


時間: 雪珠631 分享

  We have to climb the mountain, sometimes may also went around to the other mountain, we look for half a day to find the way home, in the way we pick some green peas, the blue green peas in your mouth bite and a share of refreshing aroma flow into core, let a person remember off the beans out and the skin on her mouth blow can light!


  A.英語諺語:不入虎穴,焉得虎子。事難兩全。1.if 條件狀語 主將從現(xiàn),主過從過。2.If you give him an inch he'll take a mile.If a man goes to bed and to rise early,he'll be healthy,wealthy and wise.If you help yourselves,god'll help you.If a man who doesn't act,heaven'll never help him.If there're no pains,there'll be no gains.3.示例:If tou love me,you should love me dog.愛屋及烏。

  1、時間 until while。2、地點(diǎn) 他們是好人。走到哪兒都受到熱烈的歡迎。 你應(yīng)該把書放回原處。 You should put the key where nobody can found it.3、because 4、so that in order that 5、so…that so so so so such so such so so。6、句型轉(zhuǎn)換:It's rain they're still working in the field. He's very old he still works very hard。請根據(jù)文章提供語境用恰當(dāng)?shù)囊龑?dǎo)詞填空:because when As such so that so when。

  B.動詞:took ran to have made are crying was hanged

  1、 用take短語完成下列短文:took down

  took alone;take photos;took train;

  took on;took over control。


  2、示例:be make from;make(to)do sth.;look after;look out for;come from;come;on。3、示例:run:He runs(跑)fast.He runs(管理)a factory.

  4.只跟to do作賓語的:wish;want;hope;learn;decide;go;come;plan;agree;

  Offer;happen;prefer;would like;failed;encouraged;change;hurry;allow;warn;help。只跟doing作賓語的:enjoy;finish;practise;keep。Doing和to do皆的:like;love;start;continue;hate;begin;forget;remember;try;stop;go on.等

  示例:forget;remember;try;stop;go on.

  C.用英語影視劇練習(xí)口語:a.1、What’s up?What’s the matter?And you?Don’t be silly!2、I’m with you.Why don’t we give this a try?3、You’d betterdo…或I think that+從句以及You should do…和How/What about?b.1、no matter what life thows on my life.示例:No matter who you’re,you must obey the rules.No matter he works,he finds it difficult to make ends meet.示例:有。No matter what happends,don’t look back. ―《拇指姑娘》。2、 that you won’t give up.that ①He told me (that )he would go to college the next year. ②I don’t know if there will be a bus any more.③Nobody knew whether he could pass the exam.④Do you know who has won Battlefield3 game?⑤The book will show you what the best CEO should know. ⑥He didn’t tell me when we should meet again. ⑦Could you please tell me how you use the new computer? ⑧None of us knows where these new parts can be bought⑨Do you know which film they are talking about? ⑩I ask him why his hot dogs are so popular .賓語從句使用規(guī)則:從句用陳述語序、時態(tài)只根據(jù)從句語境變化、引導(dǎo)詞搭配要合理。

  D.基本句型解析:①I came at 7:30a.m.He left early.②I’m learning English now.Do you like reading?③Mum bought me a bag.Can you do me a favor?④I saw him come in.We call him Jim.⑤It sounds good.I feel terrible.⑥There’s a tree.There’re many people.


  A.體會語言中的禮節(jié):1、May I have one? 2、What a pity! 3、Shall I make some coffe,Jane?Do you want any milk?What about some sugar?Would you like some more?I think there are a few in that box.能。如Why not+動詞原形。


  C.體會幽默在對話中讓你捧腹的魅力:1、老師你很丑。2、童言無忌。3、Sorry Ms.Smith,I won’t make face at others anymore.4、It looks ugly,doesn’t it?3、附加疑問句也叫反意疑問句,課本中這樣的句子有很多,在此不一一提及。


  A.美文欣賞:1、True friendship is like the air you breath.2、A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.3、the rest of walkes out changes your life is good in waiting for When you’re down,and the world seems dark and empty,your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Forever confused lose your way complete need not worry forever have no end

  B.情感天地:Well,when he finished reading,he felt very ashamed and he has never made bills since then.1、Mum,you’re work hard,I'll help you do some housework.2、Seventeen point seven five dollars.看文章→讀問題→看文章的方式。3、His face turned red.He thought for a while.努力從作者的寫作意圖,寫作思路入手。4、Mither’s payment.

  C.意志品質(zhì):1、success believe direct safe→safety;ill→illness;agree→agreement;wake→awake;dust→dusty 2、objective目標(biāo);方向 障礙物 盡可能地運(yùn)用猜詞技巧推測它們的含義,然后再去查閱字典。構(gòu)詞法 3、set arrange realize 人生沒有目標(biāo)將一事無成。Failure is the mother of success.


  A.:1、《Kung Fu Panda》P.O. 2、called,master,from then on,hard序數(shù)詞。3、It made me happy觀后感如下,答案不唯一,范例僅供參考。

  Film Report of Kung Fu Panda I saw a film called Kung Fu Panda during the summer vacation.It is a comedy.It was set in the USA in 2008.The leading character is a panda called Po.It’s a story about Po.He is lazy and fat .His dream is to be a Kung Fu master.Hower,nobody thinks he can do it.To make his dream come true,he goes to a temple to learn if from a master. From then on ,his hard life begins.But he works hard later and in the end he becomes a real Kung Fu master and defeats his enemy ,his former brother Tai Long.The film is great for everyone,especially for children. I give it 8 out of ten.

  B.:1、Amy,email.2、telephone,Amy.3、There’re lots of conversations.4、理由見作文,作文如下,答案不唯一,范例僅供參考。

  Dear Amy:

  The winter is coming.This is a long time since we communicated with each other last time. The miss for you likes growing stones which press on me and I feel that I can't wait for to know how's going with you know.Now,I am fine and feel happy everyday.But

  How are you going? Are you all OK,too ?please,let me know.

  Wish you happy everyday!

  your classmate(friend) XXX

  class XX grade XXX

  C.:1、Betty 2、outgoing,good looking 3、friendly,sing 4、She can help me my study,sucn as homework.5、A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 作文如下,答案不唯一,范例僅供參考。

  My best friend

  Today,I will tell you something about my best friend.Her name is Betty.She is 12 years old and she is very outgoing.She likes surffing the Internet and reading.She is friendly to me,so she gets along with me.She has a good looking,and she sings very well.She always help me with my homework.As you can see,she is really good.And i hope we can be best friends forever!


  計劃項目 實(shí)現(xiàn)指數(shù)★ 困難 解決方案 以后計劃

  讀書 ★★★ 生詞 多加練習(xí) 加強(qiáng)理解記憶

  看電影 ★★★ 生詞 多加練習(xí) 加強(qiáng)視覺反應(yīng)力

  學(xué)歌曲 ★★★ 發(fā)音 多加練習(xí) 多朗讀英語

  …… …… …… …… ……



  第一周:愛德華·斯諾登連續(xù)泄漏美國國家機(jī)密,致使美竊聽丑聞持續(xù)發(fā)酵。第二周:中國096潛艇可在冰蓋下發(fā)射導(dǎo)彈。第三周:日本第96任首相安倍晉三于7月17日上午飛抵釣魚島附近海域視察,并再次聲稱釣魚島問題一步也不會讓。第四周:甘肅省定西發(fā)生里氏5.6級地震。第五周:埃及多地爆發(fā)大規(guī)模游行示威,政局混亂。第六周:敘利亞反對派武裝聲稱要成立新的國家。第七周:中華人民共和國與白俄羅斯共和國正式建立全面戰(zhàn)略合作伙伴關(guān)系。第八周:甘肅震區(qū)情況已經(jīng)趨于穩(wěn)定。 在日常生活中,只有腳踏實(shí)地,一步一個腳印的做事,才有可能獲得成功。而那些“多快好省”地做事的人,是永遠(yuǎn)也不會獲得成功的。


  1、參加朗誦比賽。朗誦比賽是關(guān)乎學(xué)校集體利益的大事。①在我國,集體利益和個人利益在根本上是一致的,我們要把集體利益和個人利益緊密結(jié)合起來,既要以集體利益為重,又要尊重和維護(hù)個人利益。②集體利益是個人利益的基礎(chǔ)和保障,集體利益高于個人利益。當(dāng)個人的愿望和要求與集體利益發(fā)生沖突時,要自覺服從集體利益,必要時應(yīng)不惜犧牲個人利益。③我們必須反對那些為追求個人利益和小團(tuán)體利益的思想和行為。2、(1)①我們現(xiàn)在的生活與科技息息相關(guān)。豐足的衣食,舒適的住行。②新科技產(chǎn)品的不斷問世極大地提高了人們生活的科技含量和生活質(zhì)量,也逐漸改變著人們的生活觀念和生活方式。(2)雜交水稻 神舟十號與天宮一號實(shí)現(xiàn)載人手動交會對接,王亞平太空授課。 天河二號超級計算機(jī)系統(tǒng)。 “蛟龍”號載人潛水器下潛8千余米海深。3、(1)不合理的開發(fā)與利用自然資源來發(fā)展經(jīng)濟(jì)卻犧牲了生態(tài),產(chǎn)生了嚴(yán)重的環(huán)境問題。(2)尊重生命保護(hù)生物多樣性;善待自然做大自然的朋友;美化自然讓大自然美麗永存;加強(qiáng)法制建設(shè)。(3)亂扔廢棄物,亂刻亂畫,亂砍亂伐,露天焚燒雜物,捕殺野生動物和噪聲污染嚴(yán)重。(4)不亂扔廢棄物不亂刻亂畫不吃露天燒烤食品等。(答案不唯一,范例僅供參考)4、(1)失去了1200萬元的金錢,得到了其他人對下崗職工的贊揚(yáng),擁有了雄厚的誠信基礎(chǔ),為日后的經(jīng)商奠定了基礎(chǔ)。(2)值得。因?yàn)殡m然他犧牲了金錢,但卻換來了別人對他的信賴。①誠實(shí)守信是為人處事的一種美德。誠實(shí)和守信是互相聯(lián)系在一起的,城市是守信的基礎(chǔ),守信是誠實(shí)的具體表現(xiàn)。不誠實(shí)很難做到守信,不守信很難說是真正的誠實(shí)。②“人無信不立”誠信是公民的“第二身份證”。一個人要想在社會上立足,并干出一番事業(yè)就必須具有誠實(shí)守信的品德。③誠信是金,是與他人合作交往的通行證。(3) ①誠實(shí)守信是為人處事的一種美德。誠實(shí)和守信是互相聯(lián)系在一起的,城市是守信的基礎(chǔ),守信是誠實(shí)的具體表現(xiàn)。不誠實(shí)很難做到守信,不守信很難說是真正的誠實(shí)。②“人無信不立”誠信是公民的“第二身份證”。一個人要想在社會上立足,并干出一番事業(yè)就必須具有誠實(shí)守信的品德。③誠信是金,是與他人合作交往的通行證。應(yīng)學(xué)會做到誠信。

