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  1. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.. 只有去嘗試去做一些超出你現(xiàn)有能力的事情,你才能有所進步。

  2. The principle is competing against yourself, it’s about shlf-improvememt, about being better than you were the day before.原則就是和自己競爭,要自我改善,要每天做得比前一天更好。

  3. Even if kyou are on the right track you will get run over if you just sit there.即使你已經(jīng)踏上了正確的道路,但是如果你光是坐著,就會被別人超過。

  4. Man is always more than he can know of himself; consequently, his accomplishments time and again will come as a surprise to him.一個人(的能力)永遠超乎自己所能認識到的,因此,他的成就會一而再地帶給他驚喜。

  5. You become a champion by fighting one more round . when things are tough you fight ine more round.奪得桂軍只因再多奮戰(zhàn)一輪,所以,事情艱難時,再戰(zhàn)一輪。

  6. Putting off an easy thing makes it hard .putting off a hard thing makes it impossible. 簡單的事情因為拖延而變得困難,困難的事情因為拖延而變得不可能。

  7. Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it . establish your priorities for it and go to work.明確你的目標,明確你愿意為了這個目標去犧牲的東西。分清輕重緩急之事,然后就去干。

  8. High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation.巨大成就總是產(chǎn)生于遠大的理想。

  9. The only good luck many great men ever had was being born with the ability to overcome bad luck.對于許多偉大的人來說,他們唯一的幸運之外就是他們具有征服厄運的天賦。

  10. I am not discouraged because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward. 我絕不氣餒,因為每一次放棄的錯誤嘗試都是向前邁進的一步。

  11. Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.堅持是一段接一段的短跑賽程,而不是一個長跑賽程。

  12. What we achieve inwardly will change outer really.我們對內(nèi)在修養(yǎng)的追求將會改變外在現(xiàn)實。

  13. If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved/the results you want and copy what they do and you’ll achieve the same results.要想成功,就去找那些已經(jīng)取得你心目中的結(jié)果的人,然后走他們走過的路,你就會取得一樣的結(jié)果。

  14. The more you seek security, the less of it you have but the more you seek opportunity .the more likely it is that you will achieve the security that you desire.你越是追求安全,你越是缺少安全。但是,你越是追求機會,你卻越有可能取得你所希望的安全。

  15. If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development.如果你希望在你的個人生活及事業(yè)上成就一些有價值的事情,你就必須在自身發(fā)展上成為一個有價值的人。

  16. Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance.取得輝煌成就的都是那些勇于相信自己擁有優(yōu)于周圍環(huán)境的內(nèi)在素質(zhì)的人。

  17. The most splendid achievement of all is the constant striving to surpass yourself and to be worthy of your own approval.最輝煌的人生就就是永不停歇地努力超越自我和追求自我認同。

  18. You have all the reasons in the world to achieve your grandest dreams. Imagination plus innovation equals realization.在這個世界上,你有所有的理由去追求你最偉大的夢想。想象加上創(chuàng)新就等于能像成真。

  19. Fill your mind with thoughts of peace courage, health, hope and love, because your life is what your thoughts make it.讓心中充滿和平。勇氣。健康。希望和愛,因為你的人生是由你的想法構(gòu)成的。

  20. Practice the 3F’s for happiness: forget, forgive and forge ahead.要得到幸福,練習(xí)這三個F吧:忘記。原諒。和向前邁進。

  21. Desire is the starting point of all achievement not a hope , nit a wish, but a keen pulsating desire, which transcends everything.一切成就都源于渴望,不是希望,也不是愿望,而是一種激情跳動,超越一切的渴望。

  22. Every failure made me more confident. Because I wanted even more to achieve as revenge, to show that I could.每一次失敗都讓我更加自信,因為我會因此擁有更強烈的成功欲望,我要復(fù)仇,我要讓世界知道我能成功。

  23. We won’t even attempt to achieve what we do not believe at a deep level we can have or deserve.如果我們深深相信自己不能夠擁有或不應(yīng)該擁有,那么我門甚至都不會試一下去爭取。

  24. Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing.生命本身就有風險。只有一個大風險你應(yīng)該不惜一切代價去避免,那就是無所事事的風險。

  25. If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.如果你不愿意冒不平常的風險,你就只能淪于平凡。

  26. Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.人們熱切地要改善環(huán)境,旦卻不愿改善自我;這就是為什么他們?nèi)匀簧硎苁`。

  27. One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.當要翱翔的沖動來臨,誰也不會自甘匍匐。

  28. There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you like; only scarcity of resolve. 從來就不會缺乏機會讓你按照你喜歡的方式生活,唯一缺乏的只是決心。

  29. People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves to copy after. 如果人們除了自己就沒有其他的榜樣可供模仿時,他們很少能夠進步。

  30. Challenges make you discover things about yourself, you never really knew.挑戰(zhàn)讓你發(fā)現(xiàn)自己過去從不曾認識到的自我。

  31. It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.不是因為事情難我們才不敢嘗試,而是因為我們不敢嘗試事情才變得困難。

  32. It is surprising what a man can do when he has to, and how little most men will do when they don’t have to.人們在迫不得已時能做到的事令人驚訝不已,而大部分人在無壓力的時候做的事情卻又少得可憐。

  33. Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.沒有行動得遠志只是白日夢;沒有遠志得行動只是惡夢。

  34. The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it. 對一個人辛勤勞動的最好獎賞是他因勞動而發(fā)生的改變,而不是他從勞動中獲得的收獲。

  35. The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.我的理解是:不經(jīng)歷風雨,怎么見彩虹。

  36. If you want to live a long life, focus on making contributions.如果你要長壽,要訣在于多做貢獻。

  37. Failure comes more from lack of effort than lack of ability.失敗更多的是因為努力不夠,而不是能力不夠。

  38. The greatest discovery of our generation in that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes.我們這一代人的最大發(fā)現(xiàn)就是人類可以通過改變態(tài)度來改變自己的生活。


  1. That sort of defeats are only stepping-stones.W.Reid. American journalist and diplomat 那種失敗只不過是前進的踏腳石。 ——美國記者、外交家里德·W

  2. The greater a man is ,the more distasteful is praise and flattery to him.John Burroughs, American naturalist 一個人越偉大,對表揚和奉承就越反感。 ——美國博物學(xué)家巴勒斯·J

  3. The human being longs for a sense of being accomplished, of being able to do things. with his hand, with his mind, with his will. Each of us wants to feel he of she has the ability to do something that is meaningful and that serves a tribute to our inherent abilities.LeonardR. Saylis, British writer人們渴求有一種成就感,渴望有能力用自己的手、用自己的腦、用自己的意志辦事。我們每個人都希望自己能夠作出有意義、并能顯示出自己天賦的事來。 ——英國作家塞爾斯·L.R.

  4. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want,and if they cannot find them, they make them.George Bernard Shaw, British dramatist

  5. 在這個世界上,取得成功的人是那些努力尋找他們想要機會的人,如果找不到機會,他們就去創(chuàng)造機會。 ——英國劇作家肖伯納·G

  6. The success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame.Henry Wadsworth Longrellwo.American poet 成功就是好好工作而不計較名利。 ——美國詩人朗費羅·H.W

  7. The world more frequently recommends the appearance of merit than merit itself.Rochefoucauld, Frcnch writer. 世人往往推崇表面的功績,而不是推崇真正的功績。 ——法國作家羅切??紶柕?/p>

  8. There are two ways of rising in the world, either by your own industry or by the folly of others.Jean De La Bruyere, French moralist 成功之路有兩條:靠自己的努力或靠他人的愚蠢。——法國道德家拉布呂耶爾.·J.D

  9. Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves.Thomas Carlyle British essayist and historian 沉默是造就偉大速寫的因素。 ——英國散文家、歷史學(xué)家卡萊爾·T

  10. Success covers a multitude of blunders.George bernard Shaw, British ramatist 成功由大量的失誤鑄就。 ——英國劇作家肖伯納·G

  11. way.Morley Christopher, French writer 成功只有一個——既能依自己的方式去度過人生。 ——法國作家克里斯多夫·M

  12. To conquer we need to dare, to dare again, ever to dare!George Jacques

  13. Danton, French revolutionist 為了勝利, 我們需要勇敢,更勇敢!永遠勇敢沖殺! ——法國革命家丹東·G.J

  14. To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labor.Robert Louis Stevenson, British writer 懷著希望去旅行比抵達目的地更愉快;而真正的成功在于工作。 ——英國作家史蒂文森·R.L

  15. Victory won’t come to me unless I go to it.M. Moore, American pletess 勝利是不會向我走來的,我必須自己走向勝利。 ——美國女詩人穆爾·M

  16. Will, work and wait are the pyramidal cornerstones for success.Louis Pasteur, French chemist 意志、工作和等待是成功的金字塔的基石。 ——法國化學(xué)家巴斯德·L

  17. You have to believe in yourself. That’s the secret of success.Charles Chaplin,

  18. American actor 人必須相信自己,這是成功的秘訣。 ——美國演員卓別林·C

  19 Success often depends upon knowing how long it will take to succeed.Charles Montesquier, French thinker 成功常常取決于知道需要多久才能成功。 ——法國思想家孟德斯鳩·C

  20. actions.Howard Mel, American writer 這就是競爭所得到的一種報酬:你可以將自己在食物鏈上的身份降低幾個檔次,打著競爭的旗號,隨你所愿地野蠻、無情、自私和不人道;因為據(jù)稱,成功可以使任何行動成為正當?shù)?勝者為王敗者為寇) ——美國作家梅爾·H

  21. sentry.Thomas Edison, American inventor 如果你希望成功,當以恒心為良友、以經(jīng)驗為參謀、以謹慎為兄弟、以希望為哨兵。——美國發(fā)明家愛迪生

  22. Never be unduly elated by victory or depressed by defeat.H.Porter, American feneral 勝不矜,敗不餒。 ——美國南北戰(zhàn)爭中的將領(lǐng)波特·H.

  23. Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.Friedrich Schiller. Greman dramatist and poet.只有有耐心圓滿完成簡單工作的人,才能夠輕而易舉地完成困難的事。 ——德國劇作家、詩人席勒·F

  24. People often ask me if I know the secret of success, and if I could tell others how to make their dreams come true. My answer is, you do it by working.Walt Disney, American brsinessman 人們時常問我是否曉得成功的訣竅,能否告訴別人怎樣使他們的夢想成為現(xiàn)實。我的回答是:身體力行。 ——美國實業(yè)家迪斯尼·W

  25. Power invariably means both responsibility and danger.Theodore Roosevelt, American president實力永遠意味著責任和危險。 ——美國總統(tǒng)羅斯福·T

  26. Recognition of the falsity of material wealth as the standard of success goes hand in hand with the abandonment of the false belief that public office and high political position are to be valued only by the standard of pride of place and persona l profit.Franklin Roosevelt, American president 把物質(zhì)財富當作成功的標準是錯誤的。我們應(yīng)拋棄以名利為唯一標準來衡量公職和高級政治地位的錯誤觀念。 ——美國總統(tǒng)羅斯福·F





