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  1, the success of the doubt will often lead to real success.

  2, optimistic, is to achieve the confidence of the road to success; no hope, no matter what things can not be done.

  3, everyone is more or less inert. A person's strength is not enough to promote his own, he will fail, who can push themselves, who will be the first to succeed.

  4, life is not a lack of ability but ambition, not the ability to succeed but hard will.

  5, the world will not warm the courage to pursue success, and a successful person.

  6, success is addictive, after the success also want to have more success.

  7, a successful is composed of many dark blood and strong storm into the culture environment.

  8, perseverance is a prerequisite for success, if you continue to force the door, there are always people who answered the.

  9, success by a lot of disappointment.

  10, in order to be successful, you must create their own opportunities, must not be foolish to sit on the roadside, waiting for someone to pass, inviting you to the road to wealth and happiness.

  11, the secret of success, in the same purpose.

  12, cooking "success" of the secret is: "ambition" to "efforts" in the pot, with "tough" small fire stew boil, coupled with "judgment" do seasoning.

  13, the most difficult time, we are not far from the success of the day.

  14, only to have their power both to understand the true skill and genuine knowledge, and at the appropriate and prudent use of their power, in order to be successful in worldly affairs.

  15, the world is difficult, but perseverance two words, for the success of tips.

  16, wins the person powerful, self-improvement wins.

  17, if a person does not have perseverance, he is not successful in anything.

  18, only the victory in order to survive, only the success of the price, only hard work can be harvested.

  19. I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated.

  20, as long as the number of times to stand up and down more than once, that is success.

  21, the road to success without him, but all in your work, but don't keep fish for fame heart.

  22, determined to do not want to sharp, success in a long time not at speed.

  23, the winner is often from the last five minutes of the time to succeed.

  24, do not care whether others appreciate his people, is bound to succeed.

  25, no matter what, as long as you can on it have unlimited enthusiasm for success.

  1 、成功之秘訣,在始終不變其目的。

  2 、烹調(diào)“成功”的秘方是:把“抱負”放到“努力”的鍋中,用“堅韌”的小火燉熬,再加上“判斷”做調(diào)味料。

  3 、最困難之時,就是我們離成功不遠之日。

  4 、只有具備真才實學(xué),既了解自己的力量又善于適當(dāng)而謹(jǐn)慎地使用自己力量的人,才能在世俗事務(wù)中獲得成功。

  5 、天下無難事,惟堅忍二字,為成功之要訣。

  6 、勝人者有力,自強者勝。

  7 、一個人如果做事沒有恒心,他是任何事也做不成功的。

  8 、只有勝利才能生存,只有成功才有代價,只有耕耘才有收獲。

  9 、我成功是因為我有決心,從不躊躇。

  10 、只要站起來的次數(shù)比倒下去的次數(shù)多一次,那就是成功。

  11 、成功之道無他,惟悉力從事你的工作,而不消存沽名釣譽之心。

  12 、立志欲堅不欲銳,成功在久不在速。

  13 、勝利者往往是從堅持最后五分鐘的時間中得來成功。

  14 、不在乎別人是否賞識他的人,必然成功。

  15 、無論何事,只要對它有無限的熱情你就能取得成功。

  16 、容易成功和難于成功同樣能刺激人的愿望。

  17 、成功的快樂在于一次又一次對自己的肯定,而不在于長久滿足于某件事情的完成。

  18 、沒有嘗試,就沒有成功;唯有面對困難或危險,才會激起更高一程的決心和勇氣。

  19 、一分鐘的成功,付出的代價卻是好些年的失敗。

  20 、成功就像一座平衡的秤,一邊是努力,一邊是快樂;付出的多,收獲的也多。

  21 、雖然我們可以由別人的學(xué)問而變的博學(xué),無論如何,我們要由自己的智能才能成為明哲。

  22 、我們聽說過多少“即將成功的人物”!他們究竟都去了何方?

  23 、最成功的人往往就是敢冒大險的人。

  24 、一個目標(biāo)達到之后,馬上立下另一個目標(biāo),這是成功的人生模式。

  25 、成功是結(jié)果,而不是目的。