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  美國心理學家菲利普·津巴多(Philip Zimbardo)提出了一個問題:“為什么男性在當今社會處于困境之中?” 他分享了一些數(shù)據(jù)(男性較低的畢業(yè)率,對愛情和家庭更多的焦慮等),并提出了幾個可能的原因和面臨的挑戰(zhàn)。下面是小編為大家收集關于TED英語演講:游戲和色情在毀滅一代人,歡迎借鑒參考。

  演說題目:The demise of guys?

  演說者:Philip Zimbardo

  So today, I want us to reflect on thedemise of guys. Guys are flaming out academically; they're wiping out sociallywith girls and sexually with women. Other than that, there's not much of aproblem. So what's the data? So the data on dropping out is amazing. Boys are30 percent more likely than girls to drop out of school.


  In Canada, five boysdrop out for every three girls. Girls outperform boys now at every level, fromelementary school to graduate school. There's a 10 percent differential betweengetting BA's and all graduate programs, with guys falling behind girls.Two-thirds of all students in special ed. remedial programs are guys. And asyou all know, boys are five times more likely than girls to be labeled as havingattention deficit disorder -- and therefore we drug them with Ritalin.


  What's the evidence of wiping out? First,it's a new fear of intimacy. Intimacy means physical, emotional connection withsomebody else -- and especially with somebody of the opposite sex who gives offambiguous, contradictory, phosphorescent signals.


  And every yearthere's research done on self-reported shyness among college students. Andwe're seeing a steady increase among males. And this is two kinds. It's asocial awkwardness. The old shyness was a fear of rejection. It's a socialawkwardness like you're a stranger in a foreign land. They don't know what tosay, they don't know what to do, especially one-on-one [with the] opposite sex.They don't know the language of face contact, the non-verbal and verbal set ofrules that enable you to comfortably talk to somebody else, listen to somebodyelse.


  There's something I'm developing herecalled social intensity syndrome, which tries to account for why guys reallyprefer male bonding over female mating. It turns out, from earliest childhood,boys, and then men, prefer the company of guys -- physical company.


  And there'sactually a cortical arousal we're looking at, because guys have been with guysin teams, in clubs, in gangs, in fraternities, especially in the military, andthen in pubs. And this peaks at Super Bowl Sunday when guys would rather be ina bar with strangers, watching a totally overdressed Aaron Rodgers of the GreenBay Packers, rather than Jennifer Lopez totally naked in the bedroom.


  Theproblem is they now prefer [the] asynchronistic Internet world to thespontaneous interaction in social relationships.


  What are the causes? Well, it's anunintended consequence. I think it's excessive Internet use in general,excessive video gaming, excessive new access to pornography. The problem isthese are arousal addictions. Drug addiction, you simply want more. Arousaladdiction, you want different. Drugs, you want more of the same -- different.So you need the novelty in order for the arousal to be sustained.


  And the problem is the industry issupplying it. Jane McGonigal told us last year that by the time a boy is 21,he's played 10,000 hours of video games, most of that in isolation. As youremember, Cindy Gallop said men don't know the difference between making loveand doing porn.


  The average boy now watches 50 porn video clips a week. Andthere's some guy watching a hundred, obviously. (Laughter) And the pornindustry is the fastest growing industry in America -- 15 billion annually. Forevery 400 movies made in Hollywood, there are 11,000 now made porn videos.


  So the effect, very quickly, is it's a newkind of arousal. Boys' brains are being digitally rewired in a totally new wayfor change, novelty, excitement and constant arousal. That means they'retotally out of sync in traditional classes, which are analog, static,interactively passive. They're also totally out of sync in romanticrelationships, which build gradually and subtly.


  So what's the solution? It's not my job.I'm here to alarm. It's your job to solve.But who should care? The only people whoshould care about this is parents of boys and girls, educators, gamers,filmmakers and women who would like a real man who they can talk to, who candance, who can make love slowly and contribute to the evolutionary pressures tokeep our species above banana slugs. No offense to banana slug owners. Thankyou.






