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時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享




  1. 要等持卡人搭車后,此部分的預(yù)收收入才變成車資收入。

  Rather, they are "Unearned Revenue" classified under Current Liabilities.

  2. 請(qǐng)問如果我的行程只在巴塞隆納停幾天之后便將所有的時(shí)間游法國(guó)然后直接回香港. 請(qǐng)問如何從巴塞隆納搭車去Avignon?

  Should I buy a RailPass for both countries or the one just for France?Could anyone provide detailed information about "Talgo Day" and "Talgo 200"?Thank you!

  3. 沿途要求或得到(免費(fèi)搭車)的機(jī)會(huì)

  To solicit or get(a free ride) along a road.

  4. 司機(jī)停下來讓一個(gè)搭車人上了車。

  The driver stopped to pick up a hitchhiker.

  5. 那個(gè)身無分文的人只好乞求搭車回家。

  The penniless man had to bum a ride home.

  6. 搭車:搭岡山到燕巢,或經(jīng)燕巢到旗山的高雄客運(yùn),在水庫入口站下車。

  Ride: Take Okayama to Yanchao, or Yanchao to the Kaohsiung passenger Qishan, the reservoir and get off at the entrance.

  7. (請(qǐng)告訴我到哪里搭車去P4站找酒店巴士?)

  Please tell me where to take the monorail to P4 for hotel shuttle?

  8. 上午利用可能的時(shí)間,搭車走一程環(huán)山游湖公路,下午飛到首都 Buenos Aires.

  La manana realizar una excursion al Circuti Chico, a la tarde traslado a Buenos Aires.

  9. 還有更多聽眾問題。步兵可否在坦克上搭車?

  More listener questions. Can infantry hitch a ride on tanks?

  10. 在高速公路入口,他讓兩個(gè)免費(fèi)搭車旅行者搭了他的車。

  He picked up two hitchhiker at the entrance to the motorway.

  11. 沿途搭車會(huì)滋生事端。

  You're opening the door to trouble by hitchhiking.

  12. 你搭車會(huì)帶來麻煩的。

  You are opening the door to trouble by hitchhiking.

  13. 那是一個(gè)下午,天陰沉沉的,我在格洛斯特外正要搭車。

  It was an overcast afternoon and I was hitching just outside Gloucester.

  14. 人生一世,就好比是一次搭車旅行,要經(jīng)歷無數(shù)次上車,下車;

  Lives of us, like a journey, it's a hike to hitch with numerous entraining and detraining;

  15. 比爾表示愿意讓我搭車去上班,我馬上接受了他的提議。

  Bill offered to give me a lift to work and I quickly took him upon it.


  1. 那時(shí)沒有防護(hù)兒童的藥瓶蓋,沒有防護(hù)兒童的門或柜櫥,我們騎自行車時(shí),不知道要帶頭盔,更別提我們經(jīng)常攔路搭車的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)了。

  We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets, not to mention, the risks we took hitchhiking.

  2. 來自附近校區(qū)的大學(xué)生搭車來伸出援手。

  College students have traveled by the busload from nearby campuses to lend a hand during their spring breaks.

  3. 我設(shè)法求得一位開車路過的人讓我搭車。

  I managed to beg a lift from a passing motorist.

  4. 我們免費(fèi)搭車去倫敦度周末。

  We thumbed a lift to London for the weekend.

  5. 能讓我搭車到火車站?

  Any chance of a lift to the railway station?

  6. 你能讓我搭車進(jìn)城嗎?

  Can you give me a lift into town?

  7. 請(qǐng)讓我搭車到車站。

  Please give me a lift to the station.

  8. 而睡不睡覺則只是純屬你個(gè)人的事 (政府也經(jīng)常勸吁人搭車不要睡覺),兩者的本質(zhì)看似相同,但引申的結(jié)果卻有分別 (而且是對(duì)公眾責(zé)任上的分別)。

  Consider the fact that sometimes it takes minutes also for some grandmas to wear the belt properly, when they're done with the belt it's time to unbuckle and get off.

  9. 經(jīng)過治療走出醫(yī)院后,父子倆走過數(shù)棟房子到巴士站搭車,他們一連經(jīng)過幾個(gè)女孩,兒子都不出聲。

  After walking out of a hospital through cure, father and son two walk along count ridgepole house to bus station to build a car, their in succession passes a few girls, son save one's breath.

  10. 司機(jī)們表示,交通堵塞、汽油價(jià)格上升、醉酒乘客及情侶搭車時(shí)吵架是惹他們不高興的原因。

  The cabbies cite traffic congestion as the chief source of their woe, as well as soaring petrol prices, drunken passengers and quarrelling couples.

  11. 這部關(guān)于一個(gè)不幸的搭車人的故事也可以下載到便攜設(shè)備上,例如掌上電腦與電子圖冊(cè)等。

  The ghostly tale about an unfortunate hitchhiker can also be downloaded onto hand-held devices such as personal organisers or electronic books.

  12. 雖然駕車穿越新墨西哥州沙漠中一個(gè)雨夜,大學(xué)生吉姆哈爾西和他的女友格雷斯安德魯斯給乘車前往搭車約翰的萊德。

  While driving through the New Mexico Desert during a rainy night, the college students Jim Halsey and his girlfriend Grace Andrews give a ride to the hitchhiker John Ryder.

  13. 運(yùn)動(dòng)鍛煉可能也是慢跑運(yùn)動(dòng)的先驅(qū)者吉姆·菲克絲死亡的原因之一。他在一次跑步之中跌倒致死,年僅52歲。還有《免費(fèi)搭車遨游銀河系指南》的作者,49歲的道格拉斯·亞當(dāng),他在一次自行車運(yùn)動(dòng)中心臟病突發(fā)死亡。

  Exercise may also have had a contributory factor in the deaths of Jim Fixx,the pioneer of jogging who dropped dead ona run aged 52,and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy author Douglas Adams,49,who had a fatal heart attack on his exercise bike.

  14. 運(yùn)動(dòng)鍛煉可能也是慢跑運(yùn)動(dòng)的先驅(qū)者吉姆·菲克絲死亡的原因之一。 他在一次跑步之中跌倒致死,年僅52歲。 還有《免費(fèi)搭車遨游銀河系指南》的作者,49歲的道格拉斯·亞當(dāng),他在一次自行車運(yùn)動(dòng)中心臟病突發(fā)死亡。

  Exercise may also have had a contributory factor in the deaths of Jim Fixx, the pioneer of jogging who dropped dead ona run aged 52, and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy author Douglas Adams,49,who had a fatal heart attack on his exercise bike.

  15. 司機(jī)停下來讓一個(gè)搭車人上了車。

  1. The driver stopped to pick up a hitchhiker.


  1. Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride.


  2. You're opening the door to trouble by hitchhiking.


  3. He got a lift into town.


  4. His wife stays home to drive the children to school in the car pool.


  5. He was probably bumming his way home.


  6. I went out onto the road to start thumbing.


  7. The penniless man had to bum a ride home.


  8. Please give me a lift to the station.


  9. He hitched all the way to Boston.


  10. One or two nights she found herself too tired to walk home , and expended car fare.

  有一兩個(gè)晚上下班時(shí),她實(shí)在累得走不動(dòng)了, 只好花錢搭車回家.

  11. Americans " thumb " a ride, while many Europeans wave the whole hand up and down when hitchhiking.

  美國(guó)人用 “ 大拇指 ” 表示搭車, 歐洲人要搭車時(shí)則是上下?lián)]手.

  12. I'm really lucky you stopped and offered me a lift.


  13. If I want to skip a gig, I force myself to go.

  如果我想搭車, 我就強(qiáng)迫自己走路.

  14. Sorry to bother you, but could you give me lift home?

  對(duì)不起,打擾你了, 你能讓我搭車回家 嗎 ?

  15. Taxi Driver : Hey, buddy. Do you need a ride from the airport?

  司機(jī) ︰ 嗨, 老兄. 需要從機(jī)場(chǎng)這兒搭車 嗎 ?






