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  April Fool

  Last March, my mother told my father and me that my grandfather would come in April. We were very happy because my grandfather was an interesting old man and he had not visited us since he went to Hong Kong.

  On April 1 my father and I bought a lot of food from the supermarket and bought a big bunch of flowers home. Then we did some cleaning at home. At night when we were waiting for my grandfather, the bell rang and in came my mother. She smiled to us and said "April fools"!

  What was the joke

  To end our special news bulletin, said the voice of the television announcer, we're going over to the macaroni fields of Calabria. Macaroni has been grown in this area for over six hundred years. Two of the leading growers, Giuseppe Moldova and Riccardo Brabante, tell me that they have been expecting a splendid crop this year and harvesting has begun earlier than usual. Here you can see two workers who, between them, have just finished cutting three cartloads of golden brown macaroni stalks. The whole village has been working day and night gathering and threshing this year's crop before the September rains. On the right, you can see Mrs. Brabante herself. She has been helping her husband for thirty years now. Mrs. Brabante is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed. This last scene shows you what will happen at the end of the harvest: the famous Calabrian macaroni-eating competition! Signor Fratelli, the present champion, has won it every year since 1991. And that ends our special bulletin for today, Thursday, April lst. We're now going back to the studio.

  To Be Paranoid on April Fools' Day

  It's OK To Be Paranoid on April Fools' Day .

  "On April First it's OK to be suspicious about believing anything, too good to be true!" According to a psychologist who has researched past April Fools' Pranks.

  “Most of us have fun playing harmless April Fools' tricks on each other but some folks inflict cruel and unusual punishment on their friends when their prank gets out of control." says Robert R. Butterworth, Ph.D., who has developed a list of questions that should be asked before planning an April Fools' prank:

  Could the prank cause undue anxiety when uncovered? . Could it be misinterpreted by others as a serious event? . Does it involve deceiving more than a few people? . Is an element of fear or risk involved? . If you were on the receiving end of the prank, would you be upset?

  You have to be careful Fool's Day

  1st April is a day to be careful, or you could easily get tricked by someone. It’s April fool’s Day, a day when people traditionally like to try to make a fool of someone else and laugh at them.

  There are lots of theories surrounding the origins of the day, but one explanation is connected with the change in the calendar in the 16th century, which meant that 1st April was no longer the beginning of the year. Those who still celebrated the New Year on 1st April were called fools.

  So what kind of pranks do people play on April fool’s Day? Well, there are lots of simple tricks that you can play on your friends. For example, you could wear a black sweater and pull a piece of white thread through it, so that people try to pull it off. You could change the time on someone’s alarm clock so that they’re late for work. Or glue a coin to the floor and see how many people try to pick it up.

  All these are small-scale practical jokes which you might play on one other person or a few people. But there’s also a tradition of large companies attempting to fool a lot of people. For example a burger restaurant once claimed that they were introducing a left-handed burger!

  In particular, the media often try to make people believe something which is not true. Newspapers publish some ludicrous stories every year, although some of them are actually true. It’s entertaining to try to guess which stories are true and which are fake. In the April Fool’s stories, they often include a clue to the fact that it’s a joke. For example the name of an ‘expert’ quoted in the article might be an anagram of ‘April Fool’.

  Radio and television programmes have also fooled many people by broadcasting reports which are untrue. One programme announced the invention of an amazing new weight-loss product - water which contained minus calories!

  And one of the most famous hoaxes ever was broadcast by the BBC itself in 1957! A very serious news programme called Panorama reported on the poor spaghetti harvest in Switzerland, and showed pictures of farmers picking spaghetti from trees! Hundreds of people were taken in and wrote to the BBC asking how to grow their own spaghetti.

  An unforgettable April Fool's Day

  Growing up as a child, April Fools Day was the one holiday I never felt clever enough to take part in. I was creative enough to make a costume for Halloween, or bake a dozen heart-shaped cookies on Valentine's Day, but I never had any good ideas for playing pranks.

  In elementary school, all my classmates would prepare a joke to play on April Fools Day. The joke was usually meant to be played on the teacher, and, for a week in advance, all the students would get together at lunch to plan out what the prank was going to be. This went on for years- since I went to a grade school with the same thirty students for all of primary school.

  The ring leader of our class was a boy named Michael, and Michael always came up with the best pranks. When we were in the fourth grade he convinced us all to wear regular clothes instead of our school uniforms- even though we didn't have permission to. In the sixth grade, he got us all to agree to switch identities so that when the teacher called on me, I wouldn't answer for myself- instead another classmate would speak.

  Our teachers always put up with our silly antics, even if they were childish. They always knew that Michael was in charge of our jokes as well, but they never punished him. They seemed to understand that as children we were entitled to a bit of fun, more-over that Michael got a lot of joy from organizing the whole thing and making us laugh with his crazy ideas.

  In my final year of primary school Michael decided that for April Fools Day we needed to play our best prank yet. We all got together as a class- all fifteen boys and fifteen girls- and started spitting out ideas left and right. Michael really wanted it to be something no one at school would ever forget, so a lot of the ideas got rejected. No one questioned when Michael shot down an idea. He was the king of pranks, so we listened to all of his suggestions and criticisms.

  I'd never really spoken up during this yearly ritual, but something in me wanted to be a part of it this year. It was my last year before high school was to begin and I wanted to think that in our final scam, I would be an integral part of the plan. I wanted to use my creativity for a change and make everybody laugh.

  On the third day of our meetings, the whole class got together at lunch and sat in our usual spot underneath a row of trees next to the soccer field. Sandwiches and juice boxes in hand, people started to once again feed our ring-leader ideas- each of which he discarded. Finally, I decided that maybe my idea was good enough. I was pretty positive Michael wouldn't think it wise enough, but I figured it was worth a shot. Besides, after all those years of sitting quietly and agreeing to whatever it was he thought of, I really had nothing to lose. Even if my idea wasn't "funny enough" I figured everyone would be shocked that I even thought of something. That was reason enough for me to get up and give it a go.

  Putting my lunch down, I stood up in front of my classmates and gave a suggestion. "Every year we play a prank here at the school. How about, this year, we don't. How about we play the prank from outside of school?" Michael chimed in, "How are we supposed to manage that? I don't think I follow."

  "Well," I went on, "I suggest that we don't even show up for school. I think our whole class should be absent." Everybody stared at me in complete shock. An entire class of thirty students, being absent on the same day would be an absolute riot. Michael has a big grin on his face, but the other students had a lot of questions.

  "How will we convince ALL our parents to let us stay home? The chances of each of us getting them to allow it are slim to none. If one person shows up because their parents force them to go, then the prank is ruined."

  I could see my idea wasn't winning them over, but then Michael stepped in, "Hey, I think Raquel has a great idea! This could be the funniest thing we do. Raquel, I think you found a winner." As soon as Michael accepted my idea, slowly everyone else did too. I could see they thought it was funny, but they were just worried it wouldn't work.

  April Fools day finally arrived and we set our plan into motion. The night before some students faked a stomach ache after dinner. Some of my classmates faked fevers that morning. One or two students actually had been sick and couldn't get out of bed. I told my parents that I had an awful headache and needed to stay home.

  Knowing what day it was, my parents asked if I was joking. I told them, "Are you kidding? Today we were going to play the best prank ever on Mrs. Butler, and I am so mad I'm going to miss it! I really am feeling sick though, and I think its better I stay in. I wish I could be there, but I just feel terrible." My parents, knowing how our class was well known for its pranks, believed that I was sad about missing out and allowed me to stay in. Little did they know, this was the prank!

  The next day we all showed up to class and sang to Mrs. Butler "April Fools!" She laughed and smiled and gave us a round of applause. "That was the best April Fools joke that has ever been pulled on me!" she said. "Any joke that gives me a day off of work is fine by me."

  I was proud of myself for getting the courage to suggest the prank, and I was even more proud that people liked it- including my teacher. It was a moment in my childhood that I'll never forget, and I'm sure the school never has either.



2.高中生愚人節(jié)英語作文:You have to be careful Fool's Day


4.高中生愚人節(jié)作文:The origin of April Fool's Day



其實愚對了人,愚人節(jié)每天都過。4.1愚人節(jié)將至,下面小編給大家準備了愚人節(jié)英語作文,歡迎大家來參閱。 April Fool Last March, my mother told my father and me that my grandfather would come in April. We were very happy becaus


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    每年的四月一日,是西方的民間傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日――愚人節(jié)(April Fools Day),也稱萬愚節(jié)。下面給大家分享關于愚人節(jié)英語作文最新大全2020.歡迎閱讀! 愚人節(jié)英語作