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  ℃ Celsius system 攝氏度

  { open brace, opencurly 左花括號

  } close brace, close curly 右花括號

  ( open parenthesis, open paren 左圓括號

  ) close parenthesis, close paren 右圓括號

  () brakets/ parentheses 括號

  [ open bracket 左方括號

  ] close bracket 右方括號

  [] square brackets 方括號

  . period, dot 句號,點

  | vertical bar, vertical virgule 豎線

  & ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用

  * asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星號,乘號,星,指針

  / slash, divide, oblique 斜線,斜杠,除號

  // slash-slash, comment 雙斜線,注釋符

  # pound 井號

  \ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜線轉(zhuǎn)義符,有時表示轉(zhuǎn)義符或續(xù)行符

  ~ tilde 波浪符

  . full stop 句號

  , comma 逗號

  : colon 冒號

  ; semicolon 分號

  ? question mark 問號

  ! exclamation mark (英式英語) exclamation point (美式英語)

  ' apostrophe 撇號

  - hyphen 連字號

  -- dash 破折號

  ... dots/ ellipsis 省略號

  " single quotation marks 單引號

  "" double quotation marks 雙引號

  ‖ parallel 雙線號

  & ampersand = and

  ~ swung dash 代字號

  § section; division 分節(jié)號

  → arrow 箭號;參見號




  2.句點也可以用于英文單詞的縮寫,如 Mrs., Dr., P.S. 等。但要注意的是當(dāng)縮寫的字母形成了一個單詞的時候就不要使用句點。如 IBM, DNA 等。



  如 How will you solve the problem? 是正確的用法,但用在 I wonder how you will solve the problem?就不對了,應(yīng)該使用句點而不是問號。


  如 Will you please give me a call tomorrow.

  三、! 感嘆號



  1.與中文一樣,分號用于分隔地位平等的獨立子句。在某些情況下,使用分號比使用句點更顯出子句之間的緊密聯(lián)系,另外分號也經(jīng)常與連接副詞 thus, however, therefore一起使用(放在這些詞語之前)。如 I realize I need exercise; however, I’ll lie down first to think about it.

  2.在句子中如果已經(jīng)使用過逗點,為了避免歧義的產(chǎn)生,就用分號來分隔相似的內(nèi)容。如 The employees were Tom Hanks, the manager; Jim White, the engineer; and Dr. Jack Lee.


  誤:It was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.


  正:It was raining hard; they could not work in the fields.

  It was raining hard. They could not work in the fields.

  It was raining so hard that they could not work in the fields.

  They could not work in the fields because it was raining hard.

  It was raining hard, so they could not work in the fields.

  As it was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.

  誤:The essay is poorly organized, there is no central idea.

  正:The essay is poorly organized; there is no central idea.

  The essay is poorly organized: there is no central idea.


  1.冒號用于對后面內(nèi)容的介紹或解釋,如 This is her plan: go shopping.


  We transferred three employees to new branches:

  • Tony Wang to New York City

  • Mike Jackson to Tokyo

  • Mark Foster to Paris

  當(dāng)名單橫排的時候,冒號要用在一個完整的句子之后,如 We need seven people: three students, three engineers, and a professor.

  3.冒號用于一個正式的引用之前。如 The professor said: “It was horrible.”

  4.冒號也可用于商業(yè)或正式信函的稱謂后面,如 Dear Mr. Lee:(美國英語中,信件或演說詞的稱呼語之后用冒號,而在英國英語中多用逗號。)

  5.冒號用于數(shù)字時間的表示,如16:45 或 4:45 p.m.

  6.冒號用于主標(biāo)題和副標(biāo)題之間,如 Web Directory: World and Non-U.S. Economic Data


  1.逗點用于分隔一系列的簡單內(nèi)容,如 I will go to Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen.

  2.逗點用于修飾名詞的多個形容詞之間,如 a small, fancy bike

  3.逗點用于連接兩個較長的獨立子句,而且每個句子的主語不同,如 The Grizzlies were out of timeouts, and Miller missed a desperation 3-pointer as time expired.

  4.逗點用于關(guān)聯(lián)的子句之間,如 Since he’s your younger brother, please take care of him.

  5.逗點用于一個較長的修飾短語之后,如 In the middle of the coldest winter on record, the pipes froze.

  6.逗點用于直接引用的句子之前,如 Mary said, “Let’s go fishing.”(注意:這里說的和上面提及的冒號在直接引語中的使用不一樣。如果是引用比較正式的發(fā)言講話就要用冒號,一般情況下就用逗點。)

  如果句中含有間接引用就不需要逗點,如 Mary said we should go fishing.

  在反問句之前要使用逗點,如 :

  He worked very hard, didn’t he?


  七、連字號Hyphen( -)

  1.連字號主要用于某些前綴(如: self-,ex-和all-) 后和構(gòu)成復(fù)合詞。如:


  I have forty-thousand or fifty-thousand dollars.

  I want to obtain the whole-year or half-year lease of the apartment.

  當(dāng)兩個或兩個以上復(fù)合詞并用, 而各復(fù)合詞連字號后的部分相同時, 各復(fù)合詞的相同部分只出現(xiàn)一次,應(yīng)改為the whole-or half-year lease.


  3. 當(dāng)某復(fù)合詞中出現(xiàn)重復(fù)的字母或過多的元音, 使閱讀困難時, 可用連字號把前綴和詞根分開。

  non-nuclear, re-use, semi-independent

  4. 構(gòu)成某些復(fù)合數(shù)字(在英文寫作中,100以下的數(shù)字應(yīng)該用英文單詞寫出來,不可用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字代替)

  twenty-one during the years 1949-1999

  有時, 用作名詞的分?jǐn)?shù)可以不用連字號, 但所有用作形容詞的分詞均須加連字號。

  如: one fourth [ 也可one-fourth ] of those surveyed

  5.用于一個詞的一部分要移行, 一般按音節(jié)間斷開單詞加連字號(例如:ha-ppy,不可斷為hap-py……),或根據(jù)發(fā)音,不要把單個字母留在行尾或行首。注意一頁中最后一個單詞不能使用連字號將其置于兩頁。

  八、圓括弧Parenthesis( ( ) )

  1.標(biāo)出表順序的數(shù)字和字母(如: (1) 、(2) 等)


  They might take a walk together(remember feet) and see the neighborhood with fresh , new eyes.

  九、引號Quotation Marks(“”‘’)

  引號分單引號(single quotation marks) 和雙引號(double quotation marks) 。單引號只用在一個直接引語中所含有的另一個直接引語上。

  1. 表示直接引語。當(dāng)直接引語超過四行或多于40 個字詞時, 一般不用引號而改用黑體字以便與文章的其它部分界線清晰

  “Well, ”the foreigner said to him ,“ you look like an engineer. ”

  句號和逗號必須置于引號(雙引號和單引號) 之內(nèi)。

  He told the gunman ,“I refuse to do that ”;his knees , however , were shaking even as he said those words.

  She called this schedule of activities her “l(fā)oad ”:work , study , exercise , recreation , and sleep.


  The teacher asked , “Could you understand me”?

  Did the teacher ask ,“Have they gone”?

  Did the teacher ask ,“They have gone ?”

  The frightened girl screamed ,“Help”!

  The fellow only said ,“Sorry !”

  He interrupted me , “Now , listen”——and went on saying.

  問號、感嘆號和破折號有時置于引號之內(nèi), 有時置于外號之外。如果所引內(nèi)容本身是疑問句或感嘆句或帶有破折號, 問號、感嘆號或破折號一般放在引號之內(nèi)。否則,放在引號之外。

  2. 標(biāo)明短篇出版物的標(biāo)題, 諸如雜志、報紙上的文章、短詩、短篇故事和整部書的某一章節(jié)。

  Have you read“The Old Man and the Sea”?

  Chapter three is entitled“The Internet . ”

  3.表示所用的詞語具有特殊意義。另外,當(dāng)俚語出現(xiàn)在較正式的文章中, 也用引號引起來, 以表示文風(fēng)的有意轉(zhuǎn)變。

  The report contained the“facts”of the case.

  The speaker owns a“fat farm”in California , which slims down rich overeaters for



  ℃ Celsius system 攝氏度

  { open brace, opencurly 左花括號

  } close brace, close curly 右花括號

  ( open parenthesis, open paren 左圓括號

  ) close parenthesis, close paren 右圓括號

  () brakets/ parentheses 括號

  [ open bracket 左方括號

  ] close bracket 右方括號

  [] square brackets 方括號

  . period, dot 句號,點

  | vertical bar, vertical virgule 豎線

  & ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用

  * asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星號,乘號,星,指針

  / slash, divide, oblique 斜線,斜杠,除號

  // slash-slash, comment 雙斜線,注釋符

  # pound 井號

  \ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜線轉(zhuǎn)義符,有時表示轉(zhuǎn)義符或續(xù)行符

  ~ tilde 波浪符

  . full stop 句號

  , comma 逗號

  : colon 冒號

  ; semicolon 分號

  ? question mark 問號

  ! exclamation mark (英式英語) exclamation point (美式英語)

  ' apostrophe 撇號

  - hyphen 連字號

  -- dash 破折號

  ... dots/ ellipsis 省略號

  " single quotation marks 單引號

  "" double quotation marks 雙引號

  ‖ parallel 雙線號

  & ampersand = and

  ~ swung dash 代字號

  § section; division 分節(jié)號

  → arrow 箭號;參見號




  2.句點也可以用于英文單詞的縮寫,如 Mrs., Dr., P.S. 等。但要注意的是當(dāng)縮寫的字母形成了一個單詞的時候就不要使用句點。如 IBM, DNA 等。



  如 How will you solve the problem? 是正確的用法,但用在 I wonder how you will solve the problem?就不對了,應(yīng)該使用句點而不是問號。


  如 Will you please give me a call tomorrow.

  三、! 感嘆號



  1.與中文一樣,分號用于分隔地位平等的獨立子句。在某些情況下,使用分號比使用句點更顯出子句之間的緊密聯(lián)系,另外分號也經(jīng)常與連接副詞 thus, however, therefore一起使用(放在這些詞語之前)。如 I realize I need exercise; however, I’ll lie down first to think about it.

  2.在句子中如果已經(jīng)使用過逗點,為了避免歧義的產(chǎn)生,就用分號來分隔相似的內(nèi)容。如 The employees were Tom Hanks, the manager; Jim White, the engineer; and Dr. Jack Lee.


  誤:It was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.


  正:It was raining hard; they could not work in the fields.

  It was raining hard. They could not work in the fields.

  It was raining so hard that they could not work in the fields.

  They could not work in the fields because it was raining hard.

  It was raining hard, so they could not work in the fields.

  As it was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.

  誤:The essay is poorly organized, there is no central idea.

  正:The essay is poorly organized; there is no central idea.

  The essay is poorly organized: there is no central idea.


  1.冒號用于對后面內(nèi)容的介紹或解釋,如 This is her plan: go shopping.


  We transferred three employees to new branches:

  • Tony Wang to New York City

  • Mike Jackson to Tokyo

  • Mark Foster to Paris

  當(dāng)名單橫排的時候,冒號要用在一個完整的句子之后,如 We need seven people: three students, three engineers, and a professor.

  3.冒號用于一個正式的引用之前。如 The professor said: “It was horrible.”

  4.冒號也可用于商業(yè)或正式信函的稱謂后面,如 Dear Mr. Lee:(美國英語中,信件或演說詞的稱呼語之后用冒號,而在英國英語中多用逗號。)

  5.冒號用于數(shù)字時間的表示,如16:45 或 4:45 p.m.

  6.冒號用于主標(biāo)題和副標(biāo)題之間,如 Web Directory: World and Non-U.S. Economic Data


  1.逗點用于分隔一系列的簡單內(nèi)容,如 I will go to Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen.

  2.逗點用于修飾名詞的多個形容詞之間,如 a small, fancy bike

  3.逗點用于連接兩個較長的獨立子句,而且每個句子的主語不同,如 The Grizzlies were out of timeouts, and Miller missed a desperation 3-pointer as time expired.

  4.逗點用于關(guān)聯(lián)的子句之間,如 Since he’s your younger brother, please take care of him.

  5.逗點用于一個較長的修飾短語之后,如 In the middle of the coldest winter on record, the pipes froze.

  6.逗點用于直接引用的句子之前,如 Mary said, “Let’s go fishing.”(注意:這里說的和上面提及的冒號在直接引語中的使用不一樣。如果是引用比較正式的發(fā)言講話就要用冒號,一般情況下就用逗點。)

  如果句中含有間接引用就不需要逗點,如 Mary said we should go fishing.

  在反問句之前要使用逗點,如 :

  He worked very hard, didn’t he?


  七、連字號Hyphen( -)

  1.連字號主要用于某些前綴(如: self-,ex-和all-) 后和構(gòu)成復(fù)合詞。如:


  I have forty-thousand or fifty-thousand dollars.

  I want to obtain the whole-year or half-year lease of the apartment.

  當(dāng)兩個或兩個以上復(fù)合詞并用, 而各復(fù)合詞連字號后的部分相同時, 各復(fù)合詞的相同部分只出現(xiàn)一次,應(yīng)改為the whole-or half-year lease.


  3. 當(dāng)某復(fù)合詞中出現(xiàn)重復(fù)的字母或過多的元音, 使閱讀困難時, 可用連字號把前綴和詞根分開。

  non-nuclear, re-use, semi-independent

  4. 構(gòu)成某些復(fù)合數(shù)字(在英文寫作中,100以下的數(shù)字應(yīng)該用英文單詞寫出來,不可用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字代替)

  twenty-one during the years 1949-1999

  有時, 用作名詞的分?jǐn)?shù)可以不用連字號, 但所有用作形容詞的分詞均須加連字號。

  如: one fourth [ 也可one-fourth ] of those surveyed

  5.用于一個詞的一部分要移行, 一般按音節(jié)間斷開單詞加連字號(例如:ha-ppy,不可斷為hap-py……),或根據(jù)發(fā)音,不要把單個字母留在行尾或行首。注意一頁中最后一個單詞不能使用連字號將其置于兩頁。

  八、圓括弧Parenthesis( ( ) )

  1.標(biāo)出表順序的數(shù)字和字母(如: (1) 、(2) 等)


  They might take a walk together(remember feet) and see the neighborhood with fresh , new eyes.

  九、引號Quotation Marks(“”‘’)

  引號分單引號(single quotation marks) 和雙引號(double quotation marks) 。單引號只用在一個直接引語中所含有的另一個直接引語上。

  1. 表示直接引語。當(dāng)直接引語超過四行或多于40 個字詞時, 一般不用引號而改用黑體字以便與文章的其它部分界線清晰

  “Well, ”the foreigner said to him ,“ you look like an engineer. ”

  句號和逗號必須置于引號(雙引號和單引號) 之內(nèi)。

  He told the gunman ,“I refuse to do that ”;his knees , however , were shaking even as he said those words.

  She called this schedule of activities her “l(fā)oad ”:work , study , exercise , recreation , and sleep.


  The teacher asked , “Could you understand me”?

  Did the teacher ask ,“Have they gone”?

  Did the teacher ask ,“They have gone ?”

  The frightened girl screamed ,“Help”!

  The fellow only said ,“Sorry !”

  He interrupted me , “Now , listen”——and went on saying.

  問號、感嘆號和破折號有時置于引號之內(nèi), 有時置于外號之外。如果所引內(nèi)容本身是疑問句或感嘆句或帶有破折號, 問號、感嘆號或破折號一般放在引號之內(nèi)。否則,放在引號之外。

  2. 標(biāo)明短篇出版物的標(biāo)題, 諸如雜志、報紙上的文章、短詩、短篇故事和整部書的某一章節(jié)。

  Have you read“The Old Man and the Sea”?

  Chapter three is entitled“The Internet . ”

  3.表示所用的詞語具有特殊意義。另外,當(dāng)俚語出現(xiàn)在較正式的文章中, 也用引號引起來, 以表示文風(fēng)的有意轉(zhuǎn)變。

  The report contained the“facts”of the case.

  The speaker owns a“fat farm”in California , which slims down rich overeaters for



  ℃ Celsius system 攝氏度

  { open brace, opencurly 左花括號

  } close brace, close curly 右花括號

  ( open parenthesis, open paren 左圓括號

  ) close parenthesis, close paren 右圓括號

  () brakets/ parentheses 括號

  [ open bracket 左方括號

  ] close bracket 右方括號

  [] square brackets 方括號

  . period, dot 句號,點

  | vertical bar, vertical virgule 豎線

  & ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用

  * asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星號,乘號,星,指針

  / slash, divide, oblique 斜線,斜杠,除號

  // slash-slash, comment 雙斜線,注釋符

  # pound 井號

  \ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜線轉(zhuǎn)義符,有時表示轉(zhuǎn)義符或續(xù)行符

  ~ tilde 波浪符

  . full stop 句號

  , comma 逗號

  : colon 冒號

  ; semicolon 分號

  ? question mark 問號

  ! exclamation mark (英式英語) exclamation point (美式英語)

  ' apostrophe 撇號

  - hyphen 連字號

  -- dash 破折號

  ... dots/ ellipsis 省略號

  " single quotation marks 單引號

  "" double quotation marks 雙引號

  ‖ parallel 雙線號

  & ampersand = and

  ~ swung dash 代字號

  § section; division 分節(jié)號

  → arrow 箭號;參見號




  2.句點也可以用于英文單詞的縮寫,如 Mrs., Dr., P.S. 等。但要注意的是當(dāng)縮寫的字母形成了一個單詞的時候就不要使用句點。如 IBM, DNA 等。



  如 How will you solve the problem? 是正確的用法,但用在 I wonder how you will solve the problem?就不對了,應(yīng)該使用句點而不是問號。


  如 Will you please give me a call tomorrow.

  三、! 感嘆號



  1.與中文一樣,分號用于分隔地位平等的獨立子句。在某些情況下,使用分號比使用句點更顯出子句之間的緊密聯(lián)系,另外分號也經(jīng)常與連接副詞 thus, however, therefore一起使用(放在這些詞語之前)。如 I realize I need exercise; however, I’ll lie down first to think about it.

  2.在句子中如果已經(jīng)使用過逗點,為了避免歧義的產(chǎn)生,就用分號來分隔相似的內(nèi)容。如 The employees were Tom Hanks, the manager; Jim White, the engineer; and Dr. Jack Lee.


  誤:It was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.


  正:It was raining hard; they could not work in the fields.

  It was raining hard. They could not work in the fields.

  It was raining so hard that they could not work in the fields.

  They could not work in the fields because it was raining hard.

  It was raining hard, so they could not work in the fields.

  As it was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.

  誤:The essay is poorly organized, there is no central idea.

  正:The essay is poorly organized; there is no central idea.

  The essay is poorly organized: there is no central idea.


  1.冒號用于對后面內(nèi)容的介紹或解釋,如 This is her plan: go shopping.


  We transferred three employees to new branches:

  • Tony Wang to New York City

  • Mike Jackson to Tokyo

  • Mark Foster to Paris

  當(dāng)名單橫排的時候,冒號要用在一個完整的句子之后,如 We need seven people: three students, three engineers, and a professor.

  3.冒號用于一個正式的引用之前。如 The professor said: “It was horrible.”

  4.冒號也可用于商業(yè)或正式信函的稱謂后面,如 Dear Mr. Lee:(美國英語中,信件或演說詞的稱呼語之后用冒號,而在英國英語中多用逗號。)

  5.冒號用于數(shù)字時間的表示,如16:45 或 4:45 p.m.

  6.冒號用于主標(biāo)題和副標(biāo)題之間,如 Web Directory: World and Non-U.S. Economic Data


  1.逗點用于分隔一系列的簡單內(nèi)容,如 I will go to Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen.

  2.逗點用于修飾名詞的多個形容詞之間,如 a small, fancy bike

  3.逗點用于連接兩個較長的獨立子句,而且每個句子的主語不同,如 The Grizzlies were out of timeouts, and Miller missed a desperation 3-pointer as time expired.

  4.逗點用于關(guān)聯(lián)的子句之間,如 Since he’s your younger brother, please take care of him.

  5.逗點用于一個較長的修飾短語之后,如 In the middle of the coldest winter on record, the pipes froze.

  6.逗點用于直接引用的句子之前,如 Mary said, “Let’s go fishing.”(注意:這里說的和上面提及的冒號在直接引語中的使用不一樣。如果是引用比較正式的發(fā)言講話就要用冒號,一般情況下就用逗點。)

  如果句中含有間接引用就不需要逗點,如 Mary said we should go fishing.

  在反問句之前要使用逗點,如 :

  He worked very hard, didn’t he?


  七、連字號Hyphen( -)

  1.連字號主要用于某些前綴(如: self-,ex-和all-) 后和構(gòu)成復(fù)合詞。如:


  I have forty-thousand or fifty-thousand dollars.

  I want to obtain the whole-year or half-year lease of the apartment.

  當(dāng)兩個或兩個以上復(fù)合詞并用, 而各復(fù)合詞連字號后的部分相同時, 各復(fù)合詞的相同部分只出現(xiàn)一次,應(yīng)改為the whole-or half-year lease.


  3. 當(dāng)某復(fù)合詞中出現(xiàn)重復(fù)的字母或過多的元音, 使閱讀困難時, 可用連字號把前綴和詞根分開。

  non-nuclear, re-use, semi-independent

  4. 構(gòu)成某些復(fù)合數(shù)字(在英文寫作中,100以下的數(shù)字應(yīng)該用英文單詞寫出來,不可用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字代替)

  twenty-one during the years 1949-1999

  有時, 用作名詞的分?jǐn)?shù)可以不用連字號, 但所有用作形容詞的分詞均須加連字號。

  如: one fourth [ 也可one-fourth ] of those surveyed

  5.用于一個詞的一部分要移行, 一般按音節(jié)間斷開單詞加連字號(例如:ha-ppy,不可斷為hap-py……),或根據(jù)發(fā)音,不要把單個字母留在行尾或行首。注意一頁中最后一個單詞不能使用連字號將其置于兩頁。

  八、圓括弧Parenthesis( ( ) )

  1.標(biāo)出表順序的數(shù)字和字母(如: (1) 、(2) 等)


  They might take a walk together(remember feet) and see the neighborhood with fresh , new eyes.

  九、引號Quotation Marks(“”‘’)

  引號分單引號(single quotation marks) 和雙引號(double quotation marks) 。單引號只用在一個直接引語中所含有的另一個直接引語上。

  1. 表示直接引語。當(dāng)直接引語超過四行或多于40 個字詞時, 一般不用引號而改用黑體字以便與文章的其它部分界線清晰

  “Well, ”the foreigner said to him ,“ you look like an engineer. ”

  句號和逗號必須置于引號(雙引號和單引號) 之內(nèi)。

  He told the gunman ,“I refuse to do that ”;his knees , however , were shaking even as he said those words.

  She called this schedule of activities her “l(fā)oad ”:work , study , exercise , recreation , and sleep.


  The teacher asked , “Could you understand me”?

  Did the teacher ask ,“Have they gone”?

  Did the teacher ask ,“They have gone ?”

  The frightened girl screamed ,“Help”!

  The fellow only said ,“Sorry !”

  He interrupted me , “Now , listen”——and went on saying.

  問號、感嘆號和破折號有時置于引號之內(nèi), 有時置于外號之外。如果所引內(nèi)容本身是疑問句或感嘆句或帶有破折號, 問號、感嘆號或破折號一般放在引號之內(nèi)。否則,放在引號之外。

  2. 標(biāo)明短篇出版物的標(biāo)題, 諸如雜志、報紙上的文章、短詩、短篇故事和整部書的某一章節(jié)。

  Have you read“The Old Man and the Sea”?

  Chapter three is entitled“The Internet . ”

  3.表示所用的詞語具有特殊意義。另外,當(dāng)俚語出現(xiàn)在較正式的文章中, 也用引號引起來, 以表示文風(fēng)的有意轉(zhuǎn)變。

  The report contained the“facts”of the case.

  The speaker owns a“fat farm”in California , which slims down rich overeaters for



  ℃ Celsius system 攝氏度

  { open brace, opencurly 左花括號

  } close brace, close curly 右花括號

  ( open parenthesis, open paren 左圓括號

  ) close parenthesis, close paren 右圓括號

  () brakets/ parentheses 括號

  [ open bracket 左方括號

  ] close bracket 右方括號

  [] square brackets 方括號

  . period, dot 句號,點

  | vertical bar, vertical virgule 豎線

  & ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用

  * asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星號,乘號,星,指針

  / slash, divide, oblique 斜線,斜杠,除號

  // slash-slash, comment 雙斜線,注釋符

  # pound 井號

  \ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜線轉(zhuǎn)義符,有時表示轉(zhuǎn)義符或續(xù)行符

  ~ tilde 波浪符

  . full stop 句號

  , comma 逗號

  : colon 冒號

  ; semicolon 分號

  ? question mark 問號

  ! exclamation mark (英式英語) exclamation point (美式英語)

  ' apostrophe 撇號

  - hyphen 連字號

  -- dash 破折號

  ... dots/ ellipsis 省略號

  " single quotation marks 單引號

  "" double quotation marks 雙引號

  ‖ parallel 雙線號

  & ampersand = and

  ~ swung dash 代字號

  § section; division 分節(jié)號

  → arrow 箭號;參見號




  2.句點也可以用于英文單詞的縮寫,如 Mrs., Dr., P.S. 等。但要注意的是當(dāng)縮寫的字母形成了一個單詞的時候就不要使用句點。如 IBM, DNA 等。



  如 How will you solve the problem? 是正確的用法,但用在 I wonder how you will solve the problem?就不對了,應(yīng)該使用句點而不是問號。


  如 Will you please give me a call tomorrow.

  三、! 感嘆號



  1.與中文一樣,分號用于分隔地位平等的獨立子句。在某些情況下,使用分號比使用句點更顯出子句之間的緊密聯(lián)系,另外分號也經(jīng)常與連接副詞 thus, however, therefore一起使用(放在這些詞語之前)。如 I realize I need exercise; however, I’ll lie down first to think about it.

  2.在句子中如果已經(jīng)使用過逗點,為了避免歧義的產(chǎn)生,就用分號來分隔相似的內(nèi)容。如 The employees were Tom Hanks, the manager; Jim White, the engineer; and Dr. Jack Lee.


  誤:It was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.


  正:It was raining hard; they could not work in the fields.

  It was raining hard. They could not work in the fields.

  It was raining so hard that they could not work in the fields.

  They could not work in the fields because it was raining hard.

  It was raining hard, so they could not work in the fields.

  As it was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.

  誤:The essay is poorly organized, there is no central idea.

  正:The essay is poorly organized; there is no central idea.

  The essay is poorly organized: there is no central idea.


  1.冒號用于對后面內(nèi)容的介紹或解釋,如 This is her plan: go shopping.


  We transferred three employees to new branches:

  • Tony Wang to New York City

  • Mike Jackson to Tokyo

  • Mark Foster to Paris

  當(dāng)名單橫排的時候,冒號要用在一個完整的句子之后,如 We need seven people: three students, three engineers, and a professor.

  3.冒號用于一個正式的引用之前。如 The professor said: “It was horrible.”

  4.冒號也可用于商業(yè)或正式信函的稱謂后面,如 Dear Mr. Lee:(美國英語中,信件或演說詞的稱呼語之后用冒號,而在英國英語中多用逗號。)

  5.冒號用于數(shù)字時間的表示,如16:45 或 4:45 p.m.

  6.冒號用于主標(biāo)題和副標(biāo)題之間,如 Web Directory: World and Non-U.S. Economic Data


  1.逗點用于分隔一系列的簡單內(nèi)容,如 I will go to Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen.

  2.逗點用于修飾名詞的多個形容詞之間,如 a small, fancy bike

  3.逗點用于連接兩個較長的獨立子句,而且每個句子的主語不同,如 The Grizzlies were out of timeouts, and Miller missed a desperation 3-pointer as time expired.

  4.逗點用于關(guān)聯(lián)的子句之間,如 Since he’s your younger brother, please take care of him.

  5.逗點用于一個較長的修飾短語之后,如 In the middle of the coldest winter on record, the pipes froze.

  6.逗點用于直接引用的句子之前,如 Mary said, “Let’s go fishing.”(注意:這里說的和上面提及的冒號在直接引語中的使用不一樣。如果是引用比較正式的發(fā)言講話就要用冒號,一般情況下就用逗點。)

  如果句中含有間接引用就不需要逗點,如 Mary said we should go fishing.

  在反問句之前要使用逗點,如 :

  He worked very hard, didn’t he?


  七、連字號Hyphen( -)

  1.連字號主要用于某些前綴(如: self-,ex-和all-) 后和構(gòu)成復(fù)合詞。如:


  I have forty-thousand or fifty-thousand dollars.

  I want to obtain the whole-year or half-year lease of the apartment.

  當(dāng)兩個或兩個以上復(fù)合詞并用, 而各復(fù)合詞連字號后的部分相同時, 各復(fù)合詞的相同部分只出現(xiàn)一次,應(yīng)改為the whole-or half-year lease.


  3. 當(dāng)某復(fù)合詞中出現(xiàn)重復(fù)的字母或過多的元音, 使閱讀困難時, 可用連字號把前綴和詞根分開。

  non-nuclear, re-use, semi-independent

  4. 構(gòu)成某些復(fù)合數(shù)字(在英文寫作中,100以下的數(shù)字應(yīng)該用英文單詞寫出來,不可用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字代替)

  twenty-one during the years 1949-1999

  有時, 用作名詞的分?jǐn)?shù)可以不用連字號, 但所有用作形容詞的分詞均須加連字號。

  如: one fourth [ 也可one-fourth ] of those surveyed

  5.用于一個詞的一部分要移行, 一般按音節(jié)間斷開單詞加連字號(例如:ha-ppy,不可斷為hap-py……),或根據(jù)發(fā)音,不要把單個字母留在行尾或行首。注意一頁中最后一個單詞不能使用連字號將其置于兩頁。

  八、圓括弧Parenthesis( ( ) )

  1.標(biāo)出表順序的數(shù)字和字母(如: (1) 、(2) 等)


  They might take a walk together(remember feet) and see the neighborhood with fresh , new eyes.

  九、引號Quotation Marks(“”‘’)

  引號分單引號(single quotation marks) 和雙引號(double quotation marks) 。單引號只用在一個直接引語中所含有的另一個直接引語上。

  1. 表示直接引語。當(dāng)直接引語超過四行或多于40 個字詞時, 一般不用引號而改用黑體字以便與文章的其它部分界線清晰

  “Well, ”the foreigner said to him ,“ you look like an engineer. ”

  句號和逗號必須置于引號(雙引號和單引號) 之內(nèi)。

  He told the gunman ,“I refuse to do that ”;his knees , however , were shaking even as he said those words.

  She called this schedule of activities her “l(fā)oad ”:work , study , exercise , recreation , and sleep.


  The teacher asked , “Could you understand me”?

  Did the teacher ask ,“Have they gone”?

  Did the teacher ask ,“They have gone ?”

  The frightened girl screamed ,“Help”!

  The fellow only said ,“Sorry !”

  He interrupted me , “Now , listen”——and went on saying.

  問號、感嘆號和破折號有時置于引號之內(nèi), 有時置于外號之外。如果所引內(nèi)容本身是疑問句或感嘆句或帶有破折號, 問號、感嘆號或破折號一般放在引號之內(nèi)。否則,放在引號之外。

  2. 標(biāo)明短篇出版物的標(biāo)題, 諸如雜志、報紙上的文章、短詩、短篇故事和整部書的某一章節(jié)。

  Have you read“The Old Man and the Sea”?

  Chapter three is entitled“The Internet . ”

  3.表示所用的詞語具有特殊意義。另外,當(dāng)俚語出現(xiàn)在較正式的文章中, 也用引號引起來, 以表示文風(fēng)的有意轉(zhuǎn)變。

  The report contained the“facts”of the case.

  The speaker owns a“fat farm”in California , which slims down rich overeaters for



  ℃ Celsius system 攝氏度

  { open brace, opencurly 左花括號

  } close brace, close curly 右花括號

  ( open parenthesis, open paren 左圓括號

  ) close parenthesis, close paren 右圓括號

  () brakets/ parentheses 括號

  [ open bracket 左方括號

  ] close bracket 右方括號

  [] square brackets 方括號

  . period, dot 句號,點

  | vertical bar, vertical virgule 豎線

  & ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用

  * asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星號,乘號,星,指針

  / slash, divide, oblique 斜線,斜杠,除號

  // slash-slash, comment 雙斜線,注釋符

  # pound 井號

  \ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜線轉(zhuǎn)義符,有時表示轉(zhuǎn)義符或續(xù)行符

  ~ tilde 波浪符

  . full stop 句號

  , comma 逗號

  : colon 冒號

  ; semicolon 分號

  ? question mark 問號

  ! exclamation mark (英式英語) exclamation point (美式英語)

  ' apostrophe 撇號

  - hyphen 連字號

  -- dash 破折號

  ... dots/ ellipsis 省略號

  " single quotation marks 單引號

  "" double quotation marks 雙引號

  ‖ parallel 雙線號

  & ampersand = and

  ~ swung dash 代字號

  § section; division 分節(jié)號

  → arrow 箭號;參見號




  2.句點也可以用于英文單詞的縮寫,如 Mrs., Dr., P.S. 等。但要注意的是當(dāng)縮寫的字母形成了一個單詞的時候就不要使用句點。如 IBM, DNA 等。



  如 How will you solve the problem? 是正確的用法,但用在 I wonder how you will solve the problem?就不對了,應(yīng)該使用句點而不是問號。


  如 Will you please give me a call tomorrow.

  三、! 感嘆號



  1.與中文一樣,分號用于分隔地位平等的獨立子句。在某些情況下,使用分號比使用句點更顯出子句之間的緊密聯(lián)系,另外分號也經(jīng)常與連接副詞 thus, however, therefore一起使用(放在這些詞語之前)。如 I realize I need exercise; however, I’ll lie down first to think about it.

  2.在句子中如果已經(jīng)使用過逗點,為了避免歧義的產(chǎn)生,就用分號來分隔相似的內(nèi)容。如 The employees were Tom Hanks, the manager; Jim White, the engineer; and Dr. Jack Lee.


  誤:It was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.


  正:It was raining hard; they could not work in the fields.

  It was raining hard. They could not work in the fields.

  It was raining so hard that they could not work in the fields.

  They could not work in the fields because it was raining hard.

  It was raining hard, so they could not work in the fields.

  As it was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.

  誤:The essay is poorly organized, there is no central idea.

  正:The essay is poorly organized; there is no central idea.

  The essay is poorly organized: there is no central idea.


  1.冒號用于對后面內(nèi)容的介紹或解釋,如 This is her plan: go shopping.


  We transferred three employees to new branches:

  • Tony Wang to New York City

  • Mike Jackson to Tokyo

  • Mark Foster to Paris

  當(dāng)名單橫排的時候,冒號要用在一個完整的句子之后,如 We need seven people: three students, three engineers, and a professor.

  3.冒號用于一個正式的引用之前。如 The professor said: “It was horrible.”

  4.冒號也可用于商業(yè)或正式信函的稱謂后面,如 Dear Mr. Lee:(美國英語中,信件或演說詞的稱呼語之后用冒號,而在英國英語中多用逗號。)

  5.冒號用于數(shù)字時間的表示,如16:45 或 4:45 p.m.

  6.冒號用于主標(biāo)題和副標(biāo)題之間,如 Web Directory: World and Non-U.S. Economic Data


  1.逗點用于分隔一系列的簡單內(nèi)容,如 I will go to Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen.

  2.逗點用于修飾名詞的多個形容詞之間,如 a small, fancy bike

  3.逗點用于連接兩個較長的獨立子句,而且每個句子的主語不同,如 The Grizzlies were out of timeouts, and Miller missed a desperation 3-pointer as time expired.

  4.逗點用于關(guān)聯(lián)的子句之間,如 Since he’s your younger brother, please take care of him.

  5.逗點用于一個較長的修飾短語之后,如 In the middle of the coldest winter on record, the pipes froze.

  6.逗點用于直接引用的句子之前,如 Mary said, “Let’s go fishing.”(注意:這里說的和上面提及的冒號在直接引語中的使用不一樣。如果是引用比較正式的發(fā)言講話就要用冒號,一般情況下就用逗點。)

  如果句中含有間接引用就不需要逗點,如 Mary said we should go fishing.

  在反問句之前要使用逗點,如 :

  He worked very hard, didn’t he?


  七、連字號Hyphen( -)

  1.連字號主要用于某些前綴(如: self-,ex-和all-) 后和構(gòu)成復(fù)合詞。如:


  I have forty-thousand or fifty-thousand dollars.

  I want to obtain the whole-year or half-year lease of the apartment.

  當(dāng)兩個或兩個以上復(fù)合詞并用, 而各復(fù)合詞連字號后的部分相同時, 各復(fù)合詞的相同部分只出現(xiàn)一次,應(yīng)改為the whole-or half-year lease.


  3. 當(dāng)某復(fù)合詞中出現(xiàn)重復(fù)的字母或過多的元音, 使閱讀困難時, 可用連字號把前綴和詞根分開。

  non-nuclear, re-use, semi-independent

  4. 構(gòu)成某些復(fù)合數(shù)字(在英文寫作中,100以下的數(shù)字應(yīng)該用英文單詞寫出來,不可用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字代替)

  twenty-one during the years 1949-1999

  有時, 用作名詞的分?jǐn)?shù)可以不用連字號, 但所有用作形容詞的分詞均須加連字號。

  如: one fourth [ 也可one-fourth ] of those surveyed

  5.用于一個詞的一部分要移行, 一般按音節(jié)間斷開單詞加連字號(例如:ha-ppy,不可斷為hap-py……),或根據(jù)發(fā)音,不要把單個字母留在行尾或行首。注意一頁中最后一個單詞不能使用連字號將其置于兩頁。

  八、圓括弧Parenthesis( ( ) )

  1.標(biāo)出表順序的數(shù)字和字母(如: (1) 、(2) 等)


  They might take a walk together(remember feet) and see the neighborhood with fresh , new eyes.

  九、引號Quotation Marks(“”‘’)

  引號分單引號(single quotation marks) 和雙引號(double quotation marks) 。單引號只用在一個直接引語中所含有的另一個直接引語上。

  1. 表示直接引語。當(dāng)直接引語超過四行或多于40 個字詞時, 一般不用引號而改用黑體字以便與文章的其它部分界線清晰

  “Well, ”the foreigner said to him ,“ you look like an engineer. ”

  句號和逗號必須置于引號(雙引號和單引號) 之內(nèi)。

  He told the gunman ,“I refuse to do that ”;his knees , however , were shaking even as he said those words.

  She called this schedule of activities her “l(fā)oad ”:work , study , exercise , recreation , and sleep.


  The teacher asked , “Could you understand me”?

  Did the teacher ask ,“Have they gone”?

  Did the teacher ask ,“They have gone ?”

  The frightened girl screamed ,“Help”!

  The fellow only said ,“Sorry !”

  He interrupted me , “Now , listen”——and went on saying.

  問號、感嘆號和破折號有時置于引號之內(nèi), 有時置于外號之外。如果所引內(nèi)容本身是疑問句或感嘆句或帶有破折號, 問號、感嘆號或破折號一般放在引號之內(nèi)。否則,放在引號之外。

  2. 標(biāo)明短篇出版物的標(biāo)題, 諸如雜志、報紙上的文章、短詩、短篇故事和整部書的某一章節(jié)。

  Have you read“The Old Man and the Sea”?

  Chapter three is entitled“The Internet . ”

  3.表示所用的詞語具有特殊意義。另外,當(dāng)俚語出現(xiàn)在較正式的文章中, 也用引號引起來, 以表示文風(fēng)的有意轉(zhuǎn)變。

  The report contained the“facts”of the case.

  The speaker owns a“fat farm”in California , which slims down rich overeaters for



  ℃ Celsius system 攝氏度

  { open brace, opencurly 左花括號

  } close brace, close curly 右花括號

  ( open parenthesis, open paren 左圓括號

  ) close parenthesis, close paren 右圓括號

  () brakets/ parentheses 括號

  [ open bracket 左方括號

  ] close bracket 右方括號

  [] square brackets 方括號

  . period, dot 句號,點

  | vertical bar, vertical virgule 豎線

  & ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用

  * asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星號,乘號,星,指針

  / slash, divide, oblique 斜線,斜杠,除號

  // slash-slash, comment 雙斜線,注釋符

  # pound 井號

  \ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜線轉(zhuǎn)義符,有時表示轉(zhuǎn)義符或續(xù)行符

  ~ tilde 波浪符

  . full stop 句號

  , comma 逗號

  : colon 冒號

  ; semicolon 分號

  ? question mark 問號

  ! exclamation mark (英式英語) exclamation point (美式英語)

  ' apostrophe 撇號

  - hyphen 連字號

  -- dash 破折號

  ... dots/ ellipsis 省略號

  " single quotation marks 單引號

  "" double quotation marks 雙引號

  ‖ parallel 雙線號

  & ampersand = and

  ~ swung dash 代字號

  § section; division 分節(jié)號

  → arrow 箭號;參見號




  2.句點也可以用于英文單詞的縮寫,如 Mrs., Dr., P.S. 等。但要注意的是當(dāng)縮寫的字母形成了一個單詞的時候就不要使用句點。如 IBM, DNA 等。



  如 How will you solve the problem? 是正確的用法,但用在 I wonder how you will solve the problem?就不對了,應(yīng)該使用句點而不是問號。


  如 Will you please give me a call tomorrow.

  三、! 感嘆號



  1.與中文一樣,分號用于分隔地位平等的獨立子句。在某些情況下,使用分號比使用句點更顯出子句之間的緊密聯(lián)系,另外分號也經(jīng)常與連接副詞 thus, however, therefore一起使用(放在這些詞語之前)。如 I realize I need exercise; however, I’ll lie down first to think about it.

  2.在句子中如果已經(jīng)使用過逗點,為了避免歧義的產(chǎn)生,就用分號來分隔相似的內(nèi)容。如 The employees were Tom Hanks, the manager; Jim White, the engineer; and Dr. Jack Lee.


  誤:It was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.


  正:It was raining hard; they could not work in the fields.

  It was raining hard. They could not work in the fields.

  It was raining so hard that they could not work in the fields.

  They could not work in the fields because it was raining hard.

  It was raining hard, so they could not work in the fields.

  As it was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.

  誤:The essay is poorly organized, there is no central idea.

  正:The essay is poorly organized; there is no central idea.

  The essay is poorly organized: there is no central idea.


  1.冒號用于對后面內(nèi)容的介紹或解釋,如 This is her plan: go shopping.


  We transferred three employees to new branches:

  • Tony Wang to New York City

  • Mike Jackson to Tokyo

  • Mark Foster to Paris

  當(dāng)名單橫排的時候,冒號要用在一個完整的句子之后,如 We need seven people: three students, three engineers, and a professor.

  3.冒號用于一個正式的引用之前。如 The professor said: “It was horrible.”

  4.冒號也可用于商業(yè)或正式信函的稱謂后面,如 Dear Mr. Lee:(美國英語中,信件或演說詞的稱呼語之后用冒號,而在英國英語中多用逗號。)

  5.冒號用于數(shù)字時間的表示,如16:45 或 4:45 p.m.

  6.冒號用于主標(biāo)題和副標(biāo)題之間,如 Web Directory: World and Non-U.S. Economic Data


  1.逗點用于分隔一系列的簡單內(nèi)容,如 I will go to Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen.

  2.逗點用于修飾名詞的多個形容詞之間,如 a small, fancy bike

  3.逗點用于連接兩個較長的獨立子句,而且每個句子的主語不同,如 The Grizzlies were out of timeouts, and Miller missed a desperation 3-pointer as time expired.

  4.逗點用于關(guān)聯(lián)的子句之間,如 Since he’s your younger brother, please take care of him.

  5.逗點用于一個較長的修飾短語之后,如 In the middle of the coldest winter on record, the pipes froze.

  6.逗點用于直接引用的句子之前,如 Mary said, “Let’s go fishing.”(注意:這里說的和上面提及的冒號在直接引語中的使用不一樣。如果是引用比較正式的發(fā)言講話就要用冒號,一般情況下就用逗點。)

  如果句中含有間接引用就不需要逗點,如 Mary said we should go fishing.

  在反問句之前要使用逗點,如 :

  He worked very hard, didn’t he?


  七、連字號Hyphen( -)

  1.連字號主要用于某些前綴(如: self-,ex-和all-) 后和構(gòu)成復(fù)合詞。如:


  I have forty-thousand or fifty-thousand dollars.

  I want to obtain the whole-year or half-year lease of the apartment.

  當(dāng)兩個或兩個以上復(fù)合詞并用, 而各復(fù)合詞連字號后的部分相同時, 各復(fù)合詞的相同部分只出現(xiàn)一次,應(yīng)改為the whole-or half-year lease.


  3. 當(dāng)某復(fù)合詞中出現(xiàn)重復(fù)的字母或過多的元音, 使閱讀困難時, 可用連字號把前綴和詞根分開。

  non-nuclear, re-use, semi-independent

  4. 構(gòu)成某些復(fù)合數(shù)字(在英文寫作中,100以下的數(shù)字應(yīng)該用英文單詞寫出來,不可用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字代替)

  twenty-one during the years 1949-1999

  有時, 用作名詞的分?jǐn)?shù)可以不用連字號, 但所有用作形容詞的分詞均須加連字號。

  如: one fourth [ 也可one-fourth ] of those surveyed

  5.用于一個詞的一部分要移行, 一般按音節(jié)間斷開單詞加連字號(例如:ha-ppy,不可斷為hap-py……),或根據(jù)發(fā)音,不要把單個字母留在行尾或行首。注意一頁中最后一個單詞不能使用連字號將其置于兩頁。

  八、圓括弧Parenthesis( ( ) )

  1.標(biāo)出表順序的數(shù)字和字母(如: (1) 、(2) 等)


  They might take a walk together(remember feet) and see the neighborhood with fresh , new eyes.

  九、引號Quotation Marks(“”‘’)

  引號分單引號(single quotation marks) 和雙引號(double quotation marks) 。單引號只用在一個直接引語中所含有的另一個直接引語上。

  1. 表示直接引語。當(dāng)直接引語超過四行或多于40 個字詞時, 一般不用引號而改用黑體字以便與文章的其它部分界線清晰

  “Well, ”the foreigner said to him ,“ you look like an engineer. ”

  句號和逗號必須置于引號(雙引號和單引號) 之內(nèi)。

  He told the gunman ,“I refuse to do that ”;his knees , however , were shaking even as he said those words.

  She called this schedule of activities her “l(fā)oad ”:work , study , exercise , recreation , and sleep.


  The teacher asked , “Could you understand me”?

  Did the teacher ask ,“Have they gone”?

  Did the teacher ask ,“They have gone ?”

  The frightened girl screamed ,“Help”!

  The fellow only said ,“Sorry !”

  He interrupted me , “Now , listen”——and went on saying.

  問號、感嘆號和破折號有時置于引號之內(nèi), 有時置于外號之外。如果所引內(nèi)容本身是疑問句或感嘆句或帶有破折號, 問號、感嘆號或破折號一般放在引號之內(nèi)。否則,放在引號之外。

  2. 標(biāo)明短篇出版物的標(biāo)題, 諸如雜志、報紙上的文章、短詩、短篇故事和整部書的某一章節(jié)。

  Have you read“The Old Man and the Sea”?

  Chapter three is entitled“The Internet . ”

  3.表示所用的詞語具有特殊意義。另外,當(dāng)俚語出現(xiàn)在較正式的文章中, 也用引號引起來, 以表示文風(fēng)的有意轉(zhuǎn)變。

  The report contained the“facts”of the case.

  The speaker owns a“fat farm”in California , which slims down rich overeaters for



  ℃ Celsius system 攝氏度

  { open brace, opencurly 左花括號

  } close brace, close curly 右花括號

  ( open parenthesis, open paren 左圓括號

  ) close parenthesis, close paren 右圓括號

  () brakets/ parentheses 括號

  [ open bracket 左方括號

  ] close bracket 右方括號

  [] square brackets 方括號

  . period, dot 句號,點

  | vertical bar, vertical virgule 豎線

  & ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用

  * asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星號,乘號,星,指針

  / slash, divide, oblique 斜線,斜杠,除號

  // slash-slash, comment 雙斜線,注釋符

  # pound 井號

  \ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜線轉(zhuǎn)義符,有時表示轉(zhuǎn)義符或續(xù)行符

  ~ tilde 波浪符

  . full stop 句號

  , comma 逗號

  : colon 冒號

  ; semicolon 分號

  ? question mark 問號

  ! exclamation mark (英式英語) exclamation point (美式英語)

  ' apostrophe 撇號

  - hyphen 連字號

  -- dash 破折號

  ... dots/ ellipsis 省略號

  " single quotation marks 單引號

  "" double quotation marks 雙引號

  ‖ parallel 雙線號

  & ampersand = and

  ~ swung dash 代字號

  § section; division 分節(jié)號

  → arrow 箭號;參見號




  2.句點也可以用于英文單詞的縮寫,如 Mrs., Dr., P.S. 等。但要注意的是當(dāng)縮寫的字母形成了一個單詞的時候就不要使用句點。如 IBM, DNA 等。



  如 How will you solve the problem? 是正確的用法,但用在 I wonder how you will solve the problem?就不對了,應(yīng)該使用句點而不是問號。


  如 Will you please give me a call tomorrow.

  三、! 感嘆號



  1.與中文一樣,分號用于分隔地位平等的獨立子句。在某些情況下,使用分號比使用句點更顯出子句之間的緊密聯(lián)系,另外分號也經(jīng)常與連接副詞 thus, however, therefore一起使用(放在這些詞語之前)。如 I realize I need exercise; however, I’ll lie down first to think about it.

  2.在句子中如果已經(jīng)使用過逗點,為了避免歧義的產(chǎn)生,就用分號來分隔相似的內(nèi)容。如 The employees were Tom Hanks, the manager; Jim White, the engineer; and Dr. Jack Lee.


  誤:It was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.


  正:It was raining hard; they could not work in the fields.

  It was raining hard. They could not work in the fields.

  It was raining so hard that they could not work in the fields.

  They could not work in the fields because it was raining hard.

  It was raining hard, so they could not work in the fields.

  As it was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.

  誤:The essay is poorly organized, there is no central idea.

  正:The essay is poorly organized; there is no central idea.

  The essay is poorly organized: there is no central idea.


  1.冒號用于對后面內(nèi)容的介紹或解釋,如 This is her plan: go shopping.


  We transferred three employees to new branches:

  • Tony Wang to New York City

  • Mike Jackson to Tokyo

  • Mark Foster to Paris

  當(dāng)名單橫排的時候,冒號要用在一個完整的句子之后,如 We need seven people: three students, three engineers, and a professor.

  3.冒號用于一個正式的引用之前。如 The professor said: “It was horrible.”

  4.冒號也可用于商業(yè)或正式信函的稱謂后面,如 Dear Mr. Lee:(美國英語中,信件或演說詞的稱呼語之后用冒號,而在英國英語中多用逗號。)

  5.冒號用于數(shù)字時間的表示,如16:45 或 4:45 p.m.

  6.冒號用于主標(biāo)題和副標(biāo)題之間,如 Web Directory: World and Non-U.S. Economic Data


  1.逗點用于分隔一系列的簡單內(nèi)容,如 I will go to Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen.

  2.逗點用于修飾名詞的多個形容詞之間,如 a small, fancy bike

  3.逗點用于連接兩個較長的獨立子句,而且每個句子的主語不同,如 The Grizzlies were out of timeouts, and Miller missed a desperation 3-pointer as time expired.

  4.逗點用于關(guān)聯(lián)的子句之間,如 Since he’s your younger brother, please take care of him.

  5.逗點用于一個較長的修飾短語之后,如 In the middle of the coldest winter on record, the pipes froze.

  6.逗點用于直接引用的句子之前,如 Mary said, “Let’s go fishing.”(注意:這里說的和上面提及的冒號在直接引語中的使用不一樣。如果是引用比較正式的發(fā)言講話就要用冒號,一般情況下就用逗點。)

  如果句中含有間接引用就不需要逗點,如 Mary said we should go fishing.

  在反問句之前要使用逗點,如 :

  He worked very hard, didn’t he?


  七、連字號Hyphen( -)

  1.連字號主要用于某些前綴(如: self-,ex-和all-) 后和構(gòu)成復(fù)合詞。如:


  I have forty-thousand or fifty-thousand dollars.

  I want to obtain the whole-year or half-year lease of the apartment.

  當(dāng)兩個或兩個以上復(fù)合詞并用, 而各復(fù)合詞連字號后的部分相同時, 各復(fù)合詞的相同部分只出現(xiàn)一次,應(yīng)改為the whole-or half-year lease.


  3. 當(dāng)某復(fù)合詞中出現(xiàn)重復(fù)的字母或過多的元音, 使閱讀困難時, 可用連字號把前綴和詞根分開。

  non-nuclear, re-use, semi-independent

  4. 構(gòu)成某些復(fù)合數(shù)字(在英文寫作中,100以下的數(shù)字應(yīng)該用英文單詞寫出來,不可用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字代替)

  twenty-one during the years 1949-1999

  有時, 用作名詞的分?jǐn)?shù)可以不用連字號, 但所有用作形容詞的分詞均須加連字號。

  如: one fourth [ 也可one-fourth ] of those surveyed

  5.用于一個詞的一部分要移行, 一般按音節(jié)間斷開單詞加連字號(例如:ha-ppy,不可斷為hap-py……),或根據(jù)發(fā)音,不要把單個字母留在行尾或行首。注意一頁中最后一個單詞不能使用連字號將其置于兩頁。

  八、圓括弧Parenthesis( ( ) )

  1.標(biāo)出表順序的數(shù)字和字母(如: (1) 、(2) 等)


  They might take a walk together(remember feet) and see the neighborhood with fresh , new eyes.

  九、引號Quotation Marks(“”‘’)

  引號分單引號(single quotation marks) 和雙引號(double quotation marks) 。單引號只用在一個直接引語中所含有的另一個直接引語上。

  1. 表示直接引語。當(dāng)直接引語超過四行或多于40 個字詞時, 一般不用引號而改用黑體字以便與文章的其它部分界線清晰

  “Well, ”the foreigner said to him ,“ you look like an engineer. ”

  句號和逗號必須置于引號(雙引號和單引號) 之內(nèi)。

  He told the gunman ,“I refuse to do that ”;his knees , however , were shaking even as he said those words.

  She called this schedule of activities her “l(fā)oad ”:work , study , exercise , recreation , and sleep.


  The teacher asked , “Could you understand me”?

  Did the teacher ask ,“Have they gone”?

  Did the teacher ask ,“They have gone ?”

  The frightened girl screamed ,“Help”!

  The fellow only said ,“Sorry !”

  He interrupted me , “Now , listen”——and went on saying.

  問號、感嘆號和破折號有時置于引號之內(nèi), 有時置于外號之外。如果所引內(nèi)容本身是疑問句或感嘆句或帶有破折號, 問號、感嘆號或破折號一般放在引號之內(nèi)。否則,放在引號之外。

  2. 標(biāo)明短篇出版物的標(biāo)題, 諸如雜志、報紙上的文章、短詩、短篇故事和整部書的某一章節(jié)。

  Have you read“The Old Man and the Sea”?

  Chapter three is entitled“The Internet . ”

  3.表示所用的詞語具有特殊意義。另外,當(dāng)俚語出現(xiàn)在較正式的文章中, 也用引號引起來, 以表示文風(fēng)的有意轉(zhuǎn)變。

  The report contained the“facts”of the case.

  The speaker owns a“fat farm”in California , which slims down rich overeaters for



  ℃ Celsius system 攝氏度

  { open brace, opencurly 左花括號

  } close brace, close curly 右花括號

  ( open parenthesis, open paren 左圓括號

  ) close parenthesis, close paren 右圓括號

  () brakets/ parentheses 括號

  [ open bracket 左方括號

  ] close bracket 右方括號

  [] square brackets 方括號

  . period, dot 句號,點

  | vertical bar, vertical virgule 豎線

  & ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用

  * asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星號,乘號,星,指針

  / slash, divide, oblique 斜線,斜杠,除號

  // slash-slash, comment 雙斜線,注釋符

  # pound 井號

  \ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜線轉(zhuǎn)義符,有時表示轉(zhuǎn)義符或續(xù)行符

  ~ tilde 波浪符

  . full stop 句號

  , comma 逗號

  : colon 冒號

  ; semicolon 分號

  ? question mark 問號

  ! exclamation mark (英式英語) exclamation point (美式英語)

  ' apostrophe 撇號

  - hyphen 連字號

  -- dash 破折號

  ... dots/ ellipsis 省略號

  " single quotation marks 單引號

  "" double quotation marks 雙引號

  ‖ parallel 雙線號

  & ampersand = and

  ~ swung dash 代字號

  § section; division 分節(jié)號

  → arrow 箭號;參見號




  2.句點也可以用于英文單詞的縮寫,如 Mrs., Dr., P.S. 等。但要注意的是當(dāng)縮寫的字母形成了一個單詞的時候就不要使用句點。如 IBM, DNA 等。



  如 How will you solve the problem? 是正確的用法,但用在 I wonder how you will solve the problem?就不對了,應(yīng)該使用句點而不是問號。


  如 Will you please give me a call tomorrow.

  三、! 感嘆號



  1.與中文一樣,分號用于分隔地位平等的獨立子句。在某些情況下,使用分號比使用句點更顯出子句之間的緊密聯(lián)系,另外分號也經(jīng)常與連接副詞 thus, however, therefore一起使用(放在這些詞語之前)。如 I realize I need exercise; however, I’ll lie down first to think about it.

  2.在句子中如果已經(jīng)使用過逗點,為了避免歧義的產(chǎn)生,就用分號來分隔相似的內(nèi)容。如 The employees were Tom Hanks, the manager; Jim White, the engineer; and Dr. Jack Lee.


  誤:It was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.


  正:It was raining hard; they could not work in the fields.

  It was raining hard. They could not work in the fields.

  It was raining so hard that they could not work in the fields.

  They could not work in the fields because it was raining hard.

  It was raining hard, so they could not work in the fields.

  As it was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.

  誤:The essay is poorly organized, there is no central idea.

  正:The essay is poorly organized; there is no central idea.

  The essay is poorly organized: there is no central idea.


  1.冒號用于對后面內(nèi)容的介紹或解釋,如 This is her plan: go shopping.


  We transferred three employees to new branches:

  • Tony Wang to New York City

  • Mike Jackson to Tokyo

  • Mark Foster to Paris

  當(dāng)名單橫排的時候,冒號要用在一個完整的句子之后,如 We need seven people: three students, three engineers, and a professor.

  3.冒號用于一個正式的引用之前。如 The professor said: “It was horrible.”

  4.冒號也可用于商業(yè)或正式信函的稱謂后面,如 Dear Mr. Lee:(美國英語中,信件或演說詞的稱呼語之后用冒號,而在英國英語中多用逗號。)

  5.冒號用于數(shù)字時間的表示,如16:45 或 4:45 p.m.

  6.冒號用于主標(biāo)題和副標(biāo)題之間,如 Web Directory: World and Non-U.S. Economic Data


  1.逗點用于分隔一系列的簡單內(nèi)容,如 I will go to Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen.

  2.逗點用于修飾名詞的多個形容詞之間,如 a small, fancy bike

  3.逗點用于連接兩個較長的獨立子句,而且每個句子的主語不同,如 The Grizzlies were out of timeouts, and Miller missed a desperation 3-pointer as time expired.

  4.逗點用于關(guān)聯(lián)的子句之間,如 Since he’s your younger brother, please take care of him.

  5.逗點用于一個較長的修飾短語之后,如 In the middle of the coldest winter on record, the pipes froze.

  6.逗點用于直接引用的句子之前,如 Mary said, “Let’s go fishing.”(注意:這里說的和上面提及的冒號在直接引語中的使用不一樣。如果是引用比較正式的發(fā)言講話就要用冒號,一般情況下就用逗點。)

  如果句中含有間接引用就不需要逗點,如 Mary said we should go fishing.

  在反問句之前要使用逗點,如 :

  He worked very hard, didn’t he?


  七、連字號Hyphen( -)

  1.連字號主要用于某些前綴(如: self-,ex-和all-) 后和構(gòu)成復(fù)合詞。如:


  I have forty-thousand or fifty-thousand dollars.

  I want to obtain the whole-year or half-year lease of the apartment.

  當(dāng)兩個或兩個以上復(fù)合詞并用, 而各復(fù)合詞連字號后的部分相同時, 各復(fù)合詞的相同部分只出現(xiàn)一次,應(yīng)改為the whole-or half-year lease.


  3. 當(dāng)某復(fù)合詞中出現(xiàn)重復(fù)的字母或過多的元音, 使閱讀困難時, 可用連字號把前綴和詞根分開。

  non-nuclear, re-use, semi-independent

  4. 構(gòu)成某些復(fù)合數(shù)字(在英文寫作中,100以下的數(shù)字應(yīng)該用英文單詞寫出來,不可用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字代替)

  twenty-one during the years 1949-1999

  有時, 用作名詞的分?jǐn)?shù)可以不用連字號, 但所有用作形容詞的分詞均須加連字號。

  如: one fourth [ 也可one-fourth ] of those surveyed

  5.用于一個詞的一部分要移行, 一般按音節(jié)間斷開單詞加連字號(例如:ha-ppy,不可斷為hap-py……),或根據(jù)發(fā)音,不要把單個字母留在行尾或行首。注意一頁中最后一個單詞不能使用連字號將其置于兩頁。

  八、圓括弧Parenthesis( ( ) )

  1.標(biāo)出表順序的數(shù)字和字母(如: (1) 、(2) 等)


  They might take a walk together(remember feet) and see the neighborhood with fresh , new eyes.

  九、引號Quotation Marks(“”‘’)

  引號分單引號(single quotation marks) 和雙引號(double quotation marks) 。單引號只用在一個直接引語中所含有的另一個直接引語上。

  1. 表示直接引語。當(dāng)直接引語超過四行或多于40 個字詞時, 一般不用引號而改用黑體字以便與文章的其它部分界線清晰

  “Well, ”the foreigner said to him ,“ you look like an engineer. ”

  句號和逗號必須置于引號(雙引號和單引號) 之內(nèi)。

  He told the gunman ,“I refuse to do that ”;his knees , however , were shaking even as he said those words.

  She called this schedule of activities her “l(fā)oad ”:work , study , exercise , recreation , and sleep.


  The teacher asked , “Could you understand me”?

  Did the teacher ask ,“Have they gone”?

  Did the teacher ask ,“They have gone ?”

  The frightened girl screamed ,“Help”!

  The fellow only said ,“Sorry !”

  He interrupted me , “Now , listen”——and went on saying.

  問號、感嘆號和破折號有時置于引號之內(nèi), 有時置于外號之外。如果所引內(nèi)容本身是疑問句或感嘆句或帶有破折號, 問號、感嘆號或破折號一般放在引號之內(nèi)。否則,放在引號之外。

  2. 標(biāo)明短篇出版物的標(biāo)題, 諸如雜志、報紙上的文章、短詩、短篇故事和整部書的某一章節(jié)。

  Have you read“The Old Man and the Sea”?

  Chapter three is entitled“The Internet . ”

  3.表示所用的詞語具有特殊意義。另外,當(dāng)俚語出現(xiàn)在較正式的文章中, 也用引號引起來, 以表示文風(fēng)的有意轉(zhuǎn)變。

  The report contained the“facts”of the case.

  The speaker owns a“fat farm”in California , which slims down rich overeaters for $2 , 500 a week.

  4. 用于表示引起讀者注意的詞語, 或讀者不熟悉的特殊詞語。

  It is customary to say“Youpre welcome” whenever anyone says“Thank you. ”

  “SOS”is a message for help from a ship or aircraft when in danger.

  十、省略號Ell ipsis(...)


  1. 表示直接引語中的省略

  Max wrote ,“...in one word ,manps consciousness , changes with every change in the conditions of his material existence....”


  2. 表示說話中的猶豫或遲疑

  “If that the way you think...just go back to school ,”he said.

  3. 表示段落或整行詞句的省略, 須使用一整行黑點。



  rest my son’ s

  a moment’s books

  A three weeks’pay


  Don’t use so many ands in the sentence.

  How many 5s have you got?

  這與一般單詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式不同, 正規(guī)的寫法須在s 前加“ ’ ”, 要牢記規(guī)則。

  3.除表動詞的緊縮形式外, 還表一個或幾個字母和數(shù)字的省略。

  I’ve got it. “Yes ,ma’ am ,”the waiter said.

  注意:有相當(dāng)大一部分省略詞是口語中的用法,不宜出現(xiàn)在書面語中。例如:I’d like to(在書面語中要寫作I would like to)

  十二、 字底線Underline( ) 和斜體Italics

  斜體是英語的一種獨特的書寫手段, 但具有標(biāo)點的作用,它和字底線的作用完全一樣。

  1. 用于火車、飛機、輪船、太空船的名稱之下

  Challenger (飛機) Apollo Nine(太空船)

  2. 用于具有一定厚度的書籍、報紙、雜志、長詩、電影、作曲的標(biāo)題下

  Have you read Gone with the Wind ?


  the Washington Post Time magazine


  In Korea , the sixty-first birthday is calld huan gup (beginning of new life) 1 He longed for

  La dolce vita.

  4. 強調(diào)文章中的某些詞語,以引起讀者的注意, 相當(dāng)于漢語中的著重號(即在所強調(diào)的漢字下加一個黑點) 。



  在美國英語中,如果省略號恰好在句尾,就用四個點,如I‘d like to...that is...if you don‘t mind....

  2. 冒號的用法:①在小時與分鐘之間,美國英語多用冒號,英國英語多用句號;②美國英語中,信件或演說詞的稱呼語之后用冒號,而在英國英語中多用逗號。




  ⑴ 頓號(、):頓號在漢語中起分割句子中的并列成分的作用;英語中沒有頓號,分割句中的并列成分多用逗號。如:

  She slowly, carefully, deliberately moved the box.

  注意:類似的情況下,最后一個逗號后可加and,這個逗號也可省略--She slowly, carefully(,) and deliberately moved the box.

  ⑵ 書名號(《》):英文沒有書名號,書名、報刊名用斜體或者下劃線表示。如:

  Hamlet / Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》

  Winter‘s Tale / Winter‘s Tale 《冬天的童話》

  The New York Times / The New York Times 《紐約時報》




  ⒉ 英語中的某些標(biāo)點符號為漢語所沒有。



  ⑶ 斜線號—Virgule or Slash(/):該符號主要起分割作用,如It could be for staff and / or students. 也常用于標(biāo)音,如bed /bed/。


  ⑴ 中文的句號是空心圈(。)







  (1) 頓號、書名號、句號、省略號錯誤。比較中英文標(biāo)點符號可見,英文標(biāo)點中沒有中文形式的頓號、書名號、句號和省略號。而這四種標(biāo)點符號成了大學(xué)英語寫作中“借鑒頻率較高的符號。如:

  〔錯誤〕1. While she is reading《Gone With the Wind》, I am cooking。

  〔錯誤〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me , such as banana 、orange 、apple and pear.


  〔修改〕1. While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (印刷體)

  或While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (書寫體)

  〔修改〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me , such as banana , orange , apple and pear.


  (2) 冒號錯誤。冒號是中英文兼有的標(biāo)點符號。在漢語中,冒號是表示提示性話語之后的停頓,常用在“說、道、講、問、唱、回答、喊、吼”等動詞的后邊,以標(biāo)明下面的話是誰說的。此用法影響下列英文句子標(biāo)點:

  〔錯誤〕3. I thought to myself :“What kind of trap is she laying ?”

  〔錯誤〕4. He asked :“Where are you from ?”

  以上兩例中的冒號在英文中需用逗點表示。漢語中的冒號還可用在“如次“如下“例如“像等引起下文的提示語后邊。在英文表達中,“for example”(例如) 一類的詞后常用逗點代替冒號。

  〔錯誤〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example : a person with good manners is kind and

  helpful to others.

  〔修改〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example , a person with good manners is kind and helpful to others.

  (3) 破折號錯誤。漢語中的破折號標(biāo)明行文中解釋說明的部分,而英文同位語也具有同等說明的功能,故英文寫作中用破折號連接同位語成份的錯誤也屢見不鮮。如:

  〔錯誤〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university — Beijing University.

  〔修改〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university , Beijing University.



  (1) 把非限制性定語從句(non -restrictive attributive clause) 理解成限制性定語從句(restrictive attributive clause) 而忽略用逗點。如:

  〔錯誤〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop that was divided into two parts.

  從句意來看,上句是一個非限制性定語從句,故應(yīng)在shop 后加逗點,把that 相應(yīng)改成which 即:

  〔修改〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop , which was divided into two parts.

  (2) 不論狀語從句在整個句子中處于何種位置,一概以逗點隔開。

  〔錯誤〕8. We will go there , if it is fine tomorrow.

  狀語從句可置于句首或句末。置于句首時,一般要用標(biāo)點隔開;而置于句末時,則無需與主句隔開,故 以上句子應(yīng)改為:

  〔修改〕8. If it is fine tomorrow , we will go there. 或We will go there if it is fine tomorrow.

  (3) 在疑問句形式的陳述句后使用問號。

  〔錯誤〕9. What fun we girls could expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them ?I wondered.

  〔修改〕9. What fun could we girls expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them , I wondered.


  (4) 誤把however ,therefore , because , thus 等起聯(lián)系作用的副詞當(dāng)成并列連詞,導(dǎo)致寫作中的逗號粘連(comma splice) 錯誤。

  〔錯誤〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right , however , she didn’t care for that .

  兩個完整的句子或兩個并列句之間不能一概用逗點點開, 可用句號、分號或在逗點后加并列連詞(and , but , or , for , so , nor , yet) 等方法修改。故上例可改為:

  〔修改〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right . However , she didn’t care for that .

  或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right ; however , she didn’t care for that .

  或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right , but she didn’t care for that .

  (5) 與comma splice 相映成趣的是,許多學(xué)生作文時,極少考慮句子間的邏輯關(guān)系,一個逗點連首尾,導(dǎo)致大量熔句(fused sentence) 的堆砌。例如:

  〔錯誤〕11. Young men like blue jeans they wear them all the time.

  〔修改〕11. Young men like blue jeans ; they wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans. They wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans , and they wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans ; they wear them all the time.

  或Since young men like blue jeans , they wear them all the time.

  (6) 兩個并列的形容詞間以and 代替逗點。

  〔錯誤〕12. Through the window , in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely and hard childhood.

  現(xiàn)代英語表達一般在兩個形容詞中間不使用and , 而是用逗點分隔。

  〔修改〕12. Through the window , in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely , hard childhood

  因語體錯位而造成的標(biāo)點錯誤。英文寫作是一種書面語的輸出。其書面語體的特征要求其與口頭語相區(qū)別??谡Z中存在的大量縮約 (contraction) 在書面語體中應(yīng)盡量避免。而許多學(xué)生在書面作文中大量使用省字號(’),幾乎1/ 3 左右的作文在文體上存在漏洞,現(xiàn)代英語的發(fā)展對此卻難以容忍。如:

  1. I’d like to share my joys with you. ( I would like to)

  2. .you can’t behave like that . (you cannot)

  3. .there’re so many splendid toys for me to select . (there are)


  (1) 引號錯誤。

  〔錯誤〕13.“No pain , no gain. ”If you .

  〔修改〕13. As the saying goes ,“No pain , no gain. ”


  〔錯誤〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled“Why Not More ? ”, Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully.

  〔修改〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled“Why Not More ?,”Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully.


  (2) 日-月-年次序的日期中的逗號錯誤。英語日期的表達可以用月-日-年的次序和日-月-年

  的次序,日和年之間加逗號而月和年之間習(xí)慣上不加逗號。例如: 誤把“13 August 2002”寫成“13 August , 2002”。

  (3) 在部分副詞如perhaps , so 后加逗號。如:

  〔錯誤〕16. Perhaps , I would not have such a good chance again.

  〔錯誤〕17. So , they keep in touch with each other merely by writing letters and phoning now.


  (4) 連接號(hyphen) 錯誤。許多英語習(xí)作者往往隨意用連接號派生單詞,如把“boyfriend”寫成“boy -friend”; “middle school”寫成“middle -school”。在行末單詞分行時,連接號使用錯誤更多。與之相反,若把本應(yīng)有的連接號粗心刪去, 其單詞含義可能會大相徑庭。如有一年美國政府在一份貿(mào)易清單上列舉了一些免稅進口的物品,其中有一種是foreign fruit —plants(外國果樹苗),后來由于打字員的疏忽,漏打連接號使其成了foreign fruit , plants(外國水果、樹苗),結(jié)果導(dǎo)致第二年大量的水果如桔子、葡萄等從世界各地免稅涌入美國市場從而使美國政府當(dāng)年損失約200 多萬美元。


  Please send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange and black ties.

  使人看了以后不知是發(fā)5 摞(1 摞= 12 打)

  —紅、綠、藍、橙、黑各一摞— 領(lǐng)帶,還是發(fā)4 摞


 ?、貾lease send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange ,and black ties.

 ?、赑lease send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange-and-black ties.

  該用分號的地方用了逗點, 不該用標(biāo)點的地方也用了逗點,都導(dǎo)致了句子的錯誤。

 ?、貾eople make history , unusual people make history interesting. 此句逗點應(yīng)改為分號, 這是兩個獨立分句。

 ?、贛ary was happiest when she was free of her parents’ scrutiny , or while she was working in her garden. 此句的并列連詞是連接的成對的從句,而不是獨立分句,連詞前面的逗號應(yīng)去掉。

  標(biāo)點符號的使用是約定俗成的, 初學(xué)寫作的人只有牢記它的使用規(guī)則, 才能寫出規(guī)范的文章來。






, 500 a week.

  4. 用于表示引起讀者注意的詞語, 或讀者不熟悉的特殊詞語。

  It is customary to say“Youpre welcome” whenever anyone says“Thank you. ”

  “SOS”is a message for help from a ship or aircraft when in danger.

  十、省略號Ell ipsis(...)


  1. 表示直接引語中的省略

  Max wrote ,“...in one word ,manps consciousness , changes with every change in the conditions of his material existence....”


  2. 表示說話中的猶豫或遲疑

  “If that the way you think...just go back to school ,”he said.

  3. 表示段落或整行詞句的省略, 須使用一整行黑點。



  rest my son’ s

  a moment’s books

  A three weeks’pay


  Don’t use so many ands in the sentence.

  How many 5s have you got?

  這與一般單詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式不同, 正規(guī)的寫法須在s 前加“ ’ ”, 要牢記規(guī)則。

  3.除表動詞的緊縮形式外, 還表一個或幾個字母和數(shù)字的省略。

  I’ve got it. “Yes ,ma’ am ,”the waiter said.

  注意:有相當(dāng)大一部分省略詞是口語中的用法,不宜出現(xiàn)在書面語中。例如:I’d like to(在書面語中要寫作I would like to)

  十二、 字底線Underline( ) 和斜體Italics

  斜體是英語的一種獨特的書寫手段, 但具有標(biāo)點的作用,它和字底線的作用完全一樣。

  1. 用于火車、飛機、輪船、太空船的名稱之下

  Challenger (飛機) Apollo Nine(太空船)

  2. 用于具有一定厚度的書籍、報紙、雜志、長詩、電影、作曲的標(biāo)題下

  Have you read Gone with the Wind ?


  the Washington Post Time magazine


  In Korea , the sixty-first birthday is calld huan gup (beginning of new life) 1 He longed for

  La dolce vita.

  4. 強調(diào)文章中的某些詞語,以引起讀者的注意, 相當(dāng)于漢語中的著重號(即在所強調(diào)的漢字下加一個黑點) 。



  在美國英語中,如果省略號恰好在句尾,就用四個點,如I‘d like to...that is...if you don‘t mind....

  2. 冒號的用法:①在小時與分鐘之間,美國英語多用冒號,英國英語多用句號;②美國英語中,信件或演說詞的稱呼語之后用冒號,而在英國英語中多用逗號。





  She slowly, carefully, deliberately moved the box.

  注意:類似的情況下,最后一個逗號后可加and,這個逗號也可省略--She slowly, carefully(,) and deliberately moved the box.


  Hamlet / Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》

  Winter‘s Tale / Winter‘s Tale 《冬天的童話》

  The New York Times / The New York Times 《紐約時報》







 ?、?斜線號—Virgule or Slash(/):該符號主要起分割作用,如It could be for staff and / or students. 也常用于標(biāo)音,如bed /bed/。

  ⒊ 某些符號在漢英兩種語言中的形式不同。








  (1) 頓號、書名號、句號、省略號錯誤。比較中英文標(biāo)點符號可見,英文標(biāo)點中沒有中文形式的頓號、書名號、句號和省略號。而這四種標(biāo)點符號成了大學(xué)英語寫作中“借鑒頻率較高的符號。如:

  〔錯誤〕1. While she is reading《Gone With the Wind》, I am cooking。

  〔錯誤〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me , such as banana 、orange 、apple and pear.


  〔修改〕1. While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (印刷體)

  或While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (書寫體)

  〔修改〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me , such as banana , orange , apple and pear.


  (2) 冒號錯誤。冒號是中英文兼有的標(biāo)點符號。在漢語中,冒號是表示提示性話語之后的停頓,常用在“說、道、講、問、唱、回答、喊、吼”等動詞的后邊,以標(biāo)明下面的話是誰說的。此用法影響下列英文句子標(biāo)點:

  〔錯誤〕3. I thought to myself :“What kind of trap is she laying ?”

  〔錯誤〕4. He asked :“Where are you from ?”

  以上兩例中的冒號在英文中需用逗點表示。漢語中的冒號還可用在“如次“如下“例如“像等引起下文的提示語后邊。在英文表達中,“for example”(例如) 一類的詞后常用逗點代替冒號。

  〔錯誤〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example : a person with good manners is kind and

  helpful to others.

  〔修改〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example , a person with good manners is kind and helpful to others.

  (3) 破折號錯誤。漢語中的破折號標(biāo)明行文中解釋說明的部分,而英文同位語也具有同等說明的功能,故英文寫作中用破折號連接同位語成份的錯誤也屢見不鮮。如:

  〔錯誤〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university — Beijing University.

  〔修改〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university , Beijing University.



  (1) 把非限制性定語從句(non -restrictive attributive clause) 理解成限制性定語從句(restrictive attributive clause) 而忽略用逗點。如:

  〔錯誤〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop that was divided into two parts.

  從句意來看,上句是一個非限制性定語從句,故應(yīng)在shop 后加逗點,把that 相應(yīng)改成which 即:

  〔修改〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop , which was divided into two parts.

  (2) 不論狀語從句在整個句子中處于何種位置,一概以逗點隔開。

  〔錯誤〕8. We will go there , if it is fine tomorrow.

  狀語從句可置于句首或句末。置于句首時,一般要用標(biāo)點隔開;而置于句末時,則無需與主句隔開,故 以上句子應(yīng)改為:

  〔修改〕8. If it is fine tomorrow , we will go there. 或We will go there if it is fine tomorrow.

  (3) 在疑問句形式的陳述句后使用問號。

  〔錯誤〕9. What fun we girls could expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them ?I wondered.

  〔修改〕9. What fun could we girls expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them , I wondered.


  (4) 誤把however ,therefore , because , thus 等起聯(lián)系作用的副詞當(dāng)成并列連詞,導(dǎo)致寫作中的逗號粘連(comma splice) 錯誤。

  〔錯誤〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right , however , she didn’t care for that .

  兩個完整的句子或兩個并列句之間不能一概用逗點點開, 可用句號、分號或在逗點后加并列連詞(and , but , or , for , so , nor , yet) 等方法修改。故上例可改為:

  〔修改〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right . However , she didn’t care for that .

  或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right ; however , she didn’t care for that .

  或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right , but she didn’t care for that .

  (5) 與comma splice 相映成趣的是,許多學(xué)生作文時,極少考慮句子間的邏輯關(guān)系,一個逗點連首尾,導(dǎo)致大量熔句(fused sentence) 的堆砌。例如:

  〔錯誤〕11. Young men like blue jeans they wear them all the time.

  〔修改〕11. Young men like blue jeans ; they wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans. They wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans , and they wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans ; they wear them all the time.

  或Since young men like blue jeans , they wear them all the time.

  (6) 兩個并列的形容詞間以and 代替逗點。

  〔錯誤〕12. Through the window , in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely and hard childhood.

  現(xiàn)代英語表達一般在兩個形容詞中間不使用and , 而是用逗點分隔。

  〔修改〕12. Through the window , in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely , hard childhood

  因語體錯位而造成的標(biāo)點錯誤。英文寫作是一種書面語的輸出。其書面語體的特征要求其與口頭語相區(qū)別??谡Z中存在的大量縮約 (contraction) 在書面語體中應(yīng)盡量避免。而許多學(xué)生在書面作文中大量使用省字號(’),幾乎1/ 3 左右的作文在文體上存在漏洞,現(xiàn)代英語的發(fā)展對此卻難以容忍。如:

  1. I’d like to share my joys with you. ( I would like to)

  2. .you can’t behave like that . (you cannot)

  3. .there’re so many splendid toys for me to select . (there are)


  (1) 引號錯誤。

  〔錯誤〕13.“No pain , no gain. ”If you .

  〔修改〕13. As the saying goes ,“No pain , no gain. ”


  〔錯誤〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled“Why Not More ? ”, Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully.

  〔修改〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled“Why Not More ?,”Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully.


  (2) 日-月-年次序的日期中的逗號錯誤。英語日期的表達可以用月-日-年的次序和日-月-年

  的次序,日和年之間加逗號而月和年之間習(xí)慣上不加逗號。例如: 誤把“13 August 2002”寫成“13 August , 2002”。

  (3) 在部分副詞如perhaps , so 后加逗號。如:

  〔錯誤〕16. Perhaps , I would not have such a good chance again.

  〔錯誤〕17. So , they keep in touch with each other merely by writing letters and phoning now.


  (4) 連接號(hyphen) 錯誤。許多英語習(xí)作者往往隨意用連接號派生單詞,如把“boyfriend”寫成“boy -friend”; “middle school”寫成“middle -school”。在行末單詞分行時,連接號使用錯誤更多。與之相反,若把本應(yīng)有的連接號粗心刪去, 其單詞含義可能會大相徑庭。如有一年美國政府在一份貿(mào)易清單上列舉了一些免稅進口的物品,其中有一種是foreign fruit —plants(外國果樹苗),后來由于打字員的疏忽,漏打連接號使其成了foreign fruit , plants(外國水果、樹苗),結(jié)果導(dǎo)致第二年大量的水果如桔子、葡萄等從世界各地免稅涌入美國市場從而使美國政府當(dāng)年損失約200 多萬美元。


  Please send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange and black ties.

  使人看了以后不知是發(fā)5 摞(1 摞= 12 打)

  —紅、綠、藍、橙、黑各一摞— 領(lǐng)帶,還是發(fā)4 摞


 ?、貾lease send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange ,and black ties.

  ②Please send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange-and-black ties.

  該用分號的地方用了逗點, 不該用標(biāo)點的地方也用了逗點,都導(dǎo)致了句子的錯誤。

 ?、貾eople make history , unusual people make history interesting. 此句逗點應(yīng)改為分號, 這是兩個獨立分句。

 ?、贛ary was happiest when she was free of her parents’ scrutiny , or while she was working in her garden. 此句的并列連詞是連接的成對的從句,而不是獨立分句,連詞前面的逗號應(yīng)去掉。

  標(biāo)點符號的使用是約定俗成的, 初學(xué)寫作的人只有牢記它的使用規(guī)則, 才能寫出規(guī)范的文章來。






, 500 a week.

  4. 用于表示引起讀者注意的詞語, 或讀者不熟悉的特殊詞語。

  It is customary to say“Youpre welcome” whenever anyone says“Thank you. ”

  “SOS”is a message for help from a ship or aircraft when in danger.

  十、省略號Ell ipsis(...)


  1. 表示直接引語中的省略

  Max wrote ,“...in one word ,manps consciousness , changes with every change in the conditions of his material existence....”


  2. 表示說話中的猶豫或遲疑

  “If that the way you think...just go back to school ,”he said.

  3. 表示段落或整行詞句的省略, 須使用一整行黑點。



  rest my son’ s

  a moment’s books

  A three weeks’pay


  Don’t use so many ands in the sentence.

  How many 5s have you got?

  這與一般單詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式不同, 正規(guī)的寫法須在s 前加“ ’ ”, 要牢記規(guī)則。

  3.除表動詞的緊縮形式外, 還表一個或幾個字母和數(shù)字的省略。

  I’ve got it. “Yes ,ma’ am ,”the waiter said.

  注意:有相當(dāng)大一部分省略詞是口語中的用法,不宜出現(xiàn)在書面語中。例如:I’d like to(在書面語中要寫作I would like to)

  十二、 字底線Underline( ) 和斜體Italics

  斜體是英語的一種獨特的書寫手段, 但具有標(biāo)點的作用,它和字底線的作用完全一樣。

  1. 用于火車、飛機、輪船、太空船的名稱之下

  Challenger (飛機) Apollo Nine(太空船)

  2. 用于具有一定厚度的書籍、報紙、雜志、長詩、電影、作曲的標(biāo)題下

  Have you read Gone with the Wind ?


  the Washington Post Time magazine


  In Korea , the sixty-first birthday is calld huan gup (beginning of new life) 1 He longed for

  La dolce vita.

  4. 強調(diào)文章中的某些詞語,以引起讀者的注意, 相當(dāng)于漢語中的著重號(即在所強調(diào)的漢字下加一個黑點) 。



  在美國英語中,如果省略號恰好在句尾,就用四個點,如I‘d like to...that is...if you don‘t mind....

  2. 冒號的用法:①在小時與分鐘之間,美國英語多用冒號,英國英語多用句號;②美國英語中,信件或演說詞的稱呼語之后用冒號,而在英國英語中多用逗號。





  She slowly, carefully, deliberately moved the box.

  注意:類似的情況下,最后一個逗號后可加and,這個逗號也可省略--She slowly, carefully(,) and deliberately moved the box.


  Hamlet / Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》

  Winter‘s Tale / Winter‘s Tale 《冬天的童話》

  The New York Times / The New York Times 《紐約時報》


  ⑶ 間隔號(•):漢語有間隔號,用在月份和日期、音譯的名和姓等需要隔開的詞語的正中間,如"一二•九"、"奧黛麗•赫本(人名)"等。英語中沒有漢語的間隔號,需要間隔時多用逗點。

  ⑷ 著重號:有時漢語用在文字下點實心圓點表示需要強調(diào)的詞語,這些實心點就是著重號。而英語中沒有這一符號,需強調(diào)某些成分時可借助文字斜體、某些強調(diào)性詞匯、特殊句型、標(biāo)點停頓等多種方法。



  ⑵ 連字號--Hyphen(-)

 ?、?斜線號—Virgule or Slash(/):該符號主要起分割作用,如It could be for staff and / or students. 也常用于標(biāo)音,如bed /bed/。




  ⑵ 英文的省略號是三個點(...),位置在行底;


  ⑶ 英文的破折號是(-)



  (1) 頓號、書名號、句號、省略號錯誤。比較中英文標(biāo)點符號可見,英文標(biāo)點中沒有中文形式的頓號、書名號、句號和省略號。而這四種標(biāo)點符號成了大學(xué)英語寫作中“借鑒頻率較高的符號。如:

  〔錯誤〕1. While she is reading《Gone With the Wind》, I am cooking。

  〔錯誤〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me , such as banana 、orange 、apple and pear.


  〔修改〕1. While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (印刷體)

  或While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (書寫體)

  〔修改〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me , such as banana , orange , apple and pear.


  (2) 冒號錯誤。冒號是中英文兼有的標(biāo)點符號。在漢語中,冒號是表示提示性話語之后的停頓,常用在“說、道、講、問、唱、回答、喊、吼”等動詞的后邊,以標(biāo)明下面的話是誰說的。此用法影響下列英文句子標(biāo)點:

  〔錯誤〕3. I thought to myself :“What kind of trap is she laying ?”

  〔錯誤〕4. He asked :“Where are you from ?”

  以上兩例中的冒號在英文中需用逗點表示。漢語中的冒號還可用在“如次“如下“例如“像等引起下文的提示語后邊。在英文表達中,“for example”(例如) 一類的詞后常用逗點代替冒號。

  〔錯誤〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example : a person with good manners is kind and

  helpful to others.

  〔修改〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example , a person with good manners is kind and helpful to others.

  (3) 破折號錯誤。漢語中的破折號標(biāo)明行文中解釋說明的部分,而英文同位語也具有同等說明的功能,故英文寫作中用破折號連接同位語成份的錯誤也屢見不鮮。如:

  〔錯誤〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university — Beijing University.

  〔修改〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university , Beijing University.



  (1) 把非限制性定語從句(non -restrictive attributive clause) 理解成限制性定語從句(restrictive attributive clause) 而忽略用逗點。如:

  〔錯誤〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop that was divided into two parts.

  從句意來看,上句是一個非限制性定語從句,故應(yīng)在shop 后加逗點,把that 相應(yīng)改成which 即:

  〔修改〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop , which was divided into two parts.

  (2) 不論狀語從句在整個句子中處于何種位置,一概以逗點隔開。

  〔錯誤〕8. We will go there , if it is fine tomorrow.

  狀語從句可置于句首或句末。置于句首時,一般要用標(biāo)點隔開;而置于句末時,則無需與主句隔開,故 以上句子應(yīng)改為:

  〔修改〕8. If it is fine tomorrow , we will go there. 或We will go there if it is fine tomorrow.

  (3) 在疑問句形式的陳述句后使用問號。

  〔錯誤〕9. What fun we girls could expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them ?I wondered.

  〔修改〕9. What fun could we girls expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them , I wondered.


  (4) 誤把however ,therefore , because , thus 等起聯(lián)系作用的副詞當(dāng)成并列連詞,導(dǎo)致寫作中的逗號粘連(comma splice) 錯誤。

  〔錯誤〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right , however , she didn’t care for that .

  兩個完整的句子或兩個并列句之間不能一概用逗點點開, 可用句號、分號或在逗點后加并列連詞(and , but , or , for , so , nor , yet) 等方法修改。故上例可改為:

  〔修改〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right . However , she didn’t care for that .

  或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right ; however , she didn’t care for that .

  或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right , but she didn’t care for that .

  (5) 與comma splice 相映成趣的是,許多學(xué)生作文時,極少考慮句子間的邏輯關(guān)系,一個逗點連首尾,導(dǎo)致大量熔句(fused sentence) 的堆砌。例如:

  〔錯誤〕11. Young men like blue jeans they wear them all the time.

  〔修改〕11. Young men like blue jeans ; they wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans. They wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans , and they wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans ; they wear them all the time.

  或Since young men like blue jeans , they wear them all the time.

  (6) 兩個并列的形容詞間以and 代替逗點。

  〔錯誤〕12. Through the window , in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely and hard childhood.

  現(xiàn)代英語表達一般在兩個形容詞中間不使用and , 而是用逗點分隔。

  〔修改〕12. Through the window , in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely , hard childhood

  因語體錯位而造成的標(biāo)點錯誤。英文寫作是一種書面語的輸出。其書面語體的特征要求其與口頭語相區(qū)別??谡Z中存在的大量縮約 (contraction) 在書面語體中應(yīng)盡量避免。而許多學(xué)生在書面作文中大量使用省字號(’),幾乎1/ 3 左右的作文在文體上存在漏洞,現(xiàn)代英語的發(fā)展對此卻難以容忍。如:

  1. I’d like to share my joys with you. ( I would like to)

  2. .you can’t behave like that . (you cannot)

  3. .there’re so many splendid toys for me to select . (there are)


  (1) 引號錯誤。

  〔錯誤〕13.“No pain , no gain. ”If you .

  〔修改〕13. As the saying goes ,“No pain , no gain. ”


  〔錯誤〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled“Why Not More ? ”, Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully.

  〔修改〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled“Why Not More ?,”Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully.


  (2) 日-月-年次序的日期中的逗號錯誤。英語日期的表達可以用月-日-年的次序和日-月-年

  的次序,日和年之間加逗號而月和年之間習(xí)慣上不加逗號。例如: 誤把“13 August 2002”寫成“13 August , 2002”。

  (3) 在部分副詞如perhaps , so 后加逗號。如:

  〔錯誤〕16. Perhaps , I would not have such a good chance again.

  〔錯誤〕17. So , they keep in touch with each other merely by writing letters and phoning now.


  (4) 連接號(hyphen) 錯誤。許多英語習(xí)作者往往隨意用連接號派生單詞,如把“boyfriend”寫成“boy -friend”; “middle school”寫成“middle -school”。在行末單詞分行時,連接號使用錯誤更多。與之相反,若把本應(yīng)有的連接號粗心刪去, 其單詞含義可能會大相徑庭。如有一年美國政府在一份貿(mào)易清單上列舉了一些免稅進口的物品,其中有一種是foreign fruit —plants(外國果樹苗),后來由于打字員的疏忽,漏打連接號使其成了foreign fruit , plants(外國水果、樹苗),結(jié)果導(dǎo)致第二年大量的水果如桔子、葡萄等從世界各地免稅涌入美國市場從而使美國政府當(dāng)年損失約200 多萬美元。


  Please send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange and black ties.

  使人看了以后不知是發(fā)5 摞(1 摞= 12 打)

  —紅、綠、藍、橙、黑各一摞— 領(lǐng)帶,還是發(fā)4 摞


  ①Please send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange ,and black ties.

 ?、赑lease send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange-and-black ties.

  該用分號的地方用了逗點, 不該用標(biāo)點的地方也用了逗點,都導(dǎo)致了句子的錯誤。

 ?、貾eople make history , unusual people make history interesting. 此句逗點應(yīng)改為分號, 這是兩個獨立分句。

 ?、贛ary was happiest when she was free of her parents’ scrutiny , or while she was working in her garden. 此句的并列連詞是連接的成對的從句,而不是獨立分句,連詞前面的逗號應(yīng)去掉。

  標(biāo)點符號的使用是約定俗成的, 初學(xué)寫作的人只有牢記它的使用規(guī)則, 才能寫出規(guī)范的文章來。






, 500 a week.

  4. 用于表示引起讀者注意的詞語, 或讀者不熟悉的特殊詞語。

  It is customary to say“Youpre welcome” whenever anyone says“Thank you. ”

  “SOS”is a message for help from a ship or aircraft when in danger.

  十、省略號Ell ipsis(...)


  1. 表示直接引語中的省略

  Max wrote ,“...in one word ,manps consciousness , changes with every change in the conditions of his material existence....”


  2. 表示說話中的猶豫或遲疑

  “If that the way you think...just go back to school ,”he said.

  3. 表示段落或整行詞句的省略, 須使用一整行黑點。



  rest my son’ s

  a moment’s books

  A three weeks’pay


  Don’t use so many ands in the sentence.

  How many 5s have you got?

  這與一般單詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式不同, 正規(guī)的寫法須在s 前加“ ’ ”, 要牢記規(guī)則。

  3.除表動詞的緊縮形式外, 還表一個或幾個字母和數(shù)字的省略。

  I’ve got it. “Yes ,ma’ am ,”the waiter said.

  注意:有相當(dāng)大一部分省略詞是口語中的用法,不宜出現(xiàn)在書面語中。例如:I’d like to(在書面語中要寫作I would like to)

  十二、 字底線Underline( ) 和斜體Italics

  斜體是英語的一種獨特的書寫手段, 但具有標(biāo)點的作用,它和字底線的作用完全一樣。

  1. 用于火車、飛機、輪船、太空船的名稱之下

  Challenger (飛機) Apollo Nine(太空船)

  2. 用于具有一定厚度的書籍、報紙、雜志、長詩、電影、作曲的標(biāo)題下

  Have you read Gone with the Wind ?


  the Washington Post Time magazine


  In Korea , the sixty-first birthday is calld huan gup (beginning of new life) 1 He longed for

  La dolce vita.

  4. 強調(diào)文章中的某些詞語,以引起讀者的注意, 相當(dāng)于漢語中的著重號(即在所強調(diào)的漢字下加一個黑點) 。



  在美國英語中,如果省略號恰好在句尾,就用四個點,如I‘d like to...that is...if you don‘t mind....

  2. 冒號的用法:①在小時與分鐘之間,美國英語多用冒號,英國英語多用句號;②美國英語中,信件或演說詞的稱呼語之后用冒號,而在英國英語中多用逗號。





  She slowly, carefully, deliberately moved the box.

  注意:類似的情況下,最后一個逗號后可加and,這個逗號也可省略--She slowly, carefully(,) and deliberately moved the box.


  Hamlet / Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》

  Winter‘s Tale / Winter‘s Tale 《冬天的童話》

  The New York Times / The New York Times 《紐約時報》



  ⑷ 著重號:有時漢語用在文字下點實心圓點表示需要強調(diào)的詞語,這些實心點就是著重號。而英語中沒有這一符號,需強調(diào)某些成分時可借助文字斜體、某些強調(diào)性詞匯、特殊句型、標(biāo)點停頓等多種方法。


  ⑴ 撇號--Apostrophe(‘)


 ?、?斜線號—Virgule or Slash(/):該符號主要起分割作用,如It could be for staff and / or students. 也常用于標(biāo)音,如bed /bed/。






  ⑶ 英文的破折號是(-)



  (1) 頓號、書名號、句號、省略號錯誤。比較中英文標(biāo)點符號可見,英文標(biāo)點中沒有中文形式的頓號、書名號、句號和省略號。而這四種標(biāo)點符號成了大學(xué)英語寫作中“借鑒頻率較高的符號。如:

  〔錯誤〕1. While she is reading《Gone With the Wind》, I am cooking。

  〔錯誤〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me , such as banana 、orange 、apple and pear.


  〔修改〕1. While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (印刷體)

  或While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (書寫體)

  〔修改〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me , such as banana , orange , apple and pear.


  (2) 冒號錯誤。冒號是中英文兼有的標(biāo)點符號。在漢語中,冒號是表示提示性話語之后的停頓,常用在“說、道、講、問、唱、回答、喊、吼”等動詞的后邊,以標(biāo)明下面的話是誰說的。此用法影響下列英文句子標(biāo)點:

  〔錯誤〕3. I thought to myself :“What kind of trap is she laying ?”

  〔錯誤〕4. He asked :“Where are you from ?”

  以上兩例中的冒號在英文中需用逗點表示。漢語中的冒號還可用在“如次“如下“例如“像等引起下文的提示語后邊。在英文表達中,“for example”(例如) 一類的詞后常用逗點代替冒號。

  〔錯誤〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example : a person with good manners is kind and

  helpful to others.

  〔修改〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example , a person with good manners is kind and helpful to others.

  (3) 破折號錯誤。漢語中的破折號標(biāo)明行文中解釋說明的部分,而英文同位語也具有同等說明的功能,故英文寫作中用破折號連接同位語成份的錯誤也屢見不鮮。如:

  〔錯誤〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university — Beijing University.

  〔修改〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university , Beijing University.



  (1) 把非限制性定語從句(non -restrictive attributive clause) 理解成限制性定語從句(restrictive attributive clause) 而忽略用逗點。如:

  〔錯誤〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop that was divided into two parts.

  從句意來看,上句是一個非限制性定語從句,故應(yīng)在shop 后加逗點,把that 相應(yīng)改成which 即:

  〔修改〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop , which was divided into two parts.

  (2) 不論狀語從句在整個句子中處于何種位置,一概以逗點隔開。

  〔錯誤〕8. We will go there , if it is fine tomorrow.

  狀語從句可置于句首或句末。置于句首時,一般要用標(biāo)點隔開;而置于句末時,則無需與主句隔開,故 以上句子應(yīng)改為:

  〔修改〕8. If it is fine tomorrow , we will go there. 或We will go there if it is fine tomorrow.

  (3) 在疑問句形式的陳述句后使用問號。

  〔錯誤〕9. What fun we girls could expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them ?I wondered.

  〔修改〕9. What fun could we girls expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them , I wondered.


  (4) 誤把however ,therefore , because , thus 等起聯(lián)系作用的副詞當(dāng)成并列連詞,導(dǎo)致寫作中的逗號粘連(comma splice) 錯誤。

  〔錯誤〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right , however , she didn’t care for that .

  兩個完整的句子或兩個并列句之間不能一概用逗點點開, 可用句號、分號或在逗點后加并列連詞(and , but , or , for , so , nor , yet) 等方法修改。故上例可改為:

  〔修改〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right . However , she didn’t care for that .

  或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right ; however , she didn’t care for that .

  或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right , but she didn’t care for that .

  (5) 與comma splice 相映成趣的是,許多學(xué)生作文時,極少考慮句子間的邏輯關(guān)系,一個逗點連首尾,導(dǎo)致大量熔句(fused sentence) 的堆砌。例如:

  〔錯誤〕11. Young men like blue jeans they wear them all the time.

  〔修改〕11. Young men like blue jeans ; they wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans. They wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans , and they wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans ; they wear them all the time.

  或Since young men like blue jeans , they wear them all the time.

  (6) 兩個并列的形容詞間以and 代替逗點。

  〔錯誤〕12. Through the window , in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely and hard childhood.

  現(xiàn)代英語表達一般在兩個形容詞中間不使用and , 而是用逗點分隔。

  〔修改〕12. Through the window , in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely , hard childhood

  因語體錯位而造成的標(biāo)點錯誤。英文寫作是一種書面語的輸出。其書面語體的特征要求其與口頭語相區(qū)別??谡Z中存在的大量縮約 (contraction) 在書面語體中應(yīng)盡量避免。而許多學(xué)生在書面作文中大量使用省字號(’),幾乎1/ 3 左右的作文在文體上存在漏洞,現(xiàn)代英語的發(fā)展對此卻難以容忍。如:

  1. I’d like to share my joys with you. ( I would like to)

  2. .you can’t behave like that . (you cannot)

  3. .there’re so many splendid toys for me to select . (there are)


  (1) 引號錯誤。

  〔錯誤〕13.“No pain , no gain. ”If you .

  〔修改〕13. As the saying goes ,“No pain , no gain. ”


  〔錯誤〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled“Why Not More ? ”, Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully.

  〔修改〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled“Why Not More ?,”Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully.


  (2) 日-月-年次序的日期中的逗號錯誤。英語日期的表達可以用月-日-年的次序和日-月-年

  的次序,日和年之間加逗號而月和年之間習(xí)慣上不加逗號。例如: 誤把“13 August 2002”寫成“13 August , 2002”。

  (3) 在部分副詞如perhaps , so 后加逗號。如:

  〔錯誤〕16. Perhaps , I would not have such a good chance again.

  〔錯誤〕17. So , they keep in touch with each other merely by writing letters and phoning now.


  (4) 連接號(hyphen) 錯誤。許多英語習(xí)作者往往隨意用連接號派生單詞,如把“boyfriend”寫成“boy -friend”; “middle school”寫成“middle -school”。在行末單詞分行時,連接號使用錯誤更多。與之相反,若把本應(yīng)有的連接號粗心刪去, 其單詞含義可能會大相徑庭。如有一年美國政府在一份貿(mào)易清單上列舉了一些免稅進口的物品,其中有一種是foreign fruit —plants(外國果樹苗),后來由于打字員的疏忽,漏打連接號使其成了foreign fruit , plants(外國水果、樹苗),結(jié)果導(dǎo)致第二年大量的水果如桔子、葡萄等從世界各地免稅涌入美國市場從而使美國政府當(dāng)年損失約200 多萬美元。


  Please send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange and black ties.

  使人看了以后不知是發(fā)5 摞(1 摞= 12 打)

  —紅、綠、藍、橙、黑各一摞— 領(lǐng)帶,還是發(fā)4 摞


 ?、貾lease send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange ,and black ties.

 ?、赑lease send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange-and-black ties.

  該用分號的地方用了逗點, 不該用標(biāo)點的地方也用了逗點,都導(dǎo)致了句子的錯誤。

 ?、貾eople make history , unusual people make history interesting. 此句逗點應(yīng)改為分號, 這是兩個獨立分句。

 ?、贛ary was happiest when she was free of her parents’ scrutiny , or while she was working in her garden. 此句的并列連詞是連接的成對的從句,而不是獨立分句,連詞前面的逗號應(yīng)去掉。

  標(biāo)點符號的使用是約定俗成的, 初學(xué)寫作的人只有牢記它的使用規(guī)則, 才能寫出規(guī)范的文章來。






, 500 a week.

  4. 用于表示引起讀者注意的詞語, 或讀者不熟悉的特殊詞語。

  It is customary to say“Youpre welcome” whenever anyone says“Thank you. ”

  “SOS”is a message for help from a ship or aircraft when in danger.

  十、省略號Ell ipsis(...)


  1. 表示直接引語中的省略

  Max wrote ,“...in one word ,manps consciousness , changes with every change in the conditions of his material existence....”


  2. 表示說話中的猶豫或遲疑

  “If that the way you think...just go back to school ,”he said.

  3. 表示段落或整行詞句的省略, 須使用一整行黑點。



  rest my son’ s

  a moment’s books

  A three weeks’pay


  Don’t use so many ands in the sentence.

  How many 5s have you got?

  這與一般單詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式不同, 正規(guī)的寫法須在s 前加“ ’ ”, 要牢記規(guī)則。

  3.除表動詞的緊縮形式外, 還表一個或幾個字母和數(shù)字的省略。

  I’ve got it. “Yes ,ma’ am ,”the waiter said.

  注意:有相當(dāng)大一部分省略詞是口語中的用法,不宜出現(xiàn)在書面語中。例如:I’d like to(在書面語中要寫作I would like to)

  十二、 字底線Underline( ) 和斜體Italics

  斜體是英語的一種獨特的書寫手段, 但具有標(biāo)點的作用,它和字底線的作用完全一樣。

  1. 用于火車、飛機、輪船、太空船的名稱之下

  Challenger (飛機) Apollo Nine(太空船)

  2. 用于具有一定厚度的書籍、報紙、雜志、長詩、電影、作曲的標(biāo)題下

  Have you read Gone with the Wind ?


  the Washington Post Time magazine


  In Korea , the sixty-first birthday is calld huan gup (beginning of new life) 1 He longed for

  La dolce vita.

  4. 強調(diào)文章中的某些詞語,以引起讀者的注意, 相當(dāng)于漢語中的著重號(即在所強調(diào)的漢字下加一個黑點) 。



  在美國英語中,如果省略號恰好在句尾,就用四個點,如I‘d like to...that is...if you don‘t mind....

  2. 冒號的用法:①在小時與分鐘之間,美國英語多用冒號,英國英語多用句號;②美國英語中,信件或演說詞的稱呼語之后用冒號,而在英國英語中多用逗號。



  ⒈ 漢語中的某些標(biāo)點符號為英語所沒有。


  She slowly, carefully, deliberately moved the box.

  注意:類似的情況下,最后一個逗號后可加and,這個逗號也可省略--She slowly, carefully(,) and deliberately moved the box.

  ⑵ 書名號(《》):英文沒有書名號,書名、報刊名用斜體或者下劃線表示。如:

  Hamlet / Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》

  Winter‘s Tale / Winter‘s Tale 《冬天的童話》

  The New York Times / The New York Times 《紐約時報》


  ⑶ 間隔號(•):漢語有間隔號,用在月份和日期、音譯的名和姓等需要隔開的詞語的正中間,如"一二•九"、"奧黛麗•赫本(人名)"等。英語中沒有漢語的間隔號,需要間隔時多用逗點。


  ⒉ 英語中的某些標(biāo)點符號為漢語所沒有。



  ⑶ 斜線號—Virgule or Slash(/):該符號主要起分割作用,如It could be for staff and / or students. 也常用于標(biāo)音,如bed /bed/。




  ⑵ 英文的省略號是三個點(...),位置在行底;





  (1) 頓號、書名號、句號、省略號錯誤。比較中英文標(biāo)點符號可見,英文標(biāo)點中沒有中文形式的頓號、書名號、句號和省略號。而這四種標(biāo)點符號成了大學(xué)英語寫作中“借鑒頻率較高的符號。如:

  〔錯誤〕1. While she is reading《Gone With the Wind》, I am cooking。

  〔錯誤〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me , such as banana 、orange 、apple and pear.


  〔修改〕1. While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (印刷體)

  或While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (書寫體)

  〔修改〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me , such as banana , orange , apple and pear.


  (2) 冒號錯誤。冒號是中英文兼有的標(biāo)點符號。在漢語中,冒號是表示提示性話語之后的停頓,常用在“說、道、講、問、唱、回答、喊、吼”等動詞的后邊,以標(biāo)明下面的話是誰說的。此用法影響下列英文句子標(biāo)點:

  〔錯誤〕3. I thought to myself :“What kind of trap is she laying ?”

  〔錯誤〕4. He asked :“Where are you from ?”

  以上兩例中的冒號在英文中需用逗點表示。漢語中的冒號還可用在“如次“如下“例如“像等引起下文的提示語后邊。在英文表達中,“for example”(例如) 一類的詞后常用逗點代替冒號。

  〔錯誤〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example : a person with good manners is kind and

  helpful to others.

  〔修改〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example , a person with good manners is kind and helpful to others.

  (3) 破折號錯誤。漢語中的破折號標(biāo)明行文中解釋說明的部分,而英文同位語也具有同等說明的功能,故英文寫作中用破折號連接同位語成份的錯誤也屢見不鮮。如:

  〔錯誤〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university — Beijing University.

  〔修改〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university , Beijing University.



  (1) 把非限制性定語從句(non -restrictive attributive clause) 理解成限制性定語從句(restrictive attributive clause) 而忽略用逗點。如:

  〔錯誤〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop that was divided into two parts.

  從句意來看,上句是一個非限制性定語從句,故應(yīng)在shop 后加逗點,把that 相應(yīng)改成which 即:

  〔修改〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop , which was divided into two parts.

  (2) 不論狀語從句在整個句子中處于何種位置,一概以逗點隔開。

  〔錯誤〕8. We will go there , if it is fine tomorrow.

  狀語從句可置于句首或句末。置于句首時,一般要用標(biāo)點隔開;而置于句末時,則無需與主句隔開,故 以上句子應(yīng)改為:

  〔修改〕8. If it is fine tomorrow , we will go there. 或We will go there if it is fine tomorrow.

  (3) 在疑問句形式的陳述句后使用問號。

  〔錯誤〕9. What fun we girls could expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them ?I wondered.

  〔修改〕9. What fun could we girls expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them , I wondered.


  (4) 誤把however ,therefore , because , thus 等起聯(lián)系作用的副詞當(dāng)成并列連詞,導(dǎo)致寫作中的逗號粘連(comma splice) 錯誤。

  〔錯誤〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right , however , she didn’t care for that .

  兩個完整的句子或兩個并列句之間不能一概用逗點點開, 可用句號、分號或在逗點后加并列連詞(and , but , or , for , so , nor , yet) 等方法修改。故上例可改為:

  〔修改〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right . However , she didn’t care for that .

  或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right ; however , she didn’t care for that .

  或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right , but she didn’t care for that .

  (5) 與comma splice 相映成趣的是,許多學(xué)生作文時,極少考慮句子間的邏輯關(guān)系,一個逗點連首尾,導(dǎo)致大量熔句(fused sentence) 的堆砌。例如:

  〔錯誤〕11. Young men like blue jeans they wear them all the time.

  〔修改〕11. Young men like blue jeans ; they wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans. They wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans , and they wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans ; they wear them all the time.

  或Since young men like blue jeans , they wear them all the time.

  (6) 兩個并列的形容詞間以and 代替逗點。

  〔錯誤〕12. Through the window , in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely and hard childhood.

  現(xiàn)代英語表達一般在兩個形容詞中間不使用and , 而是用逗點分隔。

  〔修改〕12. Through the window , in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely , hard childhood

  因語體錯位而造成的標(biāo)點錯誤。英文寫作是一種書面語的輸出。其書面語體的特征要求其與口頭語相區(qū)別。口語中存在的大量縮約 (contraction) 在書面語體中應(yīng)盡量避免。而許多學(xué)生在書面作文中大量使用省字號(’),幾乎1/ 3 左右的作文在文體上存在漏洞,現(xiàn)代英語的發(fā)展對此卻難以容忍。如:

  1. I’d like to share my joys with you. ( I would like to)

  2. .you can’t behave like that . (you cannot)

  3. .there’re so many splendid toys for me to select . (there are)


  (1) 引號錯誤。

  〔錯誤〕13.“No pain , no gain. ”If you .

  〔修改〕13. As the saying goes ,“No pain , no gain. ”


  〔錯誤〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled“Why Not More ? ”, Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully.

  〔修改〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled“Why Not More ?,”Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully.


  (2) 日-月-年次序的日期中的逗號錯誤。英語日期的表達可以用月-日-年的次序和日-月-年

  的次序,日和年之間加逗號而月和年之間習(xí)慣上不加逗號。例如: 誤把“13 August 2002”寫成“13 August , 2002”。

  (3) 在部分副詞如perhaps , so 后加逗號。如:

  〔錯誤〕16. Perhaps , I would not have such a good chance again.

  〔錯誤〕17. So , they keep in touch with each other merely by writing letters and phoning now.


  (4) 連接號(hyphen) 錯誤。許多英語習(xí)作者往往隨意用連接號派生單詞,如把“boyfriend”寫成“boy -friend”; “middle school”寫成“middle -school”。在行末單詞分行時,連接號使用錯誤更多。與之相反,若把本應(yīng)有的連接號粗心刪去, 其單詞含義可能會大相徑庭。如有一年美國政府在一份貿(mào)易清單上列舉了一些免稅進口的物品,其中有一種是foreign fruit —plants(外國果樹苗),后來由于打字員的疏忽,漏打連接號使其成了foreign fruit , plants(外國水果、樹苗),結(jié)果導(dǎo)致第二年大量的水果如桔子、葡萄等從世界各地免稅涌入美國市場從而使美國政府當(dāng)年損失約200 多萬美元。


  Please send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange and black ties.

  使人看了以后不知是發(fā)5 摞(1 摞= 12 打)

  —紅、綠、藍、橙、黑各一摞— 領(lǐng)帶,還是發(fā)4 摞


 ?、貾lease send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange ,and black ties.

 ?、赑lease send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange-and-black ties.

  該用分號的地方用了逗點, 不該用標(biāo)點的地方也用了逗點,都導(dǎo)致了句子的錯誤。

  ①People make history , unusual people make history interesting. 此句逗點應(yīng)改為分號, 這是兩個獨立分句。

 ?、贛ary was happiest when she was free of her parents’ scrutiny , or while she was working in her garden. 此句的并列連詞是連接的成對的從句,而不是獨立分句,連詞前面的逗號應(yīng)去掉。

  標(biāo)點符號的使用是約定俗成的, 初學(xué)寫作的人只有牢記它的使用規(guī)則, 才能寫出規(guī)范的文章來。






, 500 a week.

  4. 用于表示引起讀者注意的詞語, 或讀者不熟悉的特殊詞語。

  It is customary to say“Youpre welcome” whenever anyone says“Thank you. ”

  “SOS”is a message for help from a ship or aircraft when in danger.

  十、省略號Ell ipsis(...)


  1. 表示直接引語中的省略

  Max wrote ,“...in one word ,manps consciousness , changes with every change in the conditions of his material existence....”


  2. 表示說話中的猶豫或遲疑

  “If that the way you think...just go back to school ,”he said.

  3. 表示段落或整行詞句的省略, 須使用一整行黑點。



  rest my son’ s

  a moment’s books

  A three weeks’pay


  Don’t use so many ands in the sentence.

  How many 5s have you got?

  這與一般單詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式不同, 正規(guī)的寫法須在s 前加“ ’ ”, 要牢記規(guī)則。

  3.除表動詞的緊縮形式外, 還表一個或幾個字母和數(shù)字的省略。

  I’ve got it. “Yes ,ma’ am ,”the waiter said.

  注意:有相當(dāng)大一部分省略詞是口語中的用法,不宜出現(xiàn)在書面語中。例如:I’d like to(在書面語中要寫作I would like to)

  十二、 字底線Underline( ) 和斜體Italics

  斜體是英語的一種獨特的書寫手段, 但具有標(biāo)點的作用,它和字底線的作用完全一樣。

  1. 用于火車、飛機、輪船、太空船的名稱之下

  Challenger (飛機) Apollo Nine(太空船)

  2. 用于具有一定厚度的書籍、報紙、雜志、長詩、電影、作曲的標(biāo)題下

  Have you read Gone with the Wind ?


  the Washington Post Time magazine


  In Korea , the sixty-first birthday is calld huan gup (beginning of new life) 1 He longed for

  La dolce vita.

  4. 強調(diào)文章中的某些詞語,以引起讀者的注意, 相當(dāng)于漢語中的著重號(即在所強調(diào)的漢字下加一個黑點) 。



  在美國英語中,如果省略號恰好在句尾,就用四個點,如I‘d like to...that is...if you don‘t mind....

  2. 冒號的用法:①在小時與分鐘之間,美國英語多用冒號,英國英語多用句號;②美國英語中,信件或演說詞的稱呼語之后用冒號,而在英國英語中多用逗號。





  She slowly, carefully, deliberately moved the box.

  注意:類似的情況下,最后一個逗號后可加and,這個逗號也可省略--She slowly, carefully(,) and deliberately moved the box.

  ⑵ 書名號(《》):英文沒有書名號,書名、報刊名用斜體或者下劃線表示。如:

  Hamlet / Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》

  Winter‘s Tale / Winter‘s Tale 《冬天的童話》

  The New York Times / The New York Times 《紐約時報》


  ⑶ 間隔號(•):漢語有間隔號,用在月份和日期、音譯的名和姓等需要隔開的詞語的正中間,如"一二•九"、"奧黛麗•赫本(人名)"等。英語中沒有漢語的間隔號,需要間隔時多用逗點。



  ⑴ 撇號--Apostrophe(‘)


 ?、?斜線號—Virgule or Slash(/):該符號主要起分割作用,如It could be for staff and / or students. 也常用于標(biāo)音,如bed /bed/。


  ⑴ 中文的句號是空心圈(。)







  (1) 頓號、書名號、句號、省略號錯誤。比較中英文標(biāo)點符號可見,英文標(biāo)點中沒有中文形式的頓號、書名號、句號和省略號。而這四種標(biāo)點符號成了大學(xué)英語寫作中“借鑒頻率較高的符號。如:

  〔錯誤〕1. While she is reading《Gone With the Wind》, I am cooking。

  〔錯誤〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me , such as banana 、orange 、apple and pear.


  〔修改〕1. While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (印刷體)

  或While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (書寫體)

  〔修改〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me , such as banana , orange , apple and pear.


  (2) 冒號錯誤。冒號是中英文兼有的標(biāo)點符號。在漢語中,冒號是表示提示性話語之后的停頓,常用在“說、道、講、問、唱、回答、喊、吼”等動詞的后邊,以標(biāo)明下面的話是誰說的。此用法影響下列英文句子標(biāo)點:

  〔錯誤〕3. I thought to myself :“What kind of trap is she laying ?”

  〔錯誤〕4. He asked :“Where are you from ?”

  以上兩例中的冒號在英文中需用逗點表示。漢語中的冒號還可用在“如次“如下“例如“像等引起下文的提示語后邊。在英文表達中,“for example”(例如) 一類的詞后常用逗點代替冒號。

  〔錯誤〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example : a person with good manners is kind and

  helpful to others.

  〔修改〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example , a person with good manners is kind and helpful to others.

  (3) 破折號錯誤。漢語中的破折號標(biāo)明行文中解釋說明的部分,而英文同位語也具有同等說明的功能,故英文寫作中用破折號連接同位語成份的錯誤也屢見不鮮。如:

  〔錯誤〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university — Beijing University.

  〔修改〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university , Beijing University.



  (1) 把非限制性定語從句(non -restrictive attributive clause) 理解成限制性定語從句(restrictive attributive clause) 而忽略用逗點。如:

  〔錯誤〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop that was divided into two parts.

  從句意來看,上句是一個非限制性定語從句,故應(yīng)在shop 后加逗點,把that 相應(yīng)改成which 即:

  〔修改〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop , which was divided into two parts.

  (2) 不論狀語從句在整個句子中處于何種位置,一概以逗點隔開。

  〔錯誤〕8. We will go there , if it is fine tomorrow.

  狀語從句可置于句首或句末。置于句首時,一般要用標(biāo)點隔開;而置于句末時,則無需與主句隔開,故 以上句子應(yīng)改為:

  〔修改〕8. If it is fine tomorrow , we will go there. 或We will go there if it is fine tomorrow.

  (3) 在疑問句形式的陳述句后使用問號。

  〔錯誤〕9. What fun we girls could expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them ?I wondered.

  〔修改〕9. What fun could we girls expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them , I wondered.


  (4) 誤把however ,therefore , because , thus 等起聯(lián)系作用的副詞當(dāng)成并列連詞,導(dǎo)致寫作中的逗號粘連(comma splice) 錯誤。

  〔錯誤〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right , however , she didn’t care for that .

  兩個完整的句子或兩個并列句之間不能一概用逗點點開, 可用句號、分號或在逗點后加并列連詞(and , but , or , for , so , nor , yet) 等方法修改。故上例可改為:

  〔修改〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right . However , she didn’t care for that .

  或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right ; however , she didn’t care for that .

  或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right , but she didn’t care for that .

  (5) 與comma splice 相映成趣的是,許多學(xué)生作文時,極少考慮句子間的邏輯關(guān)系,一個逗點連首尾,導(dǎo)致大量熔句(fused sentence) 的堆砌。例如:

  〔錯誤〕11. Young men like blue jeans they wear them all the time.

  〔修改〕11. Young men like blue jeans ; they wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans. They wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans , and they wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans ; they wear them all the time.

  或Since young men like blue jeans , they wear them all the time.

  (6) 兩個并列的形容詞間以and 代替逗點。

  〔錯誤〕12. Through the window , in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely and hard childhood.

  現(xiàn)代英語表達一般在兩個形容詞中間不使用and , 而是用逗點分隔。

  〔修改〕12. Through the window , in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely , hard childhood

  因語體錯位而造成的標(biāo)點錯誤。英文寫作是一種書面語的輸出。其書面語體的特征要求其與口頭語相區(qū)別。口語中存在的大量縮約 (contraction) 在書面語體中應(yīng)盡量避免。而許多學(xué)生在書面作文中大量使用省字號(’),幾乎1/ 3 左右的作文在文體上存在漏洞,現(xiàn)代英語的發(fā)展對此卻難以容忍。如:

  1. I’d like to share my joys with you. ( I would like to)

  2. .you can’t behave like that . (you cannot)

  3. .there’re so many splendid toys for me to select . (there are)


  (1) 引號錯誤。

  〔錯誤〕13.“No pain , no gain. ”If you .

  〔修改〕13. As the saying goes ,“No pain , no gain. ”


  〔錯誤〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled“Why Not More ? ”, Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully.

  〔修改〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled“Why Not More ?,”Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully.


  (2) 日-月-年次序的日期中的逗號錯誤。英語日期的表達可以用月-日-年的次序和日-月-年

  的次序,日和年之間加逗號而月和年之間習(xí)慣上不加逗號。例如: 誤把“13 August 2002”寫成“13 August , 2002”。

  (3) 在部分副詞如perhaps , so 后加逗號。如:

  〔錯誤〕16. Perhaps , I would not have such a good chance again.

  〔錯誤〕17. So , they keep in touch with each other merely by writing letters and phoning now.


  (4) 連接號(hyphen) 錯誤。許多英語習(xí)作者往往隨意用連接號派生單詞,如把“boyfriend”寫成“boy -friend”; “middle school”寫成“middle -school”。在行末單詞分行時,連接號使用錯誤更多。與之相反,若把本應(yīng)有的連接號粗心刪去, 其單詞含義可能會大相徑庭。如有一年美國政府在一份貿(mào)易清單上列舉了一些免稅進口的物品,其中有一種是foreign fruit —plants(外國果樹苗),后來由于打字員的疏忽,漏打連接號使其成了foreign fruit , plants(外國水果、樹苗),結(jié)果導(dǎo)致第二年大量的水果如桔子、葡萄等從世界各地免稅涌入美國市場從而使美國政府當(dāng)年損失約200 多萬美元。


  Please send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange and black ties.

  使人看了以后不知是發(fā)5 摞(1 摞= 12 打)

  —紅、綠、藍、橙、黑各一摞— 領(lǐng)帶,還是發(fā)4 摞


 ?、貾lease send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange ,and black ties.

 ?、赑lease send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange-and-black ties.

  該用分號的地方用了逗點, 不該用標(biāo)點的地方也用了逗點,都導(dǎo)致了句子的錯誤。

 ?、貾eople make history , unusual people make history interesting. 此句逗點應(yīng)改為分號, 這是兩個獨立分句。

 ?、贛ary was happiest when she was free of her parents’ scrutiny , or while she was working in her garden. 此句的并列連詞是連接的成對的從句,而不是獨立分句,連詞前面的逗號應(yīng)去掉。

  標(biāo)點符號的使用是約定俗成的, 初學(xué)寫作的人只有牢記它的使用規(guī)則, 才能寫出規(guī)范的文章來。






, 500 a week.

  4. 用于表示引起讀者注意的詞語, 或讀者不熟悉的特殊詞語。

  It is customary to say“Youpre welcome” whenever anyone says“Thank you. ”

  “SOS”is a message for help from a ship or aircraft when in danger.

  十、省略號Ell ipsis(...)


  1. 表示直接引語中的省略

  Max wrote ,“...in one word ,manps consciousness , changes with every change in the conditions of his material existence....”


  2. 表示說話中的猶豫或遲疑

  “If that the way you think...just go back to school ,”he said.

  3. 表示段落或整行詞句的省略, 須使用一整行黑點。



  rest my son’ s

  a moment’s books

  A three weeks’pay


  Don’t use so many ands in the sentence.

  How many 5s have you got?

  這與一般單詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式不同, 正規(guī)的寫法須在s 前加“ ’ ”, 要牢記規(guī)則。

  3.除表動詞的緊縮形式外, 還表一個或幾個字母和數(shù)字的省略。

  I’ve got it. “Yes ,ma’ am ,”the waiter said.

  注意:有相當(dāng)大一部分省略詞是口語中的用法,不宜出現(xiàn)在書面語中。例如:I’d like to(在書面語中要寫作I would like to)

  十二、 字底線Underline( ) 和斜體Italics

  斜體是英語的一種獨特的書寫手段, 但具有標(biāo)點的作用,它和字底線的作用完全一樣。

  1. 用于火車、飛機、輪船、太空船的名稱之下

  Challenger (飛機) Apollo Nine(太空船)

  2. 用于具有一定厚度的書籍、報紙、雜志、長詩、電影、作曲的標(biāo)題下

  Have you read Gone with the Wind ?


  the Washington Post Time magazine


  In Korea , the sixty-first birthday is calld huan gup (beginning of new life) 1 He longed for

  La dolce vita.

  4. 強調(diào)文章中的某些詞語,以引起讀者的注意, 相當(dāng)于漢語中的著重號(即在所強調(diào)的漢字下加一個黑點) 。



  在美國英語中,如果省略號恰好在句尾,就用四個點,如I‘d like to...that is...if you don‘t mind....

  2. 冒號的用法:①在小時與分鐘之間,美國英語多用冒號,英國英語多用句號;②美國英語中,信件或演說詞的稱呼語之后用冒號,而在英國英語中多用逗號。



  ⒈ 漢語中的某些標(biāo)點符號為英語所沒有。


  She slowly, carefully, deliberately moved the box.

  注意:類似的情況下,最后一個逗號后可加and,這個逗號也可省略--She slowly, carefully(,) and deliberately moved the box.


  Hamlet / Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》

  Winter‘s Tale / Winter‘s Tale 《冬天的童話》

  The New York Times / The New York Times 《紐約時報》



  ⑷ 著重號:有時漢語用在文字下點實心圓點表示需要強調(diào)的詞語,這些實心點就是著重號。而英語中沒有這一符號,需強調(diào)某些成分時可借助文字斜體、某些強調(diào)性詞匯、特殊句型、標(biāo)點停頓等多種方法。

  ⒉ 英語中的某些標(biāo)點符號為漢語所沒有。


  ⑵ 連字號--Hyphen(-)

 ?、?斜線號—Virgule or Slash(/):該符號主要起分割作用,如It could be for staff and / or students. 也常用于標(biāo)音,如bed /bed/。


  ⑴ 中文的句號是空心圈(。)







  (1) 頓號、書名號、句號、省略號錯誤。比較中英文標(biāo)點符號可見,英文標(biāo)點中沒有中文形式的頓號、書名號、句號和省略號。而這四種標(biāo)點符號成了大學(xué)英語寫作中“借鑒頻率較高的符號。如:

  〔錯誤〕1. While she is reading《Gone With the Wind》, I am cooking。

  〔錯誤〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me , such as banana 、orange 、apple and pear.


  〔修改〕1. While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (印刷體)

  或While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (書寫體)

  〔修改〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me , such as banana , orange , apple and pear.


  (2) 冒號錯誤。冒號是中英文兼有的標(biāo)點符號。在漢語中,冒號是表示提示性話語之后的停頓,常用在“說、道、講、問、唱、回答、喊、吼”等動詞的后邊,以標(biāo)明下面的話是誰說的。此用法影響下列英文句子標(biāo)點:

  〔錯誤〕3. I thought to myself :“What kind of trap is she laying ?”

  〔錯誤〕4. He asked :“Where are you from ?”

  以上兩例中的冒號在英文中需用逗點表示。漢語中的冒號還可用在“如次“如下“例如“像等引起下文的提示語后邊。在英文表達中,“for example”(例如) 一類的詞后常用逗點代替冒號。

  〔錯誤〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example : a person with good manners is kind and

  helpful to others.

  〔修改〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example , a person with good manners is kind and helpful to others.

  (3) 破折號錯誤。漢語中的破折號標(biāo)明行文中解釋說明的部分,而英文同位語也具有同等說明的功能,故英文寫作中用破折號連接同位語成份的錯誤也屢見不鮮。如:

  〔錯誤〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university — Beijing University.

  〔修改〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university , Beijing University.



  (1) 把非限制性定語從句(non -restrictive attributive clause) 理解成限制性定語從句(restrictive attributive clause) 而忽略用逗點。如:

  〔錯誤〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop that was divided into two parts.

  從句意來看,上句是一個非限制性定語從句,故應(yīng)在shop 后加逗點,把that 相應(yīng)改成which 即:

  〔修改〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop , which was divided into two parts.

  (2) 不論狀語從句在整個句子中處于何種位置,一概以逗點隔開。

  〔錯誤〕8. We will go there , if it is fine tomorrow.

  狀語從句可置于句首或句末。置于句首時,一般要用標(biāo)點隔開;而置于句末時,則無需與主句隔開,故 以上句子應(yīng)改為:

  〔修改〕8. If it is fine tomorrow , we will go there. 或We will go there if it is fine tomorrow.

  (3) 在疑問句形式的陳述句后使用問號。

  〔錯誤〕9. What fun we girls could expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them ?I wondered.

  〔修改〕9. What fun could we girls expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them , I wondered.


  (4) 誤把however ,therefore , because , thus 等起聯(lián)系作用的副詞當(dāng)成并列連詞,導(dǎo)致寫作中的逗號粘連(comma splice) 錯誤。

  〔錯誤〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right , however , she didn’t care for that .

  兩個完整的句子或兩個并列句之間不能一概用逗點點開, 可用句號、分號或在逗點后加并列連詞(and , but , or , for , so , nor , yet) 等方法修改。故上例可改為:

  〔修改〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right . However , she didn’t care for that .

  或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right ; however , she didn’t care for that .

  或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right , but she didn’t care for that .

  (5) 與comma splice 相映成趣的是,許多學(xué)生作文時,極少考慮句子間的邏輯關(guān)系,一個逗點連首尾,導(dǎo)致大量熔句(fused sentence) 的堆砌。例如:

  〔錯誤〕11. Young men like blue jeans they wear them all the time.

  〔修改〕11. Young men like blue jeans ; they wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans. They wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans , and they wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans ; they wear them all the time.

  或Since young men like blue jeans , they wear them all the time.

  (6) 兩個并列的形容詞間以and 代替逗點。

  〔錯誤〕12. Through the window , in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely and hard childhood.

  現(xiàn)代英語表達一般在兩個形容詞中間不使用and , 而是用逗點分隔。

  〔修改〕12. Through the window , in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely , hard childhood

  因語體錯位而造成的標(biāo)點錯誤。英文寫作是一種書面語的輸出。其書面語體的特征要求其與口頭語相區(qū)別??谡Z中存在的大量縮約 (contraction) 在書面語體中應(yīng)盡量避免。而許多學(xué)生在書面作文中大量使用省字號(’),幾乎1/ 3 左右的作文在文體上存在漏洞,現(xiàn)代英語的發(fā)展對此卻難以容忍。如:

  1. I’d like to share my joys with you. ( I would like to)

  2. .you can’t behave like that . (you cannot)

  3. .there’re so many splendid toys for me to select . (there are)


  (1) 引號錯誤。

  〔錯誤〕13.“No pain , no gain. ”If you .

  〔修改〕13. As the saying goes ,“No pain , no gain. ”


  〔錯誤〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled“Why Not More ? ”, Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully.

  〔修改〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled“Why Not More ?,”Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully.


  (2) 日-月-年次序的日期中的逗號錯誤。英語日期的表達可以用月-日-年的次序和日-月-年

  的次序,日和年之間加逗號而月和年之間習(xí)慣上不加逗號。例如: 誤把“13 August 2002”寫成“13 August , 2002”。

  (3) 在部分副詞如perhaps , so 后加逗號。如:

  〔錯誤〕16. Perhaps , I would not have such a good chance again.

  〔錯誤〕17. So , they keep in touch with each other merely by writing letters and phoning now.


  (4) 連接號(hyphen) 錯誤。許多英語習(xí)作者往往隨意用連接號派生單詞,如把“boyfriend”寫成“boy -friend”; “middle school”寫成“middle -school”。在行末單詞分行時,連接號使用錯誤更多。與之相反,若把本應(yīng)有的連接號粗心刪去, 其單詞含義可能會大相徑庭。如有一年美國政府在一份貿(mào)易清單上列舉了一些免稅進口的物品,其中有一種是foreign fruit —plants(外國果樹苗),后來由于打字員的疏忽,漏打連接號使其成了foreign fruit , plants(外國水果、樹苗),結(jié)果導(dǎo)致第二年大量的水果如桔子、葡萄等從世界各地免稅涌入美國市場從而使美國政府當(dāng)年損失約200 多萬美元。


  Please send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange and black ties.

  使人看了以后不知是發(fā)5 摞(1 摞= 12 打)

  —紅、綠、藍、橙、黑各一摞— 領(lǐng)帶,還是發(fā)4 摞


 ?、貾lease send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange ,and black ties.

 ?、赑lease send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange-and-black ties.

  該用分號的地方用了逗點, 不該用標(biāo)點的地方也用了逗點,都導(dǎo)致了句子的錯誤。

  ①People make history , unusual people make history interesting. 此句逗點應(yīng)改為分號, 這是兩個獨立分句。

 ?、贛ary was happiest when she was free of her parents’ scrutiny , or while she was working in her garden. 此句的并列連詞是連接的成對的從句,而不是獨立分句,連詞前面的逗號應(yīng)去掉。

  標(biāo)點符號的使用是約定俗成的, 初學(xué)寫作的人只有牢記它的使用規(guī)則, 才能寫出規(guī)范的文章來。






, 500 a week.

  4. 用于表示引起讀者注意的詞語, 或讀者不熟悉的特殊詞語。

  It is customary to say“Youpre welcome” whenever anyone says“Thank you. ”

  “SOS”is a message for help from a ship or aircraft when in danger.

  十、省略號Ell ipsis(...)


  1. 表示直接引語中的省略

  Max wrote ,“...in one word ,manps consciousness , changes with every change in the conditions of his material existence....”


  2. 表示說話中的猶豫或遲疑

  “If that the way you think...just go back to school ,”he said.

  3. 表示段落或整行詞句的省略, 須使用一整行黑點。



  rest my son’ s

  a moment’s books

  A three weeks’pay


  Don’t use so many ands in the sentence.

  How many 5s have you got?

  這與一般單詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式不同, 正規(guī)的寫法須在s 前加“ ’ ”, 要牢記規(guī)則。

  3.除表動詞的緊縮形式外, 還表一個或幾個字母和數(shù)字的省略。

  I’ve got it. “Yes ,ma’ am ,”the waiter said.

  注意:有相當(dāng)大一部分省略詞是口語中的用法,不宜出現(xiàn)在書面語中。例如:I’d like to(在書面語中要寫作I would like to)

  十二、 字底線Underline( ) 和斜體Italics

  斜體是英語的一種獨特的書寫手段, 但具有標(biāo)點的作用,它和字底線的作用完全一樣。

  1. 用于火車、飛機、輪船、太空船的名稱之下

  Challenger (飛機) Apollo Nine(太空船)

  2. 用于具有一定厚度的書籍、報紙、雜志、長詩、電影、作曲的標(biāo)題下

  Have you read Gone with the Wind ?


  the Washington Post Time magazine


  In Korea , the sixty-first birthday is calld huan gup (beginning of new life) 1 He longed for

  La dolce vita.

  4. 強調(diào)文章中的某些詞語,以引起讀者的注意, 相當(dāng)于漢語中的著重號(即在所強調(diào)的漢字下加一個黑點) 。



  在美國英語中,如果省略號恰好在句尾,就用四個點,如I‘d like to...that is...if you don‘t mind....

  2. 冒號的用法:①在小時與分鐘之間,美國英語多用冒號,英國英語多用句號;②美國英語中,信件或演說詞的稱呼語之后用冒號,而在英國英語中多用逗號。




  ⑴ 頓號(、):頓號在漢語中起分割句子中的并列成分的作用;英語中沒有頓號,分割句中的并列成分多用逗號。如:

  She slowly, carefully, deliberately moved the box.

  注意:類似的情況下,最后一個逗號后可加and,這個逗號也可省略--She slowly, carefully(,) and deliberately moved the box.


  Hamlet / Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》

  Winter‘s Tale / Winter‘s Tale 《冬天的童話》

  The New York Times / The New York Times 《紐約時報》






  ⑵ 連字號--Hyphen(-)

 ?、?斜線號—Virgule or Slash(/):該符號主要起分割作用,如It could be for staff and / or students. 也常用于標(biāo)音,如bed /bed/。









  (1) 頓號、書名號、句號、省略號錯誤。比較中英文標(biāo)點符號可見,英文標(biāo)點中沒有中文形式的頓號、書名號、句號和省略號。而這四種標(biāo)點符號成了大學(xué)英語寫作中“借鑒頻率較高的符號。如:

  〔錯誤〕1. While she is reading《Gone With the Wind》, I am cooking。

  〔錯誤〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me , such as banana 、orange 、apple and pear.


  〔修改〕1. While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (印刷體)

  或While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (書寫體)

  〔修改〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me , such as banana , orange , apple and pear.


  (2) 冒號錯誤。冒號是中英文兼有的標(biāo)點符號。在漢語中,冒號是表示提示性話語之后的停頓,常用在“說、道、講、問、唱、回答、喊、吼”等動詞的后邊,以標(biāo)明下面的話是誰說的。此用法影響下列英文句子標(biāo)點:

  〔錯誤〕3. I thought to myself :“What kind of trap is she laying ?”

  〔錯誤〕4. He asked :“Where are you from ?”

  以上兩例中的冒號在英文中需用逗點表示。漢語中的冒號還可用在“如次“如下“例如“像等引起下文的提示語后邊。在英文表達中,“for example”(例如) 一類的詞后常用逗點代替冒號。

  〔錯誤〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example : a person with good manners is kind and

  helpful to others.

  〔修改〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example , a person with good manners is kind and helpful to others.

  (3) 破折號錯誤。漢語中的破折號標(biāo)明行文中解釋說明的部分,而英文同位語也具有同等說明的功能,故英文寫作中用破折號連接同位語成份的錯誤也屢見不鮮。如:

  〔錯誤〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university — Beijing University.

  〔修改〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university , Beijing University.



  (1) 把非限制性定語從句(non -restrictive attributive clause) 理解成限制性定語從句(restrictive attributive clause) 而忽略用逗點。如:

  〔錯誤〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop that was divided into two parts.

  從句意來看,上句是一個非限制性定語從句,故應(yīng)在shop 后加逗點,把that 相應(yīng)改成which 即:

  〔修改〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop , which was divided into two parts.

  (2) 不論狀語從句在整個句子中處于何種位置,一概以逗點隔開。

  〔錯誤〕8. We will go there , if it is fine tomorrow.

  狀語從句可置于句首或句末。置于句首時,一般要用標(biāo)點隔開;而置于句末時,則無需與主句隔開,故 以上句子應(yīng)改為:

  〔修改〕8. If it is fine tomorrow , we will go there. 或We will go there if it is fine tomorrow.

  (3) 在疑問句形式的陳述句后使用問號。

  〔錯誤〕9. What fun we girls could expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them ?I wondered.

  〔修改〕9. What fun could we girls expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them , I wondered.


  (4) 誤把however ,therefore , because , thus 等起聯(lián)系作用的副詞當(dāng)成并列連詞,導(dǎo)致寫作中的逗號粘連(comma splice) 錯誤。

  〔錯誤〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right , however , she didn’t care for that .

  兩個完整的句子或兩個并列句之間不能一概用逗點點開, 可用句號、分號或在逗點后加并列連詞(and , but , or , for , so , nor , yet) 等方法修改。故上例可改為:

  〔修改〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right . However , she didn’t care for that .

  或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right ; however , she didn’t care for that .

  或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right , but she didn’t care for that .

  (5) 與comma splice 相映成趣的是,許多學(xué)生作文時,極少考慮句子間的邏輯關(guān)系,一個逗點連首尾,導(dǎo)致大量熔句(fused sentence) 的堆砌。例如:

  〔錯誤〕11. Young men like blue jeans they wear them all the time.

  〔修改〕11. Young men like blue jeans ; they wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans. They wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans , and they wear them all the time.

  或Young men like blue jeans ; they wear them all the time.

  或Since young men like blue jeans , they wear them all the time.

  (6) 兩個并列的形容詞間以and 代替逗點。

  〔錯誤〕12. Through the window , in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely and hard childhood.

  現(xiàn)代英語表達一般在兩個形容詞中間不使用and , 而是用逗點分隔。

  〔修改〕12. Through the window , in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely , hard childhood

  因語體錯位而造成的標(biāo)點錯誤。英文寫作是一種書面語的輸出。其書面語體的特征要求其與口頭語相區(qū)別。口語中存在的大量縮約 (contraction) 在書面語體中應(yīng)盡量避免。而許多學(xué)生在書面作文中大量使用省字號(’),幾乎1/ 3 左右的作文在文體上存在漏洞,現(xiàn)代英語的發(fā)展對此卻難以容忍。如:

  1. I’d like to share my joys with you. ( I would like to)

  2. .you can’t behave like that . (you cannot)

  3. .there’re so many splendid toys for me to select . (there are)


  (1) 引號錯誤。

  〔錯誤〕13.“No pain , no gain. ”If you .

  〔修改〕13. As the saying goes ,“No pain , no gain. ”


  〔錯誤〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled“Why Not More ? ”, Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully.

  〔修改〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled“Why Not More ?,”Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully.


  (2) 日-月-年次序的日期中的逗號錯誤。英語日期的表達可以用月-日-年的次序和日-月-年

  的次序,日和年之間加逗號而月和年之間習(xí)慣上不加逗號。例如: 誤把“13 August 2002”寫成“13 August , 2002”。

  (3) 在部分副詞如perhaps , so 后加逗號。如:

  〔錯誤〕16. Perhaps , I would not have such a good chance again.

  〔錯誤〕17. So , they keep in touch with each other merely by writing letters and phoning now.


  (4) 連接號(hyphen) 錯誤。許多英語習(xí)作者往往隨意用連接號派生單詞,如把“boyfriend”寫成“boy -friend”; “middle school”寫成“middle -school”。在行末單詞分行時,連接號使用錯誤更多。與之相反,若把本應(yīng)有的連接號粗心刪去, 其單詞含義可能會大相徑庭。如有一年美國政府在一份貿(mào)易清單上列舉了一些免稅進口的物品,其中有一種是foreign fruit —plants(外國果樹苗),后來由于打字員的疏忽,漏打連接號使其成了foreign fruit , plants(外國水果、樹苗),結(jié)果導(dǎo)致第二年大量的水果如桔子、葡萄等從世界各地免稅涌入美國市場從而使美國政府當(dāng)年損失約200 多萬美元。


  Please send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange and black ties.

  使人看了以后不知是發(fā)5 摞(1 摞= 12 打)

  —紅、綠、藍、橙、黑各一摞— 領(lǐng)帶,還是發(fā)4 摞


  ①Please send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange ,and black ties.

 ?、赑lease send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange-and-black ties.

  該用分號的地方用了逗點, 不該用標(biāo)點的地方也用了逗點,都導(dǎo)致了句子的錯誤。

 ?、貾eople make history , unusual people make history interesting. 此句逗點應(yīng)改為分號, 這是兩個獨立分句。

 ?、贛ary was happiest when she was free of her parents’ scrutiny , or while she was working in her garden. 此句的并列連詞是連接的成對的從句,而不是獨立分句,連詞前面的逗號應(yīng)去掉。

  標(biāo)點符號的使用是約定俗成的, 初學(xué)寫作的人只有牢記它的使用規(guī)則, 才能寫出規(guī)范的文章來。




