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  We’ve all heard the nutritional consultants, dietitians and food gurus who reprimand us about what not to eat – giving us warnings and statistics about the bad consequences of poor dietary choices. However, there are some common foods we eat every day that studies show provide great health benefits. While to the untrained eye our food is just, well…food, below I’ve listed 10 common foods found in your diet that are actually making you healthy.

  1. Coffee

  The caffeine in found in coffee can help aid physical performance, fat loss and mental alertness. However, what many people don’t know, is that coffee contains essential nutrients for human health, as well as antioxidants that have been shown to prevent certain types of cancer and disease.

  It’s been recommended to drink five cups of coffee daily to receive these benefits. Anything more than five could be counterproductive, as too much caffeine has been shown to increase levels of anxiety and stress.

  By choosing a quality brand, and perhaps leaving out the sugar, you could be receiving more than a pick-me-up for the morning – you’ll also receive a range of benefits that will aid your health down the line.

  2. Chocolate

  Normally it’s dark chocolate that gets a lot of attention for its antioxidants and health benefits. However, studies show that eating regular chocolate can bring us some good too. Chocolate releases the chemical serotonin in the brain, making us feel happy and also improving our stress levels.

  Whilst dark chocolate seems to be a more sensible choice than your average chocolate brand, as long as you have a balanced diet in check then having a bit of chocolate from time to time, no matter the variety, is actually a good thing!

  3. Peanut Butter

  Peanut butter is a great source of vitamin E, which is good for the skin and helps reduce damage from high cholesterol. Peanut butter has also shown to be a great food supplement for women during and after pregnancy, as vitamin E is very important during the early stages of life.

  Of course, choosing an organic brand of peanut butter is ideal to get the most benefits, as cheap supermarket brands contain high amounts of sugar, salt and vegetable oil. So if you – like many others – suffer with a mild peanut butter addiction, studies show it’s not all that bad.

  4. Eggs

  Eggs have been labeled as a superfood in recent years, as they contain essential vitamins, minerals, and protein and are a source of good fats for the body. Eggs have also become a staple food in some of the best fat-loss diets around.

  Having eggs in our diets is by no means a bad thing. Eggs got a bad reputation in the past because of high cholesterol concerns; however, further research has shown this to be a fallacy and that we can enjoy eggs as part of a healthy diet.

  5. Red Wine

  Red wine is becoming widely known for its various health benefits. This is chiefly because of the antioxidants it contains, which have been shown to prevent certain types of cancers and to increase longevity. In addition, red wine is a preferable choice for dieters because of its low sugar content. And whilst not wanting to encourage you to drink more alcohol, the studies on red wine are still very promising – you could be better off drinking one glass a day than none at all.

  6. Curry

  Turmeric is a principal spice ingredient in most curries, and it’s responsible for a range of health benefits. Some of these benefits include the reduction of swelling and pain associated with the inflammation of the joints. Curries that contain chili, ginger and black pepper also aid a healthy metabolism, not to mention helping the immune system.

  7. Tomato Sauce

  If you enjoy Italian food, make sure your pastas have a tomato-based sauce. Tomato paste, which is the main ingredient of common pasta sauces, contains vitamin B5, which supports our adrenal glands and improves our response to stress. One tablespoon of tomato paste contains just 13 calories, so not only is it good for our health, it’s also a wise choice for dieters looking to shed some pounds.

  8. Milk

  While many of us are aware that milk has some health benefits, particularly its calcium levels and fat-soluble vitamins, one of the most interesting facts about milk is that it contributes to your hydration levels. Those of us who neglect drinking water but have time for a glass milk will find that milk is in fact 90% water! So if you’re not keen on eight glasses of water a day, studies show that substituting some of those for milk can be just as beneficial.

  9. Beef Burgers

  Believe it or not, a beef burger by itself is not all that bad; beef provides nutrients such as iron, zinc and B vitamins. Whilst a burger and fries from your standard fast food joint may not be the best way to go about health, creating your own burger at home and choosing a wholemeal bun is actually a rewarding meal in terms of good health and nutrition.

  10. Cereal

  Most cereals – including high-sugar brands – contain folic acid, which is essential for our bodies’ cell replication and prevents cell mutation and cancers. Of course, choosing low-sugar cereals is advocated, but as with any balanced diet, if you weaken and indulge in a childhood favorite every once in a while, it might not be so bad after all.

  Final Note

  There are a lot of foods we commonly eat that offer a range of health benefits. And even some of the most energy-dense foods can still have their potential health properties. The real key is to find a balance in our lives and enjoy the food we eat, and if you want to lose some excess pounds, just cut back a little bit and increase your exercise level. You may just find the foods you are eating now are offering more than you realized.


  Overeating is a serious problem for lots of folks. While many attribute overeating to a lack of willpower, it’s more complex than that. Scientists say people who overeat exhibit different brain activity than those who don’t.

  Fortunately, there are ways to stop overeating that don’t rely on willpower or rewiring your brain. Let’s explore nine of them.

  16 Benefits of Lemon You May Not Know About

  1. Eat breakfast.

  Skipping breakfast is a big no-no. Research shows people who don’t eat breakfast are more prone to overeating later in the day and have a higher incidence of coronary heart disease. Another study showed that eating eggs in the morning can help you eat less throughout the day.

  2. Slow down.

  It may sound obvious, but eating slowly and mindfully is one of the best strategies for combating overeating. Eating slower helps you feel full faster.

  3. Use smaller plates.

  The larger the plate, the more likely you are to overeat, says food researcher Brian Wansink. Most standard dinner plates are around 12 inches in diameter. Switch to a 9-inch plate and you’ll eat less.

  4. Pay attention to your emotions.

  You need to become aware of your reasons for wanting to eat junk food to understand why you overeat. For example, maybe you eat compulsively to make yourself feel better or to combat stress. Identify your triggers, and you’ll be more likely to create personalized strategies to deal with them.

  5. Exercise more.

  Research shows that your responsiveness to food cues is significantly reduced after exercise. In other words, you’re less likely to want to indulge when you see a picture of a giant ice cream sundae.

  Not to mention the fact that exercise is a keystone habit that can change your life.

  6. Choose nutrient-dense foods.

  “Nutrient density” means the amount of nutrition packed into a particular volume of food. For example, you can eat a giant plate of broccoli to get the same amount of calories in a tiny cup of ice cream because vegetables are generally more nutrient-dense.

  Steer clear of foods like sweets, cheese, and soda, which don’t offer a lot of nutritional bang for your buck. Choose healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, lean meats, healthy oils, and beans instead.

  7. Pack healthy snacks for when you’re on the go.

  Healthy snacks are an essential tool to help you avoid overeating. Studies show that snacking on healthy foods like almonds can help you avoid food cravings. So pack healthy snacks like nuts, seeds, fruit, and vegetables with hummus and take them with you to work, school, or other places you go throughout the day.

  8. Allow for one cheat meal each week.

  Cheat meals are when you reward yourself for eating healthy by splurging on something you love. This doesn’t mean have a free-for-all at the buffet. But having one or two pieces of pizza is okay. Completely depriving yourself makes it much more likely you’ll give in to food cravings and overeat.

  9. Plan for setbacks.

  Implementation intentions help you plan for bumps in the road. The basic setup for an implementation intention is this:

  If this happens, I’ll do that.

  For example, if you find yourself getting stressed and reaching for a bag of chips even though you’re not hungry, write down the following implementation intention: “If I get stressed and reach for chips, I will grab a piece of fruit instead” or “If I get stressed and reach for chips, I will go for a walk instead.” This is a powerful strategy that uses proven principles of behavioral psychology. A little planning goes a long way.

  Overeating can be a tough thing to overcome, but these methods will help. The more you can work to develop healthier habits, the less likely you’ll be to overeat. Take one step at a time, focus on the small wins, and you’ll crack this bad habit for good.


  Garlic is one of my favorite herbs. It is known for flavoring dishes, most notably pastas and breads. Beyond cooking, garlic is incredibly good for the body and contains many health benefits, so what’s not to love? (Just remember to pop in a few mints next time you indulge in garlicky goodness.)

  Garlic hasn’t always been viewed in a positive light. Because of its popularity in Indian and Italian cooking, many English and American people once viewed garlic as a lower class herb, and would refuse to use it. With immigration on the rise, it wasn’t always popular. Garlic may be even more well known for its role in repelling vampires. However, garlic is now widely used in many different cuisines and can be found in a myriad of dishes around the world.

  The Benefits

  1. Colon, Stomach, and Rectal Cancer Prevention

  Garlic can improve your chances of avoiding these three types of cancer. However, be warned: garlic supplements don’t do the trick, so make sure you’re getting your garlic from the real thing.

  2. Cold Protection

  Because of its antioxidant-rich nature, garlic can arm you against colds. Even if you end up catching a cold, adding more garlic to your diet can improve your symptoms and help get the cold moving out of your system.

  3. Regulates Blood Sugar

  Diabetics have turned to garlic to help regulate their blood sugar levels. Garlic naturally helps in the production of insulin in the body.

  4. Reduces Acne

  While it doesn’t do much good for this internally, rubbing a slice of garlic on your skin can help clear up acne. For best results, do this right before bed and wash it off in the morning.

  5. Hair Growth

  This is another external use for garlic. It has been shown to improve growth in places of hair loss on the scalp. Squeeze some garlic over your scalp, and gently massage.

  6. Tick Bite Prevention

  Scientists have found that people who regularly include garlic in their diets suffer significantly fewer tick bites than their non-garlic eating counterparts.

  7. Treats High Blood Pressure

  People who suffer from high blood pressure may find some help in eating garlic.

  8. Psoriasis Treatment

  Due to its anti-inflammatory nature, rubbing garlic on skin that’s affected by psoriasis may reduce symptoms. If used often enough, garlic may reduce the severity and frequency of outbreaks.

  9. Tames Cold Sores

  Because of the anti-inflammatory properties mentioned above, garlic is also known to get rid of cold sores. Placing a small piece of garlic directly on a cold sore has been shown to reduce the size of the sore.

  10. Splinter Removal

  Garlic has been proven to coax splinters out easily. Cut a small piece of garlic and place it directly over a splinter, securing it with a bandage.

  11. Soothe Toothaches

  Placing a small sliver of garlic directly on an aching tooth can help soothe the pain.

  12. Fights Allergies

  Garlic can help ease the severity of allergies, especially those that affect the airways. Garlic helps reduce inflammation of airways and soothe areas of irritation.

  13. Combats Hip Osteoarthritis

  Eating garlic, and related foods such as onions and leeks, can help reduce the pain associated with osteoarthritis of the hip, and slow down its progression.

  14. Prevents Weight Gain

  Garlic can help stop weight gain by changing the way fat cells in the body are made.

  What Amount is Enough?

  Some of the benefits of garlic involve eating it, while others require you to use the herb externally. The external uses involve very small amounts of garlic, and some, such as the treatment of psoriasis, depends on the size of the affected area. For internal uses, many recommend eating about one clove a day. Luckily, garlic is easy to include in many foods, so get creative and enjoy the benefits!








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