
學習啦 > 學習方法 > 小學學習方法 > 小考輔導 > 廣東小升初英語與法考點


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  現(xiàn)在進行時:表示: 正在發(fā)生的事情或進行的動作,常與now,listen,look等詞連用。結構:

  主語+be動詞(am, is, are)+動詞ing.

  例如: It is raining now. 外面正在下雨 It is six o’clock now. 現(xiàn)在6點了 My parents are reading newspapers in the sitting room. 我父母正在客廳看報紙 Look! The children are having a running race now. 看!孩子們正在賽跑 問句將be動詞移前,否定句在be動詞后+not.

  一般現(xiàn)在時:表示: 經(jīng)常反復發(fā)生的事情或動作,常與often, usually, sometimes, always, every day(week year…) on Sundays等詞連用。結構:

  主語+動詞原形;當主語為第三人稱單數(shù)即he,she, it, Tom, my mother, the boy等詞時,動詞后加s或es.

  例如: We have an English lesson every day. 我們每天都要上英語課 Do the boys run faster than the girls? Yes, they do. 男孩比女孩跑的快嗎?是的 問句借助于do, does否定句借助于don’t, doesn’t,后面動詞一定要還原。

  一般過去時:表示: 發(fā)生在過去的事情或存在的狀態(tài),常與just now; a moment ago; … ago; yesterday; last ( week; month; year; Monday; weekend); this morning等詞連用。結構: 主語+be動詞的過去式(was; were)或主語+動詞的過去式。注意: be動詞與動詞過去式不可同時使用。例如: My earphones were on the ground just now. 我的耳機剛剛還在呢。 Where were you last week? I was at a camp. 你上個星期去哪了?我去野營了 What did you do yesterday? I visited a farm。 你昨天去干嘛了?我去參觀農(nóng)場了。 問句有be動詞將be動詞移前,沒有be動詞借助于did,后面動詞還原; 否定句有be動詞在后面加not,沒有借助于didn't后面動詞還原。

  一般將來時:表示: 將要打算發(fā)生的事情或動作,常與tomorrow, next week(year; Tuesday…), this week( weekend ;evening; afternoon;…)today等詞連用。結構: 主語+be(am, is, are) going to + 動原或主語+will +動原。例如: What are you going to do tomorrow? I am going to have a picnic. 你明天要去干嘛?我要去野餐。 The childre are going to have a sports meeting next week. 孩子們下個星期將參加運動會。 Tom will/is going to see a play with his father this evening. Tom今晚將和父母去看演出。 問句將be動詞或will移前;否定句在be動詞或will后加not.

  情態(tài)動詞: can; can’t; should; shouldn’t; must; may后一定加動詞原形。例如: The girl can’t swim, but he can skate. 女孩不會游泳,但是會滑冰 Don’t talk in class, you should listen to the teacher carefully. 不要再課上說話,你應該認真聽老師講。祈使句: 肯定祈使句以動詞原形開頭;否定祈使句以don’t加動詞原形開頭。例如: Open the box for me ,please. 請為我打開盒子。 Liu Tao! Please get up earlier tomorrow. 劉濤,明天請早點起床! Don’t walk on the grass! 不要在草地上走! Helen! Don’t climb the tree,please. 海倫!不要爬樹。

  go的用法: 去干嘛用go +動詞ing例如:go swimming; go fishing;go skating;go camping;go running;go skiing;go rowing…比較: than 前用比較級;as…as之間用原級。例如: My mother is two years younger than my father. 我媽比我爸年輕兩歲。 Liu Tao jumps as far as Ben. 劉濤跳得和本一樣遠。

  喜歡做某事: 用like +動詞ing或like+ to + 動原。例如: Su Yang likes growing flowers. 蘇陽喜歡種花。 The children like to play with lanterns at Spring Festival. 孩子們喜歡在春節(jié)去玩花燈。

  想要做某事: 用 would like +to+動原或want + to +動原。例如: I’d like to visit the History Museum.=I want to visit the History Museum。some: 用于肯定句中,在否定句和問句中改為any,但當表示委婉語氣時仍用例如: Can I have some writing paper? Would you like some orange juice?

  代詞: 人稱代詞主格做主語用一般放在句首或動詞前,主格分別是 I you he she it we you they。賓格做賓語用,一般放在動詞或介詞后。例如: Open them for me. Let us …, join me等。 賓格分別是me you him her it us you them。 形容詞性物主代詞放在名詞前,不能單獨使用,分別是my your his her its our your their 名詞性物主代詞相當于形物加名詞,它只能單獨使用后面不好加名詞,分別是mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs。

  介詞: 介詞后要么不加動詞,加動詞只能加動詞ing形式例如: be good at running; do well in jumping;

  時間介詞: 季節(jié)前,月份前用介詞in例如: in summer;in March 具體的哪一天如星期幾,幾月幾日用介詞on on Saturday; on the second of April; on Wednesday morning 在幾點鐘前用介詞at at a quarter to four; 只在上下午晚上用in in the morning/ afternoon/ evening; 但在夜間用at night。 另:季節(jié),月份和星期前不好加the.名詞復數(shù)構成的方法:有規(guī)則的有: (1)直接在名詞后加s例如: orange—oranges; photo—photos; (2) 以x, s, sh, ch 結尾的加es例如: box—boxes; glass—glasses; waitress—waitresses; watch—watches;peach--peaches (3) 以輔音字母加y結尾的改y為i加es例如: study—studies;library—libraries; hobby—hobbies; family—families; (4)以f, fe結尾的改f, fe 為v+es例如: knife—knives; thief—thieves(注:以o結尾的我們學過的只有mango加es, mango—mangoes其余加s,)

  不規(guī)則的有: man—men; woman—women; people—people; child—children動詞第三人稱單數(shù)的構成: (1)直接在動詞后加s例如: run—runs; dance—dances (2)以s,sh,ch,o結尾的加es例如: do—does;go—goes;wash—washes;catch—catches (3)以輔音字母加y結尾的改y為i加es例如: study—studies; carry—carries;現(xiàn)在分詞的構成: (1)直接在動詞后加ing例如: sing—singing; ski—skiing; (2)雙寫詞尾加ing例如: swim—swimming; jog—jogging;run—running; (3)以不發(fā)音的e結尾的去e加ing例如: ride—riding; dance—dancing; make—making;規(guī)則動詞過去式的構成:有規(guī)則的有: (1)直接在動詞后加ed例如: clean—cleaned; milk—milked; play—played; (2)以e結尾的直接加d例如: dance—danced; taste—tasted; (3) 以輔音字母加y結尾的改y為i加ed例如: study—studied;carry—carried; (4)雙寫詞尾加ed例如:

  stop—stopped; jog—jogged;

  不規(guī)則的有: am,is—was; are—were; do,does—did; have,has—had; go—went; meet—met; sit—sat; see—saw; get—got; tell—told; run—ran; come—came; steal—stole; read—read;形容詞副詞比較級的構成:規(guī)則的有: (1)直接在形容詞或副詞后加er例如: small—smaller; low—lower; (2)以e結尾的加r例如: late—larer; (3)雙寫詞尾加er例如: big—bigger; thin—thinner; fat—fatter; (4) 以輔音字母加y結尾的改y為i加er例如: heavy—heavier; early—earlier;


  good, well—better(最高級為best); many, much--- more(最高級為most);far---farther;rain與snow的用法:

  (1)作為名詞意思是雨水和雪是不可數(shù)名詞例如: There is a lot of rain there in spring. 那兒的春天有很多雨水。

  (2) 作為動詞意思是下雨和下雪,有四種形式分別是: 動詞原形rain, snow; 第三人稱單數(shù)rains ,snows; 現(xiàn)在分詞raining; snowing 過去式rained; snowed;例如: ①Look! It is raining now. 瞧!天正在下雨。 ②It often rains in Nantong in summer. 南通夏天經(jīng)常下雨。 ③ It rained yesterday. 昨天下了雨。 ④It is going to rain tomorrow. 明天要下雨。

  (3)形容詞為rainy 和snowy 意思是有雨的和有雪的例如: It is often rainy here in spring. 這兒的春天經(jīng)常是有雨的。 If it is rainy tomorrow, I’ll stay at home. 如果明天是有雨的,我將呆在家里。

  比較級: 注意只有同類事物才可進行比較。例如: My eyes are bigger than hers.Your school bag is heavier than mine.My computer is nicer than Nancy’s. My brother is stronger than me.have, has: 表示某人有(has用于第三人稱單數(shù)); There is/ are; There was/ were 表示某地存在有 注意There be 句型的就近原則 單數(shù)或不可數(shù)用there is /was; 復數(shù)用there are/ were.本身就是復數(shù)的詞: 眼鏡glasses; 耳機earphones; 鞋shoes;褲子trousers等詞本身是復數(shù)。例如: My glasses were on the chair just now. 但如果表示這雙,這副,一雙的時候用單數(shù)例如: There is a pair of chopsticks on the plate. This pair of earphones is for you.五個元音字母:Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu;25一個的用法: a用于輔音前不是輔音字母前;an 用于元音前不是元音字母前。例如: There is an ’s’, a ‘t’, a ‘u’, a ‘d’ ,an ‘e’, an ‘n’,and a ‘t’ in the word ‘student’.時間表示法: (1)直接讀時鐘和分鐘例如: 6:10讀成 six ten; 7:30讀成seven thirty; 8:45讀成eight forty-five; (2)用to與past表示 在半小時包括半小時以內(nèi)用幾分past幾點例如: 6:10讀成ten past six; 7:30讀成half past seven; 過了半小時用下一個鐘點差幾分

  例如: 7:45讀成a quarter to eight; 9:50讀成ten to ten;基數(shù)詞變序數(shù)詞的方法: 基變序有規(guī)律,結尾加上th; 一二三特殊例,結尾字母t、d(即first, second, third); 八去t, 九去e, ve要用f替(即eigh—eighth; nine—ninth; five-- fifth ;twelve—twelfth); ty改y為ie后加th別忘記(即整十數(shù)如twenty—twentieth;forty—fortieth); 幾十幾十位為基個位為序(如第二十一為twenty-first)。 另外強調(diào)序數(shù)詞前一定要加the。日期的表示法: 用the+序數(shù)詞+ of +月例如:

  三月三日 the third of March; 12月25日 the 25th of December.both 表示兩者都:例如: My parents are both teachers. all表示三者以上都例如: The students are all very excited.節(jié)日的表示法: 有day的節(jié)日前用on. 沒有day的節(jié)日前用at,例如: at Christmas; on Christmas Day; at New Year; on New Year’s Day.激動興奮的: excited表示激動的,興奮地主語是人; exciting表示令人激動的,令人興奮的主語是事情例如: The running race is very exciting, so all the students are very excited.

  賽跑非常令人激動,因此所有的學生都很激動。比較: 兩者比較用比較級,三者以上比較用最高級例如: Who runs faster, the boy or the girl? The boy does 誰跑得更快,男孩還是女孩?男孩。 Which season do you like best? I like autumn best. 你最喜歡哪個季節(jié)?我最喜歡秋天。 Which season do you like better, summer or winter? I like winter better. 你更喜歡哪個季節(jié),夏天還是冬天?我更喜歡冬天。動詞還原的用法: 前面用了do, does did, don’t, doesn’t didn’t后面動詞要還原。例如: Did she watch TV last night? Helen doesn’t like taking photos.到了: 到達用get to 但注意到家,到這兒,到那兒不可以加to例如: get home; get here; get there, 另外go home; come here; go there也一樣。長著和穿著: 長著什么用with例如: the girl with big eyes 大眼睛的女孩;

  穿著什么用in例如: the man in black穿黑衣服的男人 the woman in the white skirt 穿白色短裙的婦女讓某人做某事: 用let sb后加動詞原形例如: Let’s water the flowers together. 是該做…的時候了用It’s time for+名詞或It’s time to +動原。 幫助某人做某事是help sb with sth例如: 幫我學英語是 help me with my English樹上:

  外來的東西在樹上用in the tree例如: the bird in the tree; 樹上長的用on the tree例如: the apples on the tree運動和樂器: 球類之前不加the; 樂器之前必須加the例如: play the piano; play football
