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  ETS總是不斷地給我們驚喜,or maybe驚嚇…總之,今年的托福界不算太安靜。先不說閱讀、聽力考試的新招讓考生們猝不及防,就說說我們口語考試,題目類型和內容的改變已經讓人漸漸遺忘了那個題型總是很固定,話題的重復率也總是很高,大家彼此都有些拘謹和純真的年代。

  大家都很熟悉二選一的題型,它是Task 2的主要題型,通常是給出兩個不同的做法或想法,讓考生選擇傾向的一個并解釋。這個看似平常的題型卻是很多同學的軟肋,常常選出一個來卻只能簡單回答幾句原因,沒法有力地支持自己的選擇。在考官看來,就是沒有完成考題所要求的任務,并且沒法證明自己展開話題的能力。

  除此之外,三選一的題型今年火爆Task1,占據絕對主導地位。截止到4月15日,大陸考區(qū)一共有9場考試,其中有7場考試的Task 1都是三選一的題型,這就意味著這種題型已經代替?zhèn)鹘y的“描述人、物、事、地”的題型,而且會一直持續(xù)到下半年。所以下半年有考試計劃的考生要引起相當的重視,要堅決攻克這種題型,掌握答題要領,取得理想的分數。所以接下來,我們就使用今年的真題,來講講如何回答“二選一”與“三選一”的題目。


  可以看到,Task 1的三選一題和Task 2的二選一題各出現了7次,是非常高頻的。這就意味著如果你想在兩三個月內刷分的話,你會不斷的遇到這種題型。所以如果你不擅長做這樣的題,那么就很難達到你的目標分數了。因此,我們有必要來看看這些題具體考察什么,以及我們需要怎么做。




  1. 根據實際情況選擇最想選的一個選項


  2. 完善證據



  這是Task 2的一道二選一的題目,同時也是一道經典高頻題。也可以說,這是托??忌貍涞囊粋€題。我們來看看官方是怎么選擇選項,以及是如何證明其觀點的。

  Step 1:In answering a question like this one, it is important that you begin by clearly stating what your opinion is. 陳述明確的立場。

  Step 2:As for the reasons you give in support of your opinion, they can vary widely and may be based on your own experience and observations. For example, if the position you take is that it is better for students to study alone, you might say that when students meet to study in groups, they often waste time discussing matters that have nothing to do with their class work.你的原因可以基于你的經驗和觀察。官方指南中指出,如果你的立場是學生應該獨自學習,那么你可以說這是因為分組學習時學生會討論一些與學校無關的話題。大家注意,這就已經回答了前文中提到的考生們的糾結之一:原因到底是從正面證明我選擇的選項還是可以對比另外選項的不好?那么答案是,我們當然可以從陳述另一個選項的缺點從而來證明你選擇的選項是好的,是有說服力的。

  Step 3:You might continue this explanation by contrasting the inefficiency of studying in a group with the kind of productivity a student can achieve when studying alone.接下來我們可以繼續(xù)對比獨立學習可以完成的任務,從而來證明分組學習的低效率。這其實是相當于進一步證明了分組學習的缺點,來烘托出獨自學習的優(yōu)勢。這就是用到了我們在論證時常用的對比法,不論是在二選一還是三選一的題中,我們都可以,并且是可以經常選擇這種論證方式來證明自己所選擇的選項的有利之處。

  Step 4:If you have personal experiences that help illustrate your point, you might want to include them in your explanation. If so, you should be clear about how they illustrate your point. 官方指南中指出,我們可以繼續(xù)用個人的經驗來證明,并且要詳細地解釋你的個人經驗是如何證明你的觀點的。這是我們廣大托??忌偈煜げ贿^的例證法。

  Step 5:Or perhaps you want to take the opposite position, that it is better for students to study in groups. In that case, you would explain the advantages of group study and the disadvantages of studying alone. 如果你認為分組學習更好,那么你可以分析分組學習的優(yōu)勢以及獨自學習的劣勢。

  Step 6:In fact, it may be your opinion that in some cases it is better to study in groups and in other cases it is better to study alone. If that is the opinion you would like to express, you should explain—with reasons, examples, and/or specific details—why group study is better in some cases and individual study is better in others. 指南中還指出,考生們還可以回答有些時候分小組學習好,有些情況獨自學習好,并且用原因、例子及細節(jié)等證明自己的觀點。這就直接回答了另一個考生們糾結的問題--我的立場怎么選。如果再有同學或老師誤導你說必須選一個選項出來,你就可以把官方指南拿給他看。因為官方明確說了“there is no “right” or “wrong” answer to a question like this”,“The important thing is to clearly communicate to the person who will be listening to your response what your opinion is and explain the reasons you have for holding it.”大家要明確的是,獨立口語話題沒有正確答案,只要你能明確地陳述你的觀點并且解釋清楚你的觀點,任務就完成了。


  1). 要開門見山表明自己的觀點,但沒有“一定”或“必須”怎么選。選哪個選項,是傾向一方還是分情況討論,這完全由自己決定。還是那句話,怎么“好說”怎么來。

  2). 證明自己觀點的方式有很多種,陳述并解釋所選項的優(yōu)勢、對比另一個選項的缺點、舉例論證,都是可以選擇的??忌部梢赃x擇多種方式共同證明自己的觀點。

  3). 指南中并沒有明確規(guī)定說幾條理由。所以從此以后這也不再是困擾你答題的一個因素了。具體說幾條理由不重要,重要的是官方指南中一直重申的要詳細論證你的觀點。細節(jié)決定成敗,這是最能體現托??谡Z考試精髓的一句話。

  4). 指南中運用的詞匯都是最輕的語氣:perhaps, may, would, 都證明了官方在考生的回答上做出的規(guī)定是非常寬容的。也就是說,考官不管你的立場是什么,只要你明確;他也不管你的理由有幾條,只要你夠詳細;他更不管你的理由是正面論證還是反證或對比論證,只要你的理由有說服力。這就足矣。





  Task 1: The university wants to provide more entertainment to students and there are three choices below. Which one would you choose?

  1). A theater performance by student actors

  2). A concert provided by professional musicians

  3). A lecture from professor


  1). A theater performance by student actors




  2). A concert provided by professional musicians




  3). A lecture from professor






  Sample Answer1

  I personally prefer to choose a theater performance by student actors. On top of my mind, this performance is more economical to the university, compared with a concert by musicians.(對比法) I mean, the university could save tons of money that would be spent on inviting the musicians otherwise. Another highlight of this option is that students can get more participation in college events, so they would be more likely to make effort to, and enjoy this activity. I still remember when a musical was planned to be shown by students in my university, not only the actors, but the rest of us were involved in organizing, publicizing, and of course enjoying watching the musical. We were all looking forward to seeing our favorite actors and actresses who were already well-known around the whole campus.(例證法)

  這個答案筆者用了兩個理由來證明了選擇a theater performance by student actors的原因。第一個原因是通過對比a concert by professional musicians來突出我選擇的選項的好處--成本低。第二個是先給出我的理由,并用具體事例來證明這個performance對學生的好處。這就是綜合運用了兩種論證方式來證明了我的觀點。


  Sample answer2

  I personally prefer to choose a theater performance by student actors. On top of my mind, this performance is more economical to the university, compared with a concert by musicians.(對比法) I mean, the university could save tons of money that would be spent on inviting the musicians otherwise. Another advantage springs to my mind is that the performance fulfills a much more recreational function than a lecture by professor. To be honest, a lecture is more of an educational activity rather than a recreational one. I’m sure that students would get more thrilled at a performance than at a lecture if they really want to have fun and enjoy their spare time. (對比法)



  Task 1: Which do you think contributes most to a country’s success?

  1). Many business opportunities

  2). A well-rounded medical care system

  3). A developed educational system


  1). Many business opportunities




  --但是一般跨國企業(yè)在決定是否在一個國家的某一個城市開展業(yè)務時很注重當地的基礎設施建設。而medical care system和educational system屬于政府的公共服務內容,也是政府有沒有能力搞好基礎設施的體現。

  2). A well-rounded medical care system




  3). A developed educational system



  題目中的“the most”決定了這道題目只能選擇一個選項,通過對比我們發(fā)現,第一個選項是為后兩個選項提供基礎的,所以我的立場就很明確了。


  Sample answer

  I firmly believe that many business opportunities contribute the most to the success of a country. It is apparent that business opportunities add tax revenues to the government. I mean, when domestic market develops and local corporations start to thrive, government would immediately benefit from this situation as the government could collect the considerable tax revenue. In addition, when joint ventures enter, there would be more tax revenue which government could then allocate to supporting different areas such as infrastructures. Accordingly, the whole country is in a position to advance.(因果論證)By comparison, both a well-rounded medical care system and a developed educational system require a large deposit from government, which would be hardly taken good care of if the government is in financial strait. This, therefore, demonstrates the importance of business opportunities that could actually add to government finance, not consume it. (對比法)




  Task 2: To communicate with others, do you prefer to send text messages or make phone calls?


  1). Send text messages




  2). Make phone calls




  其實這道題目的兩個選項都很好說,那接下來我們一共有兩個sample answer, 我們逐個來看。

  Sample answer 1

  I absolutely prefer to send text messages when communicating with others. The reasons are pretty simple. First of all, I have sufficient time thinking about what I want to say, and I would carefully think about the proper words I could use so I wouldn’t worry about any misunderstanding with the person I chat with, which would probably happen more often if I use some inappropriate words when calling someone.(因果分析+對比法)The second reason why I prefer text messages to phone calls is that the person I’m trying to contact can reply to my text anytime when he or she feels comfortable. I mean, sometimes you can’t reach the person you want to talk with because the person may have something important or emergent at hand, so it’s more convenient to send texts and wait for the reply. More importantly, the person I’m contacting wouldn’t feel bothered if I text.(因果分析+對比法)


  Sample answer 2

  I think it really depends on the situation when I’m trying to contact someone. To be specific, sending text messages is more comfortable sometimes when I don’t have anything important or emergent to talk with a person. For example, if I want to ask my mom what to eat at dinner, I’ll text her, not call her. This is simply because what to eat at dinner is nothing serious and important to me, and I just want to know it in advance, so whenever my mom answers me and texts me back doesn’t really matter.(舉例論證) By contrast, in some emergent or important occasions, I will definitely call the person I want to reach because I have to figure things out immediately. To exemplify, if I’m doing a business at a bank counter and it requires my home address that was previously registered at the bank, I’ll call my mom, as the time is limited and I have to get the correct address immediately. Accordingly, whether I would choose to text messages or make calls depends on different situations.(舉例論證)




  托??谡Z真題Task1 – Describe a common mistake that experienced teacher often make.

  Teachers may make mistakes, including those experienced teachers. Describe one of the mistakes teachers may commit.



  Sample answer:

  Well, L think a common mistake that even an experienced teacher tend to make is fail to take every student uniqueness into account. Like my math teacher in the primary school always thought everyone got what he meant, but actually only a few top students understood, and this resulted in truly bad grades. Also, there are times that teachers can be sort of impatient especially students ask questions that they are supposed to handle well. This way students seriously get upset and lose confidence. Perhaps they will not inquiry again and leave the important points until the test comes.


  Well, I think a common mistake that even experienced teachers tend to make is how to attract students’ attention. Perhaps a lot of teachers are really knowledgeable and prepare the classes hard enough, but they don't know how to interact and design the courses, so we may find it difficult to concentrate in class; like I remember when I was in my junior high school, my biology teacher, shewas quite experienced, but she only read textbooks, like “frogs, are a kind of amphibian…” we tried so hard to focus, but it was only a matter of time before everyone got distracted. Honestly, we do want our teacher to interact and communicate more with us, to make the class both fun and academic.


  托福口語task 2

  Which do you think is better? Deciding on your major before entering college or after taking some courses?


  2016年10月16日托福口語task 2真題答案

  Personally, I prefer to let students choose their major after taking some courses. To begin with, students struggle to blend in the university culture for the first year, since high school and university are too different. In high school, students get proper guidance and instruction on everything, however, in a university, students are responsible for themselves and the professors might not even know their names, therefore, it's a bad idea to deal with too many things at the same time. Fortunately, if they choose their major after taking some courses, students get a chance to be exposed to classes in different field, and they can take their time and pick up a major that they like. Eventually, they have enough motivation because of their interest.


  Task 2參考答案:

  Well I would choose to decide on major after taking some courses in college. Because before entering college, most senior high students in China are confused about their future career perspectives; they have little social or work experiences and have been busy with the national college entrance examination, who barely have any time to think over their future or what they are passionate about, so a year of broad education in grade one may give students sufficient time to avoid rushing into some areas which they would regret about and also contribute to an all-round development.













為了幫助大家備考托??谡Z,對口語題型有一個深入的了解,下面小編給大家?guī)硗懈*毩⒖谡Z題型趨勢之“二選一”與“三選一”,來看看吧! 托福獨立口語題型趨勢之“二選一”與?


  • 托??谡Z三選一題型例題分析

    近年來托福口語第一道題中頻繁出現“三選一”的題型;與傳統task 1題目不同的是,這類題型限制了一個話題下考生的選擇,因此需要我們平時更多的素材積

  • 托??谡Z三選一題型要不要反駁另外兩點


  • 托??谡Z實用技巧丨三選一口語題如何回答


  • 托??谡Z題庫及解析
