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Most of the animals which feed on the fruit of B. alicastrum eat the seed as well, and, therefore, function more as seed predators than as dispersal agents. Frugivorous bats, however, display the interesting behavior of collecting the fruit, flying to their roosts, and later eating only the fleshy pericarp and dropping the seed intact. Bats of the genus Artibeus have been shown to disperse large quantities of B. alicastrum seed in this manner, the fruit comprising the major part of their diet when available (Vazquez-Yanes et al. 1975). Puleston (1968:56-57) reviewed the dispersal of racmon seeds by Artibeus bats but later rejected the possibility at they were an important seed vector to the ruins. This is surprising in light of his observations that "large numbers of bats occupy the inner chambers and vaults of the larger palaces and temples," that "their nests are littered with whole ramon seeds" and that "the seeds can apparently be carried great distances if the bats have young." I have seen similar accumulations of seeds and seedlings around the ruins of Palenque and Bonampak in Chiapas, and under bat roosts in mango plantations in Veracruz where the nearest ramon tree was more than 5 km away. A more reasonable explanation for the commonly observed aggregations of B. alicastrum near ruins, therefore, is the competitive advantage this species possesses on limestone soils coupled with the continual input of bat-dispersed seed.



A better approach may be to retain inter partes the principle of belligerent equality – which, asexplained before, is a feature which confers legitimacy upon IHL norms and may promote compliance on the part of the conflicting parties with their mutual IHLobligations – and to address additional aspects of state conduct which may infringe upon humanitarianvalues through the application of standards derived from international human rights law to the extent that they are applicable to the circumstances athand.

最后的 to the extend that they are applicable to the circumstances at hand如何理解?

想一下they are applicable to the circumstances at hand 里面的they指代誰,然后再看首句and to address the additional aspects就通了。

GRE長難句解析 讀懂從句主干結(jié)構(gòu)

Section 49-4 The journalist was someone whose habitual distrust of authority struck a few people as pathological but who had enough talent and charm that most found the trail to be pardonable, with the result that it did not become a personal or professional liability.

如何理解這一部分長難句 The journalist was someone whose habitual distrust of authority struck a few people as pathological?

完整的從句是: whose habitual distrust of authority struck a few people as pathological。



1. That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted. (難度系數(shù)5)



a 本句的正常語序應當是:That sex ratio which maximizes the number of descendnts an individuall will have and hence the number of gene copies transmited will be favored.但是因為主語That sex ratio之后的以which引導的修飾它的定語從句,如果按照以上語序,則有頭重腳輕之感。所以原文將此長長的從句倒裝成謂語will be favored之后。

b 在which引導的從句中,有兩處省略:第一處在maximize的第一個賓語the number of descendants that an individuall will have中, an individuall will have是修飾descendants的定語從句,但是,因為descendants在從句中作have的賓語,所以引導詞that可以省略。第二處省略是在第二個the number of 之前,省略了與前面一樣的成分that sex ratio which maximizes. And hence在此表示后面的成分作為前面“最大化一個個體的后代的數(shù)目的”結(jié)果。

意群訓練:That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted.



