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  1. 他的協(xié)和航班從倫敦到紐約當(dāng)然是直飛當(dāng)他到達(dá)紐約時他直接通過移民和海關(guān)檢查處他沒有任何大的行李只有短途旅行帶的一小提箱他走過抵港大廳他的妻正那和他打招呼就當(dāng)天早上她為他送行她并沒有乘飛機(jī)或者輪船那她是怎么見到他的呢?

  He had no baggage to collect as he only took a briefcase for his short trip.

  2. 實際上,從火車站方向朝這邊走過來的,除了一位孤零零的先生外,就再也沒有別人了。

  Indeed, from the direction of the railway station no one was coming save a single gentleman.

  3. 你說過你要好好地走過這段經(jīng)歷。

  And you betted you would see it well.

  4. 當(dāng)我們離開校園的那一刻,再讓我們回首看我們走過的路,我相信,我們有的是戀戀不舍的感情;有的是沒有虛度年華的自豪;有的是對美好未來的憧憬!

  When we leave the campus of that a moment, let us look at our path, I believe that we have the feelings. The proud have no to idle away one's time, Have the vision for a bright future!

  5. 范諾登沿著走廊搖搖晃晃走過來,一副潦倒失意的樣子,活像一只黯淡的燈籠。他踉踉蹌蹌、跌跌撞撞地不時闖進(jìn)一個門里去,門開處或有一只手把他一把拽進(jìn)屋去,或有一只蹄子把他蹬出來。

  And down this corridor, swinging his distress like a dingy lantern, Van Norden staggers, staggers in and out as here and there a door opens and a hand yanks him, or a hoof pushes him out.

  6. 生命之風(fēng)打斷我們均衡的意圖,而甲板上油漆的水洼則留下雨點走過的痕跡。

  Life's storms break the symmetry of our intentions. Blotches in my deck paint mark the passing of rain.

  7. 當(dāng)安德森準(zhǔn)備離開時,市政廳的辦事員走過來和他交談起來。

  As Anderson was leaving, the town clerk spoke to him.

  8. 那是一個魔鬼,在屋子里走過,借你爸爸的聲音講的!向上帝禱告吧。

  There were rumours that she had a wooer and alreadythought of a second marriage.

  9. 在此過程中,作者還用了大量篇幅,闡明了南非在過去半個多世紀(jì)以來走過的崎嶇道路。

  In the process he sheds considerable light on more than half a century of South Africa's difficult history.

  10. 我已經(jīng)走過了這個國家的每個角落,并且和那里最優(yōu)秀的人進(jìn)行過交流,我敢說人們對用計算機(jī)處理數(shù)據(jù)的熱情不會超過一年。

  I have travelled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won`t last out the year.

  11. 對于歷史造成的原因,我們無可厚非,但是現(xiàn)在我們不能停留在這樣一種簡單地模仿、照搬層面,我在中國有很多投資,也走過世界很多地方,我覺得在目前的北京,我買不到令我滿意的別墅,因為在國內(nèi)目前大部分的別墅都是模仿和照搬別人的東西,這畢竟是一種不自信的表現(xiàn)。

  For historical reasons causing our cause, but now we can not stay in such a simple model, copy level, I have a lot of investment in China, but also has many parts of the world, I think that in the current Beijing, I can not buy me with the villa, since in most of the country villa are copied and copy others things, This, after all, is a non-confidence.

  12. 我是焦工97級的,不過沒有我發(fā)表的貼子里講的那樣被學(xué)校開除,然后回家種水果了,不過上次回過一次學(xué)校新老兩個校區(qū)都去過,還去過一次解放路旁那個教工住宅區(qū),重走曾經(jīng)走過的行賄路線,心中真是感慨萬千,然后去了新校區(qū),偶遇該師,一起尷尬了一把。

  And I met the liner algbra teacher in the HG new colloge buildings, maybe my embrassy reminded him sth, we both headed forth speechlessin the same direction for around 30meters.

  13. 她時常愁容滿面地從海列那一伙用鏈子鎖著的黑人身邊走過。

  Often and often she walked mournfully round the place where Halay's gang of men and women sat in their chains.

  14. 您現(xiàn)在走過的道路提供了經(jīng)驗,使您得以成為新的神圣人類的老師。

  There is a quiet part of you that wants to go Home.

  15. 就在那時,一個男人手里拿著一張票走過來。

  Just then a man came up with a ticket in his hand.

  16. 我已經(jīng)走過了各種形式的出普通幾乎一覽無余。

  I`ve walked by all manner of out of the ordinary with nary a glance.

  17. 我回憶起以前走過的路,一個年輕魯莽的孩子犯下了那樣的滔天大罪,我想和他談?wù)劇?/p>

  I look back on myself the way I was...stupid kid who did that terrible crime...wish I could talk

  18. 然而,在靠近太陽的地方,g 的值為270m /s ,在太陽的引力場中,光走過的總路徑又非常長。

  However, near the surface of the Sun, g is 270m/s, and the total path travelled in the gravitational field of the Sun is very large.

  19. 經(jīng)過主持人的短暫開場白之后,俱樂部主席李敬慧與網(wǎng)站負(fù)責(zé)人齊翠翠首先致辭,他們簡單的回顧了俱樂部和網(wǎng)站走過的風(fēng)雨歷程,更把希望寄托于微軟的新生力量。

  They looked back on the tough way we walked along and reposed their expectation on the fresh blood.

  20. 答應(yīng)我不要看我走過那個角落。

  Romise not to watch me go beyond the corner.

  走過pass by的英語短語

  But the young Prince will pass by our door, and I will put on my best for the moment.


  O mother, the young Prince did pass by our door, and the morning sun flashed from hischariot.


  And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him twopossessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass bythat way.


  By enabling pass by reference, the parameters of the method are not copied to the stack withevery remote call, which can be expensive.


  And Edom said unto him, Thou shalt not pass by me, lest I come out against thee with thesword.


  However, you can detach and simply let them pass by.


  But the young Prince did pass by our door, and I flung the jewel from my breast before hispath.


  You only pass by on village on the entire weeklong trip.


  Every night I pass by my neighbor's window, I can see the bright light through it.


  Whenever you pass by the field where you have laid your ancestors look well thereupon, andyou shall see yourselves and your children dancing hand in hand.


  Walking down a hill I pass by a group of expats in a bar.


  Today you are to pass by the region of Moab at Ar.


  Fine. I happened to pass by; so I dropped in.


  For several minutes the child writhes on the ground as more than a dozen people pass by.


  In the collection's penultimate entry, Helene Hanff urges a tourist friend, "If you happen to passby 84, Charing Cross Road, kiss it for me. I owe it so much.


  走過pass by的英語例句

  1. As they pass by, a piteous wailing is heard.


  2. I see them pass by my house every day.


  3. He took up a stick, pointed against the wall, and didn't allow anyone to pass by.

  他拿起一根棍子, 頂著墻, 不讓任何人通行.

  4. Paintwork on the corner of a stairway tends to get nicked and scratched as people pass by.


  5. Who returns home I pass by a bookstore on the road.


  6. You should never let an opportunity pass by.


  7. Don't let the opportunity pass by.


  8. He only hoped that someone would soon pass by and lend him a hand.


  9. Perhaps he tells me he will pass by our city after several weeks.


  10. The man lay in ambush behind a tree, ready to attack whoever might pass by.

  那個人埋伏在一棵樹后, 準(zhǔn)備襲擊路過的人.

  11. They often saw Hunter pass by on his bicycle, looking worried and harassed.

  他們時??匆姾嗵仳T著自行車從旁邊經(jīng)過, 滿面愁容.

  12. It is difficult to pass by these houses without stopping to wonder at the enormous beams.


  13. I pass by the post office every day on my way to school.


  14. I should pass by without knowing her, were she dressed in such a skin.


  15. Death, old age are words without a meaning that pass by us like the idle air.

  死亡, 老年,不過是空話,毫無意義;我們聽了,只當(dāng)耳旁風(fēng),全不放在心上.






