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GRE閱讀理解綠皮書答案及翻譯: Exercise 64

This is not to deny that the Black gospel music of the

early twentieth century differed in important ways from the

slave spirituals. Whereas spirituals were created and

disseminated in folk fashion, gospel music was composed,

published, copyrighted, and sold by professionals.

Nevertheless, improvisation remained central to gospel music.

One has only to listen to the recorded repertoire of gospel

songs to realize that Black gospel singers rarely sang a song

precisely the same way twice and never according to its exact

musical notation. They performed what jazz musicians call

"head arrangements" proceeding from their own feelings and

from the way "the spirit" moved them at the time. This

improvisatory element was reflected in the manner in which

gospel music was published. (122 words)

1.The author mentions "folk fashion" most likely in order to

(A) counter an assertion about the role of improvisation

in music created by Black people

(B) compare early gospel music with gospel music

written later in the twentieth century

(C) make a distinction between gospel music and

slave spirituals

(D) introduce a discussion about the dissemination of

slave spirituals

(E) describe a similarity between gospel music and

slave spirituals

10.Of the following sentences, which is most likely to

have immediately preceded the passage?

(A) Few composers of gospel music drew on traditions

such as the spiritual in creating their songs.

(B) Spirituals and Black gospel music were derived

from the same musical tradition.

(C) The creation and singing of spirituals, practiced by

Black Americans before the Civil War, continued

after the war.

(D) Spirituals and gospel music can be clearly

distinguished from one another.

(E) Improvisation was one of the primary characteristics

of the gospel music created by Black musicians.


B 選項(xiàng)無中生有的多了一個(gè)限定;

2. 一直說丌同點(diǎn),那么前一段正常來講會(huì)說相同點(diǎn),答案B;

GRE閱讀理解綠皮書答案及翻譯: Exercise 71

Although the development of new infrastructure (such public facilities as power plants, schools, and bridges) is usually determined by governmental planning, sometimes this development can be planned more flexible and realistically by private investors who anticipate profit from the collection of user fees…..During the economic boom of the 1980s, for example…The unwillingness of investors to finance this project does not negate the viability of privately financed roads, rather, it illustrates a virtue of private financing.

The primary purpose of the passage

(a)Build a case for increasing the development of new infrastructure

(b)Advocate an alternative to government financing of infrastructure

(c)Explain the failure of a privately financed venture

(d)Suggest the types of infrastructure most appropriate for private financing

(e)Argue against government restrictions on developing new infrastructure

首先我們需要花1分鐘左右來預(yù)覽這篇小文章。預(yù)覽的要求很簡單,不要陷入我上面提到的3大誤區(qū)(完美主義、過于追求文章的理解、過于追求文章中長難句的語法分析),考生重點(diǎn)關(guān)注的應(yīng)該是確定信息的層次感,即確定那些信息是主要的文章觀點(diǎn)和重要考試邏輯點(diǎn),那么信息是文中的細(xì)節(jié)例子等支持性信息。第一句中根據(jù)Although這個(gè)詞我們就知道這里是一個(gè)讓步邏輯,所以這句話應(yīng)該是重要的邏輯考點(diǎn)。第二句話根據(jù)標(biāo)志詞 “for example”考生就應(yīng)該明確這句話是相對(duì)細(xì)節(jié)例子,所以可以略讀或者跳讀。第三句話中出現(xiàn)了 “rather”這個(gè)詞就知道這里有一個(gè)明顯的轉(zhuǎn)折,那么很有可能這句話是一句作者觀點(diǎn)了,下面考生只要預(yù)測作者的觀點(diǎn)是相對(duì)正還是相對(duì)負(fù)就可以了。后面這句話中有一個(gè)明顯的 “virtue”, 這個(gè)詞是美德的意思,那么這里可以解釋為優(yōu)點(diǎn)的意思,所以作者在這里的觀點(diǎn)應(yīng)該是相對(duì)為正。所以這句話為作者的主要觀點(diǎn),而對(duì)應(yīng)后面最有可能的題型是應(yīng)該是目的題。

下面我們來看一道題,The primary purpose of the passage,這道題是考察的是目的,所以和文章的觀點(diǎn)的直接相關(guān),剛才考生其實(shí)已經(jīng)在最后一句話中讀到了作者的主要觀點(diǎn)virtue為相對(duì)正。

(a)Build a case for increasing the development of new infrastructure

(b)Advocate an alternative to government financing of infrastructure

(c)Explain the failure of a privately financed venture

(d)Suggest the types of infrastructure most appropriate for private financing

(e)Argue against government restrictions on developing new infrastructure


b選項(xiàng)有一個(gè)關(guān)鍵詞advocate,這個(gè)詞對(duì)應(yīng)了文中的 “virtue”, 選項(xiàng)中的alternative to government對(duì)應(yīng)了文中的 “private financing”, 因此b是正確答案

c選項(xiàng)的觀點(diǎn)用詞是failure, 意思就是絕對(duì)反對(duì)private financing,這與文中作者觀點(diǎn)正好矛盾,所以排除


e Argue against 是反對(duì)的意思,與文中作者 “virtue” 相對(duì)正向觀點(diǎn)矛盾, 另外government restrictions與文中的 “private financing” 不對(duì)應(yīng),因此不選。



Ban 禁止

Binary 二進(jìn)制的

Biochemical 生物化學(xué)的

Blob 顏料,涂料

Broadly 概括地

Capillary 毛細(xì)血管

Capitalistic 資本主義的

Carbonate 碳酸鹽

Categorize 分類

Catholic 天主教的

Causal 原因的,構(gòu)成因果的

Cerebral 大腦的

Choreographer 編舞者

Clash 沖突

Climatological 天氣學(xué)的

Cline 漸變?nèi)?,生態(tài)群

Codify 整理,使系統(tǒng)化

Cognitive 認(rèn)知的

Coherence 連貫性

Coherently 前后一致地

Comparatively 相對(duì)地

Compensation 補(bǔ)償

Competitor 競爭者

Concomitant 相伴的,附隨的

Condescend 屈尊;以施舍者般高高在上的態(tài)度對(duì)待

Conducive 有助于…的

Conform 使…一致

Confrontation 沖突

Conifer 針葉樹

Consciously 有意地

Consecutive 連續(xù)的

Consequent 隨之發(fā)生的

Conspicuous 引人注目的,明顯的

Constellation 星座,星群

Contraction 收縮

Convincingly 令人信服地

Cooperation 合作

Counteract 抵消

Cytoplasm 細(xì)胞質(zhì)

Defenseless 無防御能力的

Deficient 不充分的

Deformation 變形

Degradation 降解

Degrade 降解


Absurd 不合理的,奇怪的

Accentuate 強(qiáng)調(diào)

Accessibility 可達(dá)性,可及性

Accompaniment 伴奏

Acknowledgement 承認(rèn)

Acquaint 熟知,了解

Activist 政治激進(jìn)主義者

Adaptability 適應(yīng)性

Adjacent 鄰近的

Adjustment 調(diào)整

Admonish 告誡

Adulthood 成年

Aerodynamic 空氣動(dòng)力學(xué)的

Aesthetically 從美學(xué)觀點(diǎn)上

Affirm 證實(shí)

Akin 類似的

Albeit 盡管

Align 調(diào)整,排列

Alignment 結(jié)盟

Alkali 堿

Allusion 暗示

Ambivalent 矛盾的,正反感情并存的

Amnestic 遺忘的

Ancestral 祖先的,祖?zhèn)鞯?/p>

Anthropological 人類學(xué)的

Antipathy 憎惡,反感

Antiquity 古代

Appeasement 平息,緩和

Appraise 評(píng)價(jià)

Appropriateness 恰當(dāng)性

Apt 易于…的

Arbitrarily 任意地

Archaeology 考古學(xué)

Archaic 古代的

Archival 檔案的

Ascribe 認(rèn)為,把…歸于

Assault 抨擊

Astound 使…震驚

Asymmetric 不對(duì)稱的

Aurora 極光

Authentic 真實(shí)的,可信的

Authorial 作者的

Avoidance 避免

Bacterium 細(xì)菌
