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時間: 騰宇1219 分享




  在是非無判斷題的考試中,考生要對試卷上所列出的一系列命題(即陳述句)進行判斷。如果這些陳述句是反映觀點或者態(tài)度的,那么考生的任務就是判斷這些句子是否和作者的觀點一致。在這種情況下,答案的選擇是“YES”,“NO”或者是“NOT GIVEN”。如果這些陳述句表述的內容是有關事實信息,那么考生就要判斷這些句子是否和文中的信息一致。在這種情況下,答案的選擇是“TRUE”,“FALSE”或者是“NOT GIVEN”。這里要特別說明的是在考試中“YES”,“NO”,“NOT GIVEN”和“TRUE”,“FALSE”,“NOT GIVEN”只是考試形式的區(qū)別,在判斷方式上并沒有本質區(qū)別。




  NOT GIVEN:所需判斷的陳述句中在沒有錯誤的前提之下,至少有一個考點詞匯文章沒有提到相關內容。




  Academic Test 1

  Reading Passage 1


  題干:It has been suggested that children hold mistaken views about the "pure" science that they study at school.

  原文:Many studies have shown that children harbour misconceptions about "pure" science, curriculum science.

  分析:此題答案為TRUE。從兩個句子表達中不難看出,兩句話都是針對children這同一對象,并且在觀點陳述中hold對應harbour都作動詞,表示“包含,擁有”, mistaken views對應misconceptions,表示“錯誤的概念”, that they study at school對應curriculum science,在這里curriculum做名詞,表示“學校課程”的意思。


  題干:The fact that children's ideas about science form part of a larger framework of ideas means that it is easier to change them.

  原文:These misconceptions do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted, but organised, conceptual framework, making it and the component ideas, some of which are erroneous, more robust but also accessible to modification,

  分析:雖然原文是一個長難句,但從表達意思的主體上來看并沒有太大的改變。children's ideas about science對應these misconceptions,都指的兒童對于科學的認識,只不過文章中表達為錯誤的概念,form part of a larger framework of ideas對應do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted, but organised, conceptual framework,都表達了兒童的觀點形成了一個大的框架的觀點,區(qū)別就在于文章對這個框架作了一些詳細的描述,means that it is easier to change them對應making it and the component ideas, some of which are erroneous, more robust but also accessible to modification,在這里,考點的對應集中在了easier 正好對應了文章中的more accessible, to change them對應了modification.


  題干:The study reported here follows on from a series of studies that have looked at children's understanding of rainforests.

  原文:These observations are generally consistent with our previous studies of pupils' views about the use and conservation of rainforest...

  分析:在這里,關鍵的考點對應集中在了follows on from對應了consistent,都表示“一致的”意思,a series of studies that have looked at children's understanding of rainforests對應了our previous studies of pupils' views about the use and conservation of rainforest,同樣表示了“之前已經研究過的兒童對于熱帶雨林的觀點”。

  Academic Test 3

  Reading Passage 1


  題干:The children have to pay back slightly more money than they borrowed.

  原文:All S.K.I programs have charged interest on the loans...generally the rates have been modest (lower than bank rates)

  分析:題干中表達the children have to pay back... more money than they borrowed對應文章中All S.K.I programs have charged interest on the loans,全部計劃都要收利息,所以兒童必須還錢,并且有了利息的存在,所以兒童要還比他借的錢多的一部分的錢;并且,slightly對應了modest, generally the rates have been modest(lower than bank rates),利率不多,并且比銀行的要低,所以只高出了一點點。

  Academic Test 4

  Reading Passage 1


  題干:Modern official athletic records date from about 1900.

  原文:Since the early years of the twentieth century, when the International Athletic Federation began keeping records......

  分析:about 1900對應the early years of the twentieth century,Modern official athletic records date from對應when the International Athletic Federation began keeping records


  題干:The growing international importance of athletics means that gifted athletes can be recognised at a younger age.

  原文:Over the past century,...but with increasing global participation in athletic-----and greater rewards to tempt athletes-----it is more likely that individuals possessing the unique complement of genes for athletic performance can be identified early.

  分析:The growing international importance of athletics對應with increasing global participation in athletic-----and greater rewards to tempt athletes, gifted athletes對應individuals possessing the unique complement of genes for athletic performance,recognised at a younger age對應more likely...can be identified early.


  接下來,來看看FALSE / NO的判斷標準:所需判斷的陳述句中至少有一個考點詞匯和原文中的表達想矛盾。無論其他的考點是什么結論,只需要其中有一個考點是錯誤的,那么這個命題的答案就是錯誤的。



  完成圖表、示意圖題型(table、chart or diagram completion)



  1. 詳細查看答題指引,以確定圖表為何種信息.

  2. 查看例句,了解圖表內容及答題方式.

  3. 查看圖表題目欄中詞語及數字符號.

  4. 查看圖表中的說明及注釋部分.

  5. 利用問句中的關鍵詞語,在所給圖表中尋找答案.