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  I'd like to talk about a hotpot restaurant, called super hot, in my hometown. I like hotpot very much. My friend told me about the restaurant, so I went there with my sister.

  The food there is very delicious. After eating there many times, I recommended it to my friends and most of them liked it too. I think the manager is very creative. Since the business is very good, sometimes customers have to wait for the tables. The manager make this waiting time more rewarding. When the costumers have to wait for more than five minutes, they can have three plates of vegetables for free. Sometimes we feel happy if we have to wait, which is very different from the experiences in other restaurants. If you eat there, you can enjoy your drinks for a low price and you get your refills for free. I think it is very economic.

  It became a very famous restaurant in my city. Now a lot of chain restaurants opened in my hometown. I think the business of this restaurant will be even better. Maybe soon, we will be able to find it in hangzhou.


  Tips for answering this Cue Card Sample:

  You should talk about a restaurant that you know about. Do not pick a renowned restaurant that you know very little. You are free to describe the interior design, service, external environment, dishes served of the restaurant the way you like. It does not have to be an exact match with the restaurant you actually go a lot. You should add some of your memorable events of this restaurant. Some of the common features that people like about a restaurants are:

  1. Delicious dishes.

  2. Reasonable price.

  3. Easy to go there from home.

  4. Quiet and nice environment.

  5. Attractive decoration and view.

  6. Playground for kids.

  7. Open space.

  8. Privacy.

  9. Service and behaviour of the staffs.

  10. Special treats for the regular customer.

  11. Variety of foods.

  12. Past memory related to the restaurant.

  13. Recommendation from friends and family members.

  14. Discounts, etc.

  In your answer you can use the above mentioned points.

  If you are prepared for this cue card sample you should be able to answer the following cue cards as well:

  1. Talk about a place you often go to. (You can say that you often go to this restaurant)

  2. Describe a place you would recommend your friends to visit.

  3. Describe a party centre you went recently.

  4. Describe a restaurant you recently visited.

  5. Talk about a place where you often meet your friends.

  6. Describe a restaurant that you enjoyed going to.


  Thank you very much for giving me the chance to talk about my favourite restaurant. The name of my favourite restaurant is (say the name of the restaurant you are going to talk about) and it’s situated at the centre of the city I am currently living in. Not only I like the spacious, serene environment, tasty menus that the restaurant serves, but I have lots of memories related to this restaurant. I remember that my parents celebrated some of my birthday parties there, our college friends arranged the get-together parties, one of my cousins’ marriage ceremony was celebrated there and similarly I attended lots of other parties at this very restaurant.

  The restaurant has 3 floors and the sitting arrangement is quite nice. Paintings of famous artists have been hanging on the walls and the place is quite neat and clean. The interior decoration is charming and gorgeous feeling. The ground floor is spacious and can accommodate more than 50 cars' parking. The front view of the restaurant is different as the place gives the impression of an urban garden.

  The restaurant offers several dishes including exotic deserts, ice-creams and also offers a separate place for the kids to play and have fun. The prices are reasonable and the foods are served quickly as opposed to some other restaurants where you will have to wait for a long for your foods to appear on your table. The waiters and other staffs are friendly and welcoming. The restaurant offers Chinese, Italian, Indian, Thai, Pakistani and local menus that gives you a wide ranges and options to pick from. The soft background music and instrumentals make the environment more enjoyable and soothing. The tables are not congested and people can chat over their personal topics without interruption. The long glass made windows offer the city view which makes the place worth visiting besides the delicious foods. The place must be a good place to be as I often found the foreign tourists visiting the restaurant. The authority lets the customers provide their feedbacks and comments on foods and the place and as I have noticed they take prompt action on a customer complaint.

  In short, this is a really nice restaurant to go and enjoy the delicious meals.

  雅思口語part2考官范文:a special meal

  受邀參加的特殊一餐Describe a special meal you were invited to.

  You should say:

  When and where you were invited

  Who invited you

  What you ate

  And explain how you felt about the meal.


  Ok then, well I’m actually quite lucky in the fact that I’ve been invited to quite a number of special meals, and the one I’ve decided to talk to you about was a farewell dinner of a good friend of mine, because he was about to go off to Canada for a few years to start university there, so he invited a few of his close friends for a farewell dinner before heading off.

  And one of the reasons I’ve chosen to talk about this meal instead of some of the others I’ve been to is simply that it’s still quite fresh in my memory. You know, it was only about a couple of weeks ago when it happened.And as for where we had the meal, well I can’t remember the exact name of the place, but it was quite a posh restaurant somewhere in the centre of the city, and judging from how nice it looked when I walked in, it seemed to be a pretty expensive place to dine. So I was kind of relieved that it wouldn’t be me footing the bill!And we also had our own separate room, which was nice, and probably just as well, seeing as we made quite a bit of noise during the meal, what with all the laughing and stuff going on.

  Anyway regarding what we ate, well I couldn’t tell you every single dish that we had, because there was just so much, you know, the whole table was literally covered with food. I mean, there was crab, chicken, duck,what else, um,……oh yeah, shrimps, and, uh…..oh and a whole load of different vegetables. So by the end of it, I was absolutely stuffed. You know, we all ate masses, because the food was so good, and it would have been a bit of a pity to see it go to waste!

  But anyway, finally then, with regard to how I felt about the meal, well to put it simply, I really enjoyed it. Because as well as the food, which was fantastic, I really enjoyed everyone’s company. You know, it was great being together with so many good friends, many of which I hadn’t seen in quite a while.

  So yeah, all in all, it was a really special evening, and I’m extremely grateful to have been invited, and also very grateful to my friend for his generosity, as the bill must have come to quite a lot, I’m sure!


  Ok then = Ok, (I’m ready to begin). You can also say, “Ok right then” or “Ok then”

  I’m actually quite lucky in the fact that I’ve been invited to quite a number of special meals = 我其實很幸運因為我很多次被邀請參加特殊晚餐 (or something like that!)

  it’s still quite fresh in my memory = I can remember it pretty clearly

  posh restaurant = 豪華飯店

  it was just as well = 幸虧如此

  quite a bit of = quite a lot of

  foot the bill = pay the bill (買單)

  by the end of it = 到最后

  I was absolutely stuffed = 我撐死了!

  (you can use "absolutely" before extreme adjectives for emphasis,for example: "the show was absolutely amazing"! 演出太精彩了!/ I'm absolutely starving! 我餓死了!but you can't say "I'm absolutely hungry", as "hungry" isn't a strong enough adjective.)

  we all ate masses = 我們都吃了好多

  So yeah = 所以嗯 (often used at the beginning of the final sentence when you are finishing your talk/answer)










  Let's not waste any time and get started!

  “I think”之外的“我認為”

  1. As far as I’m concerned “據(jù)我所知;就我來看;我認為”

  Eg:As far as I’m concerned, youth offenders should be punished by law. But .........

  2.If I may say so “如果我能這么講”“我認為”Eg:You look much younger than your actual age if I may say so.

  3. If you ask me“我認為,如果你問我”Eg:Books are morebeneficial for children compared with computers if you ask me.

  4. To my mind /In my opinion“在我心里,我認為”Eg.But an honest question posed from a broken heart is to my mind a good andrighteous thing.

  此外還可以用以下短語表達:As I see it —— 就我所知;As far as I know——就我所知;I’m convinced that——我相信……比如:“Global warming is a recent problem as far as I know.”


  口語考試中避不開的話題就是“喜好”,假如考官問你:"Do you like swiming?"你難道只能回答"I like/love swimming"嗎。。。。。感受一下高級玩法~

  1. This appeals to me because……這對我很有吸引力,因為……(這樣回答既表明你的態(tài)度,又闡述了喜愛的原因)比如:“swimming appeals to me because it's such a great way to relieve stress .”

  2. “I am keen on doing something"/ “ I am keen to do something”......我對某事充滿了熱情

  比如:“I was keen on going to the party but two centimeters of snow fell in London and trains didn't run."

  同樣地,如果你對某事并不熱衷,使用" I am not keen on doing something."即可。

  Asking for clarification


  1. Sorry, I didn't quite catch that對不起, 我沒聽清楚

  2. Could you say that again?你能再說一遍嗎?

  3. Could you explain what you mean by……?你能解釋關于...... 的意思嗎?

  比如:“could you explain what you mean by bricks and mortar business?”

  Providing clarification


  1. To put it another way換一種方式說

  2. What I'm trying to say is我想說的是……

  3. What I mean is我的意思是……

  比如:“What I'm trying to say is that maybe you can't approach this as a purely intellectual exercise.”



  1. It's quite a difficult question這是一個相當困難的問題

  2. That's a good question這是一個很好的問題

  3. I've never thought about it before but I guess……之前我從來沒有想過這個問題, 但我想……(在這之后你就得想到如何回答問題了)



  1. I couldn't agree more——我非常贊同

  2. I totally agree——我完全同意

  3. Absolutely/Definitely——絕對,肯定例如:"absolutely young people spend way too much time on social media."

  4. I tend to agree(with) that "我傾向于同意……" (這是一種比較溫和的同意形式)

  5. It depends/I think it really depends“這取決于……”(這是一種更理性的回答)


  1. That’s one way of looking at it. However……


  2. That's not always true——事實并非總是如此

  “some people say that getting education is the best way to prepare for the future, however that's not always true.

  In some situations hands-on experience is much more valuable.”


  1. I've never really thought about it——我還真沒想過……


  “Oh, what is your favorite wild animal?”“Well, I've never really thought about it but I'm quite fond of big cats. For example, Tigers and leopards.”

  2. To sum up/To wrap up如果你想在考官終止你的回答之前主動結束對話,最好表示你馬上就會回答完畢用” to sum up” 或者” to wrap up”即可

  比如:" To wrap up I'm really fond of Miami because of its diversity and tropical climate."










9.雅思英語口語Part 3易忽視的3個細節(jié)



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