


楚薇 時(shí)間:





其次是需要重點(diǎn)利用的材料,TPO1-31。TPO(TOEFL Practice Online)本來(lái)是在線測(cè)試的題目,現(xiàn)在在網(wǎng)絡(luò)上都能找到模考軟件版和word文檔版,也可以直接找同學(xué)老師拷貝。不定期會(huì)有更新,現(xiàn)在一共出到了31套,也就是有93篇文章,相較于OG上面的文章來(lái)說(shuō)。TPO 的難度是有所提升的 (最新版OG的3套練習(xí)均來(lái)自TPO)。TPO是托??荚嚨某鲱}者制作的,是最接近考試難度的備考材料。任何主流的輔導(dǎo)班,基本都是以此為重點(diǎn)加以講解分析。因此,TPO在質(zhì)和量上都能滿足任何學(xué)霸。









Pheromones are substances that serve as chemical signals between members of the same species. They are secreted to the outside of the body and cause other individuals of the species to have specific reactions. Pheromones, which are sometimes called social hormones, affect a group of individuals somewhat like hormones do an individual animal. Pheromones are the predominant medium of communication among insects (but rarely the sole method). Some species have simple pheromone systems and produce only a few pheromones, but others produce many with various functions. Pheromone systems are the most complex in some of the so-called social insects, insects that live in organized groups.

Chemical communication differs from that by sight or sound in several ways. Transmission is relatively slow (the chemical signals are usually airborne), but the signal can be persistent, depending upon the volatility of the chemical, and is sometimes effective over a very long range. Localization of the signal is generally poorer than localization of a sound or visual stimulus and is usually effected by the animal's moving upwind in response to the stimulus. The ability to modulate a chemical signal is limited, compared with communication by visual or acoustic means, but some pheromones may convey different meanings and consequently result in different behavioral or physiological responses, depending on their concentration or when presented in combination. The modulation of chemical signals occurs via the elaboration of the number of exocrine glands that produce pheromones. Some species, such as ants, seem to be very articulate creatures, but their medium of communication is difficult for humans to study and appreciate because of our own olfactory, insensitivity and the technological difficulties in detecting and analyzing these pheromones. Pheromones play numerous roles in the activities of insects. They may act as alarm substances, play a role in individual and group recognition, serve as attractants between sexes, mediate the formation of aggregations, identify foraging trails, and be involved in caste determination. For example, pheromones involved in caste determination include the queen substance produced by queen honey bees. Aphids, which are particularly vulnerable to predators because of their gregarious habits and sedentary nature, secrete an alarm pheromone when attacked that causes nearby aphids to respond by moving away.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) How insects use pheromones to communicate

(B) How pheromones are produced by insects

(C) Why analyzing insect pheromones is difficult

(D) The different uses of pheromones among various insect species

2. The word serve in line 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) improve

(B) function

(C) begin

(D) rely

3. The purpose of the second mention of hormones in line 4 is to point out

(A) chemical signals that are common among insects

(B) specific responses of various species to chemical signals

(C) similarities between two chemical substances

(D) how insects produce different chemical substances

4. The word sole in line 6

is closest in meaning to

(A) obvious

(B) best

(C) only

(D) final

5. The passage suggests that the speed at which communication through pheromones occurs is

dependent on how quickly they

(A) lose their effectiveness

(B) evaporate in the air

(C) travel through the air

(D) are produced by the body

6. According to the passage , the meaning of a message communicated through a pheromone

may vary when the

(A) chemical structure of the pheromone is changed

(B) pheromone is excreted while other pheromones are also being excreted

(C) exocrine glands do not produce the pheromone

(D) pheromone is released near certain specific organisms

7. The word detecting in line 23 is closest in meaning to

(A) controlling

(B) storing

(C) questioning

(D) finding

8. According to paragraph 2, which of the following has made the study of pheromones difficult?

(A) Pheromones cannot be easily reproduced in chemical laboratories.

(B) Existing technology cannot fully explore the properties of pheromones.

(C) Pheromones are highly volatile.

(D) Pheromone signals are constantly changing.

9. The word They in line 24 refers to

(A) pheromones

(B) roles

(C) activities

(D) insects

10. The word sedentary in line 29 is closest in meaning to

(A) inactive

(B) inefficient

(C) unchangeable

(D) unbalanced

11. Pheromone systems are relatively complex in insects that

(A) also communicate using sight and sound

(B) live underground

(C) prey on other insects

(D) live in organized groups



The Homestead Act of 1862 gave heads of families or individuals aged twenty-one or older the right to own 160 acres of public land in the western United States after five years of residence and improvement. This law was intended to provide land for small farmers and to prevent land from being bought for resale at a profit or being owned by large landholders. An early amendment to the act even prevented husbands and wives from filing separate claims. The West, land reformers had assumed, would soon contain many 160-acre family farms.

They were doomed to disappointment. Most landless Americans were too poor to become farmers even when they could obtain land without cost. The expense of moving a family to the ever-receding frontier exceeded the means of many, and the cost of tools, draft animals, a wagon, a well, fencing, and of building the simplest house, might come to class="main">


楚薇 時(shí)間:

Furthermore, 160 acres were not enough for raising livestock or for the kind of commercial agriculture that was developing west of the Mississippi. The national government made a feeble attempt to make larger holdings available to homesteaders by passing the Timber Culture Act of 1873, which permitted individuals to claim an additional 160 acres if they would agree to plant a quarter of it in trees within ten years. This law proved helpful to some farmers in the largely treeless states of Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas. Nevertheless, fewer than 25 percent of the 245,000 who took up land under the Act obtained final title to the property.

1. Which aspect of the Homestead Act of 1862 does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) How it transformed the western United States into a place of small farms

(B) Why it was an improvement over previous attempts at land reform

(C) Why it did not achieve its aim to provide land for small farmers

(D) How it failed in the largely treeless states of Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas

2. An amendment added to the Homestead Act of 1862 specified that

(A) five years of residence was required for landownership

(B) husbands and wives could not file separate claims

(C) the price of 160 acres of land was class="main">


楚薇 時(shí)間:

(D) land could not be resold for a profit

3. The word formidable in line 12 is closest in meaning to

(A) obvious

(B) predictable

(C) difficult

(D) manageable

4. It can be inferred

(A) a new kind of machinery

(B) an alternative for urban workers

(C) an area in a factory

(D) a procedure designed to protect workers

5. The word intent in line 15 is closest in meaning to

(A) purpose

(B) power

(C) effect

(D) invention

6. According to the passage , why did the government pass the Timber Culture Act of 1873?

(A) to make larger tracts of land available to small farmers

(B) to settle Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas

(C) to encourage land speculation west of the Mississippi

(D) to increase the variety of trees growing in the western states

7. The word they in line 23 refers to

(A) larger holdings

(B) individuals

(C) 160 acres

(D) trees

8. According to the passage , how many of the farmers who settled land under the Timber

Culture Act of 1873 received final title to the property?

(A) fewer than 25%

(B) more than 160

(C) 10% per year

(D) 245,000

9. The passage mentions all of the following as reasons the Homestead Act of 1862 did not

achieve its aims EXCEPT:

(A) Most landless Americans could not afford the necessary tools and provisions.

(B) Industrial workers lacked the necessary farming skills.

(C) The farms were too large for single families to operate successfully.

(D) Homesteaders usually came from areas relatively close to the frontier.

10. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the Timber Culture Act of


(A) It especially helped farmers with large holdings of land.

(B) It was most important to farmers living in states that had plenty of trees.

(C) The majority of farmers did not benefit significantly from it.

(D) The majority of farmers did not need the extra 160 acres it provided.


that the safety valve in line 13 refers to















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