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  As we all know, “Hands up!” is among the first things a police officer says when he has a criminal in range. In that instance, the police officer’s goal is to ensure he or she doesn’t have a concealed2 weapon.

  我們都知道,警察發(fā)現(xiàn)一名罪犯后說的第一句話便是:“舉起手來!”。 這種情況下,警察是為了確保他/她沒有攜帶隱蔽的武器。

  More happily, raising our hand is also the symbol of knowing the correct answer in grade school, or signaling our willingness to volunteer for activities as we get older. When you are seated at a table, your hands perform much the same function. They allow others at the table to feel safe around you, and they signal to others that you are available and excited to answer their questions, or volunteer for their cause.


  “But,” some clients object, “I tend to talk with my hands if they’re on the table. Isn’t that bad?”


  Not at all if those motions are a natural outgrowth of what you are saying. They only become distracting when they are doing something to relieve you of nervous tension, such as tapping a pencil or fiddling3 with a wedding ring, etc.


  So if your goal is to inspire trust in others, one of the easiest ways to do that is to keep your hands where people can see them. Once they’re on the table, my request is that they remain unclasped, as clasping your hands in front of you creates a barrier between you and those to whom you are speaking.


  The same principle holds true if you are standing4. When you want others to trust you, keep your hands out of your pockets. Leaving them in sight will signal your honorable, or favorable, intentions. Alternatively, putting your hands in your pockets will send a message of distrust or unavailability—not to mention ruin the line of your suit.



  Roy Leighton asks you to imagine yourself at work. Everything's going well until a certain person comes in. You know who we're talking about -that one, the energy taker. The person who seems to draw the life force out of you as though they were some kind of sponge!

  Roy Leighton請您想象一下工作中的自己。一切進展順利,直到某個人的到來。你知道我們在說誰——就是那個人:精力吸食者。他們就像某種海綿一樣吸食著你的能量。

  To start infecting your environment


  Where previously1 you were quite relaxed and focused, you now tense up and question your ability. Your energy is going by the second. This certain person chatters2 on at you about something, not listening to your responses, while only seeking to talk about their issues and how you can help them. You stammer3 some feeble responses by way of reply, feeling your strength ebb4 away until you find an excuse to leave.


  Sitting in the toilet cubicle5 a few minutes later, you reflect on what has just happened. Why does this person have such an impact on you and how can you overcome it so that work ceases to be a place of torture?


  What you can do


  One solution is look at things from a military-style perspective---when you want to make a change to an environment or situation you can do it in two ways: infection or explosion. There are several practical things that you can do.


  Explosion is radical6 and immediate7 - there are usually casualties and fall-out. Infection is about making slow, positive change - influencing others by your positive example. Its effects are more lasting8 and often more beneficial.


  At work we usually wait until we've had enough of a particular situation and explode, leaving a lot of bad feeling and damage. If we can begin to infect our environment in a positive way on a daily basis, the changes will be lasting, less damaging and sustainable.


  To start infecting your environment


   Move around as though you're confident - and this goes for standing9 and sitting also. You'll feel confident as a result - it's that simple, but our minds can get in the way. Ignore your mind for a while. We are psycho-physical beings. If we change our physical behavior we change our mindset; if we change our mindset we can change our behavior.


   Learn to listen. Nod and smile, question and encourage. Try to actually find out if this energy-taking person you find so hard to deal with has something to say - you might be pleasantly surprised. Also, if you give an example of how to do something well, others may be encouraged to follow your example.

   學會傾聽。 點頭、微笑,詢問、鼓勵。試著找出這位難以應對的精力吸食者究竟有什么要說——也許你會感到驚喜。而且,如果你做出表率, 把事情做好,別人也許會受到鼓舞、向你學習。

  When we find ourselves in a work environment that is predominantly and increasingly one of 'positive infection', this will lead to a general mood of confidence. Individual and group performance, and therefore productivity, will all improve.


  In short, a confident company is a successful company. And companies are made up of every person that works there - so everybody's confidence is important to the work environment. Our work space is a constant bombardment of influences, both positive and negative from the physical environment, the people in it and our own self-confidence.


  Be aware of this and remember that it's your responsibility to develop your confidence at work, otherwise you run the risk of becoming the energy-draining 'life taker' that forces people to flee to the nearest exit when you pass by.







5.2020實習生求職面試技巧 2020春招遠程面試注意事項



常常談到知曉餐桌禮儀的重要性,但為了強調手在向別人表明意圖時的重要性,接下來,小編給大家準備了不要把手藏起來雙語,歡迎大家參考與借鑒。 不要把手藏起來雙語 As we all know, Hands up! is among the first things a police offic


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