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  為什么寶寶可愛? 為什么蛋糕甜美? 哲學(xué)家Dan Dennett有你不會期望的答案,因為他分享了可愛,甜美和性感的東西進化的違反直覺的推理。下面是小編為大家收集關(guān)于TED英語演講:可愛,性感,甜,搞笑,歡迎借鑒參考。

  Cute, sexy, sweet, funny

  演講者:Dan Dennett

  | 中英對照演講稿 |

  I’m going around the world giving talks about Darwin, and usually what I’m talking about is Darwin’s strange inversion of reasoning. Now that title, that phrase, comes from a critic, an early critic, and this is a passage that I just love, and would like to read for you.


  "In the theory with which we have to deal, Absolute Ignorance is the artificer; so that we may enunciate as the fundamental principle of the whole system, that, in order to make a perfect and beautiful machine, it is not requisite to know how to make it. This proposition will be found on careful examination to express, in condensed form, the essential purport of the Theory, and to express in a few words all Mr. Darwin’s meaning; who, by a strange inversion of reasoning, seems to think.Absolute Ignorance fully qualified to take the place of Absolute Wisdom in the achievements of creative skill."


  Exactly. Exactly. And it is a strange inversion. A creationist pamphlet has this wonderful page in it: "TestTwo: Do you know of any building that didn’t have a builder? Yes/No. Do you know of any painting that didn’t have a painter? Yes/No. Do you know of any car that didn’t have a maker? Yes/No. If you answered 'Yes' for any of the above,give details."

  可不是嘛!可不是嘛!這真是一個奇怪的“反向”。一位上帝論者的小冊子上有這樣一頁非常精彩:測驗二 你知道任何一棟建筑沒有它的建設(shè)者?有,沒有 你知道有任何一副畫沒有它的繪畫者?有,沒有 你知道有任何一輛小汽車沒有它的制造者么?有,沒有 如果你在任一問題中答“有”,給出其細節(jié)。

  A-ha! I mean, it really is a strange inversion of reasoning. You would have thought it stands to reason that design requires an intelligent designer. But Darwin shows that it’s just false.


  Today, though, I’m going to talk about Darwin’s other strange inversion, which is equally puzzling at first, but in some ways just as important. It stands to reason that we love chocolate cake because it is sweet. Guys go for girls like this because they are sexy. We adore babies because they’re so cute. And, of course, we are amused by jokes because they are funny.


  This is all backwards. It is. And Darwin shows us why. Let’s start with sweet. Our sweet tooth is basically an evolved sugar detector, because sugar is high energy, and it’s just been wired up to the preferer, to put it very crudely, and that’s why we like sugar. Honey is sweet because we like it, not "we like it because honey is sweet."


  There’s nothing intrinsically sweet about honey. If you looked at glucose molecules till you were blind, you wouldn’t see why they tasted sweet. You have to look in our brains to understand why they’re sweet. So if you think first there was sweetness, and then we evolved to like sweetness, you’ve got it backwards;that’s just wrong. It’s the other way round. Sweetness was born with the wiring which evolved.


  And there’s nothing intrinsically sexy about these young ladies. And it’s a good thing that there isn’t, because if there were, then Mother Nature would have a problem: How on earth do you get chimps to mate? Now you might think, ah, there’s a solution: hallucinations.


  That would be one way of doing it, but there’s a quicker way. Just wire the chimps up to love that look, and apparently they do. That’s all there is to it.Over six million years, we and the chimps evolved our different ways. We became bald-bodied, oddly enough; for one reason or another, they didn’t. If we hadn’t, then probably this would be the height of sexiness.

  這也許是個辦法,但還有一招更快。就是讓猩猩們的大腦產(chǎn)生個溝回,愛上那個樣子。而且顯然,它們愛上了。就是這么回事。 過了六百萬年,我們和猩猩進化成了不同的樣子。 我們變得身軀無毛,有夠奇怪的; 而由于某種原因,它們沒有 如果我們也沒有的話,那么可能這個就變成了絕頂性感了。

  Our sweet tooth is an evolved and instinctual preference for high-energy food. It wasn’t designed for chocolate cake. Chocolate cake is a supernormal stimulus. The term is owed to NikoTinbergen, who did his famous experiments with gulls, where he found that that orange spot on the gull’s beak -- if he made a bigger, oranger spot the gullchicks would peck at it even harder.

  我們饞甜東西是一種進化出來的內(nèi)在偏愛,偏愛高熱量食物。那不是針對巧克力蛋糕而設(shè)計的。巧克力蛋糕是一個超常刺激。這個詞是尼古拉斯·丁伯根(Niko Tinbergen)提出來的。他做了他出名的海鷗實驗他發(fā)現(xiàn)了海鷗喙上的橘點——如果他把這個點放大,染得更橘那么小海鷗就會更猛烈地啄它。

  It was a hyperstimulus for them, and they loved it. What we see with, say, chocolate cake is it’s a supernormal stimulus to tweak our design wiring. And there are lots of supernormal stimuli;chocolate cake is one. There's lots of supernormal stimuli for sexiness.


  And there's even supernormal stimuli for cuteness. Here’s a pretty good example. It’s important that we love babies, andthat we not be put off by, say, messy diapers. So babies have to attract our affection and our nurturing, and they do.


  And, by the way, a recent study shows that mothers prefer the smell of the dirty diapers of their own baby. So nature works on many levels here. But now, if babies didn’t look the way they do -- if babies looked like this, that’s what we would find adorable, that’s what wewould find -- we would think, oh my goodness, do I ever want to hug that. This is the strange inversion.


  Well now, finally what about funny. My answer is, it’s the same story, the same story. This is the hard one, the one that isn’t obvious. That’s why I leave it to the end. And I won’t be able to say too much about it. But you have to think evolutionarily, you have to think,what hard job that has to be done -- it’s dirty work, somebody’s got to do it-- is so important to give us such a powerful, in built reward for it when we succeed.


  Now, I think we've found the answer -- I and a few of my colleagues.It’s a neural system that’s wired up to reward the brain for doing a grubby clerical job. Our bumper sticker for this view is that this is the joy of debugging. Now I’m not going to have time to spell it all out, but I’ll just say that only some kinds of debugging get the reward.


  And what we’re doing is we’re using humor as a sort of neuro scientific probe by switching humor on and off, by turning the knob on a joke -- now it’s not funny ... oh, now it’s funnier ... now we’ll turn a little bit more ... now it’s not funny -- in thisway, we can actually learn something about the architecture of the brain, the functional architecture of the brain.


  Matthew Hurley is the first author of this.We call it the Hurley Model. He’s a computer scientist, Reginald Adams a psychologist,and there I am, and we’re putting this together into a book. Thank you very much.

  馬修·赫爾利(Matthew Hurley)是這本書的第一作者,我們稱這個為赫爾利模型(Hurley Model)。他是個計算機科學(xué)家,雷金納德·亞當(dāng)斯(Reginald Adams)一位心理學(xué)家,然后就是我。我們正在把這些寫進一本書里。謝謝大家!





