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雅思大作文:more and more people buy and use their own cars

雅思大作文題目:As countries developing, more and more people buy and use their own cars. Does the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages for the environment?


Since the invention of combustion engines, motor vehicles have been blamed for the contaminated air and resource consumption. Surely, the increasing number of cars is the major contributor of environmental damage, but it is also one of the greatest invention one could ever imagine.

Scientifically, emissions from cars increase the levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. At normal levels, greenhouse gases keep some of the sun’s heat in the atmosphere and help warm Earth. That said, many scientists believe that burning fossil fuels such as gasoline causes greenhouse gas levels to spike, leading to global warming. Thus, cars become the number one suspect under this consideration.

However, to individuals, private cars dramatically changed the way to commute from place to place. Increased road safety, flexible hours and a show-off of personal identity are the three major benefits of the private vehicle while public transport can never compete. Granted that they are expensive piece of machinery, this does not prevent consumers from purchasing them even with monthly loans.

I personally believe that the benefits of owning a private vehicle are evident, while it is our choice of action of conserve the environment. Aside from the production process, modern technology has introduced electric vehicles since a decade ago. Cars do not pollute, whereas people who choose gasoline-consumed cars over for example Tesla do.

All in all, the pollution of private vehicles is attributed to the irresponsibility of people's attitudes towards this particular issue. The upcoming future may introduce environmental friendly transports that to a large extent best all aspects of current cars, and this is up to us to make the choice.

雅思大作文:many things that children are taught at school are a waste of time

雅思大作文題目:Some people claim that many things that children are taught at school are a waste of time. Other people argue that everything children study at school is useful at some time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


The utility of education received by today’s children has arisen a fierce discuss in the society, due to the increasing competition in the employment market for the graduates. In my opinion, national education as an essential part in one’s personal development can eventually be supportive in many walks of life.

It is undeniable that students can lay a solid foundation by learning a range of theoretical knowledge like math, language and etc. during their school age, which is an effective way to accumulate knowledge and broaden their horizon; as a result, children’s potential could be explored and a clear perspective would be gained when they select major in later higher education. Besides the benefits of compulsory courses, school is regarded as a micro society to shape younger's personalities by conducting moral education, which also means that the campus provides an environment where the youth can socialize with each other to acquire some abilities about how to maintain and develop the relationship.

However, the current education system is not flawless. To be specific, the public blame the high unemployment among undergraduates on the lack of practical knowledge in the overall university curriculum which attaches more importance on the scores and diploma rather than evaluating students’ real ability of solving problem and overcoming difficulties; consequently, the necessary experience in future working cannot be guaranteed by schools. The low competency leaves people an impression that the younger generation is not reliable.

In conclusion, the drawbacks does not mean that the contribution of education can be ignored; what students get during both mental and intellectual growth can never be replaced by any other forms, while the system could operate better under appropriate adjustment.

雅思大作文:more and more business training and business meeting taking place online

雅思大作文題目:Research says more and more business training and business meeting taking place online. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


Under the influence of the advanced technology, especially, internet has changed our lifestyle into virtual one. Online communication tends to expand the significance among many walks of life, and even companies regard it as a major method in training and meeting, which can be beneficial, if telecommunication is put to good use.

At first glance, telecommuting is very attractive. Conducting online business could relieve employees of exhausting commute to workplaces at rush hours, and allowed to arrange their time at their convenience, thereby making work/life balance achievable. Another obvious benefit of saving more time is that the employers can increase the efficiency of cultivating freshmen by inputting more trainings in a flexible time and place, as long as teleworking is accepted by the mass. On top of the increasing flexibility, all those involved in this fashion of work benefit in financial terms. Travel fare, fuel, parking, formal clothes are excluded and less expense occurs in office, such as buildings, bills, facilities, incidental cost and so on.

However, distance workers’ performance cannot be supervised, due to the lack of face to face interactions, in particular, for those who have a low level of self-discipline. Even though teleworkers do talk to their boss, coworkers or teachers, they achieve this on the phone or on the computer. Such way of interaction eliminates most of non-word information, such as body gesture, facial expression and eye contact, directly leading to poor cooperation, industrial relation or learning outcome.

In conclusion, employees working may gain more flexibility by internet, but whether this fashion functions well depends on the worker and the type of his or her job. If the worker can tune in well and the job can be accomplished individually, or the learners are mature and self-motivated enough, then telework may be an optimal option. Otherwise, it should not be encouraged.







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