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  第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)

  第一節(jié) (共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)


  Tips for waiting in line

  When lining up at the supermarket checkout counter, the lines next to us always seem to be moving faster than the one that we are standing in.

  Now the New York Times has put together the research of scientists to give you some insights into the math and psychology of queuing. It also offered tips on picking the fastest line no matter if you’re lining up in a supermarket, a bank or anywhere else.

  Picking someone with a full chart

  US mathematician Dan Meyer believes that a chart(購物車) full of items doesn’t tell the whole story. “Every person requires a fixed amount of time to say hello, pay, say goodbye and clear out of the lane,” he said. And that amount of time is an average of 41 seconds per person.

  On the other hand, the time that each item takes to be rung up is only three seconds. That means if there are five people ahead of you, each with ten items in their charts, the waiting time will be 355 seconds. But if there is only one person ahead of you ,with 50 items in the chart, the waiting time is 191 seconds. You do the math.

  Study the customer

  How many people are ahead of you is one thing, and who they are is another. For example, if they are old people – and this is not ageist(年齡歧視的) – they tend to move slower and delay the checkout process.

  The items in their chart are also important. For example, four bottles of the same milk will definitely go faster than four completely different items.

  Choose a “serpentine line”

  In some places, there may be just one line leading to several checkout counters. The person at the head of the line goes to the next available counter. This is known as a “serpentine(蛇形的) line”. You should always choose a serpentine line because even if one of the cashiers or customers is slow, it won’t hold up an entire line.

  Go left

  According to Robert Samuel, a US science writer, around 90 percent of people are right-handed, which means they tend to go to the right. So heading to the opposite direction – left –will give you a better chance of finding a faster line.

  21. If there are 6 people before you, and they buy 72 items altogether, then you have to wait about ________seconds.

  A. 462 B. 318 C. 246 D. 216

  22. What we needn’t consider before deciding which line to stand in?

  A. The number of people before you.

  B. The quantity of the goods to check out before you.

  C. What kind of people before you.

  D. How many left-handed people before you.

  23. We can learn from the passage that________.

  A. most people are used to choosing checkout counters on their right

  B. we should always avoid lining up behind a crowded cart

  C. 7 cups of the same kind need as much time as 7 different ones to be checked out

  D. the cashiers and customers in a “serpentine line” are slow


  "Selfie," taking a picture of yourself to post on social media, became an official word in the Oxford dictionary in 2013. The idea seems simple, just pose and snap a photo of yourself with your cell phone camera. How difficult could that be?

  But in 2014 a reported 15 people died while taking selfies. That number has risen each year since then. Thirty-nine deaths connected to selfies were reported in 2015. And, this year has seen more than 70 such deaths.

  Researchers from universities in the U.S. and India have released findings from the first study of deaths due to selfies. The investigators examined the causes and characteristics of the deaths.

  The researchers found that people who take selfies for sharing on social media often have a narcissistic tendency. The report says these people "use selfies as a form of self-identification and expression." They may take selfies in more dangerous settings because they seek greater attention.These dangerous situations can lead to injury, and even death. The researchers define a selfie death as "death of an individual or a group of people that could have been avoided had the individual(s) not been taking a selfie."

  One example of a dangerous selfie in the study involved bicycle races. People sometimes get on the track to take a picture of themselves with the racing bicycles behind them. Crashes and injuries have resulted. Another example described people standing on train tracks trying to get a selfie as a train moves toward them from behind. The most common cause of selfie death was falling from high places. It caused 32 of the 172 deaths during the last two and one-half years. Drowning was another common cause of death.

  And it might be more dangerous to be a man with a smartphone. Although women take more selfies, males were far more likely to die during selfies. 75.5% of the reported deaths were of men. About one-third of the 172 reported selfie deaths had a single death while 24 incidents involved the deaths of groups. Two of the incidents killed seven people each.

  24. What’s the passage mainly about?

  A. selfie deaths on the rise B. the danger of taking selfies

  C. what a selfie death is D. the causes of selfie deaths

  25. What does the underlined phrase in Paragraph 4 probably refer to?

  A. A physical state. B. A psychological state .

  C. A difficulty. D.A camera.

  26. Which of the following is an example of selfie deaths?

  A. A man addicted to taking selfies died.

  B. A taxi-driver died with one of his passengers taking selfies.

  C. A man fell off the cliff while taking a selfie and died .

  D. An old lady died from heart attack when taking a selfie.

  27. From the passage, we can learn that________.

  A. selfie deaths are always single deaths

  B. women are more likely to die during selfies

  C. it is dangerous to participate in bicycle races

  D. selfie deaths happened in various ways


  I worked lots of extra hours my first Christmas season as a saleslady for Dancer’s, the department store in my small hometown. I’d started the job, which paid 85 cents an hour, that summer of 1966 after getting a work permit at age 15. I soon learned how to fit shoes, measure and cut cloth, and keep the shelves of shirts and underwear nice and neat.

  We closed at 6 p.m. on Christmas Eve, and at 5:55 a local farmer came in to find gifts for his wife. I knew Mr. Johnson, whose daughter was in my class, so I went to help him. We wandered through the sweaters, dresses and skirts, and nightgowns(睡衣). We talked about size and color and what I thought Mrs. Johnson would like. After nearly an hour, Mr. Johnson decided on a nightgown with pretty pink slippers to match.

  By my third Christmas at Dancer’s, I was an experienced salesclerk. Mrs. Johnson had come into the store in late summer, and we visited while I helped her shop. As she commented on pretty colors and design, I made mental notes. When Mr. Johnson made his last-minute appearance on Christmas Eve, I was ready. I told him, “Mrs. Johnson was in not too long ago, and I noticed how much she liked this royal blue sweater. She’d also told me that she really needed new boots. I’d found some perfect boots in her size and had put them aside for Christmas Eve. ” Mr. Johnson was impressed, and I think more than a little relieved. We completed the sale by 6:10 with everything wrapped in paper and ribbons!

  I worked for Dancer’s three more holiday seasons and was always there just before closing on Christmas Eve, when Mr. Johnson knew I had the answers he needed. Years later, I can well remember he once told me that the big stores in cities had more goods and lovely Christmas fantasies in their window but it’s only in a small town that neighbors take care of neighbors.

  28. What do we know about the author’s job in Dancer’s ?

  A. She enjoyed her work in Dancer’s .

  B. She worked long hours to get a good pay.

  C. It took her a long time to know what she should do.

  D. She could also help some customer make decisions.

  29. What did the author do before Mr. Johnson’s appearance on her third Christmas in Dancer’s?

  A. She talked with his daughter.

  B. She kept his wife’s need and taste in mind.

  C. She kept an eye on his wife for quite a long time.

  D. She looked into the sales record of the store.

  30. What can be inferred from the passage?

  A. The author worked for Dancer’s for 5 years in all.

  B. Mr. Johnson doubted whether the author could help him.

  C. Mr. Johnson valued the sincere relationship in his neighborhood.

  D. Mr. Johnson didn’t believe the big stores in cities had what he wanted.

  31. What may be the best title for the text?

  A. My Working Experience in Dancer’s

  B. Mr. Johnson’s Christmas gift

  C. Last-minute Appearance on Christmas Eve

  D. Christmas Gifts with neighbors’ consideration


  A new ‘paparazzi-proof’ scarf has got heatedly welcomed since lanched. A new ‘paparazzi-proof’ scarf could be a game-changer for celebrities(名流) who prefer to shy away from the stage light. The ISHU scarf is the creation of Dutch-born fashion entrepreneur Saif Siddiqui and is designed to ‘give people their right to privacy back’. A host of celebrities including Cameron Diaz, singer Joe Jonas, Bayern Munich footballer Jerome Boateng and music producer Major Lazer have worn the ISHU after it was spotted at London Fashion Week last year.

  It works by reflecting the light back into a camera, effectively becoming ‘invisibility clothes’ for celebrities who don’t want their photo taken.Anyone wearing the scarf is protected from mobile flash photography, with the fashion accessory’s fabric effectively blocking out any unwanted pictures, although it doesn’t stop no-flash photographs from being taken.

  The 28-year-old Siddiqui was inspired while visiting family in Amsterdam in 2009 when his friends attempted to take a photo of him using an iPhone in front of some bikes.“He noticed that the bike’s reflector carried the flash of his mobile camera in a way that confused the faces of his friends in the picture,” the ISHU website explains. “He immediately realized that if developed into the right product, this feature would be an ideal solution for his friends and is now available to the public who want to keep their private moments in public private. “Saif put together a team of experts who dug into the science of light and reflection, and how to blend technology with fashion.”

  He told Decoded Magazine: “The ISHU scarf effectively allows an individual to control what pictures and videos are taken of him. “There are no more unwanted pictures and videos on Snapchat, Instagram, or Facebook! Everyone carries a phone with them nowadays that has an amazing camera. So, it all made sense to me.” More ISHU products are set to launch in August, with mobile phone cases set to launch in the next few weeks. The ISHU is currently sold out but you can pre-order it online for £289.

  32. Why did Saif design the ‘paparazzi-proof’ scarf?

  A. To help protect people’s privacy.

  B. To make a rich profit from the celebrities.

  C. Because the scarf is to get a heated welcome.

  D. To dig into the science of light and reflection.

  33. How did Saif get the creative idea of producing scarves?

  A. He was inspired by the photographs of bike.

  B. He was inspired when his friends attempted to take a photo of him.

  C. He was inspired when finding his friends’ picture was not ideal.

  D. He was inspired while cycling with his family members.

  34. Which of the following statement might be true?

  A. The paparazzi-proof scarf can prevent any unwanted pictures being taken.

  B. There might be fewer unwanted pictures and videos on internet.

  C. ISHU will be only used to effectively control pictures taken.

  D. Customers will mainly buy ISHU products online.

  35. Who might most need the ‘paparazzi-proof’ scarf?

  A. reporter B. fans. C. photographers D. singers

  第二節(jié) (共5小題,每小題2分,滿分10分)


  Make Your Brain Smarter

  You know that eating a sensible diet and getting plenty of exercise help make your body healthy and strong. But did you know that there are ways to make your brain healthier and smarter? Studies show that when the brain is forced to do something new, it creates new neural (神經(jīng)的)pathways.___36___

  ● Limit your TV viewing

  Watching an average TV show requires very little brain power and brings the same result as neglecting physical exercise. ___37___ If you watch TV, choose something educational and informative.

  ● Use your non-dominant hand

  If you are right-handed, use your left hand for everyday activities, or use your right hand if you are left-handed.___38___ Brushing our teeth is something most of us do daily. We really don’t put that much thought into it — but maybe we should. Experts suggest that we can stimulate this right brain by changing things up and working with our non-dominant hand. So the next time you brush your teeth, open the tube, apply your toothpaste and brush with the opposite hand.

  ● Shower with your eyes closed

  Hop in the shower and shut your eyes. Even if you drop the soap — that’s okay. Use your different senses. ___39___ Using your fingers to make fine distinctions between objects or textures can rewire the brain areas involved in touch suggests Larry Katz, a professor of neurobiology at Duke University Medical Center and author. This has been true for brain-imaging experiments with blind Braille readers and monkeys trained to use their fingers to get food.

  ● ___40___

  Can playing “Chopsticks” on the piano make your smarter? Well, according to a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience, it can. Kids who received at least three years of instrumental music training outperformed children without training in fine motor skills, vocabulary and nonverbal reasoning skills. Apparently, people who are better able to move to a beat show more consistent brain responses to speech than those with less rhythm. The study findings suggest that musical training might sharpen the brain’s response to language — making you a little smarter.

  A Learn a new language.

  B Move to the beat of your own drum.

  C Your brain will become weak just as your muscles do.

  D Walking for exercise requires little time and brings the same result as running.

  E Doing familiar things in a new way will cause your brain to create new neural networks.

  F The more pathways you have, the faster you can think and the better memory you will have.

  G Searching for the soap or shampooing while feeling the textures with your eyes closed works your brain and helps make you smarter.

  第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié), 滿分45分)

  第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20 小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)

  閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A, B, C, D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。

  Last fall, I was out of work and starting to face serious money problems. Then I discovered a (an)___41___ restaurant near where I live in Milan, Italy. I thought, maybe they’re looking for ___42___, so I sent in my resume. I’d ___43___ worked in a restaurant before. It wasn’t a great dream of mine. But I’ve been ___44___ since I was 16. I needed a job to ___45___ having to go back to my hometown Palermo, because that would have been a great ___46___.

  I always knew I would ___47___ Palermo ---- it has so ___48___ history, but it develops slowly. And yet I moved to Milan ___49___. I wanted to go to Rome, but I ___50___ an acting school in Milan, and I stayed. Since finishing school, I’ve ___51___ classical plays in the theatre. I’ve also worked at a clothing store. Acting is of the kind that depends on luck, and the Italian job market has been ___52___ these past few years.

  When I got the job there as a cook, the owners had already ___53___ a guy named Tadzio, who baked all their pastries(酥皮糕點). He is just very, very friendly. I felt totally ___54___ with him, and we became friends ___55___. A lot of people came in for dinner because the place was quite nice and the ___56___ were so low. Tadzio and I spent all day together in the ___57___, talking about cooking.

  Soon I ___58___ that I really like working as a cook. It’s like acting: You’re onstage every day, but it’s always new. Sometimes you never know ___59___ you really like until you have a ___60___.

  41 A old B new C local D quiet

  42 A staff B managers C jobs D ideas

  43 A already B often C occasionally D never

  44 A experiencing B experimenting C studying D cooking

  45 A guarantee B convince C avoid D stop

  46 A defeat B challenge C dream D disadvantage

  47 A forget B leave C love D return

  48 A unpleasant B short C much D little

  49 A by turns B by rules C by accident D by mistake

  50 A settled in B enrolled in C passed by D learned from

  51 A performed B written C directed D witnessed

  52 A strange B awful C amazing D steady

  53 A trained B fired C hired D recommended

  54 A strict B familiar C patient D comfortable

  55 A instantly B especially C accordingly D cautiously

  56 A buildings B surroundings C dishes D prices

  57 A market B dining-room C kitchen D city

  58 A reminded B informed C discovered D pointed

  59 A whether B what C something D anything

  60 A try B look C teacher D friend


  第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分 45 分)

  第二節(jié)(共 10 小題;每小題 1.5 分,滿分 15分)


  Xuexiang Village, formerly known as a forestry farm, has been transformed into a booming tourist resort. ___61___(locate) at the southern foot of Changbai Mountain, it has much snow. The snow here starts falling in October and begins to melt in April. A unique scene is the "snow mushrooms", ___62___ are formed after snow falls onto wood piles. Together with log cabins, pine trees and snowy mountains, ___63___ place looks like a fairy tale world.

  Several decades ago, people ___64___(come) here as loggers. Years of excessive logging resulted ___65___ a resource-shortage problem. After the natural forest protection project ___66___(launch) in 1999,the forestry farm stopped logging and started to make good use of the snow to develop the tourism industry. Amateur photographers first promoted the beautiful scenery, then, with the help of the internet, it ___67___(gradual) became famous and tourists began coming. ___68___(sense) the new opportunities, loggers started to open family hotels and restaurants. Nearly 80 ___69___(family) are now involved in tourism business. "My family can make 200,000-300,000 yuan each year, which enables ___70___(we) to live a much better life", said Fan, a used-to-be logger.

  第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié) 滿分35)

  第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)

  Every time my mother and I start to have a conversation, it turns into an argue. We talk about something as simply as dinner plans and suddenly, my mother will push the conversation into the topic of her best friend’s son, who received a four-year scholarship 2012. She is now earning 70,000 dollar a year as an engineer. In a fact, I don't want to do any job relating to science like him. I don't know what to explain my plan to my mother. I'm the type of person who loves to help out in the community, and most of all, want to achieve a career because I love it. I'd rather follow my dreams or create my own future.

  第二節(jié) 書面表達(滿分25分)

  假如你是李華,你的美國朋友湯姆要來惠州學院學習半年的中文,他讓你幫忙找個寄宿家庭。 請你回一封電子郵件,向他介紹找到的寄宿家庭的情況,內(nèi)容包括:

  1. 所處的位置及周邊交通狀況;

  2. 家庭成員情況;

  3. 寄宿費用及需承擔的家務(wù)。

  Dear Tom,

  I’m glad to learn that you will come to Huizhou University to study Chinese for six months. _______________________________________




  Yours ,

  Li Hua



  第一節(jié):21—25 ADAAB 26—30 CDDBC 31—35 DACBD

  第二節(jié):36—40 FCEGB


  41—45 BADDC 46—50ABCCB 51—55 ABCDA 56—60DCCBA


  61 Located 62 which 63 the 64 came 65 in

  66 was launched 67 gradually 68 Sensing/Having sensed 69 families 70 us


  Every time my mother and I start to have a conversation, it turns into an argue. We talk about

  Argue改為 arguement

  something as simply as dinner plans and suddenly, my mother will push the conversation into the


  topic of her best friend’s son, who received a four-year scholarship 2012. She is now earning

  scholarship后加in She改為He

  70,000 dollar a year as an engineer. In a fact, I don't want to do any job relating to science like him.

  dollar改為dollars 去掉a relating改為related

  I don't know what to explain my plan to my mother. I'm the type of person who loves to help out


  in the community, and most of all, want to achieve a career because I love it. I'd rather follow my


  dreams or create my own future.


  書面表達:(One possible version)

  Dear Tom,

  I’m glad to learn that you will come to Huizhou University to study Chinese for six months. You asked me to look for a Chinese host family for you in your last e-mail and I have found one, which I think should meet all your requirements.

  The family’s flat, located in the center of the city, is a little far away from the university where you will learn Chinese. But it is within easy reach of the bus station, so you don’t have to bother about the transport. The host family is made up of four: a married couple and their two sons. The host and the hostess are considerate and friendly, and their elder son is about your age. As for the monthly rent, it is about 1000 yuan, which ensures you a family type of living at a low cost. As the family requests, you are supposed to do some housework, such as mopping the floor, and doing the dishes. You won’t find a better choice than this.

  I’m looking forward to your arrival!

  Yours ,

  Li Hua









高三生活很忙碌,但也要勞逸結(jié)合。每天生活:12:9:3。12小時學習,9小時休息吃飯,3小時雜務(wù)和體育鍛煉。祝高考成功!下面是學習啦小編為大家推薦的北京高考英語題,僅供大家參考! 北京高考英語題 第I卷 第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40分) 第一節(jié) (共15


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