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More than 120 million people in the Indian state of West Bengal and neighbouring Bangladeshpay a high price for living there.
After the mayor tells him about all about the people in Who-ville, Horton is determined to protectthem and the speck on which they live ...
洛瓦斯說唯一能在體型上與普爾塔龍相媲美的是阿根廷龍 ,它發(fā)現(xiàn)于巴塔哥尼亞地區(qū)的西北部距今有0.9億年歷史和居住九千萬年前。
Novas said that only one of the titanosaurs rivals Puertasaurus in size: Argentinosaurushuinculensis, which was found in northwestern Patagonia and lived 90 million years ago.
County's 5.7 square meters per capita public green land, investment and living environment hasbeen greatly improved.
你可以說出你來自國家的名字和你所居住的地方,如: From America.
You can say the name of the country where you come from, and the place where you live, e.g.
Last year's consumer price index (CPI) rose by 4.8% year-on-year, mainly due to largeincreases in the cost of food and housing.
Last year's consumer price index (CPI) rose by 4.8% year-on-year, mainly due to largeincreases in the cost of food and housing.
Harold Giedt went to school in Shanghai's International Settlement, home to many Americansand British.
He has a BS in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, and currentlylives in Kagoshima, Japan. Check out his blog, Keeping Pace in Japan.
Anna and her partner, Henrik Persson, 33, live just outside Stockholm with their 16-month-oldson and have another baby on the way.
Between 30,000 and 100,000 Africans, mainly young men, are living here.
最后一種通貨膨脹是外匯通貨膨脹, 這個對我,1994年比索危機(jī)之前和期間都曾經(jīng)在墨西哥居住的人, 聽起來非常可怕.
The last type of inflation, foreign exchange inflation, is particularly scary to me, someone who lived in Mexico before and during the peso crisis in 1994.
Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will becalled Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings .
Back House was built in 1993 per owners, 4 Bedrooms and 3.75 Bath, One Master Suitedownstairs great for elderly members not to climb stairs.
for the sons of Joseph had become two tribes--Manasseh and Ephraim. The Levites received noshare of the land but only towns to live in, with pasturelands for their flocks and herds.
Let the wilderness and its cities lift up their voices, The settlements where Kedar inhabits Let theinhabitants of Sela sing aloud, Let them shout for joy from the tops of the mountains.
Let the desert and its towns raise their voices; let the settlements where Kedar lives rejoice. Let the people of Sela sing for joy; let them shout from the mountaintops .
People living near coasts will face new risks as they adapt to climate change and sea level rise.That’s according to Gary Yohe, an economist at Wesleyan University in Middletown,Connecticut.
The biggest strike started in Chicago against the Pullman Company, which made railroad cars.The man who owned the company, George Pullman, also owned the town where his workerslived.
Parental's education and living in the cities decide high degree of understanding on autismawareness was above 75%.
Concept: In a theme installation exhibit called "A House", each participant is invited to design a 1.8m x 1.8m x 1.8m spatial volume to express their thoughts on living, life, and space.
Covering 13.7 square kilometers of land, the Universiade City will incorporate sports, residence,education, culture, commerce, tourism and recreation.
The prevalence rate of chronic diseases was 15.99%. The prevalence rate of chronic diseases was mainly related to age, level of education and housing location.
The prevalence rate of chronic diseases was 15.99%. The prevalence rate of chronic diseases was mainly related to age, level of education and housing location.
1. The losers in this society are the old , the sick, the jobless, the homeless and badly housed.
這個社會的失敗者是老弱病殘者 、 失業(yè)者 、 無家可歸者和居住條件很差的人.
2. People who work and live in noisy conditions may go deaf.
3. New friends and friendship circles are formed and rearranged constantly as classes and living arrangements progress.
4. Tours to first hand investigate opportunities for future education, employment and residency options available to them.
在參團(tuán)期間學(xué)生可以親自考察,獲得在澳洲學(xué)習(xí), 就業(yè)和居住的一手資料.
5. Broadly, we investigate the world's lakes and rivers and the creatures which inhabit them.
寬廣地, 我們調(diào)查世界的湖和河和居住于他們的人.
6. Everyone the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State.
7. A city of northeast Texas an industrial and residential suburb of Fort Worth. Population, 33, 574.
美國得克薩斯州東北部城市,沃斯市工業(yè)和居住郊區(qū). 人口33, 574.
8. The quater of the metropolitan where I live and at morning and at sunset.
9. Rap music is usually associated with young people living in large cities in the USA.
10. Tang Yunshou Xinan's Communist Party secretary, said Ms. Cai's identity and residential papers checked.
11. Like residentialmortgages , loans for offices and shops have been bundled up and sold toinvestors.
和居住抵押一樣, 辦公和商鋪貸款也是打包成證券賣給了投資者.
12. The guilt, though , and the awkward awareness of living on your laws'largesse , tough.
這種內(nèi)疚感和居住在你 岳 父母家要享受施舍的意識使人感到很難受.
13. By any standards, it's a lovely place to visit to live and to work.
無論用哪國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)來看, 圓石城都是個值得游覽、適宜工作和居住的好地方.
14. Data from the 1970 census of population are not yet available by race and residence.
15. At one time 400 men, women and children lived in the village.