
學(xué)習(xí)啦>勵(lì)志>成功學(xué)>成功學(xué)演講> 蕭敬騰:給青春一個(gè)出口(雙語(yǔ))(2)


時(shí)間: 若木631 分享


我家人從希望我功課能夠好到希望我不要再給社會(huì)添加任何麻煩,我已經(jīng)讓父母親絕望到這種地步,其實(shí)在這個(gè)過程我學(xué)過一次音樂,我學(xué)了兩個(gè)月。也因?yàn)槲壹依锏慕?jīng)濟(jì)狀況就只能讓我學(xué)兩個(gè)月,然后也因?yàn)槲耶?dāng)時(shí)叛逆暴力的一個(gè)個(gè)性,我也跟我的老師鬧翻了 ,鬧得非常不愉快,這是我第一次學(xué)習(xí)音樂的過程。之后我接觸了青少年輔導(dǎo)組,這個(gè)單位是一個(gè)我生命中相當(dāng)重要的一個(gè)單位,我是在撞球間(臺(tái)球廳)遇到他們的,講到撞球間(臺(tái)球廳),我小學(xué)三年級(jí)就住在撞球間(臺(tái)球廳),然后我就跟那些大哥哥大老板,就是感覺很兇猛的人在一起,讓我自己好像也覺得我自己很兇猛一樣 。在我還沒有遇到他們以前,我認(rèn)為這個(gè)世界就艋舺區(qū)這么大而已,我什么都沒在怕,直到我遇見了少輔組的同仁,他們不叫你改變?nèi)魏涡袨?,他們做到了一點(diǎn)陪伴。陪伴很重要,他們陪我做我依然在進(jìn)行的所有事情,比如撞球,比如說抽煙,他不陪我抽煙,他看我抽煙,是有這么好抽嗎?這什么味道?他們用陪伴的心情,講到煙,我已經(jīng)戒煙七年,我抽煙十一二年,我小學(xué)三年級(jí)開始抽,我戒煙到現(xiàn)在七年 ,我也擔(dān)任戒煙大使,這是我給我自己的功課跟壓力。他們從不定時(shí)地來(lái)關(guān)心我們到我主動(dòng)去跟他們建立一個(gè)關(guān)系,到最后他開始詢問我喜歡什么,我會(huì)什么,后來(lái)我想到我好像會(huì)打鼓,而且我很愛打鼓。我剛才提到我跟我之前的爵士鼓老師吵了一架,然后我再也不去那個(gè)地方,在少輔組我放下我的身段,我放下我的脾氣,我放下我的暴力,我告訴督導(dǎo):“我想回去,我想學(xué)音樂,我想打鼓,你可以陪我回去找我的老師嗎?我不敢!”

  I hope my family from the lessons can be good to hope I don't add any trouble to the society, I have to let parents despair to the point where, in the process I learned a music, I studied for two months. Because my home state of the economy can only let me learn two months because of a personality, then I was rebellious violence, and I fell out with my teacher, make very unpleasant, this is my first time to the process of learning music. After I contact the youth counseling group, this unit is a very important one in my life, I was in the pool house (billiard hall) they met at the pool house, (billiard hall) the third grade primary school, I live in the pool house (billiard hall), then I'll tell those big brother the big boss, was the feeling is very fierce people together, let me also seems to feel very fierce. In the past I have not encountered them, I think the world is so big, District, I what all not afraid, until I met a few auxiliary group of colleagues, they don't ask you to change any behavior, they did a little company. It is important to accompany, they accompany me to do I still in all things, for such as pool, such as smoking, he did not accompany me to smoke, he saw me smoking, are so well pumping? This what taste? They talked about the tobacco company, mood, I have been smoking for seven years, I smoke eleven two years the third grade primary school, I began to smoke, I quit smoking for seven years now, I also served as ambassador to quit smoking, I gave it to my homework with pressure. They never time to care about us to I take the initiative to establish a relationship with them, and he started to ask what I like, what I will be, then I think I like the drums, and I love playing the drums. I mentioned that I like jazz drum teacher before I had a quarrel, then I will not go to that place, in the few auxiliary group I put down my body, I lay down my temper, I put down my violence, I told the director: "I want to go back, I want to study music, I want to play drums, you can accompany me back to my teacher? I dare not!"

  我當(dāng)時(shí)相當(dāng)?shù)貨]有自信有什么好哭的,但是我就是會(huì)這樣 很奇怪,我相當(dāng)?shù)貨]自信,我非常沒自信,我需要我一個(gè)信任的人能夠陪我回去我想去的地方,于是他陪我回去了,我也見到了那老師 ,老師相當(dāng)意外,他好像覺得我發(fā)生了什么事一樣,我變了一個(gè)人,我變好乖,我變得好謙虛,從此我變成待在音樂教室甚過少輔組更多。這位老師他姓詹,他是我生命中很重要的老師,帶我來(lái)的督導(dǎo)長(zhǎng)我叫她丁姐,她姓丁,丁小姐。后來(lái)他們兩位怎么發(fā)展我不知道。后來(lái)我那個(gè)老師真的告訴我,他覺得那個(gè)督導(dǎo)長(zhǎng)真的不錯(cuò)。他們?cè)噲D要讓我覺得我是世界上有用的人,是一個(gè)能夠幫助社會(huì)的人,他們一直讓我得到肯定跟表現(xiàn),我得到了自信,我喜歡我當(dāng)下的生活,我感謝他們給我的一切,所以我覺得我的青春還多一點(diǎn),就是太多的感恩跟感謝,這也是我為什么在未來(lái),我希望我能夠從事教育(行業(yè)),因?yàn)槲揖褪潜唤逃鰜?lái)的孩子。

  I was quite confident with what did not cry, but I was so strange, I was not confident, I was not confident, I need a person to accompany me back to where I want to go, so he accompany I go back, I saw the teacher, the teacher quite unexpectedly, he seems to think what happened to me, I became a man, I love, I have become so modest, I become to be in the music classroom very little more auxiliary group. The teacher he is surnamed Zhan, he is very important in my life teacher, take me to the supervision of long I call her sister her surname Ding, Ding, Ding. Then they two how I don't know. Later my teacher really told me, he thought that the steering long really good. They tried to make me feel I am the world useful people, is a can help the person of the society, they always let me be sure to show, I have confidence, I like my present life, I thank them for everything, so I think my youth has a little more, too much gratitude and thanks, this is why I in the future, I hope I can engage in Education (industry), because I was brought up children.

  我其實(shí)不喜歡講苦,我也希望能夠告訴大家,在你還沒有成功,在你還在努力的時(shí)候,不要告訴人家說你有多苦,當(dāng)你成功的時(shí)候,苦也不需要你自己來(lái)說,他們都知道我有多苦。當(dāng)然有人問我我有沒有遺憾,我當(dāng)然有遺憾,我覺得我生命中有一個(gè)最大的遺憾 ,我在我最叛逆最壞的時(shí)候,我的奶奶去世。我遺憾的是她還來(lái)不及分享我現(xiàn)在的成就跟喜悅,真的來(lái)不及,而在她離開以前,我在她心目中還是那個(gè)壞孩子,這是我的遺憾。我在她心目中還是一個(gè)壞孩子,但是我相信她在天上看得到,對(duì)不起,擦完鼻涕再擦眼睛可以嗎?

  I don't love suffer, I also want to tell you, when you haven't succeeded yet, when you are still trying to, don't tell people that you have much bitter, bitter when you succeed, don't need you personally, they all know I have much pain. Of course, some people asked me, I have no regret, I regret, I think one of the greatest regret of my life, when I was the most rebellious bad, my grandmother died. I regret that she could share my success with joy, really too late, and before she left, I in her mind or the bad boy, this is my regret. I in her heart or a bad boy, but I believe in heaven, she looked sorry, wipe the nose rub eyes?

  所以在這邊我的青春還多了一個(gè)珍惜,珍惜什么,珍惜跟親人,家人之間的互動(dòng)跟感情,我?guī)缀鯖]有這一段,我現(xiàn)在在彌補(bǔ),等我一下。我們長(zhǎng)大了,我們飛翔了。我們不再像兒時(shí)一樣跟父母親撒嬌親吻,真的要珍惜,真的要珍惜。剛才講到成就講到我的奶奶還來(lái)不及分享到我的成就,我的成就對(duì)我來(lái)說是什么 ,成就不代表我能夠得到多少,我的成就代表我能夠?yàn)檫@個(gè)社會(huì)繼續(xù)付出更多,努力更多,回饋更多,最后再送大家一句能力越強(qiáng),責(zé)任越大。今天的演講到這邊,感謝各位,謝謝。

  So here is my youth has a cherish, cherish what, treasure with loved ones, family interaction and feelings, I almost didn't this paragraph, I now make up, wait for me. We grow up, we fly. We no longer like childhood like parents coquetry kiss, really want to cherish, really want to cherish. Just mentioned achievement about my grandmother had a chance to share my achievement, what is my achievement for me, I can't get much success, my success I can for the society to pay more efforts, more, return more, finally sending you a stronger, more responsibility. Today's lecture here, thank you, thank you.