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You should say

Where it was

When you went there

What you did there

And explain why you went there / how you felt about the crowded place.


ok, well the first place that came to mind when I saw this topic was the Beijing Metro, because I remember it being unbelievably crowded, so that’s what I’m gonna talk to you about.

And as for when I went there, well it was actually pretty recently, I suppose probably only about two or three weeks ago, so it’s still pretty fresh in my memory.

And regarding what I was doing there, well basically, I was on my way to see a friend who lives in Beijing, and she had told me that by far the best way to get around the city was using the subway, simply because the roads were so congested. So I took her advice, but it was a huge shock when I actually got into the subway station and saw just how many people there were. I mean, I knew that there would be a lot of people, but I never expected to see that many!

Although looking back on it now, I suppose what made it worse was the fact that I was travelling during rush hour, so it was a lot more crowded than I’m sure it would have been during off-peak times. And when I saw how packed the train was when it was pulling into the station, I remember thinking there was no way I was going to be able to get on. But I was in a bit of a hurry, coz I was actually already running late, so I had no choice really but to join the huge queue of people waiting. Anyway, I did somehow manage to make it onto the train, but I was pressed up against people on all sides, so it was pretty uncomfortable to say the least! I mean, it was absolutely heaving, and I literally couldn’t move at all!

Thankfully though, I didn’t have too far to travel, coz if I remember correctly, I was only on the train for about 4 stops. And when I finally got off, I remember feeling incredibly relieved, and also very grateful that I didn’t have to go through the same experience every day.

So yeah, I guess that’s pretty much all there is to say!

雅思口語題庫 part2 參考范文之:擁擠的地方(a time you went to a place crowded with people)

Describe a time you went to a place crowded with people.

You should say

Where it was

When you went there

What you did there

And explain why you went there / how you felt about the crowded place

返回口語 p2 話題范文之:a place crowded with people ( 擁擠的地方 ) ,查看更多范文

1. 適用人群:全適用

2. 主題:圣地亞哥動物園

3. 故事線:最近去圣地亞哥動物園的經(jīng)歷給我?guī)砹艘欢斡腥さ慕?jīng)歷。那是一個我以前從未去過的嘈雜的地方。動物園里的周圍到處都是來自動物和前來參觀的人們的噪音。

My recent visit to the San Diego zoo provided me with an interesting experience. It was a noisy place that I have not been to before. The surrounding places inside the zoo were filled with noise both from the animals and people who came to visit them. Thank you for the nice cue card and hope the description will not make you feel bored as I was during my visit.

I did not have the experience to visit a zoo. So, I went to visit the San Diego zoo with some of my college friends. The experience was outstanding. But the noise around me was intolerable. I did not have the idea that the animals could make so noise. In fact, I could not enjoy the visit there only for it being a noisy place.

I went to the zoo to see animals that I have watched only on books and movies. Actually, my parents did not allow me to move outside of the home without any important reasons. And visiting in places and meeting with friends was wasting time – they believed. But when I grew up and started studying college, they became more friendly to me and allowed all the things that they did not permit before. So, the real-life knowledge for me is limited, and I started to gain some knowledge. As part of earning knowledge, I went to the San Diego Zoo and came to know about various types of animals.

The zoo was noisy for some certain reasons. First of all, this is the place where the wild animals live and they create noise. I think they try to communicate with each other and thus create the sounds. Hence, such noises are natural from the zoo animals. Besides, when the visitors come to the zoo, they also create noises. They shout and talk, and laugh seeing the animals before them. In fact, this is the natural expression of wonder for the visitors. But since there are no restrictions about sound, they create noise after their sweet wills. So, all the sounds inside the zoo create a noisy environment.

Initially, it was a nice experience to me to be at the zoo. But after passing some moments inside there, I felt uncomfortable. I could not enjoy the trip to the zoo for the noise. It appeared that the visitors are making more noise than the animals inside. There should be a limit about noise which should be followed strictly. The animals will make noise which is natural but the noise from the visitors is completely undesired. Though I could not bear with the knowledge, I made the trip complete inside the zoo as it was my very first visit. I think the authority should take steps to prevent such a noisy situation in this zoo.

雅思口語Part1話題范文:Crowded places擁擠的地方

Crowded places

1. How do you feel when you are in crowded places?

Actually, there will be two kinds of feelings in my heart. Specifically, if I am in a place full of people. The first is excitement because when people are gathering, there must be something fascinating happened. Another is the feeling of nervous since crowed places are sometimes hazardous so I have got to be cautious.

2. When was the last time you were in a crowded place?

Well, I went to a concert where there were thousands of people last weekend . Although the concert was quite thrilling, when it was over and all the people were passing that tiny gate to get out, I felt a bit anxious because I was so afraid of falling down and being hurt by so many people. 3.What places do you think are often crowded?

I suppose in China, most of the public places are packed with people especially some entertaining sites like cinemas, shopping malls and sports stadiums. Generally, I reckon that some well-known tourist spots are often full of visitors like the Colosseum in Rome and the Fuji mountain in Japan. Their fame attracts millions of travelers to take a look.



1 語速



我們以基礎題必考話題之一的social networking sites來大家舉個例子好了。When did you start to use social networking sites?

Let me see. Um, it was probably six or seven years ago, when I was in high school. Back then, we had a popular networking site among students, called Renren, which was sort of like the Chinese equivalent of Facebook. However, it wasn’t managed well, so I started to use wechat a couple of years ago. It's a real game-changer. Everyone has shifted to Wechat and its friends circle, I mean, everyone, literally.

一般來說,需要回憶的內容,我們顯然是要慢一些說的,比如Let me see; um, 還有具體的數(shù)字,例如6 or 7 years. 還有要強調的內容,比如it's a real game-changer; I mean, everyone, literally 等,我們的語速同樣要放慢,因為這是我們情緒和感受的體現(xiàn)。但是如果是背誦的話,估計就不會有這些正常的語速變化了~

2 停頓

我/今天/去星巴克/點了/一杯美式咖啡。按照中文的邏輯,這個肯定是按照意群來停頓了。如果有個人這樣說話:我今/天去星巴/克點了一杯美式咖/啡。這樣的話烤鴨們也會覺得有點難受吧,這人顯然不知道自己在說什么。英文里面也是這樣:I went to Starbucks/ and ordered an Americano,/which is my Dad's favorite,/ as well as mine.越是長的句子,背誦痕跡也會越明顯。正確的做法是:在一個語塊后面停頓,還有在要強調的重讀單詞后面停頓。

3 發(fā)音和語調

見過很多背誦的烤鴨,他們的發(fā)音問題也是蠻明顯的。因為背誦的時候,烤鴨估計只認準一個點,那就是“這個是高分的,我能背下來就好了,不用管那么多!”所以有些單詞的動名詞形式發(fā)音不一樣(eg: present);過去式現(xiàn)在時長得一樣,但是發(fā)音不同(eg:read);還有一些比較饒舌的單詞(eg: characteristic) 估計烤鴨blabla全部一股腦背過去,錯了也不管~ 真是當考官吃素的...(maybe真有一兩個vegetarian)如果一個單詞,尤其是長單詞,你的發(fā)音很吃力,或者出現(xiàn)多次錯誤,考官會認為這是考前臨時背誦的,并不是你平時英語表達會使用的詞匯。

還有就是語調,考官最反感的就是robotic tone, 從頭到尾像機器人一樣一個語調。就像前面說的,人一激動,語速會變快,而聲調的起伏也一樣會起變化。就好像我們中文里面,講到些開心,激動的事情,會不由自主地升調;講到傷心,沮喪的事情,會降調一樣~ 你說話的時候語調一成不變,又不是在播新聞聯(lián)播,考官怎么可能不懷疑~


除了語速之外,答題思路也是考官判定你是否背誦的一個渠道。最容易出現(xiàn)背誦痕跡的主要有兩點:1. 前后矛盾;2. 文不對題。比如說,在基礎題Sport 的話題的時候,烤鴨可能說了自己不喜歡運動;但是到了卡片題An article you read online or from magazines about healthy living,或者An activity you do to keep fit的時候,自己又變成了健身狂人~ 這種難道不是前后矛盾么?另外文不對題也有這個情況,尤其是P3部分,很多問題都是考官即興提問的,因此很多烤鴨自作聰明,把考官的問題rephrase成自己準備過的話題,硬往準備過的內容上拉。這種生拉硬拽,加上考官對你語速還有語音語調等方面的考察,很可能就會判定你為背誦了~

5 語言風格

如果你的表達特別“written English”,也很可能被判定為背誦。這個現(xiàn)象在基礎題尤為明顯。很多同學的習慣是,看到話題就把自己的答案“寫”下來。無論你是5-6分的考生,還是7-8分的考生,“寫”出來的東西肯定比“說”出來的東西要formal很多。背了“寫”好的范例,肯定會讓考官感覺很不自然。這也就是為什么真正厲害的雅思口語老師在給大家準備范例的時候都是直接答題,把錄音轉換為文字,再潤色。如果你有提前準備范例的習慣,不妨按照這個方法來試試。


這一點,應該就不必多說了。雖然口語考試是要以你的語言水平為標準,但是畢竟也是一個主觀考試??荚嚂r邊說邊望天,望地,望窗外,低頭扣手的,考官都會認為你有可能是在背誦。想要讓自己看上去自然些、真誠些,就看著考官的眼睛(太緊張就看他鼻子)。另外也要適當加一些肢體語言,比如你說到it is this big, 說到this big的時候可以用手比劃一下“這么大”。此外,一般來說,如果你是有交流欲望的話,身體都會稍稍前傾,表示對談話有興趣or自己有很多內容要表達的~ 這些細節(jié)烤鴨們也要留意下~




為了幫助大家備考雅思口語,提高口語成績,下面小編給大家?guī)硌潘伎谡Z話題:擁擠的地方,希望大家會喜歡!雅思口語話題:擁擠的地方You should sayWhere it wasWhen you went thereWhat you did thereAnd explain why you went there / how you felt about the crowded place.參考范文:“臭名昭著”的北京地鐵ok, well the first place that came to m


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