
學習啦 > 優(yōu)秀作品專欄 > 英語學習 > 改善英語發(fā)音的小技巧


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Getting familiar with the phonetic alphabet will help you identify new sounds and provide you with some markers to navigate the language you want to learn. Familiarity with a language’s phonemes helps you recognize sounds that your ear isn’t "tuned" to natively. Once you can recognize these sounds, you’ll start noticing them way more often when speaking and listening in your new language.熟悉音標將會幫你辨認一些新的發(fā)音并且給你提供一些標記來駕馭你所學的語言。 熟悉一門語言的音素能夠幫助你辨認耳朵本身不能辨認的聲音。一旦辯認出這些聲音,當你聽別人說新語言或者用一門新語言交談的時候,你就會注意他們的發(fā)音方式。


Switch from theory to practice: try to expose yourself as much as possible to the language you are learning. Talk as much as possible with native speakers if you have the chance. When you have trouble pronouncing a particular word, ask people to repeat it and record it on your phone. You can then replay it and train your pronunciation as often as you wish. You can also listen to the correct pronunciation on some online dictionaries so that your ear gets familiar with all the sounds that initially strike you as unusual. Listen to podcasts or stream TV shows in the language. Even if you can’t understand everything, put it on in the background when you’re doing your chores so you get used to the particular melodies and unfamiliar sounds.從理論轉(zhuǎn)換到實踐:使你自己盡可能多地接觸你所學的語言。如果你有機會,盡可能多和母語使用者交流。當你某一個發(fā)音有問題的時候,讓別人重復它,并且用你的手機錄制下來。你可以用手機重復播放,盡可能多地練習發(fā)音。你也可以用在線的網(wǎng)絡詞典聽正確的發(fā)音,這樣你的耳朵就會對那些一開始并不熟悉的發(fā)音熟悉起來。還可以聽播客或者看電視節(jié)目來學習語言。即使你不能理解所有的東西,在你做家務的時候播放它作為背景樂會讓你習慣這些特殊的音調(diào)和不熟悉的聲音。


With this exposure, you’ll quickly notice that your new language has many sounds in common with your native tongue (even if those sounds are written differently). With the similarities identified, you can focus in earnest on the sounds that don’t exist in your native tongue. Resist the temptation to systematically compare these unfamiliar sounds with similar ones from your native language. This might seem like a useful shortcut, but it’s a bad habit that will make bad pronunciation even harder to correct in the long run.使用這種方法,你很快就會發(fā)現(xiàn)你新學的語言和你的母語有很多共同的發(fā)音(即使這些音的寫法不同)。 弄清楚發(fā)音的相似之處,你就可以把注意力集中在那些母語里沒有的音上面。不要試圖把這些不熟悉的音和你母語中熟悉的音進行系統(tǒng)的比較。這似乎是一個有效的捷徑,但是這是一個壞習慣,它會使你的發(fā)音在長期內(nèi)更難得到改正。


1:COB - close of business 工作日結(jié)束時間

例:The deadline of this project is COB this Friday.

2:COD - cash on delivery 貨到付款

3:N/A - not applicable 不適用 ("/"讀成forwad slash)

4:BTW - by the way 順便說一句

5:FYI - for your information 跟你說一下

6:ASAP - as soon as possible 越快越好

7:TBD - to be determined 還沒決定

例:Hold on on that issue. Tthat's TBD.

8:APR - Annual percentage rate 年利率

例:What's the APR on your credit card? 23%

9:KPI - key performance indicator 關鍵績效指標

10:SOP - standard operation precedure 標準操作規(guī)程

11:HQ - headquarter 公司總部

12:ETA - estimated time of arrival 預計到達時間

例:What's the ETA on the new shipment?

13:YTD - year to date 從開年到今日

14:EOM - end of message 信息結(jié)束 (經(jīng)常用于郵件主題)

15:FWIW - for what it's worth 再說一句


1. Listen to yourself.


2. Slow down!

很多英語學習者常說語速太快容易養(yǎng)成他們的壞習慣。由于太快而模糊不清是口語考試的大忌。所以我們要accuracy 然后才是fluency,每天操練一些基本語言以單音節(jié)開始,然后單詞,把幾個詞連在一起,組成句子。

3. Picture it..


4. Get physical!

發(fā)音是個形體動作。要學會嘴巴的發(fā)聲方法和移動肌肉的方式。每天集中訓練幾個音。你發(fā)this, thank, they,和little, wool等單詞困難嗎?試試發(fā)‘th’,將你的舌頭放在齒間(不要咬住)并從口中吐氣。感受氣流從你的舌間吹過。

5. Watch yourself.

站在鏡子前查看當你發(fā)某些固定音時的嘴型,唇型和舌頭的位置。和你看到的native speaker的發(fā)音對比!平時還可以把自己的發(fā)音模樣錄成video,仔細觀察比較。