
學習啦 > 學習方法 > 各學科學習方法 > 英語學習方法 > 必修五英語語法


時間: 慧良1230 分享




  1. 作定語(前置定語和后置定語)

  Don’t swim in the polluted river. (“受/被污染的河流“, polluted 作前置定 語) Theboy punished by the maths teacher isPeter. (“被數(shù)學老師處罰的”,過去分詞短語作定語時,要放在被修飾的名詞后面,所以punished by themaths teacher 作后置定語。)

  = The boy (who was ) punished by the maths teacher is Peter.經常轉為定語從句來理解比較現(xiàn)在分詞(用法:表主動,正在進行):

  The sleepingboy is ill as he caught a cold. ( “正在睡覺的男孩”,sleeping作前置定語)。

  The student standing at the door is my friend.(“正站在門口的那個學生”,現(xiàn)在分詞短語作定語時,也一樣要放在要放在被修飾的名詞后面,所以standingat the door 作后置定語。)

  = The student (who is ) standing at the door ismy friend. 經常轉為定語從句來理解比較不定式(用法:表主動,將要發(fā)生的動作):

  I have a lot of things to do. (“要做”,不定式短語作定語時,要放在被修飾的名詞后面,所以to do作后置定語。)

  I have a meeting to attend. ( “要開“ )


  I wasastonished to learn that his long lost child had been found. (astonished放在be后面,”吃驚的”)

  When we heardof this, we were deeply moved. (moved放在be后面,中間可以用副詞修飾,”深受感動的”)。

  He got worried about losing the money.(worried 放在連系動詞get 的后面)

  The people seemed terribly shockedafter the earthquake. ( shocked 放在連系動詞seemed 后面)

  常見的系動詞有:be( am, is, are/was, were);“似乎類”:seem, appear, look;“感覺類”:feel,sound, smell, taste;“變成類”:become, go,get, grow, fall, turn;“保持類”:remain, stay,keep。


  I have/get/leave/keep my hair cut once a month.


  We should have/get/leave/keep such an important thing finished earlier.

  (讓….被完成 )

  He spoke aloud so that he could make himself heard.

  He explained again so that he could make himself understood.

  I saw/observed/noticed/watchedan old man knocked down by a bike.

  I heardthe song sung by my sister.

  He felt himself cheated bythe young man.

  I found the door locked when I got to the office.

  Withmy homework finished , I stoppedto have a rest as I was tired.


  leave/keep/make “讓、使” ,還有放在感官動詞所帶的賓語后面,它們是see/observe/notice/watch/feel/find還有放在with的復合結構,即with 所帶的賓語后面。(表被動)


  (1)(When it is )Seen from the hill Gaozhou city looks very beautiful.(時間狀語)

  (2) ( If we are ) Comparedwith you, we still have a long way to go. (條件狀語)

  (3)(Because he was) Greatly touchedby his teacher’s words, the boy worked harder than before.(原因狀語)

  (4)(Though she was ) Laughed at by the other students, she stilltried to answer the question (讓步狀語)

  (5)The teacher entered the classroom, followed by a group of hisstudents. (伴隨狀語可轉化為一個并列句來理解)

  = The teacher entered the classroom (and he was) followed by a group of his students.




  常見的有:never, seldom(極少), little, few, not until(直到…才), hardly(幾乎不), scarcely(幾乎不), barely(幾乎沒有), at no time(決不), by nomeans(決不),no longer, nowhere, not only….( but also),hardly…..when(一…..就), no sooner….than(一…..就)等。

 ?、買 shall never forgive him.

  ---------Never shall I forgivehim.

 ?、赟he hardly has time to listen to music.

  --------Hardly does shehave time to listen to music.

 ?、踂e seldom go skating.

  --------Seldom do we go skating.

  ④ I did not go to bed until my father came back.

  ------No until my father came back did Igo to bed.

  -------It was not until my father came back thatI went to bed. (強調句,強調時間狀語從句)

 ?、軹he city wasnot only polluted but also the streets were crowded.

  Not only was the city polluted but (also) the streets were crowded.

 ?、轎 hadhardly/no sooner got home when/than I turned on the Tv at once.

  Hardly had I got home when I turned on the Tv at once.

  No sooner had I got home than I turned on the Tv at once.


  B. Only+狀語放在句首

 ?、?He realized he was wrong only then/at that time.

  ------Only then/atthat time did he realize he was wrong. (only +時間狀語)

  ②You can learn English well only in this way.

  ------Onlyin this way can you learn English well. (only+方式狀語/介詞短語)

 ?、跦e knew what had happened only when he returned home.

  -------Onlywhen he returned home did he know whathad happened. (only+狀語從句)

  C. so/such…that句型,so或such部分位于句首

 ?、賂he exam was so difficult that more than a half of the students failed.

  ----- Sodifficult was the exam thatmore than a half of the students failed.

 ?、?He was such a heavy person that nobody could lift him.

  ------Such a heavy person was he thatnobody could lift him.

  D.so, neither/nor +助動詞+主語 (表示“也”、“也不”)

  You are youngand so am I. She likesmusic and so do I.

  If you go there, so will I.

  You aren’t young and neither/nor am I.

  Shehasn’t read it and neither/nor have I.


  A.地點副詞(here, there)和方位副詞(up, down, in, out, away,off, over 等)放在句首 (注意:主語若是代詞,則不倒裝)

  There is abook on the desk.

  Long long ago, there was/lived a king.

  Here comes the bus. 公共汽車來了。

  There goes the last train.最后一班火車開走了。

  Down jumped the thief from theroof.

  In camethe teacher.

  Out herushed , with a stick in his hand. (不倒裝)

  Here I am. 我在這兒。/ 我來了。Here it comes. 它來了。 (不倒裝)


  His friend Jim was among the people.

  --Amongthese people was hisfriend Jim. 他的朋友吉姆就在這些人中。


  A young manwith a magazine in his hand sat by the window.

  ----Bythe window sat a youngman with a magazine in his hand.窗戶邊坐著一個年輕人,手里拿著一本雜志。


  簡單句省略:省主語、謂語(部分)、賓語、不定式to后面的重復部分省略。(to 后be動詞和完成時態(tài)have往往不省掉);





  狀語從句 (經常省掉引導詞,主語和be動詞,使用非謂語動 詞做狀語的結構表達);
