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  Helen Keller (June 17, 1880 - June 1, 1968), the famous American writer, educator, philanthropist, social activist. In the nineteen months due to suffering from acute gastric congestion, cerebral congestion and was taken away vision and hearing. In 1887 met with Sally teacher. In 1899 June admitted to Harvard University Radcliffe Women's College. June 1, 1968 died, at the age of 87 years old, there are 86 years living in the lightless, silent world. In this time, she has completed 14 books. One of the most famous are: "If you give me three days bright" "My life story" "stone wall story". She was committed to the benefit of the disabled, the establishment of many charities, in 1964 won the "President of the Medal of Freedom", the following year selected the United States, "Time" named "Twentieth Century American ten hero idol" one.


  Helen Keller (June 27, 1880 - June 1, 1968), was born in a small town in northern Alabama - Tasmania. Is an American woman writer, educator, philanthropist, social activist. Graduated from the Harvard University Radcliffe College Helen Keller, is a deaf blind.

  She was a year and a half when the sudden acute cerebral congestion, high fever caused her unconscious. When she wakes up, her eyes are blind, my ears are deaf and the mouth can not speak.

  Because of the loss of hearing, can not correct the pronunciation of the error, she is also vague. For a disabled person, the world is a dark and quiet, in such circumstances to learn to read, write, speak, no strong memory, is simply impossible. But Helen Keller did not yield to fate. She was able to clearly pronounce, with a small rope in a metal rod, Diao in the mouth, the other end in his hand, practice hand mouth, write a word, read soon. In order to make the words written out of the letter is not crooked, she also made a wooden frame, equipped with a pulley to practice writing, of course, Anne Sullivan teacher also paid a great contribution, she let Helen hand on his throat On, let Helen feel the sound of the sound of vibration.


  March 3, 1887, for Helen this is a very important day. On this day, the family invited her teacher, Miss Anne Sullivan. Sullivan's teacher and Helen Keller are very close, they know a few days to get along well, and Helen Keller also learned from the Sally teacher who read the word, so that she can communicate with others, and then teach her some words The meaning of her successively learned flowers, water, sun, etc., and that love is that warm sunshine. And then taught Helen with the finger and the basic life of the ritual.

  Anne Sullivan teacher is very caring, she first understand Helen's temper, she finally knew that Keller's temper will be so restless, because parents can not bear to see her wrong (beating, do not abide by the rules, destruction of things, etc.) And so on when she did something wrong to give her to eat, so Anne Sullivan teacher must correct the wrong behavior of these parents, and her relationship with the establishment of mutual trust, and then patiently teach Helen sign language. One day, the teacher wrote the word "water" in Helen Keller's hand, and Helen Keller always confused the "cup" and "water". Later, she was impatient, the teacher to her new ceramic dolls broke. But Sally's teacher did not give up on Helen, she took Helen Keller came to the well room, to Helen Keller put a small hand on the mouth of the water, so cool water drops in Helen Keller's hands. Then, Sullivan teacher in Helen Keller's palm, wrote 'water' "water" the word written several times, from Helen Keller was firmly remember, and never confused. Helen later recalled: "Somehow the secret of the language was suddenly opened, and I finally knew that water was a liquid flowing through my palm.

  However, Sally teacher believes that just know how to read words and speechless, still inconvenient to communicate. However, from childhood and deaf and blind Helen Keller, one can not hear the voice of others to speak, and second to see the mouth of others to speak, so, although she can sound, but no way to speak.

  In order to overcome this difficulty, Sally teacher for Helen Keller to find the rich teacher (Dr. Hao), Dr. Hao taught her to use his hands to feel the mouth of others when talking changes, although very difficult, but Helen Keller Or do it. Anne taught her to write, sign language. Then, Sally teacher in Helen Keller's palm wrote the word (water). When Mr. Arnagnon of the Pokols School of Blinds read a hello look in amazement

  Authentic French letter, wrote: "no one can imagine how surprised and joy .I have the ability to believe that I have always been convinced that it can be difficult to believe that her three months of learning to achieve such a good result In the United States, it 's time for someone else to reach that level.

  Helen also divided his own learning into four steps:

  1, every day with three hours self-study.

  2, with two hours of silence learned knowledge.

  3, and then an hour's time to use their own three hours of knowledge written by the silent down.

  4, the rest of the time she used to learn the knowledge to practice writing.

  In the process of learning and memory, she has only one belief that she must be able to write down the knowledge of herself and make herself a useful person. She insists on learning more than 10 hours a day, after a long period of hard study, as well as indomitable faith, so that she mastered a lot of knowledge, can skillfully recite a large number of poems and masterpieces of the wonderful fragments. Later, a 200,000 words of the book, she can read with 9 hours, and can remember, say the effect of each chapter each section, but also the wonderful words in the book, sections, chapters and their own articles Of the unique insights within 2 hours to write out. Helen's memory has greatly exceeded the normal level of ordinary people.

  It is said that a doctoral student at Harvard University after listening to Helen Keller's story, very unconvinced, decided to compare with her test. Under the strict rules of time and under the supervision of teachers, they carried out three rounds of competition, Dr. lost. He took the doctor's hat, respectfully wearing on Helen's head, said her admiration and respect. After learning, Helen broke through the literacy, language, writing, has learned the British, French, German, Latin, Greek five languages, published 14 books, by the community praise and praise.


  In the summer of 1894, Helen attended the American Association of Deaf Language Teaching and was arranged to go to New York's Hermas deaf school to study mathematics, natural, French and German. A few months later, she could freely talk in German; less than a year, she read the German works "William." French teachers do not understand the sign language, had to dictate, even so, Helen still quickly master the French, and the novel "forced doctor" read twice.

  During New York, Helen met many of the friends in the literary world. Mark Twain for her to read her wonderful short stories, they established a sincere friendship. Dr. Holmes, who read the "Rouse Bean" poem for her at the quiet home of the Meriam River, when Holmes put a slave statue in her hands when reading the last two pages. The chains of the slapped slaves were just falling down, and Holmes said to Helen, "she is the liberator of your thought." Dr. is Miss Anne. Helen's heart burst of excitement, the world's good thoughts and sentiment, timeless deep love, and the sense of the pursuit, like the seeds of spring deeply implanted in the heart. Helen said confidently from the urine: "One day, I want to go to college! I want to go to Harvard University!" This day has finally come. Harvard University Radcliffe Women's Academy arranged her admission exam in a special way. I saw her hand in the raised braille on the familiar touch to touch, and then use the typewriter to answer questions. 9 hours before and after all the subjects through the English and German also had A (excellent) results, Helen with a fervent mood began college life.

  In 1904 June, Helen graduated from Rade Cliff College with honors.

  Two years later, she was appointed Chairman of the Massachusetts Blind Commission, which began the social work for the blind. She received every day to visit the blind, but also to reply to the same snowflake letters. Later, she gave a lecture in the United States, to promote the implementation of deaf blind education programs and treatment plan and rush. By 1921, the American Blind Foundation was finally established. Helen is one of the leaders of the organization, and she has been working to strengthen the foundation's work.

  In the busy work, she has not put down the hands of the pen, has completed 14 books. "The story of my life" "song of the wall" "out of the dark" "optimistic" and so on, have produced a worldwide impact. Helen's last work was "teacher", who had collected 20 years of notes and letters for the book, and all three and three quarters were burned in a fire and burned together There are cloth Levin library, the country presented the exquisite craft gift. If the change of a person may be disheartened, Helen pain determined, more determined to complete its determination, she quietly sat down before the typewriter, began another difficult trek. 10 years later, Helen completed the manuscript. She is very pleased that this book is dedicated to Anrie teacher of a gift, the teacher Anne also feel very proud of this.

  1902-1903 writing and publishing "my life" (some translated as "the story of my life"). In 1904 June graduated with honors. 1908-1913 "My world" (also translated as "the world of my life"), "song of the wall", "out of the dark." In 1916 suffered marital misfortune. 1919 was invited to Hollywood starring movies. In 1924 became the main leader of the American Blind Foundation.

  Helen formed the Helen Keller Foundation in 1924 and joined the American Blind Foundation as its national and international relationship adviser. She then delivered a speech at the International Lions' annual meeting, where she asked the Lions to become "helping the blind to beat the dark warriors." And said: "I opened the window for you, I was knocking on your door." In 1946 the United States Global Blind Foundation International Relations consultant, and began to travel around the world, a total of 35 countries. She tried to build blind schools around the world and went to the hospital to visit the patients, sharing their experiences with them to give them the will to survive. She also seeks equity for the poor and blacks, as well as to promote world peace. Made a great contribution to this. To give speeches around the world to raise funds for blind deaf people. During World War II, but also visit a number of hospitals, condolences to blind soldiers, her spirit by people respect, become a model of human beings around the world.

  Helen Keller International (Heli Keller International. Inc. HKI) was created by Helen Keller and other Americans in 1915 to help the government carry out anti-blindness, focus on mainstream education in the blind and to enable the adult blind Life rehabilitation and so on. HKI strongly helps developing countries to strengthen their capacities in order to develop their own plans. It also conducts research and prevention programs on malnutrition and dry eye, trachoma and other infectious eye diseases caused by vitamin A deficiency, as well as surgical services for cataract blindness. Where conditions are met, HKI will combine anti-blind programs with primary care services organically. 1929 "My Later Life" (also translated as "the flow of my future life"). Travel in 1930 UK. 1931 - 1933 was awarded an honorary degree from Temple University. Visit to France, Yugoslavia, UK. October 20, 1936 Teacher Anne Sullivan died.

  In his later years

  1942 - 1952 visited the three countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. 1953 American release Keller life and work of the documentary "Unqualified people". 1955 "teacher: Anne Sullivan Messi" won the honorary degree of Harvard University. In 1959 the United Nations launched the "Helen Keller" world movement. 1960 American Overseas Blind Foundation promulgated "Helen Keller" bonus. In 1964 won the Presidential Medal of Freedom. June 1, 1968 died on the 1st.

  November 15, 1956, erected in the United States Pokols blind school entrance at the entrance of a plaque on the curtain, by Helen with trembling hands opened, which read: to commemorate Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan Messi. This is not an ordinary plaque, but for those in the history of human civilization wrote a prominent chapter of the people set up. Indeed, Helen dedicated his life to the blind welfare and education, won the respect of the people of the world, the United Nations has launched the "Helen Keller" world movement. In 1959 the United Nations launched the "Helen Keller" world movement. And also won the Presidential Medal of Freedom, in 1964 was awarded the "President of the Medal of Freedom". In 1965 was named "one of the world's top ten outstanding women."

  June 1, 1968, Helen Keller ─ ─ this is written in the history of human civilization brilliant hymn of the deaf blind blind scholars, writers, educators, surrounded by flowers in the farewell world. However, her indomitable spirit of struggle, her legendary life, but forever into the annals, as the famous writer Mark Twain said: "The 19th century there are two great people, one is Napoleon, One is Helen Keller. "" My darkness in the light "is a book about the sublimation of the human spirit. Born Helen Keller, both deaf and blind, lived in solitary situations isolated from ordinary people, and this was so important to the development of a person's spirit. Under the love of all mankind, she was able to contact with others. Spiritual development led her to a career in writing.

  Helen Kay at the age of 88 years old. And after her death, because of her strong will and outstanding contribution touched the whole world, people everywhere to commemorate her activities.


  Helen Keller is committed to socialism, from her special experience as a disability, and her sympathy for other disabled people.

  At first, she simplified the alphabet to make it suitable for people with disabilities; but she soon realized that a simple solution to the problem of blindness was a temporary solution. Through the study she found that blind people are not randomly distributed in a variety of people, but concentrated in the bottom of society. The poor are more likely to be blind due to production accidents or lack of adequate treatment. Some poor people become prostitutes, the addition of a syphilis caused by the risk of blindness. Thus, Keller recognized that the social class system controls the fate of a person's life, and sometimes even decide whether they will be blind. Keller 's study is not a zaiban: "I visited the candy shop, factory, shantytown, and even if I could not see it, I heard it.

  Helen Keller as a socialist, started in 1909. In 1909, she joined the Massachusetts Social Party. As early as before graduating from Radcliffe College, she was a social activist. She himself stressed that this was not due to any education received there. After the outbreak of the Russian revolution, she praised the new communist country, "In the East, a rising star! In the painful struggle, the new order was born from the old order." In the east, The baby was born! Comrades, Qi forward! Run to the campfire in Russia! Welcome to the dawn! "Keller hung a red flag at the top of her desk. "Later, she gradually became the left wing of the Socialist Party and became a member of Wobbly, the World Federation of Industrial Workers, a coalition of syndicalists persecuted by Woodrow Wilson.

  When Keller became a socialist, she was a famous woman of the world. But she soon became discredited, because of the shift to socialism, which led to a new public opinion storm. Those who once praised her courage and wisdom of the newspaper, instead of emphasizing her disability. Columnists have accused her of having no independent sensory acceptance and are subject to those who instilled in her thoughts. The most typical is the editor of the Brooklyn Eagle. He wrote that Keller's "error stems from the obvious defects of her physical development."

  Keller recalls that she had seen the editor. I was embarrassed, but now that I stand up to support socialism, he reminds me and the public that I am a deaf and blind person who is particularly error-prone. Probably, since I had seen him, my brain was shrinking. "She went on to say:" Oh, "the Brooklyn Eagle" is too funny, it is deaf and blind on social issues, it maintains a difficult We are trying to prevent blindness, and this system is the root cause of most blind deafness.

  Keller's second generation is largely committed to raising funds for the American Blind Foundation, and she believes that our society needs a radical change that has never been shaken. She supported the socialist presidential campaign of Eugene V Debbs. She also published articles on women's movement, politics and economy. In his later years, she wrote to the American Communist Party leader, Elizabeth G. Flynn, who was the victim of the McCarthy era, who was in prison during the years: "Dear Elizabeth Flynn, the best birthday Blessing! Willing to serve the good feelings of mankind for your fearless mind to bring strength and tranquility!





