
學習啦 > 學習方法 > 小學學習方法 > 一年級方法 > 一年級英語 >


時間: 夢熒0 分享






()1.He’s my father’s father.He’s my________.

()2.She’s my mother’s sister. She’s my________.

()3.She’s my mother’s mother.She’s my________.

()4.He’s my father’s brother.He’s my________.

()5.She’s my father’s sister. She’s my_______.






1、He w_______--to a park yesterday?

2、I c_____my room last weekend.

3、Did you r________the magazine?

4、Did Lucy c________a mountain

5、Last Saturday ,Candy v_____her uncle.

6. What did you d_____ last weekend ?

7. She r______ a book last night .

8. He went s________ yesterday .

9. Amy l_________ to music last Tuesday .

10. We w________ fishing yesterday


1、did , what , you , yesterday , do?


2、you , full , did , the , moon , see


3、went , I , to , park , a , yesterday


4、jumped , the , into , lake , he


5、with , Wang Ping , his ,played ,friends , last ,football , weekend




1.have a look_____________2.Come in.___________________

3.on the desk_____________4.How nice!__________________

5.in English______________6.Here you are.________________

7.Come here._____________8.Thank you.__________________


1.No,it isn’t. It’s a watch.

2.How pretty!


4.Is this a key?

5.Can I have a look?




( )1.這是我的全家福。

A.This is my family

B.That is my family photo.

C.This is my family photo.

( )2.她是誰?

A.Who is he?

B.Who is she?

C.Who’s her?

( )3.她是你的姐姐嗎?

A.Is her your sister?

B.Is she your sister?

C.she is your sister.

( )4.他是我的叔叔。

A.He is my aunt.

B.He is my uncle.

C.is he my uncle?


1.hello,Wang Ling.

2.Look at my family photo.

3.Is this your father?


5.Yes,he is.




1.()A.face  B.eye  C.dress

2.()A.doctor  B.teacher  C.you

3.()A.thin  B.red  C.fat

4.()A.seven  B.twelve  C.tree

5.()A.short  B.grandfather  C.mother



A.Eat some jelly.  B.Drink some juice.


A.Hi,this is my sister.  B.Hi,this is my mother.


A.Open your eyes.  B.Open your present.


A.Look at the bird  .B.I like the bird.


A.Seven kites.  B.How many kites?



L Q I P K b g d y j


C b f E I A c a F B D G h i d e g H



1____F______ 2.______G______ 3.______k______

4.o________5.____m_____ 6.______v______

7____Hh______ 8.______Ll______ 8.______Rr______



2、BGD( )

3、LEN( )

4、EHK( )



7、HIG( )

8、JKM( )

9、FGJ( )



一、 正確抄寫下列字母。

b         c           e           a            d

二 、看中文,說單詞

滑滑梯   秋千  氣球   球   自行車  洋娃娃  芋艿   月餅   葉子  蛋糕    豆    月亮

三、 朗讀下列單詞

swing   silde   ball   bicycle   ball   doll   taro   leaf   bean   mooncake   moon   balloon


(a) Go to the silde.

(b) Pick up the doll.

(c) He has got a ball.

(d) She has got a doll.

(e) What has he got?

(f) What has she got?

(g) This is Tom. He has got a bicycle. It is yellow.

(h) This is May. She has got a balloon. It is pink.

(i) --Tom, I have got a doll. What have you got?

--I have got a ball. It is red.

--Let‘s play togther.


( ) 1、How are you?

A、你好嗎? B、再見

( ) 2、Good morning.

A、下午好。 B、早上好。

( ) 3、How many girls?

A、有多少個女孩? B、有多少條狗?

( ) 4、How many blue balls?

A、 有多少個藍色的球?


( ) 5、Point to a girl.

A、指向一個女孩。 B、指向一個男孩。

( ) 6、I‘m Sam.

A、我是大明。 B、我是男孩。

( ) 7、My name is Panpan.


( ) 8、Good afternoon.

A、下午好。 B、中午好。

( ) 9、It’s green.

A、 它是綠色的。 B、它是藍色的。

( ) 10、Stand up!

A 、起立! B 、請坐!

( ) 11、I‘m fine.

A、 我很好。 B、我五歲了。

( ) 12、What’s your name?

A、你叫什么名字? B、這是什么?

( ) 13、I‘m a boy.

A、我有個球. B、我是個男孩。

( ) 14、Open the door.

A、打開門。 B、打開窗戶。

( ) 15、It’ s the ceiling.

A、它是地面。 B、他是天花板。

( ) 16、Sit down!

A 、坐下。 B、起立。

( ) 17、This is my desk.


( ) 18、See you!

A、看你。 B、再見!

( ) 19、This is our teacher.


( ) 20、This is a cat.



一. 聽力部分(40%)

1. Listen and tick(聽錄音,勾出聽到的單詞)10%

1) bowl ( ) boat ( ) 2) summer ( ) supper ( )

3) soup ( ) soap ( ) 4) wind ( ) window( )

5) moon ( ) room ( ) 6) dirty ( ) bird ( )

7) eat ( ) egg ( ) 8) on ( ) under ( )

9) cook ( ) clock ( ) 10) eight ( ) light ( )

2. Listen and finish (聽錄音,完成下列單詞)10%

1)b___ ___sh 2)th___ ___sty 3)bi___ ___cle 4)t___ ___el 5)wi___ ___

6)g___ ___e 7)Chris___ ___as 8)li___ ___t 9)t___ ___i 10)p___ ___cil

3. Listen and number (聽錄音,按順序給下列圖編號)10%

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

4.Listen and tick (聽錄音,勾出聽到的句子)5%

1) ( ) Give me that hat.

( ) Give that cat to me.

2) ( ) He‘s an old postman.

( ) He’s a fat policeman.

3) ( ) There is a bin for you.

( ) There is a bag for you.

4) ( ) Close your books.

( ) Clean your box.

5) ( ) I like summer. I can see flowers in summer.

( ) I like winter. I can see snow in winter.

5. Listen and fill (聽錄音,選擇并填入聽到的詞)5%

1) Do you want ________(some\soup) cakes?

2) Don‘t ________(clean\climb) the tree.

3) There is some soup in the ________(bowl\glass).

4) Spotty is ________(on\under) the sofa.

5) At night, I brush my ________(face\teeth).

二. 閱讀部分:60%

1. Think and write(想一想,寫出下列小寫字母的鄰居)10%

1) ___ ___c 2) ___ f ___ 3) p ___ ___

4) ___ s___ 5) ___ ___z

2. Finish the words (完成下列單詞) 15%

l___nch bre___kf___ ___t t___me wa___c ___ d___nne___

sch___o___ nigh___ d___y clo___k fi___e

3. Read and circle (讀單詞,圈出不同類的詞) 5%

1) three tree four five

2) shirt socks snow tie

3) tree under in on

4) spoon meat soup fish

5) panda hot dog horse dog

4. Read and circle(根據圖片圈出正確的句子)5%

1) 2)

A. The policeman is fat. A. Spotty can jump.

B. He is a postman. B. The cat can climb the tree.

3) 4)

A. The wind is blowing. A. I see a lamp on the table.

B. It’s summer. B. The book is under the desk.


A. In my room, there‘s a bed.

B.That’s a big sofa.

5. Look and choose(看圖,選擇填空)8%

1) ( ) There is a bed in ______ room.

A.I B. my C. May

2) ( ) There ______ three books in it.

A. are B. have C. is

3) ( ) The cat is ______ a book.

A. writing B. reading C. drawing

4) ( ) There is a bag ______ the table.

A. on B. in C. under

5) ( ) There are some ______ on the table.

A. presents B. juice C. pens

6) ( ) I see ______.

A. a doll B. three kites C. two tables

7) ( ) My friend and I are ______.

A. eating B. reading C. singing

8) ( ) There ______ a ball on the bed.

A. is B. are C. is not

6. Read andchoose(選出正確的答句)5%

1)( )What can you hear?

A. I can see a horse.

B. I can hear a horse.

2)( )May I have a cake?

A.O.K. Here you are.


3)( )What do you like to eat?

A.I like to play on the grass.

B. I like to eat mooncakes.

4)( )The dog is my friend.

A.He has two red eyes and two long ears.

B. He has two black eyes and two big ears.

5)( )It‘s cold today.

A.Put on your coat.

B.Take off your coat.

7. Look and circle(看一看,圈出與單詞或詞組相應的圖)7%

8. Look, choose and write(看圖,選詞填空)5%

sing with o’clock draw like

The girls ________ dolls. They play ________ their dolls every morning. It is two ________. The girls are not playing with the dolls now. Peter and Alice ________ pictures. Sam and Joyce ________ a song. They are happy.


一、 聽音選詞。

1 ( ) A.apple B.car C.bat D.cat

2( )A.duck B.elephant C.dog D.frog

3( )A.girl B.head C.ice D.jug

4( )A.kite B.lion C.monkey D.nose

5( )A.orang B.prince C.queen D.rain

6( )A.sweets B.teddy C.sister D.up

7( )A.train B.under C.vase D.way

8( )A.X-ray B.yellow C.zebra D.zoo

9( )A.prince B.queen C.lion D.jug

10( )A.kite B.bat C.vase D.you


一、 連線

二、 補全單詞。

1 __p 向上 9 __ay 道路 17__ce 冰

2 __weets 糖果 10__ebra 斑馬 18__ead 頭

3 __rain 火車 11__ellow 黃色的 19__irl 女孩

4 __ain 雨 12__ose 鼻子 20__rog 青蛙

5 __ueen 皇后 13__onkey 猴子 21__lephant 大象

6 __range 橘子 14__ion 獅子 22__uck 鴨子

7 __rince 王子 15__ite 風箏 23__ar 汽車

8 __ase 花瓶 16__ug 罐 24__pple 蘋果



( ) 1. A.make B. cake C. lake

二、 ( ) 2. A. fast B. fork C. far

( ) 3. A. chips B. chopsticks C. trousers

( ) 4. A. sweater B. shirt C. shorts

( ) 5. A.feed B.speak C. read


( ) 1. A.over there B.get out C.dragon boat

( ) 2.A.play football B.play basketballC.play


( ) 3.A.jump far B.run fast C.swim fast

( ) 4.A.watch TV B.listen to music C.do


( ) 5.A.make a cakeB.make a planeC.make a kite


( ) 1.A.What‘s this? B.What’s that?

C.What are these?

( ) 2.A.Where is the bread? B.Where is it?

C.Where is your book?

( ) 3.A.Is it Shangshan‘s ruler? B.Is this a ruler?

C.Whose ruler is it?

( ) 4.A.Can your Dad swim? B.Can you swim?

C.Can your Mum swim?

( ) 5.A.Can this dog run? B.Can this boy run?

C.Can this man run?


jump winner far friends puddle

Sam and Amy are good_____.Amy can jump______.But Sam can’t ______far.Amy is the_____.Sam can swim in the ________.



duck shorts noddles monkey sweater draw

shirt write bread drink






( )1.A:What are you doing?

B:We are making_____cake.

A.a B.an C.the D./

( )2.Please ____quiet! Your father is working.

A.is B.am C.be D.are

( )3. Children,please go ____your room!

A.in B.to C.and D.for

( )4.It‘s hard____English people to use chopsticks.

A.with B.to C.for D.of

( )5.Do you use chopsticks____England?

A.from B.in C.for D.to

( )6.Amy is a girl.She is playing _____flute.

A.she B.her C.hers D./

( )7.My father is listening _____music.

A.to B.for C.at D.in

( )8.Tom is doing _____homework.

A.he B.his C.him D./

( )9.Mum ____watching TV now.

A.am B.are C.is D.be

( )10.Let’s make a kite____Tom.

A.to B.for C.at D.of


( )1.What are those? A.Yes,it can.

( ) 2.What are you doing? B.Yes,I can.

( ) 3.Can you run fast? C.Yes,here you are.

( ) 4.Can I have an ice cream? D.I‘m eating chips.

( ) 5.Can this dog run? E.They are dragoboats.













Sam is an English boy.He is seven years old.His mother is a nurse.His father is a doctor.His grandfather is a teacher of Chinese.Sam doesn‘t want to be a teacher or a doctor.He is going to be a policeman.

1.( )Sam is a/an______boy.

A.English B.Chinese

2.( )His father is a ________.

A.policeman B.doctor

3.( )His mother is a ______.

A. teacher B.nurse

4.His ____can speak Chinese.

A.father B.grandfather

5.Sam is going to be a _______.

A.policeman B.doctor



1.quirrel 松鼠

2.ake 蛋糕

3.read 面包

4.uler 尺子

5.raser 橡皮

6.rayon 蠟筆

7.nswer 回答

8.ny 任一的

9.pple 蘋果

10.ail 桶

11. reen 綠色

12. lack 黑色

13. lue 藍色

14. hite 白色

15.irl 女孩

16. indow 窗

17. oor 門

18. it 座

19. own 向下

20. ay 說

21. ing 唱

22. ox 狐貍

23. rog 青蛙

24. ite 風箏

25. ouse 房子


一、 正確抄寫下列字母。

L Q I P K b g d y j


C b f E I A c a F B D G h i d e g H

三、 默寫Aa---Zz。

三、 寫出所給字母的鄰居

1 ____ F______

2. ______ G ______

3. ______k______

4. o ____ ____

5. ____m _____

6. ______v______

7 ____ Hh______

8. ______ Ll ______

9. ______Rr______

四、判斷下列各組字母的排列順序,正確的寫“ √”,不正確地寫“×” 。

1.ABD( )

2.BGD( )

3.LEN( )

4.EHK( )

5.DEB( )

6.BGI( )

7.HIG ( )

8.JKM( )

9.FGJ( )

10.CFI( )

五、 將下列字母重新組合成你所學過的單詞。


2. cier



5. koCe

6. lljey

7. lod

8. kcoo



book  pen  is a   and   is a   this  that


always  eats  she  before   prays   she


happy  examinations   because  Jason  passes  is  his  he


like  David  do  together   brother  to  his  and  things


rainbow  this  saw  the window   I  looked out  morning

of  a  when   I


plays  she is  Hazel   whenever  the piano  free




1.water  what  wind  winter

(  )  (  )  (  )  (  )

2.bowl  towel  boy   ball  dall

(  )  (  ) (  )  (  ) (  )

3. turn on turn off  open  close

(  )  (  )  (  )  (  )

4.  湯  肥皂  牙膏  牙刷

(  ) (  ) (  )  (  )

5、 wash his hands  wash her hands  wash my hands

(  )     (  )      (  )

二.把你沒聽到的單詞編號寫在( )里

(  ) A. bowl  B.plate  C.fork  D.knife

(  ) A. bread  B.cake  C.pizza D.hot dog

(  ) A. three  B.four   C.five  D.six

(  ) A. four  B.five   C.fork  D.six

(  ) A. what  B.want   C.like  D.can