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我們都知道備考雅思口語需要在平時積累多一些素材,并且多多參考別人的優(yōu)秀范文,下面小編給大家?guī)硌潘伎谡Zpart2 人物類素材。

雅思口語part2 人物類素材


Describe a popular comic actor/actress in your country.

Describe a childhood friend of yours.

Describe someone who is talkative.

Describe an interesting person you would like to meet.

Describe a teenager you know.

Describe a famous person/celebrity in your country.

接下來我們就以part2中喜劇演員這道題為例,和小伙伴們具體的分享一下人物題答題思路和準(zhǔn)備方法。雅思口語考試中的part2只考一道題, 考生有1分鐘讀題+準(zhǔn)備的時間, 然后1-2分鐘時間來回答這個話題, 咱們先看題目:

Describe a popular comic actor/actress in your country

You should say:

Who he/she is

How you knew him/her

What comedies have he/she performed

Explain why he /she is popular




段落1:總體介紹這個人(比如是誰,職業(yè),和你的關(guān)系,認(rèn)識多久,外貌或者性格相關(guān)的形容詞。 );

段落2: 具體針對1-2個性格特點展開描述(這個性格特點要符合題目要求,比如喜劇演員的特點可能是sense of humor, think quickly等; 健談的人可能是 extrovertive, open-minded 等);

段落3: 舉例子 (如果描述像童年伙伴,長輩等身邊的人,可以說說你和他/她一起做什么事, 什么感受; 如果是不認(rèn)識的人,可以說說這個人經(jīng)常和他的朋友做什么事,你看到他經(jīng)常做什么事等等);

段落4: 評價總結(jié) (對這個人的評價和感受,給身邊人帶來的影響,剩下哪些話沒說,簡單描述幾句)


段落1:Comedians are popular as they bring the audience lots of laughter and enjoyment. Speaking of a popular comic actor, now I’m going to talk about Stephen Chow, a household name in my country. I started to know about him from one of of his films called “Forbidden City Cop”. Stephen has average looking whereas his great sense of humor impressed me a lot. (介紹喜劇演員是誰, 如何知道, 外貌)

段落2: in terms of Stephen’s characters, like I said earlier, he has masssive sense of humor and his genius lies in his ability to balance ten thousand jokes with simple effective story lines. From balancing the physical comedy and atmosphere, stephen repeatedly pulls off in his best films, which also explains the reason why he has got millions of fans in China. (用因果的邏輯解釋周星馳幽默感: 因為幽默+很多玩笑運(yùn)用于簡單故事中——反復(fù)在電影中取得成功, pull off 取得成功—— 吸引眾多粉絲)

段落3: every now and then, I watch some of his classic films like Flirting Scholar, God of Cookery, King of Comedy etc. You know, I just sit on the couch and watch those films with a couple of close friends at weekend from the projector. I reckon it’s really something that puts my feet up and is good form of entertainment. (舉例子: 有時候,我和兩個好友在家用投影儀看電影,既放松又娛樂)

段落3: Anyway, moving on to why he is so popular, Stephen Chow is not only a great comedian but a successful director and film maker. His unique style and humor has led to his box-office successes all the time. Many young adults see him as a role model and one of icons in Hongkong cinema. (不但是喜劇演員,還是導(dǎo)演制片人,票房成功+人們偶像)


a household name 一個家喻戶曉的名字

average looking 普通長相

Forbidden City Cop 大內(nèi)密探零零發(fā)

Flirting Scholar 唐伯虎點秋香

God of Cookery 食神

Comedy 喜劇

Comedian=comic actor 喜劇演員

Pull off in his best films 在他的最好電影里表現(xiàn)很成功

Projector 投影儀

Put my feet up=relax=unwind 放松

Box-office 票房

Role model 榜樣

Icon 圖標(biāo) 偶像

各位小伙伴們, 我們在準(zhǔn)備part2題目的時候,注意有“套題”的思維,就是說我們準(zhǔn)備的一個答案,最好是能夠適用于多個題目的, 比如周星馳這個答案,我們還可以用到明星名人, 沒有見過但想多了解的人,想見的有趣的人等,你學(xué)會了嗎?


Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person.

You should say:

when it happened

what you taught

who you taught it to

why you taught it to this person

and explain how you felt about it.


1. 這道題目是讓我們描述“a time”,可以用事件題的思路來回答,注意表明“時間人物地點,起因經(jīng)過結(jié)果”。

2. 解答這題時,我們需要注意審題,題目要求我們說的是“something new”,也就意味著我們答題時需要提到,這個東西本來是對方不會的。那我們可以教對方什么呢?我們可以稍微拓展一下思路,例如可以教樂器、某一項運(yùn)動、騎自行車、拍照、某門語言等,考生可以選取自己熟悉的事物去展開回答。

3. 審題時我們還需要注意,題目要求的是“younger person”,所以在作答的時候,一定要有相應(yīng)的語句,提到這個人是比自己小的。


Sample answer

Well, to be totally honest with you, I might have to say that I always wanted to be in any profession except for teaching, for I reckoned it as a challenging job. However, life is full of surprises and when i was a sophomore at my university, a freshman came to me for help when he was assigned to make a presentation in class while he hadn’t done one before. He was one of the members in our department of the Students’ Union when I was the department head. So I felt that I was obliged to give him a hand.

He needed to use the software, Powerpoint to make his presentation slides. However, just as I said, he was totally new to the presentation thing and it took a long time for me to teach him. I had to repeat the same thing over and over again before he knew how to insert texts and images. After we finished making the presentation slides, I had to teach him how to make a public speech in front of a bunch of people as he had never done so. This was where the rub was. He was such a shy boy that the thought of standing in front of the public made himshiver. Therefore, I had to spend a lot of time encouraging him and motivating him. Besides, I made him talk in front of his peers in the Students’ Union so that he could gain some confidence. After a fortnight’s preparation, his presentation was well-received and he even got an A for the assignment!

I was so proud of what he had achieved as he went from a boy who were too afraid to talk in public to a confident one who could even tell jokes! I also felt extremely fulfilled by helping him out. His success meant that our efforts were finally paid off and that really gave me a sense of accomplishment! I guess the most important thing is that I am not afraid of being a teacher now!


profession n. 職業(yè)

sophomore n. 大學(xué)二年級生

be obliged to do sth. 有義務(wù)做某事

this’s where the rub is 這就是難點所在

a bunch of people 一群人

shiver v. 發(fā)抖

be well-received 收效良好




一系列連接詞及語篇標(biāo)記:這里面就不能只用“四巨頭”:and/but/so/because,要能夠多樣連接詞,而且要注意不要用一些特別“怪”的,比如說:moreover, nevertheless, in conclusion 這類的詞用在口語中就會聽起來怪怪的啦


使用復(fù)雜結(jié)構(gòu)時經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)錯誤: 雅思考試是一個鼓勵嘗試的考試,用了就好,所以大家可以多給自己準(zhǔn)備一些比如定語從句,非謂語之類的。但是大家還是要注意,如果想要達(dá)到6分,基本的語法結(jié)構(gòu),比如說一般現(xiàn)在時,一般過去時,一定要盡量避免出錯

使用多種發(fā)音特點,但掌握程度不一;展現(xiàn)出某些有效使用發(fā)音特點的能力,但不能持續(xù)表現(xiàn)這一能力: 總的來說,在發(fā)音這里大家注意的主要是語調(diào)和說話的節(jié)奏,我們中國人在說話的時候時會比較平的,再說英語的時候也是這樣。所以在這里給大家兩個實用的小tips



在雅思寫作的評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)中,有很重要的一項叫做連貫與銜接(Coherence and Cohesion)。連貫性指文章的流暢程度,文章的觀點應(yīng)該邏輯清楚,易于理解和把握。




01 先后關(guān)系

at this time; first; second; at last; next;previously;simultaneously;eventually;last but not least;to begin with;to start with;to end with;finally;since then;first of all;afterwards; following this; preceding this;prior to this

02 因果關(guān)系

because;because of this;since;as;for;owing to;due to;for the reason that...;in view of;for such areason; as a result of; therefore;consequently;as a result;thus; hence; so;so that...; in consequence; as a consequence;accordingly;inevitably;under these conditions

03 轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系

but;even so;however;though;even though;independent of;reckless of ;despite that;in spite ofthat;regardless of;while…yet…;unless...

04 并列關(guān)系

and;also;too;as well as;either...,or...;both...and...;for onething...,for another...; meanwhile;at the same time

05 遞進(jìn)關(guān)系

furthermore;moreover;further;In this way;still; notonly...but also...; not...but...;in addition (to);additionally, much more interesting;more specifically;next;besides; as faras... is concerned; moreover;in other words;on one hand...;on the other hand...;even; as a poplar saying goes...;in order to do it...; to make things better(worse);accordingly;

06 比較關(guān)系(相同點)

similarly; in like manner, in comparison with;when compared with;compared with;when in fact...; like...; likewise; similarly important; apart from(doing)...; ... rather than...,by doing so ;both…and...; in the same way;not only...but (also)

07 對照關(guān)系(不同點)

yet; still; for all of that; notwithstanding; rather; neither ... nor; although;though; but; however; something is just the other way around(另一種方式);yet;conversely; unlike; opposed to; as opposed to ; in contrast; by way of;on the contrary;different from this;nevertheless; contrary to; whereas; while

08 舉例關(guān)系

for example; for instance; in thiscase; namely; as you know;like; such as; a case inpoint is...; in particular;including...; put it simply;stated roughly;as an illustration;a good example would be...;to detail this, I would like to...; It is interesting to note that...;as proof;take the case of;take…as example;as for;as regards;according to;on this occasion.

09 強(qiáng)調(diào)關(guān)系

in fact;especially;particularly;moreover;naturally; what is particular;not to mention...;believe it or not;undeniably;it is certain/sure that...;by definition;definitely; undoubtedly; without a doubt; in truth;in any event; without reservation;obviously;not only..

10 條件關(guān)系

if;unless;lest;provided that(考慮到);if it is the case;in this sense;once...;if possible;if necessary;if so;if not all;if anything

11 歸納總結(jié)

in other words;to put it in a nutshell; in sum; therefore;hence;in short;in brief;to sum up;in conclusion; in summary; to conclude;the conclusion can be drawn that...; in short

12 方位關(guān)系

beyond; opposite to; adjacent to(毗鄰的); at the same place; there; over; in the middle; around; in front of; in the distance; farther; here and there; above;below; at the right; between; on this side

13 先后關(guān)系

with this object; for this purpose; in order that; in this way;since; so that; on that account;in case; with a view to; for the same reason.

14 重申關(guān)系

in other words; that is to say; namely;to put it in another way;as I have said;again;once again.

15 時間關(guān)系

at once; immediately; at length; in the meantime; meanwhile; at the same time;in the end; then; soon; not long after; later; at once; at last; finally; some time ago; at present; all of asudden; from this time on; from time to time; since then; when; whenever; next point; a few minutes later; formerly; as; once;since; occasionally; in a moment; shortly;whereupon; previously.

雅思口語part2 人物類素材相關(guān)文章:












我們都知道備考雅思口語需要在平時積累多一些素材,并且多多參考別人的優(yōu)秀范文,下面小編給大家?guī)硌潘伎谡Zpart2 人物類素材。雅思口語part2 人物類素材首先,咱們先看看雅思口語中?


  • 雅思口語part2人物類話題精解:Describeanoldpersonyourespect

    雅思口語考試話題類型多種多樣,掌握每種話題的表達(dá)方法,才能以不變應(yīng)萬變,今天小編就來給大家分享一下,雅思口語part 2人物類話題精解: Describe

  • 雅思口語人物類話題范文匯總


  • 雅思口語問答丨你真的了解雅思口語評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)嗎

      最近有考生訴苦,怎么辦?雅思口語考砸了,考官和我完全沒有眼神交流,有人說part2 是雅思口語考試的重中之重,為什么口語7分就那么難,我考過很

  • 雅思口語part2范文騎行之旅
