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外研版高二英語必修5Module 5測試試題及答案

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外研版高二英語必修5Module 5測試試題及答案

  在我們的日常學習生活中,對于英語的學習,我們應該多做試題卷,從而鍛煉我們的做題能力,這樣子才能夠使我們的學習成績有所提升!下面是學習啦小編整理的外研版高二英語必修5Module 5測試試題以供大家學習參考。

  外研版高二英語必修5Module 5測試試題



  第一節(jié) 單項填空 (共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)


  21. ____ number of the students in our school is about 3000 and _____number of students come from America.

  A. The; a B. A; the C. A; a D. The; the

  22. There was a large crowd in the square, protesting ____ the war.

  A. for B. with C. agains t D. of

  23. — As the living standard is improving, more and more people choose to travel during their holidays.

  — No wonder the number of travel agencies is ______.

  A. on the decrease B. on the increase C. in the rise D. on the fall

  24. Whatever high buildings we are going to build, "Safety first" is our______.

  A. standard B. measure C. logo D. slogan

  25. I have been having yoga lessons ______, but I think I’ll make it every day from next month.

  A. every other days B. every two days

  C. every the second days D. every another day

  26. Look at the elegant lady ____ big eyes. She is ____ a blue cheong-sam.

  A. in; with B. with; in C. from; in D. with; on

  27. As a doctor, I ________that I will be kind to my patients, love them and do my best to save their lives. That is my promise.

  A. assure B. predict C. purchase D. guarantee

  28. It was yesterday evening _________you had the electricity cut off in your house?

  A. when B. that C. which D. what

  29. — Where is your Daddy, Jenny?

  — He takes ______of the good weather to go for a walk.

  A. benefit B. control C. advantage D. access

  30. — Oh , it’s raining hard outside. Mummy, do you think the milkman will arrive?

  — Of course. He will come on time_____ it rains.

  A. in case B. as long as C. ever since D. even though

  31. Short ___ was the time, the project was completed successfully.

  A. though B. as C. if D. when

  32. No sooner ______ than it began to rain.

  A. had he arrived home B. he had arrived home

  C. had arrived home he D. had arrived he home

  33. — There will be a wonderful fashion show in Haidian Park tomorrow.

  — _____?

  A. So how? B. Now what? C. So what? D. For what?

  34. —Making plans is said to be the first step to success.

  —______. Evidence has shown it.

  A. That’s right B. That’s all right

  C. It’s up to you D. That’s your decision

  35. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. ______ that an old women can speak a little English in the downtown area.

  A. It is not likely B. It is impossible

  C. The chances are D. It is important

  第二節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)


  I’ve spent most of my career as a traveling salesman. I know there’s nothing 36 than salesmen eating their meals in a coffee shop.

  One year, my five-year-old daughter 37 a gift into my hands. The wrapping paper was 38 together by a long tape. The contents 39 within felt kind of soft, and I was very 40 not to cause any damage. With excitement 41 from her face, little brown-eyed Jeanine stood 42 beside me while I opened the paper with care.

  It was a stuffed toy pen guin(企鵝) that 43 about five inches tall. Attached to its right wing was a note, 44, “I Love My Dad!”Tears welled up in my eyes and immediately I gave it a special 45 on my bookshelf.

  It wasn’t long 46 I had to leave for another trip. One night when I called home, Jeanine was very 47 because the penguin had disappeared. “Honey, don’t worry; I brought it along, “I 48 her.

  Since that time, it was the only thing I never left home 49 it. Once, at an airport, a customs inspector 50 asked me to open my bag. And right there, on 51 , was my little friend. Holding it up, the agent’s face 52 , “That’s the most valuable thing I have seen in all my years on the job. Thank God we don’t 53 tax on love.”

  Jeanine is in college now and I don’t travel as 54 as before. The penguin spends most of its time sitting on my bookshelf — a 55 that love is the best traveling companion.

  36. A. ha rder B. lonelier C. riskier D. busier

  37. A. threw B. gave C. pressed D. sent

  38. A. tied B. covered C. folded D. rolled

  39. A. tied B. hidden C. included D. fastened

  40. A. worried B. fortunate C. certain D. careful

  41. A. taken out B. given forth C. set up D. taken off

  42. A. proudly B. positively C. attentively D. lovely

  43. A. made B. possessed C. stood D. designed

  44. A. reading B. announcing C. suggesting D. writing

  45. A. area B. use C. protection D. place

  46. A. after B. when C. until D. before

  47. A. angry B. upset C. confused D. disappointed

  48. A. expressed B. comforted C. reminded D. explained

  49. A. without B. behind C. alone D. in

  50. A. politely B. coolly C. friendly D. loudly

  51. A. top B. bottom C. right D. cover

  52. A. darkened B. softened C. applauded D. amused

  53. A. receive B. ask C. charge D. pay

  54. A. long B. lonely C. much D. many

  55. A. sign B. symbol C. mark D. reminder




  When Muhammad Ali was 12 years old, someone stole his shiny bicycle. Ali was very angry. He told a police officer he wanted to punch the person who stole it. The officer suggested that he back up those “fighting words” by learning how to box.

  During the next 25 years, Muhammad Ali would become one of the top athletes and best boxers of the 20th century. He won a gold medal at the Olympic Games. He went on to earn the title of world heavyweight boxing champion three different times. His fights were major events watched by millions of people around the world.

  Muhammad Ali was born in 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky. His parents named him Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. They named their son after a Ken tucky statesman who had fought against slavery in the 1800s.

  Young Cassius Clay quickly made his mark in the boxing ring. He turned professional after winning a gold medal in the Olympic Games in 1960. Four years later, he knocked out Sonny Liston to earn his first world heavyweight champion title.

  After winning the title, Clay converted(使轉變) to Islam. This religion follows the teachings of the prophet(先知)Muhammad. When Clay converted, he took a new name, Muhammad Ali.

  In 1967, Ali was called on to join the United States Army. The country was fighting the Vietnam War at the time, and young m en were being enlisted to take part. But Ali refus ed to go. He said his religion taught him to oppose all wars. Ali was sentenced to prison, fined, and stripped of his boxing title. Ali fought his conviction, but he did not regain the right to box professionally for 3½ years.

  In 1974, Ali won the world heavyweight title again by b eating George Foreman. Ali defended his heavyweight title six more times before he lost to Leon Spinks in February 1978. But Ali came back to beat Spinks and regain the title seven months later.

  56. Ali was sentenced to prison because _______.

  A. he converted to Islam

  B. he was stripped of his box ing title

  C. he refused to join the United States Army to fight the Vietnam War

  D. he didn’t want to fight his conviction

  57. The underlined word “oppose ”in the passage means ______.

  A. be in favor of B. be against C. agree D. blame

  58. It can be inferred from the passage that _____.

  A. Ali was born Muhammad Ali

  B. he earn his first world heavyweight champion title when he was twenty-two years old

  C. the major reason why Ali could become one of the top athletes and best boxers of the 20th century is that someone stole his shiny bike when he was young

  D. Ali never lost the world heavyweight title in his lifetime


  No one wants to see a racehorse break down. The toughest trainers and the most anxious fans seem to agree on this much: A horse has to win, but nobody wants to see one die trying. That such a breakdown is sad news for the owner and the jockey, the person who feeds the horse and exercises it.

  At the medical center where Barbaro was being treated, people left signs for the little horse, expressing their love for him. Since Barbaro's injury early in the Preakness Stakes on Saturday, the reaction of strangers to his condition raises a question: Why do people care so much about the fate of an animal to which they have no personal connection?

  Barbaro was operated last night, but his fate remained unknown. If he survives the immediate injury, he will face months of recovering.

  The image of jockey Edgar Prado leaning into Barbaro's shoulder to help him stay upright reminded people of the photograph from 1975 showing Jacinto Vasquez leaning against his injured little horse, Ruffian, and keeping her from going down on the track.

  Ruffian, another competitive little horse, was euthanized(使安樂死)after serious injuries early in the morning.

  Horse racing is as competitive as any sport ever invented. Horses are like c hildren, and they cannot take care of themselves. They need people to provide them with water, food and shelter.

  Perhaps the real miracle — the one that matters to all of us, whether we know it or not — is that so many of us are still capable of caring so much.

  59.When jockey Edgar Prado leaned into Barbaro's shoulder to help him stay upright, people thought (of) __________.

  A. Barbaro must had a successful operation last night

  B. horses remain wordless creatures in victory and defeat

  C. the photograph from 1975 showing Jacinto Vasquez leaning against his injured little horse

  D. since she had finished the sport, she could be euthanized early the next morning

  60. What’s most people’s attitude towards the injury of Barbaro?

  A. They don’t care at all.

  B. They hate the trainers.

  C. They thought of it meaningless.

  D. They care much about her injury.

  61. At the end of the passage, the author thinks what matters to all of us is _________.

  A. whether Barbaro will be alive

  B. that people still have loving hearts, whether to animals or mankind

  C. that horse racing is as competitive as any sport ever invented

  D. that horses need people to provide them with water, food and shelter.