
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語 > 英語口語 >


時間: 楚薇20 分享



1.Can sport be dangerous?

Ah I think it could be dangerous, or it’s not going to be dangerous. Its depend. I think even if you’re walking in the street it could be dangerous for you, so I cannot say. But I can say – if you’re not playing a sport it’s going to be dangerous, because it’s just affecting your health. But- But playing- Accident could be anywhere – this is my opinion.

2.How do you think people should be encouraged to do more outdoor activities?

I don't know if they should be encouraged on purpose. It's a matter of personal choice. Some people just don't like being outside in the country or doing this kind of activity so there's little point in tryin to encourage them to do something they aren't interested in. It's nice if they are aware of the opportunity to try it - but if they don't want to then ok.

3.What sports are the most popular in your country?

Soccer is probably the most popular game in the world and people in our country are not any exception to have great passion for this sport. But truly be told, I don’t understand why people are so crazily in love with this. I accept the fact that this makes them become physically active and sometime makes us, I mean, our people share excitement and pride of our own country, especially when it comes to international tournament like Sea Games or Asian Cup…I really like the atmosphere, but not the sport itself. But still, the number of people who watch this game in stadium and on TV is huge as well as the number of people who are enjoying playing it. Most of the people of our country know the rules of this game and they always discuss this as they were experts. And can you believe that some just get the idea that by playing this, they will become manlier. Are they serious? But whatever I say, it’s still the best.

4.Do you prefer watching or playing sports?

I prefer playing sports to just watching them but it has to be what I’m already good at. I guess the reason for my choice is that I’m a competitive person and I want to play to win, I love that feeling. I know that’s bad but I can’t control it. As well as that, being out there playing makes me feel energizing and revitalizing, rather than just watching. Even so, watching sports seems fun when you’re with the crowds or your friends, too.

5. Why do you think sport is important?

I think sport is important for different reasons. For me, doing a sport is about having fun. When I play football, for example, I forget about everything else and just enjoy myself. Also, doing a sport helps you to keep fit and healthy, and it's a good way to socialise and make friends.

6. Do you think famous sportspeople are good role models for children?

I think that sportspeople should be good role models. Children look up to their favourite football players, like David Beckham for example, so I think that these people have an enormous responsibility. They should try to be a good influence, and behave in the right way.

7. Do you agree that sports stars earn too much money?

In my opinion, it's fair that the best sportspeople earn a lot of money. Being a top sportsperson requires hours of practice, and there are millions of sports fans who are willing to pay to see them play. If we don't want sportspeople to earn so much money, we shouldn't go to watch them.

8.Do you think children get enough exercise these days?

No, I don’t. Personally, I think that children spend too much time sitting in front of computers or tablets instead of being outside playing and exercising. A few generations ago, children were much more active but nowadays they only do exercise at school during PE lessons.

9. Is there a difference between exercise that boys like and exercise that girls usually enjoy?

Yes, there is. Generally, boys tend to prefer doing more strenuous and active exercises which require more strength and stamina, such as football, boxing or basketball, whereas girls often prefer more relaxing and gentle exercises, like yoga or walking.

10. How can parents encourage their children to take more exercise? Answer

To be honest, I don’t think it’s easy for parents to encourage their children to be more active. However, one possible way would be for parents to get involved in sports themselves and take their children along to join in. I think, if exercise is made fun for children and they can do it together with their parents, it would probably result in more children being more active.


雅思口語Part1 Outdoor activities范例答案:

Do you like doing outdoor activities?

Yeah, I'd say I do. I'm kind of an outdoorsy type and I go jogging, play basketball, go hiking, so on and so forth. But in fact, I suppose what I love the most is um, playing tai-chi, haha. This is actually an old men pastime, but I really dig it. I do it a lot with my grandpa.

What outdoor activities are popular in your country?

Well, I don't think we can generalize about it coz it sure varies from person to person. There are especially some generational differences. Like I said, old people, particularly old men, generally like to play tai-chi. Other than this, they're also fond of walking, square dancing and so on. Young people, on the other hand, are generally more into sports like basketball and soccer.


kind of 差不多、有點

outdoorsy type 喜歡戶外活動的人

so on and so forth 等等等等

pastime 消遣


generalize 一概而論

it varies from person to person 因人而異

generational differences 代際區(qū)別











2)將過程分開3部分:設(shè)定背景,詢問問題和說“Thank you”和“Goodbye”;










2)考官很容易通過迅速的轉(zhuǎn)換話題來打亂你準(zhǔn)備的“標(biāo)準(zhǔn)”答案—我聽說的最BT的狀況是考官連續(xù)變換話題12次,每次的話題都和前面的話題渾身不搭架, 那可真是讓人崩潰。


首先,要提前準(zhǔn)備雅思話題故事, 即準(zhǔn)備聊天的素材。就像做蛋糕,你總是要有個蛋糕的坯子。舉例說,一個出國留學(xué)的話題就能對付至少5個相關(guān)的話題,比如,可能是生日聚會上和已經(jīng)出國留學(xué)的同學(xué)聊天內(nèi)容聊天到出國, 也可以是自己的生活的變化,也可以是自己人生中的重要的決定, 也可以是a difficult thing you did well,也可以是一次meal you had with others,更可以是一次散步時你和家人或者和同學(xué)聊天的經(jīng)歷。

關(guān)鍵看你的重點是什么, 但前提是你必須有個大致的故事框架,才有可能自然的完善這個故事。到第三部分, 其實還是這些相關(guān)內(nèi)容,只不過是random shoot, 考官問哪些, 你就說哪些就Ok了,核心的備考內(nèi)容還是一樣的,這樣可以更有效率的準(zhǔn)備。

其次,學(xué)會分析問題。這個就有點難了。我們中國學(xué)生對于有些問題用中文都不知道該怎么回答,這就很杯具了。所以,我們從小就適應(yīng)的坐等老師給正確答案的習(xí)慣要徹底改變了,學(xué)會思考, 更要學(xué)會defend yourself. 比如,很多童鞋喜歡玩電腦游戲,喜歡上網(wǎng), 如果要問為什么, 常??匆娝麄円荒樏悦?,喃喃的來句: “沒有為什么啊,大家都這樣啊”。表情很cute, 回答很悲催。怎嘛辦哦?學(xué)會分析問題。比如,why there are more and more young couples choosing not to have children?原因很多, 沒錢,沒時間,沒興趣都有可能, 但是哪些對你來說比較有觸動, 或者比較有直接的想法就說那個。

如何說呢?就是要學(xué)會挖坑,大家植樹節(jié)的時候都挖過坑,知道不可能一鐵鍬挖個坑, 需要循序漸進,一鍬一鍬的來。這就使得拓展回答更輕松。這樣的好處:對你來說easy to talk, 對考官來說 easy to understand,以剛剛的問題舉例:

why there are more and more young couples in China choosing not to have children?

There could be many reasons for this. Such as no $, no time, no interest. 沒錢-----生孩子養(yǎng)孩子需要很多錢—比如生產(chǎn)、住院、手術(shù)、奶粉、尿布等等開銷---有報告和數(shù)字做例證---孩子生下來到上小學(xué)要花37萬,平均每年6萬,每個月5000----但是年輕夫妻收入不高----夫妻二人月入一萬不算少了----單單養(yǎng)孩子就一半沒了---何況還需要一個人照顧孩子不能上班—如果有房子mortgage要還那就更even worse了. 。。。( 后面省略1000字)。

有童鞋wonder,這樣回答不是很全面啊,其實壓根就不必很全面啊, 你只是回答一個問題而已,又不是讓你提供一份關(guān)系國計民生的重要情報(錯了沒準(zhǔn)還要槍斃的那種),你要做的回答與分析不必很全面, 但在某個觀點上,需要一定邏輯分析的過程,至少能讓考官能follow你的思維軌跡,而且在其中還能體現(xiàn)你的語言能力, 如果能再有點深度那就更好了。

