1. bereave:使某人喪失(尤指親屬) bereave sb of sb an accident which bereaved him of his wife 使他喪失妻子的事故
the bereaved husband 死了妻子的男人
the bereaved 喪失親人的人
deprive:take sth away from sb;prevent sb from enjoying or using sth 剝奪 sb/sth 的 sth;阻止某人
享有或使用 sth
deprive sb/sth of sth
deprive of one's civil rights 剝奪某人的公民權 deprivation(n):剝奪;貧困;被剝奪的事物 widespread deprivation 普遍貧困
Missing the holiday was a great deprivation.錯失假日是極大的損失。
deprived(adj):貧困的,窮苦的 deprived childhood 貧苦的童年
2. abdomen:part of the body below the chest and diaphragm,containing the stomach. 腹部
abdominal(adj) 腹部的 an abdominal operation 腹部手術
belly:(口)front of the human body from the waist to the groin;belly 肚子,胃
with an empty belly 空著肚子
in the belly of a ship 在船腹里
belly out(動詞用法):鼓漲,凸出 The wind bellied out the sails
3.consecrate:devote sth/sb to or reserve sth/sb for a special (esp religious) purpose 把 sth/sb 獻給
sth/sb 做某種(尤其宗教)用途 consecrate sth/sb to sth
consecrate one's life to the service of God,to the relief of suffering 獻身于為神服務(解除世人痛苦) 的事業(yè)
devote:give one's time,energy to sth/sb; dedicate 為某人付出,向某人奉獻,獻身于 devote
oneself/sth to sb/sth
devoted(adj):熱愛的,非常忠實的,全心全意的 a devoted son 孝子
She is devoted to her children. 她深愛她的孩子。 devotee(n):獻身于某事物的人,熱心者,某事物的迷戀者;某一宗派的擁護者 a devotee of sport devotion(n): devotion to sth/sb 深愛,忠心,忠誠
4.evoke:bring to mind(a feeling,memory) 引起或喚起情感,記憶 produce or cause(a response ,reaction) 產(chǎn)生或引起(回應,反應) evocation(n):
invoke:use as a reason for one's action 援用(sth)為行動依據(jù)或理由
beg for sth by praying 以禱告祈求某事物
The government has invoked the Official Secrets Act in having thebook banned.政府援引國家機密保
invocation(n): invocation to sb 求助于神或法律
習語:get into a groove 養(yǎng)成某種生活習慣
newly furrowed fields 剛犁過的田地
6.prowl:小心的悄悄移動;悄悄行經(jīng)(某處);~ about/around 徘徊
wild animals prowling in the forest 在森林里輕輕行走的野獸
I could hear him prowling around in his bedroom all night.我聽到他整夜在臥室里踱來踱去。
bands of hooligans roving round the streets 成群結伙在街上游蕩的流氓
習語:have a roving eye 時刻尋找著調(diào)情或做風流事的機會
The old bus jolted along 舊公共汽車顛簸而行
jolt sb into/out of sth:使某人受到震驚而采取某種行動
He was jolted out of his lethargy and into action when he realized he had only a short time to finish the article.他意識到須在很短的時間里就得把文章寫完,立即振作精神寫起來。
scoop sth out \up 鏟出,挖出
shovel:用鏟鏟進 shovel sth into
10.:sue 對某人提起訴訟,控告某人 sue sb for sth 控告某人要求 sth
If you don't complete the work, I will sue you for damages.如果你不把工作做完,我就要控告你支付 賠償。
sue for sth (常用于法庭上)請求 sue for peace 請求和解
indict:(就某事)控告,起訴或告發(fā)某人 indict sb for sth
He was indicted for murder.他被控殺人。
11.status:地位 身份 職位 situation:狀況,處境,局面,形勢 位置 situation comedy 情景喜劇
1. bandit: member of a gang of armed robbers 土匪 強盜 banditry(n):盜匪行徑 brigand:(舊)土匪,強盜(尤指在山林中搶劫旅客的)
2. commemorate :keep a great person or event in people‘s memories 紀念(偉人,大事件等); 指(雕像,紀念碑等)作為對某人某事的紀念
We commemorate the founding of our nation with a public holiday。我們放假一天以慶祝國慶。
This memorial commemorates those who died in the war。這座紀念碑是紀念戰(zhàn)爭中的犧牲者的。 celebrate:mark (a hapy or important day,event)with festivities and rejoicing 慶祝,祝賀 celebrated(adj):著名的,馳名的
3. defile:(文或修辭)make sth dirty or impure 使某物骯臟或不純
rivers defiled by pollution 受污染的河流
(特) march in single file or a narrow column 指部隊單行或縱隊前進
infect:(尤用于被動語態(tài))使某人/某物傳染,感染,污染某人/某物 infect sb/sth with
The laboratory animals had been infected with the bacteria。實驗室的動物都已受到這種細菌的感 染。
infection(n):~ with sth 傳染,感染 the infection of the body with bacteria 身體受細菌侵染。
4. deviation:(~ from sth ) not following the normal or expected course、plan 偏離正?;蛟?的路線,計劃 ;偏差
deviation from the rules 違背規(guī)則
deviate(v):(~ from sth )偏離路線,標準;背離
delegate:(~ sb to sth )挑選或委派某人作代表;挑選或委派某人執(zhí)行;將(權利、職責) 委托給下級,授權給;
delegate sb to a conference 委托某人作代表出席會議
The new manager was delegated toreorganize the department。派這位新經(jīng)理重新組織該部門。 The job had to be delegated to an assistant。這項工作得交給助手去做。 delegation(n):代表,委托
5. fortitude:(在痛苦、危險或困難面前表現(xiàn)出的)勇氣、堅韌和自制力
He bore the pain with great fortitude。他以極大得毅力忍受了痛苦。
He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness。他生病得整個過程都表現(xiàn)出非凡的忍耐 力。
(特)endurance 作定語 endurance test 耐力測驗
endurable(adj)可忍耐的,可容忍的 enduring(adj)持續(xù)的,持久的
6. inconsolable:that cannot be comforted 不能安慰的,無法慰藉的
The children were inconsolable when their father died。這些孩子因為喪父而悲傷不已。 console sb on/for sth 安慰,慰問某人 Nothing could console him when his pet died。 consolatory(adj):安慰的,慰問的
depress(v):make sb sad and without enthusiasm 使某人憂愁、消沉、沮喪;將某物壓下,推 下,拉下;(尤指貿(mào)易)不活躍,不景氣
Wet weather always depresses me。我在陰雨天總是心灰意懶。 depress a piano key 按下鋼琴鍵
depress sales 使銷售額下降
depressed(adj):憂愁的,沮喪的,消沉的 depressing(adj):令人憂愁的,使人沮喪的
7. nibble:(~ at sth)小口咬某物,輕咬;對(好意,提議)謹慎的表示有意接受
fish nibbling (at) the bait 魚輕咬魚餌
He nibbled at my idea, but would not make a definite decision。他對我的想法頗感興趣,但不做 出決定。
bite:(~ into sth) 咬某人(某物)
She bit into the apple。她咬了一口蘋果。
8. pageant:盛裝的游行,露天演出的歷史劇;壯麗的場面,偉觀
(習語)make an exhibition of oneself(貶)當中出丑,出洋相
9. scourge:(用以打人的)鞭子;(比喻)引起災害的事物或人
The new boss was the scourge of the inefficient。新老板來了以后,不稱職的人就遭殃。
disaster:災難,災禍;失敗;(口語)徹底失敗的人或事物 As a teacher, he is a disaster。他是個很糟糕的教師。 disastrous(adj):災難性的,造成災害的,失敗的
10. tumble:使某人倒下或墜落(尤指身不由己或猛勁兒),但通常并無重傷
tumble down the stairs 從樓梯上摔下
fall down/over :倒下(尤指突然間),倒塌
fall away/off 向下傾斜
fall into sth 進入某種狀態(tài),變成