doing sth. 開始,著手

  3. rush to do sth.

  4. compensate for 賠償

  5. a large multiple of n (pl.)

  6. after all

  7. play an ever-increasing/vital/decisive role in 不斷增長的,至關(guān)重要的,堅定地

  8. live with 忍受,承受

  9. tide over crisis 克服

  10. be bound to do 一定

  11. cut back on 削減

  12. sacrifice sth to do 犧牲,,,

  13. allowsb to do

  14. be inclined to do 傾向于做

  15. commit oneself to 致力于

  16. be willing to do sth

  17. turn out 結(jié)果是

  18. make up one’s mind to do sth

  19. replace with

  20. 取代

  21. convert/turn into 變?yōu)?/p>

  22. be overwhelmed by 受不起

  23. cope/deal with/dispose of處理

  24. have little impact/influence/bearing

  25. on 對。。。。。。有影響

  26. sb/sth is likely to do/be

  27. by contrast 相比之下

  28. set apart 分離

  29. rather than 而不是

  30. in general 一般而言

  31. disagree on 持有不同看法

  32. account for 解釋,說明

  33. relate to 涉及

  34. as well as

  35. lead to 導(dǎo)致

  36. on a positive note 積極地

  37. derive from 源自出自

  38. overtake sb in 在。。。方面超過。。。

  39. attach importance to 著重于

  40. draw to a close 漸進結(jié)束

  41. go further

  42. set out/in 出發(fā)

  43. intend to do sth

  44. contribute to

  45. to one’s surprise

  46. seize on 占有

  47. prime with 事先提供

  48. remindsb of sth

  49. hold on to sth.

  50. pass by/away

  51. make a fuss about 小題大做

  52. as to 至于

  53. go for sth去做

  54. reflect on 反應(yīng)

  55. focus/concentrate on

  56. aim to/at 目標(biāo)是

  57. interact with

  58. isolate from 使孤立

  59. result in/from

  60. serve as

  61. a set of一套,一副

  62. a range of 一系列

  63. conform to rules 遵守規(guī)定

  64. sweat over 費力做。。。

  65. make a distinction between… and…

  66. settle in 使適應(yīng)

  67. entitlesb to sth. 讓某人做某事

  68. rely largely on 大量依賴

  69. provide sb with sth 提供

  70. impose on 利用

  71. object to

  72. 反對

  73. adapt/attribute to 歸因于

  74. expose to 暴露于

  75. consider/avoid/involve/propose/regret doing

  76. work to full capacity

  77. dispense with 免除,省去,使不必要

  78. have access to

  79. dream of

  80. in charge of

  81. in close touch with

  82. be bound to

  83. make use of

  84. engage in 從事于

  85. restrict sb from doing sth 限制某人做某事

  86. pose a threat to 構(gòu)成威脅

  87. participate in

  88. regardsb as

  89. at the expense of 以……為代價

  90. in a bad mood

  91. hope for

  92. out of touch with sb

  93. be supposed to 被期望做某事

  94. be responsible for

  95. transfer to 轉(zhuǎn)移到

  96. make sure that clause

  97. have no intention of doing sth. 不打算干……

  98. have a large part to play in

  99. point out 指出指正

  100. a series of experiments

  101. originate from 發(fā)源于

  102. have its roots in 來源于

  103. date to 結(jié)束日期

  104. give way to 給,,,讓路

  105. stem from 起源于

  106. be insecure about

  107. have little say in

  108. be symbolic of 象征性的

  109. excel in在。。。很擅長

  110. let alone更不必說

  111. on the decline 在衰退中

  112. make no mistake about it

  113. make a bargain with 成交,達成協(xié)議

  114. grieve to death 哀悼

  115. shed light on 闡明

  116. be tied up with 和。。。密切相關(guān),忙于

  117. sneak up (偷偷接近)

  118. kind of +adj

  119. complain about 抱怨

  120. descend to 墮落

  121. offer insights into深刻理解






