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Since the laws of physics, not some arbitrary decision, have determined the general form of applied-art objects, they follow basic patterns, so much so that functional forms can vary only within certain limits.

Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

○Functional applied-art objects cannot vary much from the basic patterns determined by the laws of physics.

○The function of applied-art objects is determined by basic patterns in the laws of physics.

○Since functional applied-art objects vary only within certain limits, arbitrary decisions cannot have determined their general form.

○The general form of applied-art objects is limited by some arbitrary decision that is not determined by the laws of physics.

原句的主要信息點包括:因果關(guān)系since, 否定信息not, 強調(diào)信息only。選項C和這幾個信息正好完全對應(yīng)。答案卻是A! 因為C把原文的因果關(guān)系完全顛倒過來了!










1. 多書面語:詞匯句式復雜

2. 論證嚴密:觀點闡述嚴密,邏輯環(huán)環(huán)相扣

3. 結(jié)構(gòu)復雜:多觀點結(jié)構(gòu)


Dinosaurs rapidly became extinct about 65million years ago as part of a mass extinction known as the K-T event, because it is associated with a geological signature known as the K-T boundary, usually a thin band of sedimentation found in various parts of the world (K is the traditional abbreviation for the Cretaceous, derived from the German name Kreidezeit).S1 Many explanations have been proposed for why dinosaurs became extinct. S2 For example, some have blamed dinosaur extinction on the development of flowering plants, which were supposedly more difficult to digest and could have caused constipation or indigestion—except that flowering plants first evolved in the Early Cretaceous, about 60 million years before the dinosaurs died out.S3 In fact, several scientists have suggested that the duck bill dinosaurs and homed dinosaurs, with their complex battery of grinding teeth, evolved to exploit this new resource of rapidly growing flowering plants.S4 Othershave blamed extinction on competition from the mammals, which alleged lyate all the dinosaur eggs—except that mammals and dinosaurs appeared at the same time in the Late Triassic, about 190 million years ago, and there is no reason to believe that mammals suddenly acquired a taste for dinosaur egg safter 120 million years of coexistence. S5Some explanations (such as the one stating that dinosaurs all died of diseases) fail because there is no way to scientifically test them, and they cannot move beyond the realm of speculation and guesswork.S6


拿第一句話Dinosaurs rapidly became extinct about 65 million years ago as part of a mass extinction known as the K-T event, because it is associated with a geological signature known as the K-T boundary, usually a thin band of sedimentation found in various parts of the world (K is the traditional abbreviation for the Cretaceous, derived from the German name Kreidezeit)為例子,這句話出現(xiàn)了K-T boundary,sedimentation,Cretaceous等詞,不是常見詞匯,而且這句話中包含了原因狀語從句(becauseit is associated...),非謂語(known as.../found in...),同位語(usually a thin band of sedimentation...),插入語(K is the tradition abb...),所以總結(jié)一下,就是生詞多,句式復雜。

第二點觀點闡述嚴密,邏輯環(huán)環(huán)相扣。這一段第一句話的意思是恐龍滅絕了,緊接著第二句話說到Many explanations have been proposed 。第一個explanation是把恐龍的滅絕歸咎于開花植物的發(fā)展,但是(except)開花植物在恐龍滅絕前6千萬年前就已經(jīng)進化了,進而否定了恐龍因為開花植物而滅絕這一解釋。后面in fact這一句話更加證實了恐龍不是因為開花植物而滅絕。第二個explanation是因為哺乳動物吃恐龍蛋導致恐龍滅絕,但是(expect)在其滅絕前,恐龍和哺乳動物共處了1.2億年,進而否定了恐龍因為哺乳動物而滅絕。最后一句話Some explanations fail既做了總結(jié),又表達出態(tài)度:一些原因不能解釋恐龍滅絕,呼應(yīng)開頭。

第三點結(jié)構(gòu)復雜,多觀點結(jié)構(gòu)。第一句話Dinosaurs rapidly became extinct 呼應(yīng)主題,交代背景。緊接著Many explanations...,for example后面來列舉解釋恐龍滅絕的原因。some.....原因解釋1,破折號后面except表示轉(zhuǎn)折,否定前面的原因;in fact 表示遞進關(guān)系,進一步解釋說明前面一句話的意思---否定恐龍滅絕是因為開花植物。others...原因解釋2,破折號后面except表示轉(zhuǎn)折,否定原因2。最后一句話Some explanations fail總結(jié)上文,明確表達出態(tài)度。整段是分(some......others......)——總(explanations fail)結(jié)構(gòu)。




Two species of deer have been prevalent in the Puget Sound area of Washington State in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The black-tailed deer, a lowland, west-side cousin of the mule deer of eastern Washington, is now the most common. The other species, the Columbian white-tailed deer, in earlier times was common in the open prairie country, it is now restricted to the low, marshy islands and flood plains along the lower Columbia River.

According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of the white-tailed deer of Puget Sound?

A. It is native to lowlands and marshes.

B. It is more closely related to the mule deer of eastern Washington than to other types of deer.

C. It has replaced the black-tailed deer in the open prairie.

D. It no longer lives in a particular type of habitat that it once occupied.

這是一個典型的細節(jié)題,在該題題干中,有的考生會選擇Puget Sound作為關(guān)鍵詞回原文定位,因為它是專有名詞,在文中會比較顯眼。但是如果一旦選擇了這個地名,勢必會定位在該段的第一句話,托福細節(jié)題往往是定位在哪句就在哪句找答案,這樣的話考生是選不出正確答案的,因為定位不精確。其實正確的關(guān)鍵詞應(yīng)該是white-tailed deer,這個用連字符連接的詞在文章中也是比較醒目的,按該詞定位應(yīng)是該段最后一句話。所以根據(jù)它的意思應(yīng)該選D項。其中A項與原句意思不符,B和C都與定位句信息無關(guān)。我們再來看另外一個否定事實細節(jié)題的例子:

Plant communities assemble themselves flexibly, and their structure depends on the particular history of the area. Ecologists use the term “succession” to refer to the changes that happen in plant communities and ecosystems over time. The first community in a succession is called a pioneer community, while the long-lived community at the end of succession is called a climax community. Pioneer and successional plant communities are said to change over periods from 1 to 500 years. These changes—in plant numbers and the mix of species—are cumulative. Climax communities themselves change but over periods of time greater than about 500 years.

According to paragraph 1, which of the following is NOT true of climax communities?

A. They occur at the end of a succession.

B. They last longer than any other type of community.

C. The numbers of plants in them and the mix of species do not change

D. They remain stable for at least 500 years at a time.

這個題大家都會選擇用climax communities去定位,但在定位過程中會出現(xiàn)很多問題。首先考生要學會跳躍式定位,即根據(jù)文章中特殊的標點符號以及最醒目的詞來搜索我們真正需要的關(guān)鍵詞。文中的particular是加了陰影的,succession是在引號里面的,都非常醒目,通過看這兩個詞我們會發(fā)現(xiàn)它們附近沒有我們需要的東西;再比較突出的就是數(shù)字及破折號,在500的上方有a climax community,但它是單數(shù),與題干關(guān)鍵詞不完全匹配,細節(jié)題講究的是精確定位,所以我們應(yīng)該選擇500斜下方的Climax communities,即該段的最后一句話。否定事實細節(jié)題的出題思路有兩種:一是無中生有,即根據(jù)定位點的內(nèi)容,四個選項只有一個沒有提到,這種思路多適用于選項比較簡短的題目;二是張冠李戴,即根據(jù)定位點的內(nèi)容表述,只有一個選項與之矛盾,這種思路多適應(yīng)于選項比較長的題目。就這個例題而言,根據(jù)定位的最后一句話,從表述上來說跟它相關(guān)的只有C和D兩個選項,D項的意思與原句相符,而C項與原句矛盾,所以正確答案是C。綜上所述,做新托福閱讀的細節(jié)題,最重要的一點就是要盡量地去精確定位。



Wind power has a significant cost advantage over nuclear power and has become competitive with coal-fired power plants in many places. With new technological advances and mass production, projected cost declines should make wind power one of the world’s cheapest ways to produce electricity. In the long run, electricity from large wind farms in remote areas might be used to make hydrogen gas from water during periods when there is less than peak demand for electricity. The hydrogen gas could then be fed into a storage system and used to generate electricity when additional or backup power is needed.

Wind power is most economical in areas with steady winds. In areas where the wind dies down, backup electricity from a utility company or from an energy storage system becomes necessary. Backup power could also be provided by linking wind farms with a solar cell, with conventional or pumped-storage hydropower, or with efficient natural-gas-burning turbines. Some drawbacks to wind farms include visual pollution and noise, although these can be overcome by improving their design and locating them in isolated areas.

Based on the information in paragraph 3 and paragraph 4, what can be inferred about the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Texas mentioned at the end of paragraph 1?

A.They rely largely on coal-fired power plants.

B.They contain remote areas where the winds rarely die down.

C.Over 1 percent of the electricity in these states is produced by wind farms.

D.Wind farms in these states are being expanded to meet the power needs of the United States.

這個題目的題干涉及到三個段落,而事實上考生根本不需要去看第一段的內(nèi)容,因為答案依據(jù)的是第三、四段的信息,但是這兩個段落如果都看的話內(nèi)容也不少,從應(yīng)試的角度來說太費時間。正確的做法應(yīng)該是從選項中挖掘一下方向。A項里大家一般都會選擇有連字符的coal-fired作為關(guān)鍵詞去定位,B項沒有比較顯眼的詞就只能選名詞短語remote areas,C項選1 percent, D項選the United States。選完關(guān)鍵詞我們不難發(fā)現(xiàn)除了B項不大好定位以外,其他三個選項的關(guān)鍵詞都很醒目。經(jīng)過定位,A項應(yīng)該去比對第3段的第一句話,意思明顯矛盾;B項不好找,可以暫且跳過;C項和D項的關(guān)鍵詞在這兩段都找不到,這就屬于新托福閱讀中推理題的錯誤答案設(shè)計方法之一 ——無中生有。所以雖然我們沒有去驗證B項的說法是否正確,但經(jīng)過排除也只能選B了。這樣的做題方法就會省時省力,且答案也是正確的。在考試中,這種情況往往會影響考生的心情,進而影響水平的發(fā)揮,但是只要我們了解了ETS出題的套路就能把它們輕松搞定。













