michael: the boss has an errand for you.
billy: what is my task, sir?
michael: scope out the city's shopping malls and find out the best deals.
billy: the best deals on what sort of items?
michael: office supplies, of course.
billy: i'm leaving now.
michael: hold your horses. don't leave without finishing your report first.
billy: fine, i'll finish, then go shopping!
harry smith: working at a desk all day can leave you achy and stressed, but yoga can help you deal with that and you don’t even have to get out of your chair. kristin mcgee is a celebrity trainer and fila’s yoga ambassador. good morning.
kristin mcgee: good morning.
harry: tell me some things i can do while i’m at my desk to help relieve my stress and help me feel better.
kristin: ok, well the first thing i wanna show you is eagle arms. so swing your arms out to the sides like an eagle…
harry: now, i haven’t warmed up…
kristin: no, you can do this completely, yep, right out of the…ok, take your arm, one on top of the other, good harry!now cross at the elbows and tryand press the palms, you can
even just take the back of the hands together, so there’s that tension in the shoulders. you feel that as you lift your elbows,breathe into the upper back…
harry: oh, ok.that’s really good.
kristin: ...works the scapula and then you can do the opposite arm, and you know, we’re on the computer and the blackberries all day long. now it’s good for the wrists. this is another great one – the mountain pose. now drop the shoulders down away from the ears. yes, breathe through the nose. that relieves the tension in your neck, your shoulders…very nice. and you can hold this just like you’re doing, three to five breaths, is a great detoxifying…you do a big twist around like this…if you feel like you ate too much
克里斯?。?hellip;…這個動作可以鍛煉肩胛骨,然后你可以換另一只胳膊。你知道,人們一整天都對著電腦和手機,這個動作對手腕很好。這是另一個非常好的動作—“山式”。( 坐直,雙臂舉過頭頂,十指緊扣,掌心朝向天花板) 肩部向下放,遠(yuǎn)離耳朵,好的,用鼻子呼吸。這個動作能緩解脖子和肩膀的壓力……非常好。保持這個動作呼吸三到五次,然后伸展雙臂,接下來是有益的“旋轉(zhuǎn)動作”。如果你喝了太多酒,這個動作是一個很棒的排毒運動……像這樣做一個大的旋轉(zhuǎn)( 胸部和腹部向一邊轉(zhuǎn))……如果你覺得某天晚上吃得太多了,可以做這個動作。
a:i don't know what i'm going to do! it's going to be impossible to make ends meet if i lose my job.
b: don't worry. i don't think you're going to lose your job over one mistake.
a: it was a rather big mistake. when you work as a investment adviser, one small mistake can cost the company millions.
b:but it wasn't just you who was involved, right? you were only doing what your supervisor told you to do.
a: that's true, but my supervisor is very dishonest. there's no reason that he will tell my boss it was all my fault, and there's nothing i can do about that. my boss won't believe me if i tell him the truth.
b: let's think realistically about what might happen. how much maney do you have in your savings?
a: i have enough to live off of for about 3 months. but i really don't want to spend my life saving on just living!i'd rather invest my money somehow.
b: well,you can't have everything. let's just figure out what you'll do if you lose your job. when is your contract up on your apartment?
a: next month. so, i can move out then or renew my contract for another year.
b: well,that's good. if you lose your job, you can just move in with me until you find another job. that will save you plenty of money.
a: that's very generous of you. i guess that would work.
b: if you lose your job, you just have to go for a few manths without buying all the junk you usually buy. if you live frugally, you'll save plenty of money.
a: i guess working with so much money has made me rather greedy. maybe losing my job would be a good thing!
a: 我真不知道該怎么辦!我要是丟了工作,一定會入不敷出的。