
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語單詞 > assessment的同義詞


時間: 楚欣650 分享




  judgment; appraisal


  All events have proved our appraisal to be correct.


  The judge made a cold appraisal of the evidence.


  She gave us a realistic appraisal of our chances.


  His appraisal of the novel is appropriate.



  His assessment of the situation was spot-on.


  Your assessment is substantially correct.


  It was a shrewd assessment and probably pretty close to the truth.


  Continuous assessment is made of all students' work.


  But how do you really know what exists unless you do an in-depth assessment?但是,除非您進行深入評估,否則如何真正了解存在什么內(nèi)容呢?

  Rational, unemotional, self assessment should tell us whether or not we have theskills and ability to do something. 理性的不參雜感情的自我評價應(yīng)該能告訴我們自己是否有能力和技巧去做些什么。

  Every couple goes through a stage of assessment as you figure out if you want tobe together: Do you want to live together? 每對伴侶都會經(jīng)歷一個評估階段,以決定是否想和身邊人在一起的時候:你確認想一起生活嗎?

  He then offered this assessment of the President: I hate to say this about aRepublican, but Nixon could have been a wonderful President. 接著他對總統(tǒng)做出了評價:“我不愿意這樣評論一位共和黨人,但尼克松本來可以是一個極好的總統(tǒng)。

  This assessment is only a framework. 此評估僅僅是一個框架。

  I will show some examples of this kind of assessment work below. 下面我將展示一些這種評估工作的例子。

  Assessment can be performed at any time of the development lifecycle. 在開發(fā)生命周期的任何時候都可以進行評估。

  On an individual patient basis, initial treatment decisions should be based onclinical assessment and knowledge about the presence of the virus in thecommunity. 以病人個案為基礎(chǔ),最初的治療決定應(yīng)當根據(jù)臨床評估以及社區(qū)內(nèi)是否存在這一病毒的掌握情況做出。

  Fortunately for the rest of us, he was profoundly wrong in his assessment. 幸運的是,對于我們其余的人來說,他的評價大錯特錯。

  Do an assessment at the end of each iteration and at project end to capturelessons learned, and leverage that knowledge to improve the process. 在每個迭代的末尾,以及項目末尾進行評估,從而獲得所學到的經(jīng)驗,并且利用那些知識改進過程。

  This maturity assessment should be done on Enterprise and IT governance as well as assessing the state of service orientation. 這種成熟度評估應(yīng)該在企業(yè)和IT治理的基礎(chǔ)上進行,評估面向服務(wù)的狀態(tài)。

  A personal assessment is judging oneself and knowing everything you shouldknow about yourself. 個人評價是評判自己,了解你應(yīng)該知道的自己的一切。

  Lastly, assessment will tell you whether you need to be actively building thehabit/routine or whether it’s now integrated into what you do. 最后,評估還能說明你是否需要積極形成一個習慣或者是將它們整合到你做的事情上邊就可以了。

  What I think is definitely right here is the assessment of the public mood, thesense of anxiety, and its connection to political radicalism. 我現(xiàn)在明顯能想到的就是公眾情緒的評估,公眾的焦慮感,和這種焦慮與政治激進主義之間的關(guān)系。

  It will improve our confidence in the assessment of potential damage, not just forthe space shuttle but for any other future spacecraft. 這會提高我們對潛在危險評估的信心,不僅僅是對于太空梭更是為了別的未來的太空飛船。

  The assessment found that some of these gaps predated the conflict, but likemany people, health workers also fled the hostilities and some have not yet beenable to return to work. 評估查明,其中一些差距早在沖突之前就存在,但是如同許多民眾一樣,衛(wèi)生工作者也逃離敵對行動并且一些人尚未能返回工作。

  Thus, routine assessment and screening for anxiety and depression in allpatients diagnosed with COPD should be considered. 因此,我們最好考慮診斷為COPD的患者都應(yīng)該做常規(guī)的焦慮和抑郁評估和篩查。

  Seeing this link assists you in risk assessment and even in a level of effortanalysis. 看到這個鏈接將幫助進行風險評估,甚至幫助進行工作級別的分析。

  Need an assessment of how well your assets are diversified? 需要對你的資產(chǎn)的多樣性優(yōu)劣作一個評估嗎?

  Similarly, if subsequent testing in a new area provides an indication that there is atest problem, this is also factored into the quality assessment. 同樣的,如果新的區(qū)域內(nèi)的后繼測試提供了一個存在測試問題的指示,那么這也應(yīng)該包含于質(zhì)量評估中。