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The central city library in my locality is my favourite library. This is a library which is run and funded by cthe Government and local officials and is a renowned library in our city. This is more than 100 years old and has a very rich collection of books, journals, reference books, novels and other reading materials. This library has recently introduced some digital formation and gives the facility to read books in electronic devices. Almost 200 people go to this library everyday and it offers a really quiet and calm environment for reading.

This library offers many benefits and the most important thing is about a library is that it comprises books that are main source of knowledge. This library has more than 20,000 books and people can easily find a book that might interest them or the books they were looking for. Students come here to take reference for their study materials and to take notes, the literacy lovers come to read novels and stories by world renowned writers, the regular members can take books to their home and thus can read in their free time. Time spent in a library is a wise investment and I feel that the contribution of this library towards making a literate and conscious generation is unmatched.

I often go to the library to read books that are in my "must read" list. Besides, this is a good place to take notes and to read and I often go there for my study purpose. As I am a subscribed member of this library, I can take books to my house and I usually return those books in every 4-5 days to take a new one.

There are lots of famous libraries in my country and in the world that I heard about and yet this is the very library that helped me grow my interest on extra-curricular reading habit. I have read books from this library that have greatly helped me and because of that, I like this library more than any other library in the world. Furthermore, the environment of reading, the staff, the arrangement of books, the rich collection and my easy access to this library make it my most favourite library.

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Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

Describe a place where you often go.

Describe a public library you know about

Describe a public place in your hometown.

Describe a place where you often meet your friends.

Describe a library in your community.

雅思口語范文:A library(圖書館)


圖書館話題總體來說難度不大,考生向考官描述完自己常去的圖書館后,在第三部分里會圍繞圖書館的作用和未來與其展開討論。在“真題演練”部分native speaker描述的實際上是一個虛擬的圖書館(這一點從地址上可以看出來),語言平實易懂,舉的例子很有普遍性。在“話題相關材料”部分,大家可以看到對大英圖書館和紐約公共圖書館的介紹,相信從中能發(fā)現(xiàn)更為專業(yè)和漂亮的語言。


Describe a library that you often go to.

You should say:

what library it is

where it is /what the library looks like

what you do there

and explain why you like this library.

點題 There is a library near to my home where I like to go. It is called the Peoples' Library.

地點 It is located on First Avenue near Main Street. It is a very new building and has some beautiful urban sculpture standing on the grounds around it. The library has many floors. Each floor has different sections.

介紹 The firs time I went there I had to have a lot of help to find things but now I feel like it is my second home. When I go to the library I feel like I am leaving a lot of my worries and cares behind me, even if I have to go there to do some research or to study. I think that is because I know I can always find a quiet, private place where I can read or do my work. And sometimes if I want to travel to a different place or a different time, I can do that in the library by finding a book or something on the computer that will take me into another world.

活動 I am particularly interested in this library because it has a lot to offer. Besides having a good stock of books, it also provides office facilities such as a good copy machine, a book binder, many computers and printers, and much more. And it has very good service too. If you need a book in another library it will obtain that book for you by either shipping it from the other library or purchasing the book.

Part 3


1. Do people in China often go to libraries?

I think people of all ages use the library. However I think students use the libraries more often than older people. I often see young children in the library but I think university students use the library the most frequently. In my opinion, the older generation use libraries the least. Some are too busy and others have no interest in books.

2. Even though it might cost a lot to maintain a library, do you think the government should open more public libraries?

On the one hand I think that it is very worthwhile to have plenty of libraries. On the other hand with the way technology is improving practically each day, it may be wiser to invest in making computers more accessible to more people. It is possible to go to a internet café and go online, but much of this time is spent on worthless computer games and watching movies. Establishing computer libraries and educating people how to use them beneficially might be s good idea.

3.Do you think public libraries should be free of charge?

It would be nice if libraries were free, but usually you have to pay a fee as well put down some kind of deposit. I don't think this is too unreasonable as people often do not appreciate things they get totally for free. If people know they can get their deposits back if they do not damage any books, then it makes them more careful. Of course the government should subsidize libraries so that the costs that people do have to pay are not exorbitant.

4.How do you think libraries will change in the future?

I can picture a future where computer technology will enable us to have easy access to all the resources a library provides. People may not even have to read. They can have the equipment needed to just listen to words being read to them. It may sound like fantasy, but with all the progress in technology I think it is very possible.


5.What kind of skills do you think library staff should have?

I think library staff should always be very well informed as to where things are located in the library. This will enable them to help people to save time in finding what they need, which is a very big help in our busy times. I think they should be very courteous also as people who are using the library can often be under a lot of pressure and often need a lot of help. They may be under pressure because of an assignment they are working on or because they are unfamiliar with how the library works. Library staff should also be efficient and have organizational skills. They may have to take care of a lot of details and it would make things very difficult for those using the library if items were lost or difficult to find. Last but not least library staff should be patient. They may be faced with a myriad of requests each day and they will be unhappy and those using the library will be unhappy if the staff is frustrated, impolite or upset.

6. What can be done to make libraries more attractive?

I am interested in interior decorating and one thing I would recommend for libraries is to incorporate more neutral colors into the décor. I believe that nowadays libraries are decorated to use maximum space and reflect maximum light. Browns and other muted colors can create a warm atmosphere. Comfortable and attractive seats can also make the environment more inviting. Also I am in favor of having works of art in libraries. Not necessarily originals but good quality copies of famous artist's work are both attractive as well as educational.

7.How has internet affected and reduced the popularity of library that it used to possess?

Certainly the internet provides easy access to sources of information, although their validity should be suspect. However, there is nothing on the internet that replaces picking up an actual book and reading it. From my perspective, reading a book is a tactile experience which is perceptible to the sense of touch. Also books can be carried every where and read whenever you stop moving. Although I use the internet for a number of things, I have in my personal library about 3,000 reference books and I find things in them that I do not find on the internet. I augment this library with books from the library.

雅思口語題庫part2話題原創(chuàng)參考范文:安靜之地Describe a quiet place you visited

Describe a quiet place you visited

Describe a place that is quiet

You should say:

Where is it?

How long do you go there?

What did you do there?




Okay, there are just a few places that I know to be quiet. The reason is because nowadays there is just so much activity going on outside that it’s hard to find a place that is quiet. Anyway the place is the public library. This particular public library is located in the center of Guiyang near a McDonald's. Um-mm, the library was constructed seven years ago. And when it was finished it was a fascinating achievement. When talking about how often I go there I have to say that in recent years I’ve stopped going as often as I used to. When the library was new I probably showed up there once or twice a week. But, nowadays, I only get in there once or twice a month. But that’s because I’m busy with other things. When I go there I usually find a book that looks interesting. Then I take the book and sit myself down in a chair and begin reading. Well, finally I want to reveal the real reason I liked going there so much to begin with. So, the library has a rather cool feature where you are allowed to bring in your own books to read and if you are willing you can leave them there in a personal book shelf which you have to pay for of course. Actually I have so many books at home already so this service was very appealing to me. I still pay the monthly subscription to store my books there to this day. It's very cheap only 2 dollars per month. Anyway that's about it, should I mention anything else?


地道用詞:so much activity

show up

appealing to

fascinating achievement


Um-mm, the library was constructed seven years ago. And when it was finished it was a fascinating achievement.

I still pay the monthly subscription to store my books there to this day.



Save money

Have you ever saved money for something?

Do you save money now?

How do you save money?

Do you think saving money is very important?

Do you think parents should teach children to save money?

Do parents give children pocket money in China?

回答第一問時, 重點必然不在于something,不論你攢錢買的是iPhone, iPad, 還是娃娃,都不是考官所關心的。而關鍵在于回答的時態(tài),是學生們往往忽略掉的。比如問你曾經是否攢錢買過東西?買這個東西本身應該是過去時,那么請問“我前年攢了一年的錢,然后我去年買了個包”這個攢錢的過程應該是什么時態(tài)?


you should say: “ Yes, of course. i remember that i had saved my pocket money for ages, then i bought it last years ....”

對于第二個問題是否喜歡攢錢,我們也完全可以說一些 (white lies) because you don’t have to tell the truth, 不必說“我從來不攢錢,because i am very very rich, hahahahaha....” 其實這一問的核心在于How? 我們應該盡量從這個角度出發(fā)去展開,但請大家的理由應該務必合理,之前就有學生編出“從來不吃飯,為了攢錢,走路不坐公交車,為了攢錢,即使坐公交車也投假幣,為了攢錢。”

其實理由很多甚至完全可以延伸到自己擅長的領域,比如擅長cooking的話題,可以說“i'd like to save money by cooking at home and eating food at home instead of eating out...”



Do you often use map?

Who taught you how to use a map?

Do you prefer electronic maps or paper maps?


被考官問道“why do many people in China like to use another one?”對于這個話題可以說的點非常多,不要僅僅給出一個評價性的詞匯“useful or convenient”,如電子地圖的實時性“being updated all the time”和導航出最優(yōu)路線“preferred route”。至于紙質地圖大家也盡量回到生活中brainstorming一下,在旅游中手機low battery,no signal的時候是不是我們全靠紙質地圖。

除此之外,讓我更懷念曾經在留學期間旅游時,手機還沒那么發(fā)達,Google map也沒那么普遍,往往是一個人開車一個人看地圖,難免會make mistakes,按理說這本應該是個缺點,但每一次的走錯都會發(fā)現(xiàn)一個意外的地方,一場意外的驚喜(a serendipitous discovery)。



Do you ofen use a dictionary?

Do you prefer to use an electronic dictionary or a dictionary made of paper?

If someone gave you a dictionary as a gift,how would you feel?

Do you think it would be interesting to write a dictionary?

Do you think it would be interesting to be part of a team that is writing a dictionary?

What kind of person do you think writes a dictionary?

詞典話題的答題思路和地圖有很多相似點,比如紙質詞典和電子詞典的比較,同樣我們不要用套路式的一句電子詞典非常convenient,i use it every day.來草草了事,盡量可以展開和細化使用的過程。

比如“when i come across a word that i can't figure out,all i need to do is just click on the app,and type in the word i wish to look up…”

另外關于編寫詞典的人的問題,最好的參考資料就是我們雅思劍橋真題中那篇閱讀文章《Johnson's dictionary》。



How many hours a day do you sleep?

Do you often go to sleep quite late?

Did you often go to bed very late when you were a child?

Do you think sleeping is important?

當很多同學聽到睡覺這個話題時感覺除了時間以外沒什么說的, 首先考官不是您的太醫(yī),不想知道到底幾個小時,也不需要把什么insomnia這種疾病詞匯往上招呼,更重要的是積累一些與睡眠相關的口語表達 “stay up so late, stay overnight” 并且適當擴充熬夜的原因,不要來不來就“我每天都熬夜學習,而且學的還是雅思...” 這么正能量的答案也不一定就能打動考官。

每天躺在床上我們有時可能會來回翻滾,應該叫輾轉反側 toss and turn for quite a while, 或者聽一些 light music 或者敷一個面膜(mask)來幫助睡眠,這都是很好的答案和思路。


Being bored

What will you do when you feel bored?

When you were young,What would you do if you felt bored?

What kinds of things are boring to you?

Do you think young people get bored easily?

可能是因為咱們大陸的考生之前太喜歡回答“i don't like my subject,music,film,sport…because they are通通boring”,今年特意來了一個Being bored的話題給大家。

首先注意less common words的替換,如“rather dull,monotonous,mind -numbing TV shows”都體現(xiàn)詞匯的多樣性。并且對于“what would you do if you felt bored”我們也可以盡量轉化到自己擅長的領域來回答,比如“i find shopping very therapeutic”“when i am getting bored,there is nothing like karaoke therapy”,還有包括“i prefer to have a more relaxing time on the…”



Who is your favourite celebrity in China?

Would you like to be a celebrity in the future?

In general, how do people become famous?

Do you think, to be famous, a person needs to have some special talent or ability?

Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?


不論明星的優(yōu)點還是缺點,都盡量去解釋細節(jié)化的原因,比如“想當明星因為他們rich, 那就要繼續(xù)解釋rich的原因可能是因為做了很多代言廣告endorsement….”

反之,我們也盡量結合更多平時聽到看到的真實的點來答,切忌不要現(xiàn)場瞎編,這種主動去思考觀點的能力一直就是咱們學生的弱項,比如當明星的缺點,十個人有九個都會說no privacy, 然后就沒有然后了,我們應該盡量去呈現(xiàn)“privacy”里面和背后的東西。比如明星經常被各種事吐槽being criticised all the time, 長得好看被罵整容cosmetic surgery, 衣冠不整being worst dressed 也會被抓拍。



How often do you wear a watch?

What was your first watch like?

What kinds of watches do you like to wear?

Do people still wear watches in your country?

找一款能買的起的還好讀的Apple watch, 而且功能多樣it has various uses, it functions as a phone so you can make call and txt people。

最厲害的是還可以在健身房fitness suite里測身體耗能情況 “when i do cardio exercises, i can use it to keep track of how many calories i burn and how many steps i run”。



Do you play any sport?

Do you like to watch sports on TV?

Do you have a favourite sports star?

What kinds of sports are popular in your country?

What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?


第一是運動的種類,如team sport, individual sport, water sport, X-sport, 雖然最后一種在國內不是非常的火,但是愛看Youtube的小伙伴們一定知道,國外很多極限運動愛好者an adrenalin junky(其中的adrenalin是腎上腺素的意思,在這里這個表達是一個習語,形容喜歡刺激活動的人)。

第二是運動對身體的外在的好處,細化來說比如塑形keep fit, 減掉小肚子lose my flabby belly, 練肌肉builds up muscles。

第三是運動對身體內在的好處,如加快新陳代謝speed up metabolism, 增強免疫力improves immune system 等。


Spare time

What do you usually do in your spare time?

Do you like to spend time with your family or friends?

What do you and your family like to do in free time?



Food/Foreign Food

Have you ever tried foreign food?

Do you like to try new food?

What kinds of new food have you tried recently?

What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?

Do you think old people like foreign food? Why?


很多人都鐘愛意大利面(不是Italian noodle),但不知道有沒有注意它的不同口味:

意大利肉醬面 Spaghetti Bolognese

千層面Lasagna Bolognese

奶油培根意面Spaghetti carbonara







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