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  no problem (沒有問題)

  1. 不麻煩, 沒什么, 沒事兒

  “I'm sorry for knocking you.”“No problem.”


  2. 非常容易

  “Will you be able to get me tickets?”“Of course, no problem.”

  “你能給我弄到票嗎?”“當(dāng)然可以, 沒問題。”

  no trouble (沒問題,沒麻煩)

  1. Don't bother if it's too much trouble. -- No trouble at all.

  這事要是太麻煩,你就別費(fèi)神了. -- 不,一點(diǎn)也不麻煩.

  2. It's no trouble at all; on the contrary, it will be a great pleasure to help you.



  1. "I think I hear the telephone ringing."—"Okay, I can take a hint." “我想我聽到電話鈴在響。”——“好的,我明白你的意思了。”

  2. "Let me in, Di." — "Okay. Just a minute." “讓我進(jìn)來,迪。”——“好的。稍等一下。”

  all right(行,可以,沒問題)

  1. "All right, Mrs Bates," she said. "We'll do it your way." “好吧,貝茨夫人,”她說,“我們就按你說的辦。”

  2. "Get the guy in the purple shirt." — "All right, my man." “把那個穿紫襯衫的家伙叫過來。”——“好的,老兄。”

  Never mind(沒關(guān)系,沒問題)

  1. "Fewter didn't seem to think so." — "Never mind what Fewter said." “菲特似乎不是這么想的。”——“別去管菲特怎么說。”

  2. "B-b-b-b-but" I stuttered. — "Never mind the buts," she ranted. “但——但——但是”,我結(jié)結(jié)巴巴地說道。——“別跟我講那些‘但是’了。”她咆哮道。

  out of question(毫無疑問,沒問題)

  1. Out of question, it is his handwriting. 毫無疑問, 這是他的字跡.

  2. If you persist, your success is out of question. 如果你堅持下去, 你的成功是無疑的.