
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語短語 > 阻礙英語短語


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  1. The country's economic plight is strangling its scientific institutions.


  2. The civil war is obstructing distribution of famine relief by aid agencies.


  3. He said the over-valuation of sterling was throttling industry.


  4. Continuing violence will retard negotiations over the country's future.


  5. He promised to allow justice to run its course unimpeded.


  6. Many women feel ageism is obstructing their career ambitions.


  7. Damage may result in stunted growth and sometimes death of the plant.


  8. Unfavourable economic conditions were blocking a recovery of the American insurance market.


  9. Stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery.


  10. Officialdom has been against us from the start.


  11. High interest rates have stunted economic growth.


  12. The condition prevents the blood from circulating freely.


  13. A lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development in the unborn child.


  14. The fighter accepted money to keep himself back from winning the fight.


  15. A senator dragged the subject in as a filibuster.



  1. 該國勞工市場缺乏靈活性,這嚴重阻礙了它的經(jīng)濟恢復(fù)。

  The inflexibility of the country's labor market seriously impede its economic recovery.

  2. 所有這些困難阻礙了他的進步。

  All these difficulties cramped his progress.

  3. 重物,墜腳一種重物,如大塊物品,系在動物腿上阻礙行動

  A weight, such as a block, attached to the leg of an animal to hinder movement.

  4. 有組織的妨害議事的人有組織地阻礙或打斷進程一個人,尤其是意在阻礙提案通過,借助一些延后的策略,如冗長的演說

  One who systematically blocks or interrupts a process, especially one who attempts to impede passage of legislation by the use of delaying tactics, such as a filibuster.

  5. 承諾與競爭者價格一致的問題在于,它首先會阻礙競爭者降價。

  I shop at John Lewis, I see its price promise, "Never knowingly undersold", displayed in an attempt at reassurance.

  6. 他遇到困難和阻礙就容易泄氣。

  He is easily discouraged by difficulties and obstacles.

  7. 他耳聾阻礙了他與別人的交往。

  His deafness shuts him off from the lives of others.

  8. 他因阻礙公路交通而受控告。

  He was charged obstructing the highway.

  9. 當工會領(lǐng)袖們要求在通常的工資增加之外還應(yīng)有帶薪假日時,商談遇到了阻礙。

  The negotiations struck a snag when the union leaders asked for paid holidays in addition to the usual wage increase.

  10. 我們前進時受到了惡劣天氣的阻礙。

  Our progress was hampered by the bad weather.


  It would undermine the development of leadership.

  12. 無阻礙的視野; 通向勝利的暢通的道路

  A clear view; a clear path to victory.

  13. 貿(mào)易保護主義通過關(guān)稅或進口配額等措施阻礙或限制外國商品和服務(wù)性產(chǎn)業(yè)的進口從而保護國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)者的主張、制度或理論

  The advocacy, system, or theory of protecting domestic producers by impeding or limiting, as by tariffs or quotas, the importation of foreign goods and services.

  14. "如果沒有什么阻礙的話,這項任務(wù)將提前完成。"

  The task will be finished ahead of schedule if nothing prevents.

  15. 大雪阻礙了高速公路上的交通。

  Heavy snow has blocked off traffic on the motorways.


  1. 這女孩子的長裙在她跑的時候阻礙她的行動。

  The girl's long skirt encumber her while running.

  2. 深雪阻礙了旅行。

  The deep snow impeded travel.

  3. 議事未受任何阻礙獲得一致通過。

  Nothing marred the unanimity of the proceedings.

  4. 以便對抗,阻礙,或反對地; 任性地

  So as to thwart, obstruct, or oppose; perversely.

  5. 在另一方面,戈爾巴喬夫承認,他的既迂腐又專權(quán)的官僚政府是現(xiàn)代化最大的阻礙。因此這位蘇聯(lián)領(lǐng)袖迅速意識到,政治與經(jīng)濟改革必須齊頭并進。

  Mr. Gorbachev, on the other hand, recognized that his sluggish and authoritarian bureaucracy was the worst impediment to modernization. That is why the Soviet leader came more quickly to the view that political and economic change must go hand in hand.

  6. 集資的困難使我們的建筑計劃受到了阻礙。

  Difficulties in raising money have set back our building program.

  7. 不停的動亂和日常生活的平凡活動看來會阻礙或者至少會使人不能安靜地集中思考。

  The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking.

  8. 桌球臺位于橡皮邊和阻礙線之間的空間之一。

  One of the spaces between the cushion and the balk line on a billiard table.

  9. 阻礙經(jīng)濟活動的嚴格的規(guī)章制度

  Strict regulations that paralyze economic activity.

  10. 他因阻礙公路交通而受控告。

  He was charged with obstructing the highway.

  11. 對于那些明顯阻礙社會發(fā)展的傳統(tǒng),我們應(yīng)毫不猶豫的放棄。

  We should unhesitating abandon those traditions that block the social development.

  12. 擋道地處在阻礙、阻擋或干涉的位置上

  In a position to obstruct, hinder, or interfere.

  13. 山崩阻礙了高速公路上向南方行駛的車輛。

  A landslide has blocked off traffic moving south towards the motorway.

  14. 反催化劑延緩或阻礙化學反應(yīng)的物質(zhì)

  A substance that retards or arrests a chemical reaction.

  15. 暗墻; 隱籬用來作柵欄,但又不阻礙視線或景觀的護城河,或由墻圍住的溝或陷入地中的籬笆

  A moat, walled ditch, or hedge sunk in the ground to serve as a fence without impairing the view or scenic appeal.






