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  21. Why are you so ________ about that old coat? Although it is a gift from you grandfather, it is almost worn out.

  A) self-evident

  B) seldom

  C) sentimental

  D) sensitive

  22. My mother tells me to keep meat ________ from other food in the refrigerator.

  A) separated

  B) separate

  C) significant

  D) severe

  23. These two brothers had been ________ for 40 years before they met again last week.

  A) separated

  B) separate

  C) significant

  D) severe

  24. She is absent from school today because she is suffering from a ________ toothache.

  A) separated

  B) separate

  C) significant

  D) severe

  25. Albert Einstein, the author of the Theory of Relativity, made a ________ contribution to physics in the twentieth century. .

  A) separated

  B) separate

  C) significant

  D) severe

  26. She seldom plays basketball, so she isn't ________ at playing it.

  A) sociable

  B) skillfull

  C) specializing

  D) social

  27.Jane just moved here, and she tried to be ________ to everyone, being friendly ; and willing to talk to others.

  A) sociable

  B) skillfull

  C) specializing

  D) social

  28.Because of his poor ______ skills, Nick has very few friends.

  A) sociable

  B) skillfull

  C) specializing

  D) social

  29. She married a man ________ in mechanical engineering.

  A) sociable

  B) skillfull

  C) specializing

  D) social

  30. Your explanation is too general to understand; you should try to be more ________.

  A) spiritual

  B) specific

  C) strict

  D) stressed


  121. Local crafts people-sign, coach, and house painters-began to paint portraits as a profitable sideline; sometimes a talented man or woman who began by sketching family members gained a local reputation and was besieged with requests for portraits; artists found it worth their while to pack their paints, canvases, and brushes and to travel the countryside, often combining house decorating with portrait painting.

  The word "sketching" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) drawing

  (B) hiring

  (C) helping

  (D) discussing

  122. Both the number and the percentage of people in the United States involved in nonagricultural pursuits expanded rapidly during the half century following the Civil War, with some of the most dramatic increases occurring in the domains of transportation, manufacturing, and trade and distribution.

  The word "domains" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) fields

  (B) locations

  (C) organizations

  (D) occupations

  123. The development of the railroad and telegraph systems during the middle third of the nineteenth century led to significant improvements in the speed, volume, and regularity of shipments and communications, making possible a fundamental transformation in the production and distribution of goods.

  The word "fundamental" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) possible

  (B) basic

  (C) gradual

  (D) unique

  124. To be sure, there were still small workshops, where skilled craftspeople manufactured products ranging from newspapers to cabinets to plumbing fixtures.

  The word "skilled" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) hardworking

  (B) expert

  (C) well-paid

  (D) industrial

  125. And there were factories in occupations such as metalwork where individual contractors presided over what were essentially handicraft proprietorships that coexisted within a single building.

  The words "presided over" in line 20 are closest in meaning to

  (A) managed

  (B) led to

  (C) worked in

  (D) produced

  126. Objects in the universe show a variety of shapes: round planets (some with rings) , tailed comets, wispy cosmic gas and dust clouds, ringed nebulae, pinwheel-shaped spiral galaxies, and so on. But none of the shapes on this list describes the largest single entities in the universe.

  The word "entities" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) factors

  (B) processes

  (C) objects

  (D) puzzles

  127. Stone carvers engraved their motifs of skulls and crossbones and other religious icons of death into the gray slabs that we still see standing today in old burial grounds.

  The word "motifs" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) tools

  (B) prints

  (C) signatures

  (D) designs

  128. Although they often achieved expression and formal excellence in their generally primitive style, they remained artisans skilled in the craft of carving and constituted a group distinct from what we normally think of as "sculptors" in today's use of the word.

  The word "distinct" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) separate

  (B) assembled

  (C) notable

  (D) inferior

  129. On the rare occasion when a fine piece of sculpture was desired, Americans turned to foreign sculptors, as in the 1770's when the cities of New York and Charleston, South Carolina, commissioned the Englishman Joseph Wilton to make marble statues of William Pill.

  The word "rare" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) festive

  (B) infrequent

  (C) delightful

  (D) unexpected

  130. Desert mammals also depart from the normal mammalian practice of maintaining a constant body temperature. Instead of trying to keep down the body temperature deep inside the body, which would involve the expenditure of water and energy, desert mammals allow their temperatures to rise to what would normally be fever height, and temperatures as high as 46 degrees Celsius have been measured in Grant's gazelles.

  The word "maintaining" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) measuring

  (B) inheriting

  (C) preserving

  (D) delaying


  131. Another strategy of large desert animals is to tolerate the loss of body water to a point that would be fatal for nonadapted animals. The camel can lose up to 30 percent of its body weight as water without harm to itself, whereas human beings die after losing only 12 to 13 percent of their body weight.

  The word "tolerate" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) endure

  (B) replace

  (C) compensate

  (D) reduce

  132. The tolerance of water loss is of obvious advantage in the desert, as animals do not have to remain near a water hole but can obtain food from grazing sparse and far-flung pastures.

  The word "obtain" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) digest

  (B) carry

  (C) save

  (D) get

  133. In 1979 Santa Monica's municipal government ordered landlords to roll back their rents to the levels charged in 1978. Future rents could only go up by two thirds as much as any increase in the overall price level.

  The phrase "roll back" in lines 11-12 is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) credit

  (B) measure

  (C) vary

  (D) reduce

  134. In any housing market, rental prices perform three functions: (1) promoting the efficient maintenance of existing housing and stimulating the construction of new housing.

  The word "stimulating" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) experimenting with

  (B) identifying

  (C) estimating

  (D) encouraging

  135. One result of rent control is a decrease in the construction of new rental units. Rent Controls have artificially depressed the most important long-term determinant of profitability-rents.

  The word "depressed" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) saddened

  (B) created

  (C) lowered

  (D) defeated

  136. In the same year, in San Francisco, California, only 2,000 units were built. San Francisco has only a 1. 6 percent vacancy rate but stringent rent control laws.

  The word "stringent" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) straightforward

  (B) strict

  (C) expanded

  (D) efficient

  137. For example, sometimes the shape or veining in a piece of stone or wood suggests, perhaps even dictates, not only the ultimate form, but even the subject matter.

  The word "dictates" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) reads aloud

  (B) determines

  (C) includes

  (D) records

  138. In 1905 he was sent to Paris as an apprentice to an art dealer, and in the years that followed he witnessed the birth of Cubism, discovered primitive art, and learned the techniques of woodcarving from a frame maker.

  The word "witnessed" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) influenced

  (B) studied

  (C) validated

  (D) observed

  139. The plank's form dictated the rigidly frontal view and the low relief. Even its irregular shape must have appealed to Laurent as a break with a long-standing tradition that required a sculptor to work within a perfect rectangle or square.

  The phrase "a break with" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) a destruction of

  (B) a departure from

  (C) a collapse of

  (D) a solution to

  140. In winter especially, it is important for birds to keep warm at night and conserve precious food reserves.

  The word "conserve" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) retain

  (B) watch

  (C) locate

  (D) share








下面小編給大家分享一些2016年的托業(yè)詞匯模擬題。供大家參考。預(yù)祝你們?nèi)〉煤贸煽儭?2016年托業(yè)考前模擬試題1 21. Why are you so ________ about that old coat? Although it is


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