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  雅思口語(yǔ)part2&3事物類話題范文:A special meal

  A special meal


  Describe a special meal you were invited to.

  You should say:

  When and where you were invited

  Who invited you

  What you ate

  And explain how you felt about the meal.


  1. Do you like to try new food?

  2. What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?

  3. Do you like to cook at home?

  4. Is it expensive to eat out in your country?

  5. What’s the difference between Chinese food and western food?


  Ok then, well I’m actually quite lucky in the fact that I’ve been invited to quite a number of special meals, and the one I’ve decided to talk to you about was a farewell dinner of a good friend of mine, because he was about to go off to Canada for a few years to start university there, so he invited a few of his close friends for a farewell dinner before heading off.

  And one of the reasons I’ve chosen to talk about this meal instead of some of the others I’ve been to is simply that it’s still quite fresh in my memory. You know, it was only about a couple of weeks ago when it happened. And as for where we had the meal, well I can’t remember the exact name of the place, but it was quite a posh restaurant somewhere in the centre of the city, and judging from how nice it looked when I walked in, it seemed to be a pretty expensive place to dine. So I was kind of relieved that it wouldn’t be me footing the bill! And we also had our own separate room, which was nice, and probably just as well, seeing as we made quite a bit of noise during the meal, what with all the laughing and stuff going on.

  Anyway regarding what we ate, well I couldn’t tell you every single dish that we had, because there was just so much, you know, the whole table was literally covered with food. I mean, there was crab, chicken, duck, what else, um,……oh yeah, shrimps, and, uh…..oh and a whole load of different vegetables. So by the end of it, I was absolutely stuffed. You know, we all ate masses, because the food was so good, and it would have been a bit of a pity to see it go to waste!

  But anyway, finally then, with regard to how I felt about the meal, well to put it simply, I really enjoyed it. Because as well as the food, which was fantastic, I really enjoyed everyone’s company. You know, it was great being together with so many good friends, many of which I hadn’t seen in quite a while.

  So yeah, all in all, it was a really special evening, and I’m extremely grateful to have been invited, and also very grateful to my friend for his generosity, as the bill must have come to quite a lot, I’m sure!


  Describe something you own and want to replace

  You should say:

  What it is

  Why you want to replace it


  The item which I want to replace is my cellphone. It is a black iPhone 5, one of the most popular cellphones on the street 3 years ago. It is about 4 inches and gives you perfect feeling when you hold it. Since I am not allowed to take it in, it is now lying on the desk at the entrance of this examination building. But usually, I would put it in my trousers’ pocket and take it wherever I go. Even if I was home, I would keep it at my hand, because it is the most important way to keep contact with the outside world and I do not want to miss any important calls or enjoyable conversations with my friends.

  I bought it 4 years ago. At that time, I had already had a cellphone. But being attracted by the appearance of Iphone 5, I had always wanted to buy one. Unfortunately, my parents held a different opinion. They thought it was a waste of money and belived that I would use it to play games, which would interfere with my study. To get it, I found a job in a restaurant during that year’s summer vacatin. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. After two months’ hard work, I finally got the enough money and bought it without any hesitation.

  Although it used to be my favorite, it is a bit out of date now. First, its screen is not big enough, which has a negative impact on the experience of reading messages and news. Moreover, its performance is inferior compared to the latest ones and operating the lastest games is far beyond its capability. When my classmates get together and talk about what they have played recently, I can do nothing but remain silent. Sometimes I feel I am isolated. Therefore I want to replace it with the newest Iphone X.

  雅思口語(yǔ)Part 3

  What other things in your home you want to be replaced?

  Who need new things, the old man or the children?

  Whether old man in china always like to store up things at home, why? Do you like that?


  A gift to someone that you made by yourself


  Describe something you made that you gave to other people

  You should say:

  What it was

  What it was like

  Who you gave it to

  And how you felt about it


  Have you received anything that was made by the giver?

  When receiving a gift, do you prefer something that was self-made or something bought in stores?

  Which is better, self-made food or food that you buy?

  Are art classes important in schools?


  Last time that I made something and gave it to another individual as a present can be traced back to primary school. At that time, the self-made birthday card was quite popular among my friends. This was probably because we did not have much money and happened to have learned how to make one in the manual class.

  There was a time that I made a card for my best friend’s birthday. He was also my classmate and we shared the same desk. Under the influence of a Japanese cartoon, we both loved football and always played it after school. In general, we spent most of the day together.

  From an adult’s perspective, the card must be crude. But I had tried my best. On the cover, I wrote down Happy birthday with a red pencil and draw two children playing football. Inside, I wrote Best Friends for Ever in English. I knew very little English then. So I use the dictionary and copy every character.

  I was and still am proud of the gift. Though it was not that fabulous compared to other gifts he received. It conveyed my emotion and was a sign of our friendship.


  An important plant in your country (such as fruits, flowers) you like


  Describe an important plant in your country

  You should say:

  What it is

  Where you see it

  What it looks like

  Why it is important


  Do people in your country like to grow plants at home?

  Do old people grow plants?

  How do schools teach students to grow plants?

  What is the main plant in your country?


  The important plant I am going to tell you is bamboo. It is an evergreen perennial flowering plant and has many sub-species. In the south, it can grow to more than 10 meters and as thick as a small tree. In the north, it is often very slim and its height rarely exceeds three meters.

  My grandma used to plant some bamboos in her garden and that is where I first saw them. They had played an important part in my childhood. I cut off their stems to make bows and arrows, imagining I was an archer shooting enemies in the battleground. I also took off some branches and pretended that I was a swordsman.

  As I grow up, I gradually realize its importance in China, which does not come from its rarity, but from what it symbolizes in Chinese culture. It is regarded as a behavior model of the gentleman. As bamboo has features such as uprightness, tenacity, and hollow heart, people endow bamboo with integrity, elegance, and plainness, though it is not physically strong. Countless poems praising bamboo written by ancient Chinese poets are actually metaphorically about people who exhibited these characteristics.





雅思英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)Part 3易忽視的3個(gè)細(xì)節(jié)





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