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I do not know the reason why some people want to get up late. They will never have the opportunity to enjoy (of enjoying) the fresh air and calmness of the morning. This is indeed a quite regrettable thing.To rise early is a good habit (which) we should cultivate. Why? Because the best time when we can pursue our studies is in the morning. In addition, early rising is also good to our health. I hope that everybody our knows the reason why we must rise early.  我不知道某些人要晚起的理由。他們永不會有機會來享受早晨的新鮮空氣和寧靜。這真是一件 發(fā)令人遺憾的事情。早起是我們應(yīng)該養(yǎng)成的一種良好習(xí)慣。為什么?因為早晨是我們從事學(xué)業(yè)的大好時間。再者,早起對我們健康也有益處。我希望每個人應(yīng)該知道我們必須早起的理由。


THRIFT 節(jié)儉  

There is not a (no) thrifty man but becomes a rich man sooner or later. Why? Because he will not spend such money as is unnecessary. Little by little his money will accumulate. Ten to one, he is bound to make a fortune.I do not like such men as spend their money in a wrong way. They do not know extravagance is a bad thing. It can only make them happy for the time being. In short, thrift makes poor men rich and extravagance makes rich men poor.  

沒有一個節(jié)儉的人遲早不成為一個富翁。為什么?因為他決不花像那種不必要的錢。漸漸他的錢就會  聚積起來。十之八九,他一定會發(fā)財?shù)?。我不喜歡那種亂花錢的.人。他們不知道奢侈是一件壞事。它只能夠使他們暫時快樂而已??偠灾?,節(jié)儉使窮人變富,奢侈使富人變窮。



Needless to say, nothing but perseverance can lead a man to the way of success. In other words, a persevering man never does his work without succeeding in it. This is indeed unchangeable truth.Our National Father, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, is the most ideal example. He was devoted to the revolution about forty years. He met with many failures, but he was anything but discouraged. As a result, he won. The Republic of China was born.



My Sister

I have a sister. Her name is Alice . She is one year old. She has short hair. She has a fat face. It looks like a big red apple. She has big eyes and a small mouth. She has only one tooth, but she can eat cookies. Her arms and legs are fat, too. But she can crawl very fast on the floor.

My sister is very naughty. She doesn’t sleep at night but sleeps at daytime. So my mother is tired to take care of her. She always crawls here and there, sofa, bed, chair, everywhere she likes to go. She likes to play with the toys. Bricks are her favourite. She likes to make different shapes with the bricks. Sometime it’s a house, sometimes it’s a bus. I think she is a smart girl. She likes to play with me. She likes my story-telling. She always asks me to tell stories for her.

There is a cartoon “Present Sheep and Mr. Wolf” on TV. My sister likes it so much. Every time when I turn on the TV, she always says “present sheep” to me, asks me to watch the cartoon. And every time she hears the theme song of the cartoon, she will sing and dance on the floor. Actually she can not sing and dance, she just shakes her little body to show us she likes it very much. She is so cute.

My sister is smooth-tongued. She likes to call me “sister”, call my dad “daddy”, call my mom “mummy”. She often call us many times a day.

In my eyes, my sister is naughty, lovely and smart. I like her.


Thank you

Three years ago, I was a cool and detached girl. I never helped others or cried, because I thought that was very boring.

One day an unusual girl rushed into my life. She looks like a boy and she is also very lovely. She is very cheerful. I always feel she is a “Red Sun”. She is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. She often helps me and plays with me. We became good friends at once. Since then, I have been sanguine.

Now, I am still a happy girl. I'm often moved by the world. I think our life is so short, and it isn't easy for people to live in the world. I've learned to help others and to cry. I've also learned to be happy and grateful. I also understand that crying doesn't mean “coward”, crying can mean “visualize a bright future!”

Though she has lots of new friends and I have many too, she will be my best friend forever, because she has taught me a lot.

Thank you,my best friend,Thank you!













英語考試作文試題的一個最大的特點就是時限性,即在有限的時間內(nèi)(一般分配30分鐘)按試題要求完成作文試題。為大家分享了高中英語作文精選,歡迎借鑒!高中英語作文1TO RISE EARLY 論早起I do not know the reason why some people want to get up late. They will never have the opportunity to enjoy (of enjoying) the fresh air and calmness of th


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