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  聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A, B, C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。

  1. What is the man doing probably?

  A. Reading a book. B. Cleaning the room.C. Watching TV.

  2. What's the woman's problem?

  A. She can't find her jacket.

  B. She doesn't want to go out.

  C. She doesn't remember the time.

  3. What will happen to the woman tomorrow?

  A. She will quit her job.

  B. She will finish with her tests.

  C. She will break up with the man.

  4. Why does the man want the woman to take the dog?

  A. To ensure her safety.

  B. To get more exercise.

  C. To avoid her going shopping.

  5. Where might the speakers be?

  A. At a playground. B. In a mountain.C. In a pool.




  6. What does the woman probably hear about on the news?

  A. A planet will destroy the earth.[:]

  B. Few countries have destructive weapons now.

  C. A lot of violence exists in the world right now.

  7. How does the woman feel?

  A. Excited. B. Worried.C. Unconcerned.


  8. Where are the speakers probably right now?

  A. In a library. B. In a classroom. C. In a coffee shop.

  9. According to the woman, what's good about historical novels?

  A. They help you know life back in history.

  B. They help you remember the dates and facts.

  C. They tell stories that could never happen in real life.


  10. What is the woman's complaint?

  A. The papers are too old.

  B. The speeches are very boring.

  C. Crossword puzzles keep her busy.

  11. What does the man probably do?

  A. A TV show host.

  B. A charity worker.

  C. A newspaper reporter.

  12. Why shouldn't the woman listen to her iPod?

  A. It would be too loud.

  B. It would seem impolite.

  C. It would make her sleepy.


  13. How long has the man had the ring?

  A. Since last year.

  B. For the last two days.

  C. Since he was a little kid.

  14. What is the relationship between the speakers?

  A. Roommates. B. Brother and sister.

  C. Grandmother and grandson.

  15. Why did the man apologize to the woman?

  A. He didn't believe her.

  B. The ring doesn't fit her.

  C. He wasn't honest to her.

  16. What can we learn at the end of the conversation?

  A. The woman found the ring in a pocket.

  B. The housekeeper took the ring by mistake.

  C. The man was wearing the ring the whole time.


  17. When did the storm hit the UK?

  A. On Thursday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Tuesday.

  18. How many people were injured in the truck accident in Scotland?

  A. Four. B. Sixty. C. Three hundred.

  19. Why did residents(居民)on the Norfolk coast leave their homes?

  A. The winds were too strong.

  B. Too many trees fell onto houses.

  C. The waves were getting too high.

  20. Where were the strongest winds recorded?

  A. In the mountains of Germany.

  B. Across the inland areas of Germany.

  C. In some mountainous areas of the UK.





  Top 4 Beautiful Bookstores in the World

  City Lights Books, San Francisco, United States

  City Lights, a bookstore-publisher combination specializing in world literature,the arts andpolitics, is still one of the world's greatest bookshops since itsestablishment in 1953. It becamewell-known with publishing Allen Ginsberg's influential poem "Howl and Other Poems".Having been a gathering place for American literary icons(偶像), like Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg, this "Literary Landmark" attracts booklovers from across the country and around theworld.[:]

  El Ateneo, Buenos Aires, Argentina

  Occupying a 1920s theatre in the city's downtown, El Ateneo has kept the original

  furnishings- original balconies, painted ceiling, shining carvings and deep red stage curtains- andadded books. The former theatre boxes became reading rooms. Putting finger to page, enjoyingthe cosy atmosphere of the cafe on the stage between red velvet curtains, will be definitelyperfect time.

  Livraria Lello, Porto, Portugal

  First opened in 1906, it is in Portugal's second city, Porto. Its front with abeautiful design,complicated decoration and volumes of books attract many admirers. The lazy red staircase isthe centerpiece of this amazing shop, which winds up to the first floor like a flower. Books areavailable in English, Portuguese and French. A small cafe upstairs is a great place to quietly readyour new book and enjoy a selection of coffees, wine and cigars.

  Shakespeare &Company, Paris, France

  Originally established in 1919 by Sylvia Beach, it is a combination of a bookstore and areading library, specializing in English-language literature. In the 1920s, the store was a meetingpoint for literary icons such as Ezra Pound, Ernest Hemingway and James Joyce. Located in the5th District, in Paris's Left Bank, the current store was opened in 1951, named after and in honorof the earlier store closed during World War 11. It is a cosy place to admire the packed shelvesand poetic posters.

  21. In which bookstore can people admire the flower-like staircase in the center?

  A. In City Lights. B. In El Ateneo.

  C. In Livraria Lello. D. In Shakespeare &Company.

  22. What is El Ateneo noted for compared with the other bookstores?

  A. Its origin.B. Its beauty.

  C. Its location.D. Its comfortableness.

  23. Which bookstore also publishes books?

  A. City Lights. B. El Ateneo.

  C. Livraria Lello. D. Shakespeare &Company.

  24. What do City Lights and Shakespeare & Company have in common?

  A. They pack the shelves. B. They provide good coffee.

  C. They were opened early. D. They received famous writers.


  Mike Godwin is an American lawyer and author who invented "Godwin's Law" in 1990when he made the following statement:

  As an online discussion grows longer, a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler is very likelyto be made.

  Godwin's Law is applicable to online discussions in forums, chat rooms, and on blogs. Theterm has earned a place in the Oxford English Dictionary:

  Godwin's Law: noun. A facetious aphorism( 有趣的格言) maintaining that as an onlinedebate increases in length, it becomes certain that someone will eventually compare someone orsomething to Adolf Hitler or the Nazis.

  Although coined to describe an Internet phenomenon, the term is being applied to the use of"the Nazi card" in other contexts.

  A complaint by many forum users is that the so-called law is ending discussion. One makesa Nazi comparison and another cries, "You said Hitler, so I win!" At that point, the discussionends. The term has created a verb, "to Godwin," as in, "You Godwined this discussion!"

  The mention of Godwin's Law has come to be seen as a way to end an online discussion.Here is a complaint voiced by a forum user:

  It seems like Godwin 's law is becoming a real problem for any sort of discussion on theinternet. Whenever Hitler, or Nazis, is brought up in a discussion, thediscussion is then over andthe poster who mentioned the subject is laughed at. This would be a problem if people mention

  Godwin's law when the Hitler/Nazi mention is relevant to the topic at hand.

  25. What will certainly happen according to "Godwin's Law" if the online discussion islengthened?

  A. The debaters will maintain their justice.

  B. The debaters will mention Hitler or Nazis.

  C. The debaters will earn a place in the forum.

  D. The debaters will become very sick and tired.

  26. What does the underlined word "coined" in the fifth paragraph mean probably?

  A. Built. B. Adapted. C. Classified. D. Invented.

  27. What is the mention of "Godwin's Law" viewed as in a discussion?

  A. A way of objection. B. A way of complaint.

  C. A way of ending it. D. A way of creating words.


  I felt like I had clicked my heels three times and come to a country away from home everymorning as I walked through the doors at the Embassy of Australia inWashington. MusicalAussie accents, and Aboriginal art exhibits made me wonder if I had entered without a visa. Infact I was a temporary employee, a public affairsunpaid intern(實習(xí)) for three months duringthe summer in order to engage myself in the culture of the country where I planned to study thenext spring.

  During the summer I read the Australian news every day. Working at the embassy allowedme to escape the U.S. for six hours per day and learn about what was going on across the planet.After reading the daily Australian and U.S. news I usually helped prepare a PowerPointpresentation for school kids who visited the embassy as part of a school activity. Depending onwhether an embassy event was going on, I would attend weekly meetings to listen in on planningand see what I could do to help. Usually there were smaller tasks to be done such as creatingvisitors' guides.

  The most fantastic event in which I participated was the visit of the Australian primeminister. As the only American among countless Australian media and staff, I felt comfortableand was kept busy taking pictures and recording door-stop interviews at famous sites such as theCapitol. As an intern, you will not beinside when it comes to special events.exposed to top-secret information, but you are on the

  Government work is a useful addition to one's experience. As an embassy employee youwill gain invaluable knowledge while spending your summer in a culturally diverse workplace.

  28. What is the author talking about?

  A. Her embassy internship.

  B. Her trouble in finding a job.

  C. Her foreign culture experience.

  D. Her preparation for future employment.

  29. Why was the author in the Embassy of Australia for three months?

  A. To apply for a visa.

  B. To prepare to study in Australia.

  C. To record musical Aussie accents.

  D. To appreciate Aboriginal art exhibits.

  30. What was the author forbidden to do when the Australian prime minister visited America?

  A. Record door-stop interviews.

  B. Know top-secret information.

  C. Take pictures of special events.

  D. Stand among the Australian staff.

  31. What can we infer about her daily routine at the Embassy?[:]

  A. It is tiring. B. It is boring.

  C. It is exciting. D. It is relaxing.


  Uggs(雪地靴) are certainly ugly, or at least inelegant. The shapeless boots, pulled on in ahurry, can make anyone look like a slob(&), which has made them thetarget of disrespect. Ithasn't been hard to find someone strongly condemning them. "Ugg boots are not sexy", theIndependent declared in 2003, "unless you're Mrs.to find Mr. Bigfoot." When wearing the boots, aBigfoot on a lone mission across Antarcticawriter of The Gloss complained, "there'snothing to indicate that you don't have square, horrible shoe boxes in place of human feet." In2015, one coffee shop on Brick Lane in east London even banned Ugg-wearers.

  And yet, over the years, plenty of strange and unattractive shoes have met with the approvalof the fashion establishment. The problem with Uggs wasn't that they were ugly; it's that theywere common.

  But a funny thing happened on the way to fashion's tomb: the universal Ugg has not goneanywhere. Uggs have quietly stayed here since their best time. Once you start paying attention,you'll be shocked to discover how many people are still wearing them. They are worn bymothers in town and in the country, by teenagers on Saturday shopping trips and by people infashion.

  Perhaps the secret of Uggs' unstoppable success is that, if there is a dividing line betweenpublic appeal and private style, it might be a pair of cosy boots. They are certainly comfortable,soft and warm, as if your feet were in the hugging of someone who really loves you. At 0 apair, they are neither cheap nor entirely out of range. They are casual and indulgent(任性的).Somehow Uggs, the boots that so many people hate, have managed to challenge the cruellogic of the fashion cycle and carry on whether you approve of them or not.

  32. What is the best title of the passage?

  A. Uggs Refuse to Die

  B. Uggs Have Existed So-Long

  C. Uggs Enter the Fashion Circle

  D. Uggs Have Gone Somewhere

  33. Why does the author quote many magazines' words in the first paragraph?

  A. To prove Uggs' toughness.

  B. To prove Uggs' popularity.

  C. To prove people's approval.

  D. To prove people's condemning.

  34. What does the author think very strange?

  A. Uggs are very common.

  B. Uggs stay there regardless.

  C. Uggs are worn by teenagers.

  D. Uggs are inelegant and ugly.

  35. What is the secret to the success of Uggs according to the passage?

  A. They are very cheap.

  B. They own private style.

  C. They have public appeal.

  D. They are very comfortable.



  How I trained myself to get up earlier

  I am not what you would call a morning person. I'm a writer. But getting up early hasbecome really important for me. These are the techniques that I used to follow to learn to get upearlier:

  36 In my case it is 6 am so that I could do a couple of hours, write my blog and catchup my email before everyone else started work.

  Promise myself a reward. I always wanted to learn shooting so I promised myself I wouldbook a day's shooting if I got up early for a month.

  Get clothes, computer and breakfast ready the night before. 37

  Alarms. I set my bedside alarm for 06:00. 1 also set my telephone to ring at 06:05 but I putthe phone on the other side of the room so that I have to get out of bed to stop it ringing.

  Naps(打盹) and earlier nights. Sleep is like money in the bank. If you overdraw by gettingup early, you have to pay in some other time. 38 Also, in the long run, going to bed an houror so earlier meant that I was getting the right amount of sleep.

  Talk big widely about your new early-birdiness. 39 My friend Stuart says "We arc thestories we tell about ourselves." If I describe myself as a punctual, early-rising, efficient robotmaybe that's what I'll become.

  To cut a long story short. It worked! I wake up at six, feel fresh and jump right out of bedwithout any alarms or bribery(賄賂).


  A. This technique works every time.

  B. Decide what time I wanted to get up.

  C. Initially, I did this by having short naps after lunch.

  D. None of these is rocket science, but they are worth sharing.[:]

  E. It makes you feel good to tell people "Oh, I get up at 6 am."

  F. When I add blogs, it feels as if I have no free hours in the daytime.

  G. I don't want to fall over everything when doing basic tasks when I'mhalf-asleep.






  Gift at the Parking Lot

  I never thought I would be writing about a trip to the convenient store. It was just a monthafter my grandmother had 41 and I did useless things hoping to fill the hole in my heart andmake me forget the pain.

  In the store, I was upset because I couldn't even remember 42 I went there to buy so Iended up buying something 43 . As I walked out of the store to get my car, I was 44angry at everything that was going on around me which was a very 45 feeling at that time.Feeling 46 , my belief in God was beginning to fade.

  Suddenly, a .woman driving right by my side roll down her 47 . "Excuse me, excuseme." she said loudly. 48 she was going to ask for my parking spot, I 49 pointed tomy car. "No, excuse me," she said again.

  At this point, I felt I had no 50 but to see what this 51 lady wanted. As I gotcloser, I realized that she was 52 something in her bag. Surprisingly, I was 53 by asense of relief while others would be nervous in this situation. Finally, she 54 me a booklet,which read "What Hope for Dead Loved Ones?" "Maybe you needthis," she said calmly 55a warm smile on her face. However, 56 I could thank her, she was gone.

  I felt a sense of 57 as I opened the first page. It 58how people pass on, but

  their spirit 59 with us. This was the first time since my grandmahad passed that I had felther with me and I began to feel hope again. It was a unique 60And, I'll remember it forthe rest of my life.

  41. A. come backB. passed awayC. broken downD. fallen overgkstkCom

  42. A. whatB whyC. howD. when

  43. A. by chanceB. in handC. at randomD. on purpose

  44. A still B. evenC. yetD. also

  45. A. commonB. unbearableC. Curious D. awkward

  46. A. breathlessB. hopelessC. aimlessD. helpless

  47. A. carB. doorC. windowD. hand

  48. A. RecognizingB. WorryingC. AssumingD. Realizing

  49. A. cautiouslyB. exactlyC. clumsilyD. simply

  50. A. alternativeB. restrictionC. destinationD. prejudice

  51. A. outgoingB. energeticC. determinedD. annoying

  52. A. putting awayB. looking intoC. searching forD. going over

  53. A. cheeredB. overcomeC. affectedD. moved

  54. A. offeredB. showedC. broughtD. handed

  55. A. withB. inC. onD. of

  56. A. afterB. onceC.asD. before

  57. A. comfortB. satisfactionC. inspirationD. surprise

  58. A. impliedB. explainedC. instructedD. directed

  59. A. catches upB. fits inC. sticksD. remains

  60. A. lessonB. memoryC. giftD. reward




  The Yangtze River, 61 (know) in China as the Chang Jiang is the longest river in Asiaand the longest in the world to flow entirely within one country. Flowing from the TibetanPlateau to the East China Sea, the Yangtze is a natural division 62north and south. Drivenby the 63 (curious) in my heart, I came to China and took part in a cruise(巡航) along partof the river last year.

  Life on board was relaxed with plenty to occupy the time and mind. We passed Wuhan64 in 1966 Chairman Mao, then in his 70s, famously swam across the Yangtze. Glorioustemples rise over industrial ports while, high above the rocks, ancient coffins are hung in caves..without being disturbed for 65 (century). We also visited TheThree Gorges Dam, 66symbol of Chinese pride and power. As well as enormous hydro-electric output, 67 (it)increasing shipping ability benefits Chinese people quite a lot.

  As a foreigner, I 68 (absorb) and charmed by the genuine warmth of welcome andunique culture during the trip. 69 (rare), if ever, have I enjoyed such a culturally rich andhistorically interesting trip. Now I am looking forward to 70 (visit) again to China!









  Living without an aim is like sailing without compass. If there is no aim in our lives,we will get lose. Last term, I couldn't accept the truth which I failed in my math

  examination. I decided to give it up, so I skipped from classes frequently. Considered mycase, my teacher offered me several detailed approach and advised me to set a short-termgoal to improve my math. Finally, I work harder than ever and made great progress in hermath. In my opinion, success lies in a series of goals. However, we should remember tomake our targets clearly and spare no effort to realize our dreams.


  假定你是李華,你在國外網(wǎng)上書店Landon購買了一木英文原版小說Gone with the Wind貨到后你發(fā)現(xiàn)了問題。請用英文給該書店寫信,內(nèi)容包括:





  Dear Sir or Madam,



  Li Hua



  1—5 CABAC 6—10 CBAAB 11—15 CBABA 16—20 CBACC



  A 篇: 21 -23 CAAD

  B 篇: 25-28 BDC

  C 篇: 29-31 ABBC

  D 篇: 32-35 ADBD


  36 –40 BGCED

  第三部分 英語知識運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)

  第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題:每小題1.5分,滿分30分)

  41- 45 BACBA 46-50 BCCDA 51-55 DCBDA 56-60 DABDC


  61. known62. between63. curiosity64. where65. centuries

  66. a67. its68. was absorbed69. Rarely70.visiting


  第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共10小題:每小題1分,滿分10分)

  Living without an aim is like sailing without ∧compass. If there is no aim in our lives,


  we will get lose. Last term, I couldn’t accept the truth which I failed in my final math lost that

  examination. I decided to give it up, so I skipped from classes frequently. Considered my case,

  skip Considering

  my teacher offered me several detailed approach and advised me to set a short-term goal to approaches

  improve my math. Finally, I work harder than ever and made great progress in her math. In my

  worked my

  opinion, success lies in a series of goals. However, we should remember to make our targets Therefore

  clearly and spare no effort to realize our dreams.[:][:.]



  Dear Sir or Madam:

  I purchased a book Gone with the Wind in your online bookshop Landon for its convenience and good service. I was very glad to receive it yesterday. However, when I opened the package, I was sorry to find something wrong with it.

  Firstly, the cover of the novel is broken and there are some dirty spots on it due to the poor packaging. In addition, some pages are missing, which makes it impossible to read. I would like you to change it for a new one and post it to me as soon as possible. Please do check the book and be careful with the packaging beforehand this time. I hope you can live up to the expectation of your customer.

  Looking forward to your early reply.

  Yours Li Hua








英語高考在探索形式改革的同時,應(yīng)充分重視內(nèi)容改革的意義,提高考試的效度。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為你整理關(guān)于2017甘肅英語高考試卷的內(nèi)容,希望大家喜歡! 2017甘肅英語高考試卷 第I卷 第一部分:聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分) 做題時,先將答案標(biāo)在試卷上。錄音內(nèi)容結(jié)束


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