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  第一部分聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分3 0分)



  聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有1 0秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。

  1. What did the woman do for a whole night?

  A. She took care of her uncle. B.She worked in a hospital.. C.She attended a meeting.

  2. Where does the conversation take place?

  A.At home. B.In a restaurant. C.r\t a fruit shop.

  3. What can we learn from their conversation?

  A.The woman is blind.

  B. The woman is a stranger here.

  C. It's the first time for the woman to take a taxi.

  4.What isMike doing?

  A.Making a design. B.Doing an experiment. C.Attending a party.

  5. What did the woman_ do in her summer holiday?

  A. She lived in Yunnan.

  B. She went to Yunnan by train.

  C. She took a good tour in Yunnan.

  第二節(jié)(共1 5小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分)



  6. Why did the woman miss the football match?

  A.She was ill.

  B.Her bike broke down.

  C. She looked after her sister at home.

  7. What was the result of the match?[:]

  A. The man's class won. B.The woman s class won. C. The two teams tied

  8. Where is the library?

  A. Near the school gate. B. Next to the bedroom. C. Near a big stone.

  9. How long is the library open in the morning?

  A. 5 hours. B. 3 hours. C. 4 hours.

  10. Where are they talking?

  A. On the way to their office. B.At a flower s op.! C. At the man's home

  11. Why has the man bought so many flowers?

  A.Because they're very popular and precious.

  B. Because they're both beautiful and cheap.

  C. Because he wants to open a flower shop.

  12. What can we know from the conversation?

  A. The man will open a flower shop.

  B. The man asks the woman to decorate their office.

  C. The man is very satisfied with what he bought.

  聽第 9段材料,回答第 13至 16題0

  13. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Couple. B. Friends. C. Classmates.

  14. Why are“Tuantuan” and 6“Yuanyuan” so popular with the tourists?

  A. Because they are fat and clumsy.

  B. Because they are clever and pretty.

  C. Because they are lovely and rare.

  15.What's the color. of pandas' legs?

  A. Red. B. White. C. Black.

  16. When will they probably visit the panda?

  A. On Saturday. B. On Monday. C. On Tuesday.[:.]

  1r7. What did the couple want to do?

  A. Go home by car. B.Meet the farmer. C.Visit some friends.

  18. What was the young farmer doing when they saw him?

  A. He was driving a car on the way.

  B. He was driving some oxen on the way.

  C. He was working in the field.

  19. How much did the young farmer possibly earn at least that day?

  A. 70 dollars. B. 500 dollars. C. 700 dollars.

  20.'Vyrlly was the road so muddy?

  A. Because of the soil there. B.Because of the heavy rain.

  C. Because of the farmer's behavior.

  第二部分閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分4 0分)

  第一節(jié)(共1 5小題;每小題2分,滿分3 0分)



  The summer season in Albuquerque is filled with things to do. Whether you're looking for family-friendly activities9 a day trip, or new ways to get some exercise, here are some summer activities!

  Groove at Zoo Music&Summer Nights

  Grab your picnic basket and blanket, and finda spot in the grass, the summer concert series at the ABQ BioPark Zoo and Botanic Garden on Thursdays and Fridays throughout the summer.

  Pedal to Bike-In Coffee

  This coffee shop is off-the-beaten-path!It quietly lies just off the Paseo del Bosque Multi-Use Trail on Old Town Farm. But enjoying a cup of Joe or a“scookie”comes with one warning: you have to arrive here on the bike. For more information about cycling in Albuquerque, check out from our ABQ365 blog archive(檔案).

  Dance at the "Under the Stars" Concert Series

  Love to hear jazz and the blues? These music styles produce full force in the Under the Stars concert series. Held on Friday and Saturday evenings from May through August at the Albuquerque Museum,this concert series features outstanding local and regional acts.

  Shop the Growers Markets

  During this season, you can see more than a dozen markets in the city.They are the perfect places to pick up fresh salad greens, tomatoes, and more unusual vegetables; prepared foods, such as pies and soups. The city's two most popular are the Downtown Growers Market,held on Saturdays in Robinson Park and on Wednesdays on Civic Plaza;and the Rail Yards Market, held Sundays. in the BarelasNeighborhood.

  21. If you want to enjoy music while having a picnic, you can choose .

  A. Zoo Music& Summer Nights B. Bike-In Coffee

  C. the“Under the Stars" Concert Series D. the Growers Markets

  22. What do we know about Under the Stars?

  A. It will provide all kinds of music. B. It will offer a series of dances to visitors.

  C. It will be held at the Albuquerque Museum. D. It only welcomes the locals to attend.

  23. When and where can you do shopping?

  A. On Wednesdays in Robinson Park.

  B. On Wednesdays in the Rail Yards Market.

  C. On Sundays in the Barelas Neighborhood.

  D. On Sundays in the Downtown Growers Market.

  24. What is the best title for the text?

  A. Top Summer Activities in Albuquerque B. Albuquerque Full of Interest and Attraction

  C. A Wonderful Visit to the City of AlbuquerqueD. Some Excellent Concerts in Albuquerque


  There was a man doing research on human behavior. Once he decided to study the behavior of fish to learn something about the behavior of people. So he obtained a group of fish and bought a large tank for them to swim in. He put the fish in the tank and watched them day after day. What he observed was that the fish did what all fish did. They swam from end to encl, utilizing the entire area of the tank.Maybe they thought it was their kingdom.

  Well, one day the researcher decided to change the environment of the fish. So,he attracted all of the fish to one side, and placed a glass wall in it. This effectively halved the tank into two smaller parts. He thenreleased the fish. What he observed was not unusual.The fish went back to do what they were accustomed todoing. But because they could not see their new wall, they banged their faces into the glass wall. They turnedaround and tried again. But again, they banged. So they eventually learned how to swim in a tight circle in half a tank. They adjusted their existence to accommodate their limitations.

  After another period of time., theresearcher removed theglass wall. And again,he watched them. Thefish continued to swim in a tight circle. Not one of them ever tried to swim to the other side again. They allassumed that since their limitations had beenthere once, it would always be there. Therefore, they spent therest of their lives swimming in half a tank when in reality the whole tank was available.

  Very often, that is exactly what people do. We run into limitations9 roadblocks, obstacles, anddifficulties. Very often, we assume that since the roadblocks are there once that they will always be there. And just like the fish, we find“our comfort zone" and never test the limitations again. But the difference betweenthe fish and us is, as humans, that we have the ability to remove our glass walls.

  25. Which of the following can replace the underlined word“utilizing" inParagraph l?

  A. occupying B. attacking C. disliking D. searching

  26. How did the fish react to the new wall in the tank at first?

  A. They adjusted to it. B. They tried hard to break it.

  C. They banged it again and again. D. They liked it very much.

  27. Why did the fish continue to swim in a tight circle when the glass wall was removed?

  A.They liked to live a comfortable life. B. They got used to their limitations.

  C. They were afraid of losing it. D. They were too nervous to break it.

  28. What does the author mainly want to tell us in the last paragraph?

  A.All roads lead to Rome. B. Where there is a will, there isa way.

  C. Habit is a second nature. D. Change what we can with courage.


  Whether you re at a job interview or on a first date, eye contact is generally seen as a good thing. That doesn't seem to make it any less uncomfortable for some people. If you've ever struggled to hold another person's stare for more than a few seconds at a time, you're not alone. A recent study found that people have66preferred gaze time" of 3. 3 seconds on average, Science reports.

  The study, which was recently published in Royal Society Open Science, had 498 participants-all visitors to the London Science Museum who volunteered to take part-watch the same video of a woman staring into the camera. They were instructed to make eye contact with the actress and press a button oncethey began to feel uncomfortable. In addition to the volunteers' own self-reporting, researchers also measured eye movement and pupil(瞳孔) size using eye-tracking technology.

  The sweet spot came out to be only 3. 3 seconds for the average participant's preferred gaze time. Factorslike age and gender of the participants weren't found to produce any significant differences, but the researchers do note that staring at a screen isn't a perfect replacement for real-world interaction.

  Pupil dilation(擴大) was also a sign of a person's willingness to maintain eye contact. When we look into someone e se s. eyes, our pupils dilate automatically. The faster this happened. to volunteers, the longer theytended to hold their gaze.

  We know that eye contact is an important part of human interaction, but the point at which it becomes too much or too little has proven harder to tell. If you're curious to see whether your preferred gaze time falls into the so-called normal range, you can test yourself using the video above.

  29. What did the participants do during the study?

  A. They worked in the London Science Museum.

  B. They talked with the actress face to face.

  C. They had to introduce themselves to the woman.[:]

  D. Theywere required to watch the same video.

  30. According to the results of the study, we can know that.

  A. eye movement will make people feel uncomfortable

  B.the older people will stare at a person for a bit longer

  C. it is not comfortable for eyes to stare at the screen for long

  D. the preferred gaze time is actually rather too short

  31. What will happen if you look into others' eyes?

  A. You will know if he is willing to look at you.

  B. You can tell how long he will hold his gaze.

  C. Your pupils are likely to expand in a way.

  D. Possibly your heart will beat faster.


  Some Science ﹠Technology careers are usually considered as "men's" professions. In such a situation,it is heartening to note that the first employee that Facebook hired for its India office was Kirthiga Reddy.

  Born and brought up in India, Kirthiga Reddy completed her graduation in India and went on to pursue her MBA from Stanford University as well as an M. S in computer engineering from Syracruse University. She has worked in several famous companies such as Motorola and Silicon Graphics where she was the youngest director of engineering and the only woman at that level in her team.

  When Facebook opened its India office in 2010, Kirthiga Reddy had to start all by her own efforts.Overthe coursc of 3 years, Facebook has witnessed a rapid growth in its u\ser base in India along with impressivebrand and business engagement. With her passion for learning and the courage to take risks, Kirthiga Reddy is all set to take the tech world head on!

  Kirthiga Reddy, who started out as the first employee for Facebook in India, on Friday announced her quitting through a Facebook post. She plans to move back to the US in six months and expressed herexcitement saying“Our two daughters, Ashna and Ariya are extremely excited for this change. I have begun to explore new opportunities at Facebook back at Menlo Park in California. "

  "I could not be more excited about where the Facebook business is in India, where we are going and what to come. Over the last six years! starting as the first employee for. Facebook in India9 I have had the privilege to be part of our amazing growth journey'----from our operations in Hyderabad to being a business partner for our clients as they build their brands and grow their business in this mobile-first world," wrote Reddy in her FB post.

  32. what can we know about Kirthiga Reddy?

  A. What she has done is amazing for a woman.

  B. She is the first great founder of Facebook.

  C. What she has done has made men ashamed.

  D. She has got to a high position at Facebook.

  33. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

  A. Reddy only takes interest in famous companies.

  B. Reddy did well when she was at university.

  C. Reddy refused to attend college in India.

  D. Reddy decided to settle clown in the USA forever.

  34. Why would Reddy quit her position in India?

  A. Because she wanted to look after her daughters.[:.]

  B. Because Facebook came to an end in India.

  C. Because she would take another position.

  D. Because Facebook has made her feel tired.

  35. How does Reddy find her work in India?

  A. Disappointing. B.Satisfying. C.Boring. D.Upsetting.

  第二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分1 0分)


  Volunteering means something different from almost every organization you come across. Some agencies will cover your flight and cost of living while you are working. 36 If you are looking for a more meaningful way to spend a few months in Africa than simply traveling around9 volunteering is a wonderful way to spend your time.

  37 There you may not have ready access to running water and electricity. Housing can be very basic and you will likely be staying with local families.

  As in most countries in the world, rural communities are usually more traditional than urban centers. As you will be working closely with the local population,you will have to dress and behave in the way that is acceptable locally. General pace of life and work is much slower than in the west. 38

  If you're spending more than just a few weeks in Africa,especially sub-Saharan Africa, your chances of getting diseases will also increase. 39 The organization you work with should tell you about health issues and don't forget that local nurses anddoctors will have plenty of cxperience with common diseases. Initially you may also have some problems getting used to different foods arid water.

  A. Learn to enjoy the life as it is there happily

  B. Make sure you take all the medicine you need.

  C. Most volunteer opportunities take place in rural areas.

  D. Only when. you have a university education,you'll know it is worthwhile.

  E. Spending time in another culture will change the way you look at life,

  F. Lifeinrural areas is tough,so you must be prepared before making your final determination.

  G.Some are true 66volun.teer" projects and expect you to cover all costs for the privilege of the experience.

  Anyone who has volunteered in Africa will probably tell you that the biggest impact their project had was not on the community but on themselves. 40 Besides, experiencing another culture is part of the appeal of volunteering.

  第三都分英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分4 5分)

  第一節(jié)完形填空(共2 0小題;每小題1.5分,滿分3 0分)


  A man was caught and thrown into a large deep hole about‘‘40 feet’’ deep, just because he was a stranger. He41 , trying to get out of it, but the more he tried, the 42 he became. He said to himself,I don't know how to get myself out of this.Maybe I should just die43tolerating

  (忍受) these 44struggles.”Just then, he heard a voice screaming, “Help!Help!! Help !!!"

  The 45 were coming from another pit, which was“10 feet" deeper than the one he was in. He thought to himself, “Wow, so there is somebody else like me 46 here too. "

  Listening 47 , he heard some cracking and sand dropping from the wall of the hole of the other victim. Immediately he 48 his courage and with his 49 bit of strength, started crawling little by little 50 he made it out of his pit.

  You think you are passing through that pain, but there are people 510ff than you. Always saysomething sweet to yourself. 52 complain. Always smile at your pains. 53 them be; they are just there. for a while and also to 54 , you. Today may be your darkest hour and you may feel sad9 but your 55will come in the morning.

  Try to 56 yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror, beat your chest and say, “I can 57 it and Ican stand the test of 58 . " Always try to face your. worst situations or pains bravely because nothing good comes easily. You must be 59 to get out of your comfort zone. think big! Don't keep yourselves in a box where you think you are 60 to be or where you fit in.

  41. A. struggled B.practised C.considered D.finished

  42.A.softer B.tighter C.weaker D.stronger

  43. A. iii addition to B.instead of C.regardless of D.because of

  44. A. enjoyable B.sudden C.unbelievable D.painful

  45.A.shouts B.chances C.noises D.answers

  46. A. explored B.trapped C.stayed D.hidden

  47.A.hopefully B.anxiously C.carefully D.surprisingly

  48. A. gathered B.preservedC.valued D.shared

  49.A.valuable B.entire C.last D.extra

  50.A.while B.unless C.after D.until

  51. A.further B.stranger C.better D.worse

  52.A.Never B.Shortly C.Still D.Seldom

  53.A.Have B.Get C. Let D. Make

  54. A. guide B.challenge C.control D.abandon

  55. A. duty B.possibility C.joy D.chance

  56.A.forgive B.protect C.encourage D.love

  57.A.miss B.obtain. C.discover D.make

  58. A. strength B.time C.eye D.intelligence

  59.A.impossible B.unacceptable C.unnecessaryD.uncomfortable

  60.A.cleter7cn.ined B.supposed C.arranged D.cheated



  第三部分英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分4 5分)



  In 1974, the Chinese made 61 amazing discovery--the stories about Emperor Qin and his great army.An army of more than 8,000 soldiers 62 (make) of terra cotta(赤土陶), baked reddish clay, is buriedbeneath the earth not far from the tomb 63 Emperor.Qin is believed to be buried.

  Farmers digging a well in a field 64 (strike) the head of a terra-cotta soldier, The news that EmperorQin and his great army were discovered . 65 (quick) spread, and archeologists rushed to the site. Aftermany 66 (effort),archeologists learned that about 8,000 terra-cotta warriors(兵馬俑) were placedbeneath the ground.

  So far, archeologists have dug up and pieced together about l,000 0f the soldiers. The soldiers standabout six feet tall, and each appears to have his own separate 67 (personal). Some are almost smiling;some look very serious. Each 68 (have) his own little mustache and littlechanges tohis hairstyle.

  Visitors coming 69 different countriescan see the specialarmyin threemuseumsbuilt abovethe site.And they can look to the tree--covered Mount. Li nearby and reflect on all the discoveries that are yet 70(uncover).

  第四部分寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分3 5分)

  第一節(jié)短文改錯(共1 0小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)






  2.只允許修改1 0處,多者(從第11處起)不計分。

  May 24, 2016 was my 18th birthday. It was so an important day for me because it meant I became fully grown person.May father has promised he would give me a big present then. I was so excited that thetook my mother and myself to Thailand. The trip to abroad was the first time for my family. When we arrived in Thailand, I couldn't help hang around.I could see much kinds of statues everywhere. Riding elephants was one of the most famous travel project.I rode an elephantand it was real exciting. May father kept his promise or l was so thankful to him.

  第二節(jié)書面表達(滿分2 5分)




  注意:1.詞數(shù)1 00左右;










隨著高考制度的不斷改革和完善,聽力測試在英語高考中所占的比重也越來越大,權(quán)重也是越來越高,下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為你整理關(guān)于2017年全國卷高考英語真題的內(nèi)容,希望大家喜歡! 2017年全國卷高考英語真題 第I卷 第一部分聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分3 0分) 做題時,先將答


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    近年來,全國各地英語高考的模式和題型不斷創(chuàng)新。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為你整理關(guān)于2017年遼寧中職高考英語題的內(nèi)容,希望大家喜歡! 2017年遼寧中職高考英